Compaq BASIC for OpenVMS
Alpha and VAX Systems
User Manual

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22.9.1 Character String Data Types

There are two CDD/Repository character string data types, TEXT and VARYING STRING. The TEXT data type translates directly into the BASIC STRING data type. VARYING STRING is not a supported BASIC data type; therefore, BASIC creates a group to contain the field.

The following example is a CDD/Repository definition that contains both the TEXT and VARYING STRING data types and the translated BASIC RECORD statement:

Example 22-1 CDDL

define record CDD$top.basic.strings 
    description is 
        /* test */. 
    basicstrings structure. 
        abc         datatype is text size is 10. 
        xyz         datatype is varying string size is 16. 
    end basicstrings structure. 
end strings. 

Example 22-2 Translated RECORD Statement

        C1              !   test 
        C1              RECORD  BASICSTRINGS               ! UNSPECIFIED 
        C1                STRING  ABC  = 10                ! TEXT 
        C1                GROUP   XYZ                      ! VARYING STRING 
        C1                  WORD    WORD_VALUE 
        C1                  STRING  STRING_VALUE  = 16 
        C1                END GROUP 
        C1              END RECORD 
%BASIC-I-CDD/SUBGRO, 1:        data type in CDD/Repository not supported, 
                substituted group for: BASICSTRINGS::XYZ. 

In the VARYING STRING data type, the actual character string is preceded by a 16-bit count field. Therefore, BASIC creates a WORD variable to hold the specified string length.


The count field preceding the VARYING STRING is actually an UNSIGNED WORD. Therefore, the count field of a VARYING STRING whose length is greater than 32,767 is interpreted by BASIC as a negative number.

In the previous example, the group name (XYZ) is the same name as a CDD/Repository field. Therefore, BASIC supplies an additional name for the RECORD components. The supplied names are WORD_VALUE and STRING_VALUE. For example, the following program statement creates an instance of the record BASICSTRINGS, called MY_REC:


The names you use to reference these components in BASIC are MY_REC::XYZ::WORD_VALUE and MY_REC::XYZ::STRING_VALUE.

22.9.2 Integer Data Types

CDD/Repository refers to integer data types as fixed-point data types. CDD/Repository supports BYTE, WORD, LONGWORD, QUADWORD, and OCTAWORD integer data types. Each of these data types can have the following additional attributes:


In CDDL, if integer data types are not specified as being signed or unsigned, the default is unsigned. BASIC supports only signed BYTE, signed WORD, signed LONGWORD, and signed QUADWORD integers. If a CDD/Repository data definition containing an unsigned BYTE, WORD, LONGWORD, or QUADWORD integer is extracted, BASIC signals the informational message "Datatype in CDD/Repository not supported, substituted group for: <field-name>," and creates a group to contain the field. Because the group name is the same as the CDD/Repository field name, BASIC assigns a new name to the field. This is shown in the following CDDL data definition and corresponding BASIC RECORD statement:

CDDL Definition

define record CDD$top.basic.integers 
    description is 
       /*Test of selected integer data types*/. 
    basicint structure. 
        my_byte         datatype is signed byte. 
        my_ubyte        datatype is byte. 
        my_word         datatype is signed word. 
        my_uword        datatype is unsigned word. 
        my_long         datatype is signed longword. 
        my_ulong        datatype is unsigned longword. 
    end basicint structure. 
end integers. 

Translated RECORD Statement

        C1              !  Test of selected integer data types 
        C1              RECORD  BASICINT                   ! UNSPECIFIED 
        C1                BYTE    MY_BYTE                  ! SIGNED BYTE 
        C1                GROUP   MY_UBYTE                 ! UNSIGNED BYTE 
        C1                  BYTE    BYTE_VALUE 
        C1                END GROUP 
        C1                WORD    MY_WORD                  ! SIGNED WORD 
        C1                GROUP   MY_UWORD                 ! UNSIGNED WORD 
        C1                  WORD    WORD_VALUE 
        C1                END GROUP 
        C1                LONG    MY_LONG                  ! SIGNED LONGWORD 
        C1                GROUP   MY_ULONG                 ! UNSIGNED LONGWORD 
        C1                  LONG    LONG_VALUE 
        C1                END GROUP 
        C1              END RECORD 
%BASIC-I-CDDSUBGRO, 1:        data type in CDD/Repository not supported, 
                substituted group for: BASICINT::MY_UBYTE. 
%BASIC-I-CDDSUBGRO, 1:        data type in CDD/Repository not supported, 
                substituted group for: BASICINT::MY_UWORD. 
%BASIC-I-CDDSUBGRO, 1:        data type in CDD/Repository not supported, 
                substituted group for: BASICINT::MY_ULONG. 

When the previous data definition is extracted from CDD/Repository, BASIC signals an informational message for each of the unsigned data types, and names the CDD/Repository unsigned byte field BYTE_VALUE, the CDD/Repository unsigned word field WORD_VALUE, and the CDD/Repository unsigned longword field LONG_VALUE.

BASIC does not support OCTAWORD integers. If a CDD/Repository definition contains an OCTAWORD integer, BASIC signals the informational message "Datatype in CDD/Repository not supported, substituted group for: <field-name>" and creates a group to contain the field and a string component within the group. The string component is 16 bytes for OCTAWORD integers. For example:

CDDL Definition

define record CDD$top.basic.bigintegers 
    description is 
        /*Test of quadword and octaword integer data types*/. 
    basicint structure. 
        my_quad         datatype is signed quadword. 
        my_octa         datatype is signed octaword. 
    end basicint structure. 
end bigintegers. 

Translated RECORD Statement

        C1              !  Test of quadword and octaword integer data types 
        C1              RECORD  BASICINT                   ! UNSPECIFIED 
        C1                QUAD   MY_QUAD                   ! SIGNED QUADWORD 
        C1                GROUP   MY_OCTA                  ! SIGNED OCTAWORD 
        C1                  STRING  STRING_VALUE  = 16 
        C1                END GROUP 
        C1              END RECORD 
%BASIC-I-CDDSUBGRO,           data type in CDD/Repository not supported, 
                substituted group for: BASICINT::MY_OCTA. 

CDD/Repository supports the SCALE keyword to specify an implied exponent in integer data types, and the BASE keyword (supported in CDDL only) to specify that the scale for a fixed-point field is to be interpreted in a numeric base other than 10. BASIC does not support these integer attributes. Therefore, BASIC signals the informational message "CDD/Repository specifies SCALE for <name>. Not supported" for fixed-point fields containing a SCALE specification, and the error message "CDD/Repository attributes for <name> are other than base 10" for fixed-point fields specifying a base other than 10. For example:

CDDL Definition

define record CDD$top.basic.funnyintegers 
    description is 
        /* Test of quadword and octaword integer data types */. 
    basicint structure. 
        my_byte         datatype is signed byte scale 2. 
        my_long         datatype is signed longword base 8. 
    end basicint structure. 
end funnyintegers. 

Translated RECORD Statement

        C1              !   Test of quadword and octaword integer data types 
        C1              RECORD  BASICINT                   ! UNSPECIFIED 
        C1                GROUP   MY_BYTE                  ! SIGNED BYTE 
        C1                  BYTE    BYTE_VALUE 
        C1                END GROUP 
        C1                LONG    MY_LONG                  ! SIGNED LONGWORD 
        C1              END RECORD 
%BASIC-I-CDDATTSCA,     CDD specifies SCALE for BASICINT::MY_BYTE. Not supported 
%BASIC-E-CDDATTBAS,     CDD attributes for BASICINT::MY_LONG are other than base 10 

At compilation time, BASIC also signals these warning errors for each reference to fields that are not base 10 or that have a SCALE.

22.9.3 Floating-Point Data Types

CDD/Repository supports F_floating, D_floating, G_floating, and H_floating data types. These correspond to the BASIC SINGLE, DOUBLE, GFLOAT, and HFLOAT1 data types, respectively. As with fixed-point data types, CDD/Repository also allows the specification of scale and base for floating-point data types. If a CDD/Repository data definition contains a floating-point field that specifies a SCALE or BASE, BASIC signals the informational message "CDD/Repository specifies SCALE for <name>. Not supported" or the error message "CDD/Repository attributes for <name> are other than base 10." For example:

CDDL Definition

define record floats 
    description is 
       /*Test of floating-point data types*/. 
    basicfloat structure. 
        my_single       datatype is f_floating scale 3. 
        my_double       datatype is d_floating base 16. 
        my_gfloat       datatype is g_floating. 
        my_hfloat       datatype is h_floating. 
    end basicfloat structure. 
end floats. 

Translated RECORD Statement

        C1              !  Test of floating-point data types 
        C1              RECORD  BASICFLOAT                 ! UNSPECIFIED 
        C1                GROUP   MY_SINGLE                ! F_FLOATING 
        C1                  SINGLE  SINGLE_VALUE 
        C1                END GROUP 
        C1                DOUBLE  MY_DOUBLE                ! D_FLOATING 
        C1                GFLOAT  MY_GFLOAT                ! G_FLOATING 
        C1                HFLOAT  MY_HFLOAT                ! H_FLOATING 
        C1              END RECORD 
                         Not supported 
                         are other than base 10 

In addition, CDD/Repository supports complex floating-point numbers, but BASIC does not support them. Complex floating-point numbers consist of a real and an imaginary part. Each part requires the same amount of storage as a simple floating-point number. Therefore, each complex floating-point number requires twice as much storage as a simple floating-point number.

If a CDD/Repository data definition containing complex numbers is extracted, BASIC signals the informational message "Datatype in CDD/Repository not supported, substituted group for <field-name>", and creates a group to contain the field. As before, BASIC uses the data type and _VALUE to create the group name, but because each complex number contains both a real and an imaginary part, BASIC adds an "_R" to the name of the real part and an "_I" to the name of the imaginary part. This is shown in the following CDD/Repository data definition and corresponding BASIC RECORD statement:

CDDL Definition

define record CDD$top.basic.complex 
    description is 
        /* test complex data types */. 
        complex structure. 
        my_s_complex_1  datatype         f_floating_complex. 
        my_d_complex_1  datatype         d_floating_complex. 
        my_g_complex_1  datatype         g_floating_complex. 
        my_h_complex_1  datatype         h_floating_complex. 
    end complex structure. 
end complex. 

Translated RECORD Statement

        C1              !   test complex data types 
        C1              RECORD  COMPLEX               ! UNSPECIFIED 
        C1                GROUP   MY_S_COMPLEX_1      ! F_FLOATING_COMPLEX 
        C1                  SINGLE  SINGLE_R_VALUE 
        C1                  SINGLE  SINGLE_I_VALUE 
        C1                END GROUP 
        C1                GROUP   MY_D_COMPLEX_1      ! D_FLOATING_COMPLEX 
        C1                  DOUBLE  DOUBLE_R_VALUE 
        C1                  DOUBLE  DOUBLE_I_VALUE 
        C1                END GROUP 
        C1                GROUP   MY_G_COMPLEX_1      ! G_FLOATING_COMPLEX 
        C1                  GFLOAT  GFLOAT_R_VALUE 
        C1                  GFLOAT  GFLOAT_I_VALUE 
        C1                END GROUP 
        C1                GROUP   MY_H_COMPLEX_1      ! H_FLOATING_COMPLEX 
        C1                  HFLOAT  HFLOAT_R_VALUE 
        C1                  HFLOAT  HFLOAT_I_VALUE 
        C1                END GROUP 
        C1              END RECORD 
%BASIC-I-CDDSUBGRO, 1:        data type in CDD/Repository not supported, 
                substituted group for: COMPLEX::MY_S_COMPLEX_1. 
%BASIC-I-CDDSUBGRO, 1:        data type in CDD/Repository not supported, 
                substituted group for: COMPLEX::MY_D_COMPLEX_1. 
%BASIC-I-CDDSUBGRO, 1:        data type in CDD/Repository not supported, 
                substituted group for: COMPLEX::MY_G_COMPLEX_1. 
%BASIC-I-CDDSUBGRO, 1:        data type in CDD/Repository not supported, 
                substituted group for: COMPLEX::MY_H_COMPLEX_1. 

22.9.4 Decimal String Data Types

CDD/Repository supports the following forms of decimal string data types:

BASIC supports only the PACKED DECIMAL decimal string data type, which corresponds to the BASIC DECIMAL data type. For all other decimal string data types, BASIC creates a group with the same name as the CDD/Repository subordinate field, and creates a string record component to contain the field. For example:

CDDL Definition

define record CDD$top.basic.decimalstring 
    description is 
        /* test decimal string data types */. 
    decimalstring structure. 
        my_packed_decimal          datatype is packed decimal 
                                            size is 5 digits 2 fractions. 
        my_zoned_numeric           datatype is zoned numeric 
                                            size is 6 digits 2 fractions. 
        my_unsigned_numeric        datatype is unsigned numeric 
                                            size is 8 digits 4 fractions. 
        my_lef_sep_numeric         datatype is left separate numeric 
                                            size is 10 digits 3 fractions. 
        my_left_ovpnch_numeric     datatype is left overpunched numeric 
                                            size is 5 digits 2 fractions. 
        my_right_sep_numeric       datatype is right separate numeric 
                                            size is 3 digits 1 fractions. 
        my_right_ovpnch_numeric    datatype is right overpunched numeric 
                                            size is 4 digits 2 fractions. 
    end decimalstring structure. 
end decimalstring. 

Translated RECORD Statement

        C1              !  test decimal string data types 
        C1              RECORD  DECIMALSTRING              ! UNSPECIFIED 
        C1                DECIMAL(5 ,2 ) MY_PACKED_DECIMAL ! PACKED DECIMAL 
        C1                GROUP   MY_ZONED_NUMERIC         ! ZONED NUMERIC ! 
        C1                  STRING  STRING_VALUE  = 6 
        C1                END GROUP 
        C1                GROUP   MY_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC      ! UNSIGNED NUMERIC 
        C1                  STRING  STRING_VALUE  = 8 
        C1                END GROUP 
        C1                GROUP   MY_LEF_SEP_NUMERIC       ! NUMERIC LEFT 
                                                           ! SEPARATE 
        C1                  STRING  STRING_VALUE  = 11 
        C1                END GROUP 
        C1                GROUP   MY_LEFT_OVPNCH_NUMERIC   ! NUMERIC LEFT 
                                                           ! OVERPUNCHED 
        C1                  STRING  STRING_VALUE  = 5 
        C1                END GROUP 
        C1                GROUP   MY_RIGHT_SEP_NUMERIC     ! NUMERIC RIGHT 
                                                           ! SEPARATE 
        C1                  STRING  STRING_VALUE  = 4 
        C1                END GROUP 
                                                           ! OVERPUNCHED 
        C1                  STRING  STRING_VALUE  = 4 
        C1                END GROUP 
        C1              END RECORD 
%BASIC-I-CDDSUBGRO,           data type in CDD/Repository not supported, 
                substituted group for: DECIMALSTRING::MY_ZONED_NUMERIC. 
%BASIC-I-CDDSUBGRO,           data type in CDD/Repository  not supported, 
                substituted group for: DECIMALSTRING::MY_UNSIGNED_NUMERIC. 
%BASIC-I-CDDSUBGRO,           data type in CDD/Repository not supported, 
                substituted group for: DECIMALSTRING::MY_LEF_SEP_NUMERIC. 
%BASIC-I-CDDSUBGRO,           data type in CDD/Repository not supported, 
                substituted group for: DECIMALSTRING::MY_LEFT_OVPNCH_NUMERIC. 
%BASIC-I-CDDSUBGRO,           data type in CDD/Repository not supported, 
                substituted group for: DECIMALSTRING::MY_RIGHT_SEP_NUMERIC. 
%BASIC-I-CDDSUBGRO,           data type in CDD/Repository not supported, 
                substituted group for: DECIMALSTRING::MY_RIGHT_OVPNCH_NUMERIC. 

22.9.5 Other Data Types

CDD/Repository supports the following additional data types:

BASIC does not support these data types. BASIC translates these data types by signaling the informational message "Datatype in CDD/Repository not supported, substituted group for: <field name>", and creates a group to contain the field. See Table 22-2 for a description of how BASIC translates these data types.

If you extract a CDD/Repository definition that contains a BIT field, the field must be a multiple of 8 bits (1 byte). This means that the following field must be aligned on a byte boundary. If the following field is not aligned on a byte boundary, BASIC signals the error "Field <name> from CDD/Repository has bit offset or length."


1 Compaq BASIC for OpenVMS Alpha (Alpha BASIC) does not support the HFLOAT data type.

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