Compaq BASIC for OpenVMS
Alpha and VAX Systems
Reference Manual

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The QUO$ function returns a numeric string that is the quotient of two numeric strings. The precision of the returned numeric string depends on the value of an integer argument.


Syntax Rules

  1. Str-exp1 and str-exp2 specify the numeric strings you want to divide. A numeric string can contain an optional minus sign (-), ASCII digits, and an optional decimal point (.).
  2. Int-exp specifies the numeric precision of str-exp. Table 4-4 shows examples of rounding and truncation and the values of int-exp that produce them.


  1. The QUO$ function does not support E-format notation.
  2. If str-exp consists of more than 60 characters, BASIC signals the error "Illegal number" (ERR=52).
  3. Str-exp is rounded or truncated, or both, according to the value of int-exp.
  4. If int-exp is from -60 to 60, rounding and truncation occur as follows:
  5. If int-exp is from 9940 to 10,060, truncation occurs as follows:
  6. If int-exp is not from -60 to 60 or 9940 to 10,060, BASIC returns a value of zero.
  7. If you specify a floating-point expression for int-exp, BASIC truncates it to an integer of the default size.


DECLARE STRING num_str1,  & 
               num_str2,  & 
num_str1 = "458996.43" 
num_str2 = "123222.444" 
quotient = QUO$(num_str1, num_str2, 2) 
PRINT quotient 




The RAD$ function converts a specified integer in Radix-50 format to a 3-character string.


The RAD$ function is supported only for compatibility with
BASIC-PLUS-2. It is recommended that you do not use the RAD$ function for new program development.


Syntax Rules



  1. The RAD$ function does not support E-format notation.
  2. The RAD$ function converts int-var to a 3-character string in Radix-50 format and stores it in str-var. Radix-50 format allows you to store three characters of data as a 2-byte integer.
  3. BASIC supports the RAD$ function, but not its complement, the FSS$ function.
  4. If you specify a floating-point variable for int-var, BASIC truncates it to an integer of the default size.


radix = RAD$(999) 


The RANDOMIZE statement gives the random number function, RND, a new starting value.


Syntax Rules



  1. Without the RANDOMIZE statement, successive runs of the same program generate the same random number sequence.
  2. If you use the RANDOMIZE statement before invoking the RND function, the starting point changes for each run. Therefore, a different random number sequence appears each time.


DECLARE REAL random_num 
    FOR I = 1 TO 2 
       random_num = RND 
       PRINT random_num 
    NEXT I 




The RCTRLC function disables Ctrl/C trapping.


Syntax Rules



  1. After BASIC executes the RCTRLC function, Ctrl/C typed at the terminal returns you to DCL command level or to the VAX BASIC Environment.
  2. RCTRLC always returns a value of zero.




The RCTRLO function cancels the effect of Ctrl/O typed on a specified channel.


Syntax Rules

Chnl-exp must refer to a terminal.


  1. If you type Ctrl/O to cancel terminal output, nothing is printed on the specified terminal until your program executes the RCTRLO or until you enter another Ctrl/O, at which time normal terminal output resumes.
  2. The RCTRLO function always returns a value of zero.
  3. RCTRLO has no effect if the specified channel is open to a device that does not use the Ctrl/O convention.


PRINT "A" FOR I% = 1% TO 10% 
Y% =  RCTRLO(0%) 
PRINT "Normal output is resumed" 


Output off 
Normal output is resumed 


The READ statement assigns values from a DATA statement to variables.


Syntax Rules

Var cannot be a DEF function name, unless the READ statement is inside the multiline DEF body.


  1. If your program has a READ statement without DATA statements, BASIC signals a compile-time error.
  2. When BASIC initializes a program unit, it forms a data sequence of all values in all DATA statements. An internal pointer points to the first value in the sequence.
  3. When BASIC executes a READ statement, it sequentially assigns values from the data sequence to variables in the READ statement variable list. As BASIC assigns each value, it advances the internal pointer to the next value.
  4. BASIC signals the error "Out of data" (ERR=57) if there are fewer data elements than READ statements. Extra data elements are ignored.
  5. The data type of the value must agree with the data type of the variable to which it is assigned or BASIC signals "Data format error" (ERR=50).
  6. If you read a string variable, and the DATA element is an unquoted string, BASIC ignores leading and trailing spaces. If the DATA element contains any commas, they must be inside quotation marks.

  7. BASIC evaluates subscript expressions in the variable list after it assigns a value to the preceding variable, and before it assigns a value to the subscripted variable. In the following example, BASIC assigns the value of 10 to variable A, then assigns the string, LESTER, to array element A$(A).

    READ A, A$(A) 
    DATA 10, LESTER 

    The string, LESTER, is assigned to A$(10).


DATA "X", "Y", "Z" 
PRINT A + B + C 




The REAL function converts a numeric expression or numeric string to a specified or default floating-point data type.


Syntax Rules

Exp can be either numeric or string. If a string, it can contain the ASCII digits 0 to 9, uppercase E, a plus sign (+), a minus sign (-), and a period (.).


  1. BASIC evaluates exp, then converts it to the specified REAL size. If you do not specify a size, BASIC uses the default REAL size.
  2. BASIC ignores leading and trailing spaces and tabs if exp is a string.
  3. The REAL function returns a value of zero when a string argument contains only spaces and tabs, or when the argument is null.
  4. Alpha BASIC does not support the HFLOAT floating-point data type. VAX BASIC does not support the SFLOAT, TFLOAT, and XFLOAT floating-point data types.


INPUT "Enter a number";any_num 


Enter a number? 123095959 


The RECORD statement lets you name and define data structures in a BASIC program and provides the BASIC interface to Oracle CDD/Repository. You can use the defined RECORD name anywhere a BASIC data type keyword is valid if all data types are valid in that context.


Syntax Rules

  1. Each line of text in a RECORD, GROUP, or VARIANT block can have an optional line number.
  2. Data-type can be a BASIC data type keyword or a previously defined RECORD name. Table 1-2 lists and describes BASIC data type keywords.
  3. If the data type of a rec-item is STRING, the string is fixed-length. You can supply an optional string length with the = int-const clause. If you do not specify a string length, the default is 16.
  4. When you create an array of components with GROUP or create an array as a rec-item, BASIC allows you to specify both lower and upper bounds. The upper bound is required; the lower bound is optional.


  1. The total size of a RECORD cannot exceed 65,535 bytes. Also, a RECORD that is used as an array component is limited to 32,767 bytes.
  2. The declarations between the RECORD statement and the END RECORD statement are called a RECORD block.
  3. Variables and arrays in a RECORD definition are also called RECORD components.
  4. There must be at least one rec-component in a RECORD block.
  5. The RECORD statement names and defines a data structure called a RECORD template, but does not allocate any storage. When you use the RECORD template as a data type in a statement such as DECLARE, MAP,

    or COMMON, you declare a RECORD instance. This declaration of the RECORD instance allocates storage for the RECORD. For example:


    This statement declares a variable named emp_rec, which is an instance of the user-defined data type EMPLOYEE.

  6. Rec-item
  7. Group-clause
  8. Variant-clause
  9. Case-clause


1000    RECORD Employee 
                GROUP Emp_name 
                        STRING Last = 15 
                        STRING First = 14 
                        STRING Middle = 1 
                END GROUP Emp_name 
                GROUP Emp_address 
                        STRING Street = 15 
                        STRING City = 20 
                        STRING State = 2 
                        DECIMAL(5,0) Zip 
                END GROUP Emp_address 
                STRING Wage_class = 2 
                           GROUP Hourly 
                              DECIMAL(4,2) Hourly_wage 
                              SINGLE Regular_pay_ytd 
                              SINGLE Overtime_pay_ytd 
                           END GROUP Hourly 
                           GROUP Salaried 
                              DECIMAL(7,2) Yearly_salary 
                              SINGLE Pay_ytd 
                           END GROUP Salaried 
                           GROUP Executive 
                              DECIMAL(8,2) Yearly_salary 
                              SINGLE Pay_ytd 
                              SINGLE Expenses_ytd 
                           END GROUP Executive 
                END VARIANT 
        END RECORD Employee 


The RECOUNT function returns the number of characters transferred by the last input operation.


Syntax Rules



  1. The RECOUNT value is reset by every input operation on any channel, including channel #0.
  2. Because RECOUNT is reset by every input operation on any channel, you should copy the RECOUNT value to a different storage location before executing another input operation.
  3. If an error occurs during an input operation, the value of RECOUNT is undefined.
  4. RECOUNT is unreliable after a Ctrl/C interrupt because the Ctrl/C trap may have occurred before BASIC set the value for RECOUNT.
  5. The RECOUNT function returns a LONG value.


DECLARE INTEGER character_count 
INPUT "Enter a sequence of numeric characters";character_count 
character_count = RECOUNT 
PRINT character_count;"characters received (including CR and LF)" 


Enter a sequence of numeric characters? 12345678 
 10 characters received (including CR and LF) 


The REM statement allows you to document your program.


Syntax Rules

  1. REM must be the only statement on the line or the last statement on a multistatement line.
  2. BASIC interprets every character between the keyword REM and the next line number as part of the comment.
  3. BASIC does not allow you to specify the REM statement in programs that do not contain line numbers.


  1. Because the REM statement is not executable, you can place it anywhere in a program, except where other statements, such as SUB and END SUB, must be the first or last statement in a program unit.
  2. When the REM statement is the first statement on a line-numbered line, BASIC treats any reference to that line number as a reference to the next higher-numbered executable statement.
  3. The REM statement is similar to the comment field that begins with an exclamation point, with one exception: the REM statement must be the last statement on a BASIC line. The exclamation point comment field can be ended with another exclamation point or a line terminator and followed by a BASIC statement. See Chapter 1 for more information about the comment field.


10 REM This is a multiline comment 
   All text up to BASIC line 20 
   is part of this REM statement. 
   Any BASIC statements on line 10 
   are ignored.  PRINT "This does not 
20 PRINT "This will execute" 


This will execute 

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