BASEstartm Open DAS
for Modicon®
on Tru64tm UNIX®
Installation and User's Guide

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Appendix A
I/O Error Messages

This appendix contains returned values and associated error messages for the low level I/O routines.

accepterror, Error in accepting a connection on a socket,

Explanation: Error. An error occurred when attempting to accept a connection on a socket.
User Action: Examine the log file output to determine the error and then take corrective action based on the error that is found.
acceptstatus, Error in accepting a connection on a socket at port X, errno = X,

Explanation: Error. An error occurred when attempting to accept a connection on a sockat at the indicated port.
User Action: Examine the error and take corrective action based on the error that is found.
binderror, Error occurred when binding a socket to an address,

Explanation: Error. An error occrred when attempting to bind a socket to a local address.
User Action: Examine the log file output to determine the error and then take corrective action based on the error that is found.
bindstatus, Error for port X returned from bind () = X,

Explanation: Error. An error occrred when attempting to bind a socket to a local address.
User Action: Examine the log file output to determine the error and then take corrective action based on the error that is found.
connecterror, Error connecting to Internet address,

Explanation: Error. An error occurred when attempting to connect to an Internet address.
User Action: Examine the log file (BASEstar Open) or stderr to determine the error that occurred. Then take corrective action based on the error that was found.
connectstatus, Error connecting to Internet address XX port X, errno = X,

Explanation: Error. An error occurred when attempting to connect to an Internet address.
User Action: Look up the errno to determine the error that occurred. Then take corrective action based on the error that was found.
dataoverrun, Data overrun occurred on the port,

Explanation: Error. A data overrun occurred on the line.
User Action: Use a slower baud rate or switch to a port that has faster hardware.
dont, TELNET server refused to allow TELNET option,

Explanation: Error. The TELNET server responded with "DON'T" to a request, "WILL", for the requested TELNET option.
User Action: Enable the apropriate option on the TELNET server or substitute a server that supports requested option.
dontdobin, TELNET server refused to allow binary data reception,

Explanation: Error. The TELNET server responded with "DON'T" to a request, "WILL", for the host to send binary data (TELNET option RFC 856).
User Action: Enable binary mode transmission on the TELNET server or substitute a server that supports binary mode transmission/reception.
ebusy, Mount device busy for address XX port X,

Explanation: Error. An attempt to connect to a port resulted in a "busy" status being returned.
User Action: If using LAT, make sure that the port is defined in the LAT Control Program and that noone else is using the
econnrefused, The attempt to connect was rejected for address XX port X,

Explanation: Error. An attempt to connect resulted was rejected by the remote server.
User Action: If using TELNET, check the terminal server to ensure that the listener port has been properly configured and enabled.
ehostunreach, No route to host is present for address XX port X,

Explanation: Error. An attempt to connect to a TELNET port resulted in an unreachable status being returned.
User Action: Make sure that the IP address and port number are properly defined and that a gateway is defined on the host.
eioopen, I/O error for port XX returned from open (),

Explanation: Error. An I/O error occurred when attempting to open the port.
User Action: If using LAT, make sure that the port is defined in the LAT Control Program and that noone else is using the
enetunreach, No route to the network or host is present for address XX port X,

Explanation: Error. An attempt to connect to a TELNET port resulted in an unreachable status being returned.
User Action: Make sure that the IP address and port number are properly defined and that a gateway is defined on the host.
etimedout, Connection timed out for address XX port X,

Explanation: Error. An attempt to connect to a port or socket timed out.
User Action: If using LAT, make sure that the port is defined in the LAT Control Program and that noone else is using the port. Then attempt to reconnect to the port. If using TELNET, make sure that the IP address and port number are defined properly on the terminal server and that the listener port is enabled. Also ensure that a gateway is defined if the host and the terminal server are not on the same subnet.
gethostbyerror, Error occurred when retrieving host information - gethostbyname (),

Explanation: Error. An error occrred when attempting to obtain information from the local host.
User Action: Examine the log file output to determine the error and then take corrective action based on the error that is found.
gethostbystatus, Error for port X returned from gethostbyname () = X,

Explanation: Error. An error occrred when attempting to obtain information from the local host.
User Action: Examine the log file output to determine the error and then take corrective action based on the error that is found.
gethosterror, Error occurred when retrieving host information - gethostname (),

Explanation: Error. An error occrred when attempting to obtain the local host name.
User Action: Examine the log file output to determine the error and then take corrective action based on the error that is found.
gethoststatus, Error for port X returned from gethostname () = X,

Explanation: Error. An error occrred when attempting to obtain the local host name.
User Action: Examine the log file output to determine the error and then take corrective action based on the error that is found.
inaddrerror, Error when converting an Internet address to binary form,

Explanation: Error. An error occurred when convertng an Internet address
User Action: Examine the Internet address to determine the error and then correct the Internet address.
invalidspeed, An invalid baud rate was specified,

Explanation: Error. A baud rate that was defined in ODS is not valid.
User Action: Check the documentation to determine valid baud rates for the hardware platform being used. Then modify the baud rate in ODS to a valid value.
listenerror, Error in listening on a socket,

Explanation: Error. An error occurred when attempting to listen to a socket.
User Action: Examine the log file output to determine the error and then take corrective action based on the error that is found.
listenstatus, Error in listening on a socket at port X, errno = X,

Explanation: Error. An error occurred when attempting to listen to a socket at the indicated port.
User Action: Examine the error and take corrective action based on the error that is found.
negfailed, TELNET option negotiation failed,

Explanation: Error. An I/O error occurred when attempting to negotiate TELNET options.
User Action: Examine the log file (BASEstar Open) or stderr to determine the cause of the error and then take corrective action based on the error found.
nolicense, No software license,

Explanation: Error. The DAS requires a software license.
User Action: Install the license PAK for the DAS.
openerrorstatus, Errno for port XX returned from open () = X,

Explanation: Error. An error occurred when opening the port.
User Action: Look up the error number to determine the cause of the error and take appropriate action based on the error code.
parity, A parity error occurred on the port,

Explanation: Error. A parity error occurred on the port.
User Action: Check parity of the device and make sure it matches of the host. (LAT and TELNET parity is set in the terminal server.) If parity is set correctly, then verify that all cabling is grounded and terminated properly.
portopenerror, Error returned from open,

Explanation: Error. An error occurred when opening the port.
User Action: Check the log file to determine the error code, look up the error number to determine the cause of the error and take appropriate action based on the error code.
portsyncerror, Unable to change file descriptor to blocking,

Explanation: Error. An error occurred when using ioctl() to place a file descriptor in blocking mode.
User Action: Examine the log file (BASEstar Open) or stderr to determine the error and then take corrective action based on the error found.
portsyncstatus, Unable to change file descriptor to blocking for address XX port X, errno = X,

Explanation: Error. An error occurred when using ioctl() to place a file descriptor in blocking mode.
User Action: Look up the error and then take corrective action based on the error found.
portsyntax, Improper syntax for intenet address,

Explanation: Error. There is an error in the syntax of the port address.
User Action: Check the syntax of the address and correct it to be a well formed internet address.
readerror, Read error occurred on the port.,

Explanation: Error. An error was found when reading from the port. Examine the log file (BASEstar Open) or stderr to determine the errno returned by the read.
User Action: Look up the error and take action based on the error found.
readstatus, Read error on port XX, errno = X,

Explanation: Error. An error was found when reading from the port. The error number for the error is given in the message.
User Action: Look up the error and take action based on the error found.
recverror, Read (recv) error occurred on the port,

Explanation: Error. An error was found when reading from the port. Examine the log file (BASEstar Open) or stderr to determine the errno returned by the read.
User Action: Examine the log file (BASEstar Open) or stderr to determine the errno returned by the recv call. Then take action based on the error found.
recvstatus, Read (recv) error on address XX port X, errno = X,

Explanation: Error. An error was found when reading from the port. The error number for the error is given in the message.
User Action: Look up the error and take action based on the error found.
setopterror, Error occurred when setting a socket option,

Explanation: Error. An error occrred when attempting to set a socket option.
User Action: Examine the log file output to determine the error and then take corrective action based on the error that is found.
setoptstatus, Error for address XX, port X returned from setsockopt () = X,

Explanation: Error. An error occrred when attempting to set a socket option.
User Action: Examine the log file output to determine the error and then take corrective action based on the error that is found.
socketerror, Error in obtaining a socket for port,

Explanation: Error. An error was found when issuing a 'socket' call to obtain a socket for a TCP/IP connection.
User Action: Examine the log file (BASEstar Open) or stderr to determine the errno returned by the socket call. Then take action based on the error found.
socketstatus, Error in obtaining a socket for address XX port X, errno = X,

Explanation: Error. An error was found when issuing a 'socket' call to obtain a socket for a TCP/IP connection.
User Action: Look up the error and take action based on the error found.
telnetiac, TELNET command XX received on address XX port X,

Explanation: Error. A TELNET command was received when in binary mode. In binary mode no TELNET commands are expected.
User Action: No user action should be necessary. The DAS will abort the connection and reset binary mode when it reconnects.
timeout, Timeout when reading from the port,

Explanation: Error. The device did not respond when attempting to read a response from the device. The response could be part of a read or a write operation.
User Action: Check all cabling to make sure that it is properly shielded, grounded and seated. Verify that the communication parameters are set up properly on both device and the host.
ttbreakerror, An error occurred when sending a break to a port,

Explanation: Error. An error was returned when sending a break to the port.
User Action: Examine the log file (BASEstar Open) or stderr to determine the error that occurred. Then take action based on the error found.
ttbreakstatus, Errno for port XX returned from tcsendbreak () = X,

Explanation: Error. An error was returned when sending a break to the port.
User Action: Look up the error number to determine the cause of the error and take appropriate action based on the error code.
ttcharerror, An error occurred when defining TT characteristics,

Explanation: Error. An error occurred when setting up TT characteristics. The TT characteristics are set when a connection is initiated with the VMD.
User Action: An error message detailing the error should have been logged. Examine the error to determine the proper corrective action.
ttcharstatus, Errno for address XX port X returned from tcgetattr () or tcsetattr () = X,

Explanation: Error. An error occurred when defining tty characteristics>
User Action: Look up the error number to determine the cause of the error and take appropriate action based on the error code.
unexpectiac, An unexpected "IAC" was received while in TELNET binary mode,

Explanation: Error. An "IAC" (Is A command) character was received after a TELNET line was negotiated to transmit and receive in binary mode. In binary mode, the only expected TELNET control command is the IAC character itself.
User Action: No action should be necessary. The DAS will abort the connection if this should occur and then attempt to renegotiate binary transmission/reception when reconnecting.
wont, TELNET server refused to accept TELNET option,

Explanation: Error. The TELNET server responded with "WON'T" to a request, "DO", for the requested TELNET option.
User Action: Enable the apropriate option on the TELNET server or substitute a server that supports the requested option.
wontdobin, TELNET server refused to send binary data,

Explanation: Error. The TELNET server responded with "WON'T" to a request, "DO", for the server to send binary data (TELNET option RFC 856).
User Action: Enable binary mode transmission on the TELNET server or substitute a server that supports binary mode transmission/reception.

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