BASEstartm Classic DAS
for Siemens H1tm Protocol
Installation and User's Guide

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Appendix A
Logged Messages

The messages in the following sections are logged to the BASEstar Classic history file by the DAS for Siemens H1 Protocol. These messages are logged to provide more detailed diagnostic information than what is supplied by the returned status values.

Messages logged to the history file for DAS for Siemens H1 Protocol use event class 21 and event type 30.

To view all messages logged by this DAS use the following syntax:


A.1 NI Logged Messages

The following messages are logged by the Network Interface (NI).

Matching unsolicited request for message ID !UL was not found.
Explanation: Error. The DAS received a message on the unsolicited TSAP, but the second longword in the message did not contain the ID of a valid request block. The message logs the ID of the message found in the first longword of the message. The most likely cause for this error is that the read on the unsolicited TSAP timed out before the response message was received from the programmable controller.
User Action: If the message timed out, then increase the timeout on the path definition for the device. If the wrong message ID was sent, then modify the program in the programmable controller to send the correct message ID.

Unsolicited request for message ID !UL timed out.
Explanation: Error. The read on the unsolicited TSAP for the indicated message timed out.
User Action: Increase the timeout on the path definition for the device or modify the programmable controller to respond to the message in a timely manner.

Point with message ID !UL not added to pollset. Only one point allowed on an unsolicited TSAP.
Explanation: Error. An attempt was made to add more than one physical point to a pollset where the physical point address indicates that the data is being read from the unsolicited TSAP. Since the data for this physical point type is a message and not a programmable controller memory location, the DAS cannot read more than one physical point at a time.
User Action: Create a separate pollset for the physical point.

Invalid parameter ILAN$H1_TI_V_BASE : must be DB:xxx.
Explanation: Error. The value for the BASEstar parameter ILAN$H1_TI_V_BASE is incorrect. Either the parameter does not start with "DB:" or the base value is not an integer number.
User Action: Modify the parameter to use the proper form.

Parameter ILAN$H1_TI_V_BASE = !AD is out of limits.
Explanation: Error. The value of the parameter ILAN$H1_TI_V_BASE is larger than that allowed. The allowed range is 0-2047.
User Action: Modify the parameter to be within the allowed range.

Invalid parameter ILAN$H1_TI_CR_BASE : must be DB:xxx.
Explanation: Error. The value for the BASEstar parameter ILAN$H1_TI_CR_BASE is incorrect. Either the parameter does not start with "DB:" or the base value is not an integer number.
User Action: Modify the parameter to use the proper form.

Parameter ILAN$H1_TI_CR_BASE = !AD is out of limits.
Explanation: Error. The value of the parameter ILAN$H1_TI_CR_BASE is larger than that allowed. The allowed range is 0-2047.
User Action: Modify the parameter to be within the allowed range.

Block offset is out of limits for address !AD.
Explanation: Error. The physical point address block offset value is outside the allowed limits. See Table 3-2 for valid block offset values.
User Action: MOdify the physical point address to be within valid limits.

Address !AD does not contain ':'.
Explanation: Error. The indicated physical point address syntax is incorrect.
User Action: Use the correct syntax when creating the physical point address. See Addressing Syntax for Data Block Access for information on the proper block syntax.

PC block is invalid for address !AD.
Explanation: Error. In the indicated physical point address, the programmable controller block type is not a valid block type. See Table 3-2 for valid block types.
User Action: Modify the address to use a valid block type.

Message ID is not numeric for address !AD.
Explanation: Error. In the indicated physical point address, the message ID contains non-numeric characters.
User Action: Modify the address to use all numeric characters in the message ID portion of the address.

Message ID must not be zero for address !AD.
Explanation: Error. In the indicated physical point address, the message ID is zero.
User Action: Modify the address to use a non-zero value in the message ID portion of the address.

Block number is not numeric for address !AD.
Explanation: Error. In the indicated physical point address, the block number contains non-numeric characters (or is not a number). See Addressing Syntax for Data Block Access for information on the proper block syntax.
User Action: Modify the address to use a number for the block number.

A block offset was supplied, but none is required for address !AD.
Explanation: Error. In the indicated physical point address, a block offset value was given, but for this block type, no block offset is expected. See Table 3-2 for valid block offset values.
User Action: Modify the address to not specify a block offset or use a block type that expects a block offset.

No block offset was supplied, but one is required for address !AD.
Explanation: Error. In the indicated physical point address, no block offset value was given, but for this block type, a block offset is expected. See Table 3-2 for valid block offset values.
User Action: Modify the address to specify a block offset or use a block type that doesn't expect a block offset.

Block number is out of limits for address !AD.
Explanation: Error. In the indicated physical point address, the block number is not valid for the block type given. See Table 3-2 for valid block offset values.
User Action: Modify the address to specify a valid block number.

Block offset is not numeric for address !AD.
Explanation: Error. In the indicated physical point address, the block offset contains non-numeric characters (or is not a number). See Addressing Syntax for Data Block Access for information on the proper block syntax.
User Action: Modify the address to use a number for the block offset.

All points in a pollset must have the same format.
Explanation: Error. An attempt was made to add a physical point to a pollset and the format of the new physical point does not match the format of the existing physical point(s) in the pollset.
User Action: Modify the format of the physical point being added to match the format of the physical point(s) already in the pollset.

All points in a pollset must have the same block type.
Explanation: Error. An attempt was made to add a physical point to a pollset and the block type of the new physical point does not match the block type of the existing physical point(s) in the pollset.
User Action: Modify the block type of the physical point being added to match the block type of the physical point(s) already in the pollset.

All points in a pollset must have the same block number.
Explanation: Error. An attempt was made to add a physical point to a pollset and the block number of the new physical point does not match the block number of the existing physical point(s) in the pollset.
User Action: Modify the block number of the physical point being added to match the block number of the physical point(s) already in the pollset.

Not all fields in the structure have the same format for address !AD.
Explanation: Error. In the physical point with the indicated address, the format is of type STRUCTURE, but not all fields in the structure have the same format. The DAS does not support mixing of fields of different data types within a structure.
User Action: Modify the format of the physical point to use fields of all the same format.

Structure not aligned on an even structure boundary in pollset.
Explanation: Error. An attempt was made to add a physical point with a structure format to a pollset and the new structure is not aligned on an even structure boundary.
User Action: Modify the address of the physical point so that it fits on an even structure boundary relative to the other physical point(s) in the pollset.

Longword or floating point not aligned on an even boundary in pollset.
Explanation: Error. An attempt was made to add a physical point with a longword or floating point format to a pollset and the physical point is not aligned on an even four byte boundary.
User Action: Modify the address of the physical point so that it fits on an even four byte boundary relative to the other physical point(s) in the pollset.

dcm_h1$k_receive_message not allowed on an unsolicited device.
Explanation: Error. An attempt was made to use the ILAN$DEVICE_SPECIFIC function with a device that is defined as "unsolicited". ILAN$DEVICE_SPECIFIC functions are not allowed on unsolicited devices.
User Action: Modify the device to be nounsolicited.

dcm_h1$k_send_message not allowed on an unsolicited device.
Explanation: Error. An attempt was made to use the ILAN$DEVICE_SPECIFIC function with a device that is defined as "unsolicited". ILAN$DEVICE_SPECIFIC functions are not allowed on unsolicited devices.
User Action: Modify the device to be nounsolicited.

Device must be configured as unsolicited to perform this function.
Explanation: Error. An attempt was made to perform an acknowledged or unacknowledged write or an acknowledged read and the device is not configured as "unsolicited".
User Action: Modify the device to be unsolicited.

Expected message ID !UL but message ID !UL was received for unsolicited read.
Explanation: Error. The message ID in the message that was received in response to an acknowledged write or an acknowldeged read does not contain the expected message ID. The message ID in the message sent should match the message ID in the message received. Either the message ID is incorrect or the request ID that was sent in the message was not copied properly to the response message.
User Action: Modify the program in the programmable controller to properly send the correct request and message IDs in response to an acknowledged write or read request.

An unacknowledged read is not supported.
Explanation: Error. An attempt was made to read from a physical point that has an address of NAK:XXX.
User Action: Do not read from a physical point with a NAK:XXX address. If reading from a logical point connected to such a physical point, use the /VALUE=LAST qualifier to prevent an attempt to read from the device.

Format defined for address !AD allowed in DB area only.
Explanation: Error. In the physical point with the indicated address, the format is either a longword or floating point format and the address is not a DB block address. Longwords and floating point values can only be read from the DB block area.
User Action: Modify the address of the physical point to be a "DB:XX:XX" type address.

TI CR registers must use a byte format for address !AD.
Explanation: Error. Control register formats must be byte or unsigned byte. No other format type is allowed.
User Action: Modify the physical point to use a signed or unsigned byte format.

TI V regiters must use a word format for address !AD.
Explanation: Error. Variable reigster formats must be word or unsigned word. No other format type is allowed.
User Action: Modify the physical point to use a signed or unsigned word format.

IO_SIZE too small to fit the requested data.
Explanation: Error. The size of the data (plus overhead) being read or written is larger than will fit into the space allocated in the DAS. The DAS allocates space based on the IO_SIZE parameter on the path definition for the device.
User Action: Modify the path definition I/O size to be a value that is large enough for the data plus overhead.

Error code !XB (hex) received from the programmable controller.
Explanation: Error. A response was received from the programmable controller, but an error code was received encoded in the message.
User Action: Consult Siemens documentation to determine the cause of the error and to take corrective action.

Source/destination type illegal.
Explanation: Error. A response was received from the programmable controller, but an error code of '01' was received in the message. This error indicates that the source/destination address is not legal for this programmable controller.
User Action: Delete the physical point and recreate it using an address that is valid for this programmable controller.

DB/DX not present or illegal.
Explanation: Error. A response was received from the programmable controller, but an error code of '02' was received in the message. This error indicates that the requested DB/DX block requested is not present in the programmable controller.
User Action: Delete the physical point and recreate it using an address that is valid for this programmable controller.

DB/DX too short (start address + length > area).
Explanation: Error. A response was received from the programmable controller, but an error code of '03' was received in the message. This error indicates that the starting address is present in the programmable controller, but the length of the request extends into non-existent memory.
User Action: Delete the physical point and recreate it using an address that is valid for this programmable controller.

Access to area not possible for user.
Explanation: Error. A response was received from the programmable controller, but an error code of '04' was received in the message. This error indicates that the address is present in the progammable controller, but that the user is being denied access.
User Action: Delete the physical point and recreate it using an address that is valid for this programmable controller.

No matching unsolicited point ID found for message ID !UL.
Explanation: Error. An unsolicited message was received from the programmable controller, but no matching unsolicited ID was found that matched the message ID in the message. It is possible for this message to occur if the programmable controller starts sending immediately after connection and the DAS doesn't have enough time to set up the unsolicited points. See Section 3.3.1 for more information on unsolicited data collection.
User Action: Create a physical point with a matching unsolidited ID or modify the programmable controller logic to send a message with a message ID of an existing physical point.

CP-511 board is not connected.
Explanation: Error. An attempt was made to perform an operation on the control TSAP (upload, download, etc.) and the CP-511 card was not connected to the CPU. See Section for more details.
User Action: Attach the CP-511 card to the CPU using the proper cable before performing the operation.

No room in temporary buffer for reading block data.
Explanation: Error. When doing an UPLOAD or READ STATUS/QUAL=MEM request, the programmable controller is returning more block information than will fit in the buffer allocated for the data (1024 bytes).
User Action: Reduce the number of blocks in the programmable controller.

File !AD does not match the CPU type.
Explanation: Error. The CPU model of the programmable controller this file was uploaded from does not match CPU model of the programmable controller being downloaded to.
User Action: Download a file compatible with this model of programmable controller.

Device returned X'!XB' after sending block advise request.
Explanation: Error. When downloading blocks to a programmable controller, the controller returned the indicated response rather than the expected response indicating the programmable controller was ready to accept the next block.
User Action: Retry the operation.

Fatal error on the command TSAP.
Explanation: Error. When performing a request on the command TSAP (upload, download, status), the programmable controller returned a response that indicated it was unable to complete the requested operation.
User Action: Retry the operation. If the operation does not succeed, then consult Siemens documentation to determine the cause of the failure.

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