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The following values are used in the verbosity argument to print member functions:

0 Requests a brief report

CHAIN Requests information about tasks on the object's remember chain, and about other objects on the object's o_next chain

STACK Requests information about the run-time stack

VERBOSE Requests detailed information on the class object


The following values are used by the qhead and qtail classes for managing queues:

EMODE Generates a run-time error if full on enqueue or empty on dequeue

WMODE Suspends task execution if full on enqueue or empty on dequeue

ZMODE Returns NULL if full on enqueue or empty on dequeue


The following codes handle exceptions for the classes indicated:

E_OLINK = 1 Cannot delete an object with a remembered task (object class)

E_ONEXT = 2 Cannot delete an object which is on a list (object class)

E_GETEMPTY = 3 Cannot get an object from an empty queue (qhead class)

E_PUTOBJ = 4 Cannot put an object into a full queue (qtail class)

E_PUTFULL = 5 Cannot put an object into a queue if the object is on another queue (qtail class)

E_BACKOBJ = 6 Cannot putback an object into a queue if the object is on another queue (qhead class)

E_BACKFULL = 7 Cannot putback an object into a full queue (qhead class)

E_SETCLOCK = 8 Cannot set the clock after it has advanced past 0 (sched class)

E_CLOCKIDLE = 9 Cannot advance the clock when clock_task is RUNNING or TERMINATED (sched class)

E_RESTERM = 10 Cannot resume a TERMINATED task (sched class)

E_RESRUN = 11 Cannot resume a RUNNING task (sched class)

E_NEGTIME = 12 Cannot delay a negative amount of time (sched class)

E_RESOBJ = 13 Cannot resume a task or timer if it is already on another queue (sched class)

E_HISTO = 14 Cannot construct a histogram with less than 1 bucket or the left not less than the right (histogram class)

E_STACK = 15 Cannot extend stack (task class)

E_STORE = 16 Cannot allocate more memory (object, qhead, qtail, and task classes)

E_TASKMODE = 17 Cannot create a task with a mode other than DEDICATED or SHARED (task class)

E_TASKDEL = 18 Cannot delete a task which is IDLE or RUNNING (task class)

E_TASKPRE = 19 Cannot preempt a task which is IDLE or TERMINATED (task class)

E_TIMERDEL = 20 Cannot delete a timer which is IDLE or RUNNING (timer class)

E_SCHTIME = 21 Cannot execute something at a time which already passed (sched class)

E_SCHOBJ = 22 Cannot use class sched other than as a base class (sched class)

E_QDEL = 23 Cannot delete a queue which has an object in the queue (qhead and qtail classes)

E_RESULT = 24 Cannot call result() on thistask (task class)

E_WAIT = 25 Cannot call wait() on thistask (task class)

E_FUNCS = 26 Encountered an unexpected exception or access violation

E_FRAMES = 27 Not used in DEC C++

E_REGMASK = 28 Not used in DEC C++

E_FUDGE_SIZE = 29 Not used in DEC C++

E_NO_HNDLR = 30 Cannot handle a signal for which there is no handler (Interrupt_handler class)

E_BADSIG = 31 Cannot handle a signal with an invalid signal number (Interrupt_handler class)

E_LOSTHNDLR = 32 Cannot handle a signal which is not on a stack of them for the given signal (Interrupt_handler class)

E_TASKNAMEOVERRUN = 33 Not used in DEC C++


To keep track of the maximum stack size that can be printed by the function task::print(), set the _hwm (high-water marking) data member to a nonzero value before creation of the first task.


extern int _hwm



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