BASEstartm Open DAS
on OpenVMStm
Installation and User's
Appendix B
DAS Error Messages
This appendix contains returned values and associated error messages
specific to the DAS for Modicon programmable controllers.
aborting, The connection to the device is being aborted,
Explanation: Error. The connection to the device is
being aborted by an error or by user request. No more requests will be
processed by the DAS until the connection is restored.
User Action: If the abort was caused by a device
error, take action based on the error that occurred. If the abort was a
result of a user request. Reconnect to the device before attempting
further operations.
addresstoolong, Variable address string too long,
Explanation: Error. A variable address that is being
defined is too long. An address must be 30 characters of less in length.
User Action: Redefine the variable using a shorter
allocerror, An error occurred when allocating a VMS port,
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when allocating
a VMS port. The allocation is done when a connection is initiated with
the VMD.
User Action: An error message detailing the error
should have been logged. Examine the error to determine the proper
corrective action.
allocplusstatus, Status for line XX and path X returned from SYS$QIOW |
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when allocating
a Modbus Plus path. If the path number is greater than 0 then at least
one path was allocated to process Modbus Plus messages.
User Action: Examine the error message to determine
the cause of the error and take appropriate action based on the error
apptypeunsupp, The given application type is not supported for this DAS,
Explanation: Error. The application type that was
specified in the variable definition is not supported by this DAS.
User Action: Change the application type to a valid
type for this DAS.
assignerror, An error occurred when assigning a channel to a VMS port,
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when assigning a
channel to a VMS port. The assignment is done when a connection is
initiated with the VMD.
User Action: An error message detailing the error
should have been logged. Examine the error to determine the proper
corrective action.
assignplusstatus, Status for line XX and path X returned from
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when assigning a
channel to a Modbus Plus path.
User Action: Examine the error message to determine
the cause of the error and take appropriate action based on the error
badaddress, VMD XX receieved data for address X, but this address does
not exist on the host,
Explanation: Error. A variable was received from a
programmable controller and the address did not match any variables
defined on the host VMD.
User Action: Define a variable with the correct
address on the host VMD or change the address of the variable being
sent from the programmable controller.
badroutingbytes, Routing byte X = !UW is not a valid value on line XX,
Explanation: Error. The host received an unsolicted
write message from the programmable controller, but the first five
words of the programmable controller did not contain valid node routing
information for the programmable controller sending the data.
User Action: Modify the first five words of the
programmable controller data area to send valid routing information for
the programmable controller sending the data.
datatoosmall, Programmable controller data too small for the data size
of the variable,
Explanation: Error. A variable was received from a
programmable controller and the address matched a host variable, but
the size of the data defined for the variable is larger than the size
of the data actually received.
User Action: Define a variable with the correct size
as the data being sent or change the size of the data being sent by the
programmable controller.
devfailed, Failure in associated device,
Explanation: Error. The slave's programmable
controller has failed to respond to a message or an abortive error
User Action: An irrecoverable error in the
programmable controller occurred. Replace or repair the defective
programmable controller.
devilladdress, Illegal data address,
Explanation: Error. The address referenced in the data
field is not an allowable address for the addressed slave location.
User Action: Check the model of the programmable
controller and the documentation to determine a valid address for the
programmable controller. Then modify the address to a valid address for
this programmable controller.
devillegalfnc, Illegal function,
Explanation: Error. The message function received is
not an allowable action for the addressed slave. This error is most
likely caused by setting an incorrect application profile, so a command
is being sent to a wrong model programmable controller.
User Action: Check that the corrrect application
profile is being used for this model of programmable controller.
devillvalue, Illegal data value,
Explanation: Error. The value referenced in the data
field is not an allowable value for this addressed slave location.
User Action: Check the model of the programmable
controller and the documentation to determine a valid value for the
programmable controller. Then modify the value to a valid value for
this programmable controller.
internalerror, Internal error,
Explanation: Error. An internal error occurred in the
User Action: Submit an SPR describing the
circumstances that caused the error.
invaddresstype, Invalid address type,
Explanation: Error. A variable that is being defined
is defined as an illegal address type. The unconstrained address type
is used for Modicon 584 and 984 extended files. The numeric address
type is used for all other registers/coils.
User Action: Redefine the variable using the proper
unconstrained or numeric address type.
invalidaddress, The specified programmable controller address is not
supported by this DAS,
Explanation: Error. An address was sent by a
programmable controller but the address is not supported by this DAS.
User Action: Reprogram the programmable controller and
specify a valid address for this DAS. Consult the DAS documentation to
determine a valid address.
invaliddatamaster, Invalid value for number of data master paths,
Explanation: Error. The number of data master paths
must be between 1-7. I/O can occur on all paths simultaneously, so the
more paths, the greater the theoretical throughput. However, if all
paths are used by the DAS, Modicon utilities such as NDU cannot be run
while the DAS is running.
User Action: Use ODS to enter a number for the number
of data master paths between 1-7.
invaliddataslave, Invalid value for number of data slave paths,
Explanation: Error. The number of data slave paths
must be between 0-7. I/O can occur on all paths simultaneously, so the
more paths, the greater the theoretical throughput. The programmable
controller program must code the path as part of the MSTR instruction.
If the number of paths is set to 0, then no slave paths are allocated,
so no data can be sent from the programmable controller(s).
User Action: Use ODS to enter a number for the number
of data slave paths between 0-7.
invaliddrop, Invalid drop time specified in MODBUS_TELNET ODS entry,
Explanation: Error. The drop time specified is not a
valid number. The drop time must be a number greater than 0.
User Action: Use ODS to enter a valid drop time
invalidfunction, Invalid function code received in a message from the
programmable controller,
Explanation: Error. A message was received from the
programmable controller, but the function code used by the programmable
controller in the write command is not supported by the DAS.
User Action: Reprogram the programmable controller to
send the correct function code.
invalidgroup, Variables in a group must all belong to the same address
Explanation: Error. A group read was attempted without
all the variables in the group belonging to the same address reference
type (coil, holding register, input, etc.).
User Action: Examine the members of the group to
determine which variable does not belong, remove that variable from the
list and retry the group read.
invalidgroupmem, Variable XX in a group read for device XX does not
Explanation: Error. A group read was attempted without
all the variables in the group belonging to the same address reference
type (coil, holding register, input, etc.).
User Action: Remove the incorrect variable from the
list and retry the group read.
invalidindpath, Invalid indication path flag attribute specified in the
Explanation: Error. The routing path flag attribute
must be one of TRUE, ON, YES, 1 or FALSE, OFF, NO, 0.
User Action: Use ODS to enter a valid routing path
flag attribute.
invalidipaddress, Invalid IP_ADDRESS ODS attribute for the given line,
Explanation: Error. The IP_ADDRESS must be less than
50 characters in length.
User Action: Enter an IP address that is 50 characters
or less in length.
invalidmodem, Invalid modem attribute specified in the MODBUS_LINE ODS
Explanation: Error. The modem attribute must be one of
TRUE, ON, YES, 1 or FALSE, OFF, NO, 0.
User Action: Use ODS to enter a valid modem attribute.
invalidnodeaddress, Invalid node address number in the
Explanation: Error. Modbus node address numbers must
be a number between 1-64. The node address is a DIP switch setting on
your Modbus Plus card.
User Action: Use ODS to enter a node address number
between 1-64. Make sure the address matches the DIP switch setting on
the Modbus Plus card.
invalidparity, Invalid parity specified in the MODBUS_LINE ODS entry,
Explanation: Error. The parity defined must be either
User Action: Use ODS to enter a valid parity (EVEN,
invalidport, Invalid port name specified in the ODS entry,
Explanation: Error. Port names must be 10 characters
or less.
User Action: Use ODS to enter a port name that is less
than 10 characters.
invalidportnum, Invalid PORT_NUMBER ODS attribute for the given line,
Explanation: Error. The PORT_NUMBER must be less than
10 characters in length.
User Action: Enter a PORT_NUMBER address that is 10
characters or less in length.
invalidprobe, Invalid probe time specified in MODBUS_TELNET ODS entry,
Explanation: Error. The probe time specified is not a
valid number. The probe time must be a number greater than 0.
User Action: Use ODS to enter a valid probe time
invalidretries, Invalid retries number in the ODS entry,
Explanation: Error. The retries attribute must be
between 0-20.
User Action: Use ODS to enter a retries number between
invalidslaveaddress, Invalid slave address number in the MODBUS_PATH
ODS entry,
Explanation: Error. Modbus slave address numbers must
be a number between 1-247.
User Action: Use ODS to enter a slave address number
between 1-247.
invalidslavepath, Invalid slave routing path in the MODPLUS_SLAVE_PATH
ODS entry,
Explanation: Error. Modbus Plus routing paths are of
the form xx.xx.xx.xx.xx. Nodes must be in the range 1-64. If using a
multiplexor bridge to a networked Modbus slave device the last routing
byte can be 1-247. All five bytes must be specified. Unused routing
bytes must be 0.
User Action: Use ODS to enter a slave routing path
with the proper syntax and valid node/slave address numbers.
invalidspeed, Invalid speed (baud rate) specified in the MODBUS_LINE
ODS entry,
Explanation: Error. Baud rates from 110 to 19200 are
supported for the Modicon DAS.
User Action: Use ODS to enter a speed from 110 to
invalidtimeout, Invalid timeout value in the ODS entry,
Explanation: Error. An invalid timeout value was
entered for the timeout value in ODS. Timeouts must be between 2 and 10
User Action: Use ODS to enter a timeout value between
invalidtrace, Invalid trace attribute specified in the MODBUS_LINE or
Explanation: Error. The trace attribute must be one of
TRUE, ON, YES, 1 or FALSE, OFF, NO, 0.
User Action: Use ODS to enter a valid trace attribute.
invidnotfound, Matching invocation ID not found for VMD = XX, ID = !UW,
Explanation: Error. A response was received from the
device, but no matching request was found either because the request
timed out or because this is a duplicate response. A request and
response have a unique invocation ID (transaction number) that allows
the request and response to be matched up.
User Action: Increase the device timeout or analyze
the network to determine where network delays could be ocurring and
then take action to decrease network delays.
locvmdnotunique, Local VMD not unique,
Explanation: Error. More than one local VMD has been
used when connecting to a Modbus Plus network and the line parameter
flag specifying that the path is encoded in the write indication data
has not been set.
User Action: Use only one local VMD or change the ODS
line parameter IND_ROUTE_PATH to indicate that a path is encoded in
data sent from the programmable controller.
ltnthreadexcep, Listen thread exception, Status = X,
Explanation: Error. The listen thread (listening for
connection requests from TCP/IP clients) has received an unexpected
exception (error).
User Action: Examine the Status for the thread and
take based on the error found.
maxlines, The maximum number of lines have already been configured,
Explanation: Error. The maximum number of lines have
already been for this system. A maximum of four Modbus Plus cards can
be configured for one VAX.
User Action: Reconfigure the /LINE_NAME parameter to
match a valid configuration for this system.
mmsaddrtypeunsupp, The given MMS type is unsupported for the given
Explanation: Error. The MMS type is not supported for
the variable address given.
User Action: Modify the MMS type to one supported for
the given address or modify the address to one supported for the MMS
mmstypeunsupp, The given MMS type is not supported for this DAS,
Explanation: Error. The MMS type that was specified in
the variable definition is not supported by by this DAS.
User Action: Change the MMS type to a valid type for
this DAS.
modbuserror, A modbus error occurred,
Explanation: Error. A Modbus error occurred when
reading or writing to the programmable controller.
User Action: Retry issuing the command.
neterr, Modbus network error occurred,
Explanation: Error. A network error on the Modicon
Modbus occurred.
User Action: Examine the network status in the
returned IOSB to determine the specific network error that occurred and
take action based on that error.
noaddress, No "NODE_ADDRESS" or "SLAVE_ROUTING" ODS entry for the given
application simple name,
Explanation: Error. The Modicon DAS requires a
NODE_ADDRESS or SLAVE_ROUTING attribute defined for the ODS entry
corresponding to the application simple name entry for the VMD. The
NODE_ADDRESS attribute is defined for MODPLUS_NODE_PATH object class
within ODS. The SLAVE_ROUTING attribute is defined for the
MODPLUS_SLAVE_PATH object class within ODS.
User Action: Use the MODPLUS_NODE_PATH or
MODPLUS_SLAVE_PATH object class within ODS to define the application
simple name for this VMD. Use a valid Modbus Plus node address number
if defining the NODE_ADDRESS attribute. Use a valid Modbus Plus slave
routing path if defining the SLAVE_ROUTING attribute.
noipaddress, No "IP_ADDRESS" ODS entry for the given line,
Explanation: Error. The DAS requires an IP_ADDRESS
attribute defined in ODS. The IP_ADDRESS attribute is defined for the
MODBUS_TELNET class within ODS.
User Action: Use the MODBUS_TELNET object class within
ODS to define the IP_ADDRESS attribute for this line. Use a valid IP
address for this attribute.
nolicense, No software license.,
Explanation: Error. The Modicon DAS requires a
software license.
User Action: Install the license PAK for the Modicon
noline, No "/LINE=" ODS entry for the given application simple name,
Explanation: Error. The Modicon DAS requires a /LINE=
attribute defined for the ODS entry corresponding to the application
simple name entry for the remote VMD. The /LINE= attribute is defined
for MODBUS_PATH and MODPLUS_SLAVE_PATH object classes within ODS.
User Action: Use the MODBUS_PATH object class (for
Modbus) or MODPLUS_SLAVE_PATH object class (for Modbus Plus) within ODS
to define the application simple name for this VMD. Use a valid line
name when defining the /LINE= attribute.
nomodem, No "MODEM" ODS entry for the given line,
Explanation: Error. The Modicon DAS requires a MODEM
attribute defined in ODS. The MODEM attribute is defined for the
MODBUS_LINE object class within ODS.
User Action: Use the MODBUS_LINE object class within
ODS to define the MODEM attribute for this line. Modem control is
either enabled (TRUE, ON, YES, 1) or disabled (FALSE, OFF, NO, 0).
noparity, No "PARITY" ODS entry for the given line,
Explanation: Error. The Modicon DAS requires a PARITY
attribute defined in ODS. The PARITY attribute is defined for the
MODBUS_LINE object class within ODS.
User Action: Use the MODBUS_LINE object class within
ODS to define the PARITY attribute for this line. Use a valid parity
(EVEN, NONE) when defining the PARITY attribute.
noport, No "PORT" ODS entry for the given line,
Explanation: Error. The Modicon DAS requires a PORT
attribute defined in ODS. The PORT attribute is defined for the
MODBUS_LINE object class within ODS.
User Action: Use the MODBUS_LINE object class within
ODS to define the PORT attribute for this line. Use a valid port name
when defining the PORT attribute.
noportnumber, No "PORT_NUMBER" ODS entry for the given line,
Explanation: Error. The DAS requires a PORT_NUMBER
attribute defined in ODS. The PORT_NUMBER attribute is defined for the
MODBUS_TELNET class within ODS.
User Action: Use the MODBUS_TELNET object class within
ODS to define the PORT_NUMBER attribute for this line. Use a valid IP
port number for this attribute.
noretries, No "RETRIES" ODS entry for the given line,
Explanation: Error. The Modicon DAS requires a RETRIES
attribute defined in ODS. The RETRIES attribute is defined for the
MODBUS_LINE object class within ODS.
User Action: Use the MODBUS_LINE object class within
ODS to define the RETRIES attribute for this line. Use a valid number
when defining the RETRIES attribute.
noslaveaddress, No "SLAVE_ADDRESS" ODS entry for the given application
simple name,
Explanation: Error. The Modicon DAS requires a
SLAVE_ADDRESS attribute defined for the ODS entry corresponding to the
application simple name entry for the remote VMD. The SLAVE_ADDRESS
attribute is defined for MODBUS_PATH object class within ODS.
User Action: Use the MODBUS_PATH object class within
ODS to define the application simple name for this VMD. Use a valid
Modbus slave address number when defining the SLAVE_ADDRESS attribute.
nospeed, No "SPEED" ODS entry for the given line,
Explanation: Error. The Modicon DAS requires a SPEED
attribute defined in ODS. The SPEED attribute is defined for the
MODBUS_LINE object class within ODS.
User Action: Use the DH_LINE object class within ODS
to define the SPEED attribute for this line. Use a valid baud rate when
defining the SPEED attribute.
notimeout, No "TIMEOUT" ODS entry for the given line,
Explanation: Error. The Modicon DAS requires a TIMEOUT
attribute defined in ODS. The TIMEOUT attribute is defined for the
MODBUS_LINE object class within ODS.
User Action: Use the MODBUS_LINE object class within
ODS to define the TIMEOUT attribute for this line. Use a valid number
when defining the TIMEOUT attribute.
notrace, No "TRACE" ODS entry,
Explanation: Error. The Modicon DAS requires a TRACE
attribute defined in ODS. The TRACE attribute is defined for the
MODPLUS_NODE_PATH object classes within ODS.
User Action: Use the appropriate object class within
ODS to define the TRACE attribute for this line. Trace is either
enabled (TRUE, ON, YES, 1) or disabled (FALSE, OFF, NO, 0).
parsefailed, The parsing of a variable address failed,
Explanation: Error. When defining a variable, the
parsing of the address failed. Either the syntax or the value of the
address is incorrect.
User Action: Consult the user documentation to
determine a valid address for the variable being defined and redefine
the variable using the correct syntax.
rcvthreadexcep, Receive thread exception for device XX, Status = X,
Explanation: Error. The receiver thread (waiting for
input in response to a request for data) has received an unexpected
exception (error).
User Action: Examine the Status for the thread and
take based on the error found.
reqpending, Conclude rejected because of a pending read/write request,
Explanation: Error. The conclude request was rejected
because either a read or a write request was currently pending.
User Action: Either abort the connection or wait for
the current request(s) to complete before retrying the conclude.
retriesexceeded, The retry count was exceeded,
Explanation: Error. When trying to communicate to the
device, the retry count was exceeded. The retry being exceeded means
that the message being sent to the device was garbled during
transmission and did not match the checksum.
User Action: Check cabling to ensure there are no
shorts or breaks and is properly grounded. Make sure the cable is
routed such that it does not pass close to electrical interference such
as transformers and high power cables.
smalldata, VMD XX receieved data for address X, but the data was too
Explanation: Error. A variable was received from a
programmable controller and the address matched a host variable, but
the size of the data defined for the variable is larger than the size
of the data actually received.
User Action: Define a variable with the correct size
as the data being sent or change the size of the data being sent by the
programmable controller.
solnotsupported, Solicited operations (read/write) are not supported
for this VMD,
Explanation: Error. Solicited operations are not
supported for this VMD. This VMD is used to receive indications (info
reports) from the VMD and is not available to perform read/write
operations. The programmable controller did not respond when attempting
to read a response from the programmable controller. The response could
be part of a read or a write operation.
User Action: Check all cabling to make sure that it is
properly shielded, grounded and seated. Verify that the communication
parameters are set up properly on both programmable controller and the
host. Verify that the correct slave address has been selected on the
programmable controller and on the host.
timeout, Modbus timeout when reading from the programmable controller,
Explanation: Error. The programmable controller did
not respond when attempting to read a response from the programmable
controller. The response could be part of a read or a write operation.
User Action: Check all cabling to make sure that it is
properly shielded, grounded and seated. Verify that the communication
parameters are set up properly on both programmable controller and the
host. Verify that the correct slave address has been selected on the
programmable controller and on the host.
tmrthreadexcep, Timer thread exception for device XX, Status = X,
Explanation: Error. The timer thread (timing out
responses to requests for data) has received an unexpected exception
User Action: Examine the Status for the thread and
take based on the error found.
twofewbytes, Not enough bytes sent in unsolicited write modbus packet,
Explanation: Error. The host received an unsolicted
write message from the programmable controller, but not enough bytes
were received to decode the sending programmable controller's routing
address. When configured using ODS, the DAS expects the first five
words of the data to be the address of the programmable controller
sending the data. This error is generated if ten or less words are sent
by the programmable controller.
User Action: Modify the programmable controller
program to send more than five words of data (with the first five being
the address of the programmable controller) or use ODS to to tell the
DAS not to expect routing information to be contained in the data.
unexpfunction, Unexpected function received from programmable
controller XX. The received function code was 'XX',
Explanation: Error. An unexpected function code was
received in a message from the programmable controller.
User Action: Reprogram the programmable controller to
send the correct function code.
unsupported, The requested function is not supported by the DAS,
Explanation: Error. An attempt was made to execute a
OMNI function that is not supported by this DAS.
User Action: Consult the user documentation to
determine which functions are supported by the DAS and limit the OMNI
functions used to those supported by the DAS.
variablenotfound, Variable not found with the specified address,
Explanation: Error. A variable was received from a
programmable controller and the address did not match any variables
defined on the host.
User Action: Define a variable with the correct
address on the host or change the address of the variable being sent
from the programmable controller.
vmsioerror, An error occurred when doing I/O to a Modbus Plus channel,
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when reading or
writing to a Modbus Plus channel. The channel is assigned to a path
used to communicate with the Modbus Plus line.
User Action: An error message detailing the error
should have been logged. Examine the error to determine the proper
corrective action.
vmsiostatus, I/O error on Modbus Plus line XX, QIO status, XX,
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when
reading/writing data on a Modbus Plus line.
User Action: Examine the error message to determine
the cause of the error and take appropriate action based on the error
writenotsupport, Writes are not supported for the specified address,
Explanation: Error. An attempt was made to write to an
address that the Modbus protocol does not allow write access to.
User Action: Consult the documentation to determine
addresses that can be written to and change the address of the variable
or only perform reads when using this variable.
wrongindication, An indication from XX was received on line XX,
Explanation: Error. A write inidication was received
but a connection has not established to receive indications on that
line for that programmable controller. The routing bytes in the message
are obtained from the first five words of the unsolicted message.
User Action: Establish a connection to receive
indications on the line. One VMD on the line is dedicated to receive
indications for that line.