Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Quick Reference Guide

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1.6.4 DEFAULT MENU FILE Clause (Menu)

Defines the menu database file that ACMS uses as the default when it builds a menu tree. ACMS builds the menu tree when you use the ADU BUILD command and includes the specified menu as the top menu in the tree.
DEFAULT MENU FILE IS menu-database-file ;

1.6.5 DELAY Subclause (Optional ENTRIES)

Controls whether or not ACMS waits 3 seconds after a task entry stops running before clearing the screen and displaying the ACMS menu.
[ NO ] DELAY ;

1.6.6 ENTRIES Clause (Menu)

Defines an entry as a menu entry or as a task entry. A menu entry displays a menu when users select the entry. A task entry runs a task.

1.6.7 HEADER Clause (Menu)

Defines the title of a menu.
HEADER IS string [ ,string ] ;

1.6.8 MENU Subclause (Required ENTRIES)

Defines an entry as a menu and points to the CDD location of the definition for that menu.
MENU IS menu-path-name ;

1.6.9 REQUEST Clause (Menu)

Identifies the TDMS request that defines the menu layout.
REQUEST IS request-name [ WITH number ENTRIES PER SCREEN ] ;

1.6.10 TASK Subclause (Required ENTRIES)

Names the task ACMS runs when a user selects the entry from a menu.
TASK IS task-name [ IN application-spec ] ;

1.6.11 TEXT Subclause (Optional ENTRIES)

Provides descriptive text that ACMS displays with a menu or task entry.
TEXT IS description-string ;

1.6.12 WAIT Subclause (Optional ENTRIES)

Controls whether or not ACMS prompts a user to press [Return], after a task entry completes, before clearing the screen and displaying the ACMS menu.
[ NO ] WAIT ;

1.6.13 Application Specification Parameter

Several ADU clauses include an application specification parameter. For example, in the DEFAULT APPLICATION clause, you must specify the name of the application that is the default when the user signs in to ACMS.

The syntax for the application specification parameter is:

1.7 Declining Features Syntax

The task clauses and phrases in this section are considered to be declining features in the task definition language. It is recommended that you use the distributed transaction syntax to control file and database transactions. Most of the clauses and phrases in this section are for declaring file and database recovery units in the task definition.

In addition to clauses and phrases related to file and database recovery units, this section contains the CONTINUE ON BAD STATUS phrase and the GOTO TASK and REPEAT TASK clauses. It is recommended that you use the RAISE EXCEPTION and EXCEPTION HANDLER clauses instead of CONTINUE ON BAD STATUS; the CALL TASK clause instead of GOTO TASK; and REPEAT STEP instead of REPEAT TASK.

Existing applications that use the clauses and phrases in this section can run under ACMS Version 4.0 or higher.

1.7.1 COMMIT Clause (Action)

Signals the end of the current transaction in steps you define using DBMS, Rdb, RMS, or SQL recovery units. Also causes any changes made since the start of the transaction to be written to the DBMS or Rdb database or an RMS file.

1.7.2 CONTINUE ON BAD STATUS Phrase (Processing)

Instructs ACMS to continue task execution if a task called by a processing step returns a failure status.

1.7.3 DBMS RECOVERY Phrase (Block, Processing)

The DBMS RECOVERY phrase readies a DBMS database at the start of a block or processing step.
DBMS RECOVERY dml-string [,...]

1.7.4 GOTO TASK Clause (Action)

Ends the current task and starts a new task without requiring the user to make a task selection.

1.7.5 NO RECOVERY UNIT ACTION Clause (Action)

Specifies that there is no action taken on any active recovery unit.

1.7.6 RDB RECOVERY Phrase (Block, Processing)

Starts an Rdb database transaction at the beginning of a block or processing step.
RDB RECOVERY dml-string [,...]

1.7.7 REPEAT TASK Clause (Action)

Ends the current task instance and restarts the task without requiring the user to select the task from a menu.
REPEAT TASK [ PASSING workspace-name [,...] ] ;

1.7.8 RETAIN RECOVERY UNIT Clause (Action)

Maintains the recovery unit within the current server.

1.7.9 RMS RECOVERY Phrase (Block, Processing)

Starts an RMS recovery unit for a block or processing step.

1.7.10 ROLLBACK Clause (Action)

Signals the end of a recovery unit, returning all recoverable objects to the state they were in at the beginning of the current recovery unit.

1.7.11 SQL RECOVERY Phrase (Block, Processing)

Starts an SQL transaction with an Rdb database or a VIDA database at the beginning of a block or processing step.
SQL RECOVERY dml-string [,...]

Chapter 2
ACMS Management Utilities and Commands

This chapter contains syntax for the ACMS application and system management utilities, and operator and show commands.

2.1 ACMSQUEMGR Commands

This section contains syntax for the ACMS Queue Manager (ACMSQUEMGR) Utility commands. ACMSQUEMGR commands allow you to create and manage ACMS task queues and the queued task elements in the queues. See Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications for more information about ACMSQUEMGR commands and qualifiers.


Creates a queue for queued task elements.
CREATE QUEUE queue-name
Command Qualifiers Defaults


Removes one or more queued task elements from the specified queue.
DELETE ELEMENT element-id queue-name
Command Qualifiers Defaults
/EXCLUDE=(keyword[,...]) None
/SELECT=(keyword[,...]) None


Deletes the queue you specify.
DELETE QUEUE queue-name
Command Qualifiers Defaults

2.1.4 EXIT Command (ACMSQUEMGR>)

Ends the ACMSQUEMGR session and returns to DCL level.

2.1.5 HELP Command (ACMSQUEMGR>)

Displays information about ACMSQUEMGR commands and qualifiers.
HELP [ topic [...]]
Command Qualifiers Defaults


With a qualifier, modifies the static characteristics of a task queue.
MODIFY QUEUE queue-name
Command Qualifiers Defaults
/FILE_SPECIFICATION=file-spec Existing queue repository file
/MAX_WORKSPACES_SIZE=n Existing definition specification


With the /PRIORITY qualifier, sets the priority of one or more queued task elements. With the /STATE qualifier, sets the state of one or more queued task elements.
SET ELEMENT element-id queue-name
Command Qualifiers Defaults
/EXCLUDE=(keyword[,...]) None
/SELECT=(keyword[,...]) None


With a qualifier, dynamically sets the queue state. The changes to the queue state take effect immediately.
SET QUEUE queue-name
Command Qualifiers Defaults
/DEQUEUE=keyword Current queue state
/ENQUEUE=keyword Current queue state


Displays information about one or more queued task elements in a queue.
SHOW ELEMENT element-id queue-name
Command Qualifiers Defaults
/EXCLUDE=(keyword[,...]) None
/SELECT=(keyword[,...]) None


Displays the characteristics of the task queue you specify.
SHOW QUEUE queue-name
Command Qualifiers Defaults

2.2 AAU Commands

This section contains syntax for the ACMS Application Authorization Utility (AAU) commands. AAU commands allow you to authorize ACMS applications. See Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications for more information on AAU commands and qualifiers.

2.2.1 ADD Command (AAU>)

Authorizes one or more application names for installation in ACMS$DIRECTORY.
ADD application-name
Command Qualifiers Defaults
/ACL=(access-control-list[,...]) From DEFAULT definition
/APPL_USERNAME=username From DEFAULT definition
/SRV_USERNAMES[=(server-username[,...])] From DEFAULT definition
/[NO]WILD_SUFFIX From DEFAULT definition

2.2.2 COPY Command (AAU>)

Makes a copy of an existing application authorization.
COPY source-application-name new-application-name

Command Qualifiers Defaults
/ACL=(access-control-list[,...]) From source authorization
/APPL_USERNAME=username From source authorization
/[NO]DYNAMIC_USERNAMES From source authorization
/SRV_USERNAMES[=(server-username[,...])] From source authorization
/[NO]WILD_SUFFIX From source authorization

2.2.3 DEFAULT Command (AAU>)

Changes information in the DEFAULT authorization.
Command Qualifiers Defaults
/ACL=(access-control-list[,...]) From existing authorization
/APPL_USERNAME=username From existing authorization
/[NO]DYNAMIC_USERNAMES From existing authorization
/SRV_USERNAMES[=(server-username[,...])] From existing authorization
/[NO]WILD_SUFFIX From existing authorization

2.2.4 EXIT Command (AAU>)

Ends an AAU session and returns to the DCL prompt.

2.2.5 HELP Command (AAU>)

Displays information about AAU commands and qualifiers.
HELP [ topic [...]]
Command Qualifiers Defaults

2.2.6 LIST Command (AAU>)

Writes the contents of an authorization to ACMSAAU.LIS in your default directory or to an output file you specify.
LIST application-name
Command Qualifiers Defaults
/BRIEF Full authorizations

2.2.7 MODIFY Command (AAU>)

Changes information in an application authorization.
MODIFY application-name
Command Qualifiers Defaults
/ACL=(access-control-list[,...]) From existing authorization
/APPL_USERNAME=username From existing authorization
/[NO]DYNAMIC_USERNAMES From existing authorization
/SRV_USERNAMES[=(server-username[,...])] From existing authorization
/[NO]WILD_SUFFIX From existing authorization

2.2.8 REMOVE Command (AAU>)

Deletes an authorization from the ACMSAAF.DAT application authorization database file.
REMOVE application-name

2.2.9 RENAME Command (AAU>)

Gives an application authorization a new name.
RENAME old-application-name new-application-name
Command Qualifiers Defaults
/ACL=(access-control-list[,...]) From old authorization
/APPL_USERNAME=username From old authorization
/[NO]DYNAMIC_USERNAMES From old authorization
/SRV_USERNAMES[=(server-username[,...])] From old authorization
/[NO]WILD_SUFFIX From old authorization

2.2.10 SHOW Command (AAU>)

Displays information about application authorizations on your terminal screen.
SHOW application-name
Command Qualifiers Defaults
/BRIEF Displays full authorizations

2.3 ACMSGEN Commands

This section contains syntax for the ACMSGEN Utility commands. ACMSGEN commands allow you to modify ACMS parameters. See Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications for more information about the ACMSGEN commands and qualifiers.

2.3.1 EXIT Command (ACMSGEN>)

Ends the ACMSGEN session and returns to the DCL prompt.

2.3.2 HELP Command (ACMSGEN>)

Displays information about ACMSGEN commands and qualifiers.
HELP [ topic [...] ]

2.3.3 SET Command (ACMSGEN>)

Changes parameter values in the ACMSGEN work area. The parameter changes are not made to any real parameter until you use the WRITE command.
SET parameter-name value

2.3.4 SHOW Command (ACMSGEN>)

Displays the value in the work area, the default value, the minimum value, the maximum value, the unit of measure, and the dynamic/fixed status for ACMS system parameters.
SHOW { parameter-name | /qualifier [...] }
Command Qualifiers Defaults
/ACC None
/ALL None
/CP None
/EXC None
/MSS None
/QTI None
/TSC None

2.3.5 USE Command (ACMSGEN>)

Initializes the ACMSGEN work area with values from a work file.
USE file-spec

2.3.6 USE ACTIVE Command (ACMSGEN>)

Initializes the ACMSGEN work area with active values for all parameters from an ACMS system global section.

2.3.7 USE CURRENT Command (ACMSGEN>)

Initializes the ACMSGEN work area with current values for all parameters from the SYS$SYSTEM:ACMSPAR.ACM parameter file.

2.3.8 USE DEFAULT Command (ACMSGEN>)

Initializes the ACMSGEN work area with ACMS default values for all ACMS parameters.

2.3.9 WRITE Command (ACMSGEN>)

Writes values from the ACMSGEN work area to a work file, creating a new version of the file.
WRITE file-spec

2.3.10 WRITE ACTIVE Command (ACMSGEN>)

Changes active values for dynamic parameters by writing values from the ACMSGEN work area to an ACMS system global section.


Changes current values by writing values from the ACMSGEN work area to the SYS$SYSTEM:ACMSPAR.ACM file.

2.4 ATR Commands

This section contains syntax for the ACMS Audit Trail Report (ATR) Utility commands. ATR commands allow you to generate reports containing information logged by the Audit Trail Logger. See Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications for more information on ATR commands and qualifiers.

2.4.1 EXIT Command (ATR>)

Ends the ATR Utility session and returns to the DCL prompt.

2.4.2 HELP Command (ATR>)

Displays information about ATR Utility commands and their qualifiers.
HELP [ topic [...] ]

2.4.3 LIST Command (ATR>)

Produces a report about information in the Audit Trail Log file. You can limit the amount of information in the report by using qualifiers.
LIST [ file-spec ]
Command Qualifiers Defaults
/APPLICATION=application-name All application names
/BEFORE[=time] Full report
/BRIEF Full report
/IDENTIFICATION=task-id All task IDs
/SINCE[=time] Full report
/SUBMITTER=submitter-id All submitter IDs
/TASK=task-name All task names
/TERMINAL=device-name All device names
/TYPE=type All types
/USERNAME=user-name All user names

2.5 DDU Commands

This section contains syntax for the ACMS Device Definition Utility (DDU) commands. You can use DDU commands to authorize and control ACMS terminals. See Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS Managing Applications for more information about DDU commands and qualifiers.

2.5.1 ADD Command (DDU>)

Authorizes and assigns login characteristics to an ACMS terminal by creating a DDU definition and adding it to the device authorization file (ACMSDDF.DAT).
ADD device-name
Command Qualifiers Defaults
/[NO]AUTOLOGIN=username From DEFAULT definition
/PRINTFILE [ = print-file-spec | spooled-device-name ] From DEFAULT definition

2.5.2 COPY Command (DDU>)

Authorizes a terminal, using the login characteristics from the DDU definition you specify.
COPY source-device-name new-device-name
Command Qualifiers Defaults
/[NO]AUTOLOGIN=username From source definition
/[NO]CONTROLLED From source definition
/PRINTFILE [ = print-file-spec | spooled-device-name ] From source definition

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