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Compaq BASIC for OpenVMS
Alpha and VAX Systems
Reference Manual

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The EXIT statement lets you exit from a main program, a SUB, FUNCTION, or PICTURE subprogram, a multiline DEF, a statement block, or a handler.


Syntax Rules

  1. The DEF, FUNCTION, SUB, HANDLER, and PROGRAM keywords specify the type of subprogram, multiline DEF, or handler from which BASIC is to exit.
  2. If you specify an optional expression with the EXIT DEF statement or with the EXIT FUNCTION statement, the expression becomes the function result and supersedes any function assignment. It also overrides any expression specified on the END DEF or END FUNCTION statement. Note that the expression must be compatible with the FUNCTION or DEF data type.
  3. Label specifies a statement label for an IF, SELECT, FOR, WHILE, or UNTIL statement block.


  1. An EXIT SUB, EXIT FUNCTION, EXIT PROGRAM, EXIT DEF, or EXIT PICTURE statement is equivalent to an unconditional branch to an equivalent END statement. Control then passes to the statement that invoked the DEF or to the statement following the statement that called the subprogram.
  2. The EXIT HANDLER statement causes BASIC to transfer control to a specified area.
    • If the current WHEN block is nested, control transfers to the handler associated with the next outer protected region.
    • If an ON ERROR statement is in effect and the current WHEN block is not nested, control transfers to the target of the ON ERROR statement.
    • If neither of the previous conditions is true, an EXIT HANDLER statement transfers control to the calling program or DCL. This action is the equivalent of the ON ERROR GO BACK statement.
  3. The EXIT PROGRAM statement causes BASIC to exit from a main program module.
    • An optional integer expression on an EXIT PROGRAM statement specifies the exit status of the program that is reported to DCL.
    • The expression specified by an EXIT PROGRAM statement overrides any integer expression specified by an END PROGRAM statement.
    • BASIC allows you to specify an EXIT PROGRAM statement without a matching PROGRAM statement.
  4. The EXIT label statement is equivalent to an unconditional branch to the first statement following the end of the IF, SELECT, FOR, WHILE, or UNTIL statement labeled by the specified label.
  5. An EXIT FUNCTION, EXIT SUB or EXIT PROGRAM statement cannot be used within a multiline DEF function.
  6. When the EXIT FUNCTION, EXIT SUB or EXIT PROGRAM statement executes, BASIC releases all storage allocated to local variables and returns control to the calling program.


DEF emp.bonus(A)
IF A > 10
    EXIT DEF 0
    emp.bonus = A * 4
PRINT emp.bonus(A)


? 11


The EXP function returns the value of the mathematical constant e raised to a specified power.


Syntax Rules



  1. The EXP function returns the value of e raised to the power of real-exp.
  2. BASIC expects the argument of the EXP function to be a real expression. When the argument is a real expression, BASIC returns a value of the same floating-point size. When the argument is not a real expression, BASIC converts the argument to the default floating-point size and returns a value of the default floating-point size.
  3. When the default REAL size is SINGLE, DOUBLE, or SFLOAT, EXP allows arguments from -88 to 88. If the default REAL size is GFLOAT or TFLOAT, EXP allows arguments from -709 to 709. If the default REAL size is HFLOAT or XFLOAT, the arguments can be in the range -11356 to 11355. When the argument exceeds the upper limit of a range, BASIC signals an error. When the argument is beyond the lower limit of a range, the EXP function returns a zero and BASIC does not signal an error.


num_val = EXP(4.6)
PRINT num_val




The EXTERNAL statement declares constants, variables, functions, and subroutines external to your program. You can describe parameters for external functions and subroutines.


Syntax Rules

  1. For external constants, data-type can be BYTE, WORD, LONG, INTEGER (if default is not QUAD), SINGLE, SFLOAT, or REAL (if default is SINGLE or SFLOAT).
  2. For external variables, the data type can be any valid numeric data type.
  3. For external functions and subroutines, the data type can be BYTE, WORD, LONG, QUAD, SINGLE, DOUBLE, GFLOAT, HFLOAT, SFLOAT, TFLOAT, XFLOAT, DECIMAL, STRING, INTEGER, REAL, RFA, or a data type defined with the RECORD statement. See Table 1-2 for more information about data type size, range, and precision.
  4. The name of an external constant, variable, function, or subroutine can be from 1 to 31 characters.
  5. For all external routine declarations, the name must be a valid BASIC identifier and must not be the same as any other SUB, FUNCTION, PICTURE, or PROGRAM name.
    For more information about external pictures, see Programming with VAX BASIC Graphics.
  6. Param-data-type specifies the data type of a parameter. If you do not specify a data type, parameters are of the default data type and size.
  7. Param-list is identical to external-param except that no OPTIONAL parameter is allowed.
  8. Parameters in the param-list must agree in number and data type with the parameters in the invocation. Param-data-type includes ANY, BYTE, WORD, LONG, QUAD, INTEGER, SINGLE, DOUBLE, GFLOAT, HFLOAT, SFLOAT, TFLOAT, XFLOAT, READ, a user-defined RECORD type, STRING, or RFA.
  9. A maximum of 255 parameters may be passed.
  10. External Functions and Subroutines
    • The data type that precedes the keyword FUNCTION defines the data type of the function result.
    • Pass-mech specifies how parameters are to be passed to the function or subroutine.
      • A pass-mech clause outside the parentheses applies to all parameters.
      • A pass-mech clause inside the parentheses overrides the previous pass-mech and applies only to the specific parameter.
    • External-param defines the form of the arguments passed to the external function or subprogram. Empty parentheses indicate that the subprogram expects zero parameters. Missing parentheses indicate that the EXTERNAL statement does not define parameters.
  11. Using ANY as a BASIC Data Type
    • The ANY data type should only be used for calling non BASIC procedures. Therefore, the ANY data type is illegal in a PICTURE declaration.
    • If you specify ANY, BASIC does not perform data type checking or conversions. If no passing mechanism is specified, BASIC uses the default passing mechanism for the data type passed in a given invocation.
    • When you specify a data type, all following parameters that are not specifically declared default to the last specified data type. Similarly, when you specify ANY, all following unspecified parameters default to the data type ANY until a new declaration is provided. For example:

      EXTERNAL SUB allocate (LONG,ANY, )
  12. Passing Optional Parameters
    • The OPTIONAL keyword should be used only for calling non BASIC procedures.
    • If you specify the keyword OPTIONAL, BASIC treats all following parameters as optional. In the following example, the last three parameters are optional:

    • BASIC still performs type checking and conversion on optional parameters.
    • If you want to omit an optional parameter that appears in the middle of a parameter list, BASIC requires you to insert a comma placeholder. However, if you want to omit an optional parameter that appears at the end of a parameter list, you can omit that parameter without inserting any placeholder.
    • You can specify the keyword OPTIONAL only once in any one parameter list.
  13. Declaring Array Dimensions
    The DIM keyword indicates that the parameter is an array. Commas specify array dimensions. The number of dimensions is equal to the number of commas plus 1. For example:


    This statement declares a function named new that has three parameters. The first is a double-precision floating-point value, the second is a two-dimensional string array, and the third is a one-dimensional string array. The function returns a string result.


  1. The EXTERNAL statement must precede any program reference to the constant, variable, function, subroutine or picture declared in the statement.
  2. The EXTERNAL statement is not executable.
  3. A name declared in an EXTERNAL CONSTANT statement can be used in any nondeclarative statement as if it were a constant.
  4. A name declared in an EXTERNAL FUNCTION statement can be used as a function invocation in an expression. In addition, you can invoke a function with the CALL statement unless the function data type is DECIMAL, HFLOAT, or STRING.
  5. A name declared in an EXTERNAL SUB statement can be used in a CALL statement.
  6. The optional pass-mech clauses in the EXTERNAL FUNCTION and EXTERNAL SUB statements tell BASIC how to pass arguments to a non BASIC function or subprogram.
    • BY VALUE specifies that BASIC passes the argument's value.
    • BY REF specifies that BASIC passes the argument's address. This is the default for all arguments except strings and entire arrays. If you know the size of string parameters and the dimensions of array parameters, you can improve run-time performance by passing strings and arrays by reference.
    • BY DESC specifies that BASIC passes the address of a BASIC descriptor. For information about the format of a BASIC descriptor for strings and arrays, see Appendix A.
  7. If you do not specify the data type ANY or declare parameters as optional, the arguments passed to external functions and subroutines should match the external parameters declared in the EXTERNAL FUNCTION or EXTERNAL SUB statement in number, type, and passing mechanism. BASIC forces arguments to be compatible with declared parameters. If they are not compatible, BASIC signals an error.


Example 1

!External Constant

Example 2

!External Variable

Example 3

!External Function

Example 4

!External Subroutine


The FIELD statement dynamically associates string variables with all or parts of a record buffer. FIELD statements do not move data. Instead, they permit direct access through string variables to sections of a specified record buffer.


The FIELD statement is supported only for compatibility with BASIC-PLUS-2. Because data defined in the FIELD statement can be accessed only as string data, you must use the CVTxx functions to process numeric data; therefore, you must convert string data to numeric after you move it from the record buffer. Then, after processing, you must convert numeric data back to string data before transferring it to the record buffer. It is recommended that you use the BASIC dynamic mapping feature or multiple maps instead of the FIELD statement and CVTxx functions.


Syntax Rules

  1. Chnl-exp is a numeric expression that specifies a channel number associated with a file. It must be immediately preceded by a number sign (#). A file must be open on the specified channel or BASIC signals an error.
  2. Int-exp specifies the number of characters in str-var. However, a subsequent int-exp cannot depend on the return string from a previous int-exp. For example, the following statement is illegal because the second int-exp depends on the return string A$:

    FIELD #1%, 1% AS A$, ASCII(A$) AS B$


  1. A FIELD statement is executable. You can change a buffer description at any time by executing another FIELD statement. For example:

    FIELD #1%, 40% AS whole_field$
    FIELD #1%, 10% AS A$, 10% AS B$, 10% AS C$, 10% AS D$

    The first FIELD statement associates the first 40 characters of a buffer with the variable whole_field$. The second FIELD statement associates the first 10 characters of the same buffer with A$, the second 10 characters with B$, and so on. Later program statements can refer to any of the variables named in the FIELD statements to access specific portions of the buffer.
  2. You cannot define virtual array strings as string variables in a FIELD statement.
  3. A variable named in a FIELD statement cannot be used in a COMMON or MAP statement, as a parameter in a CALL or SUB statement, or in a MOVE statement.
  4. Attempting to access an element of a virtual array in a virtual file that has associated FIELD variables, causes BASIC to signal "Illegal operation" (ERR=141).
  5. If you name an array in a FIELD statement, you cannot use MAT statements in the following format:

    MAT array-name1 = array-name2
    MAT array-name1 = NUL$

    where array-name1 is named in a FIELD statement. This causes BASIC to signal a compile-time error.


FIELD #8%, 2% AS U$, 2% AS CL$, 4% AS X$, 4% AS Y$
LSET U$ = CVT%$(U%)
U% = CVT$%(U$)
CL% = CVT$%(CL$)
X = CVT$F(X$)
Y = CVT$F(Y$)


The FIND statement locates a specified record in a disk file and makes it the current record for a GET, UPDATE, or DELETE operation. FIND statements are valid on RMS sequential, relative, and indexed files.


Syntax Rules

  1. Chnl-exp is a numeric expression that specifies a channel number associated with a file. It must be immediately preceded by a number sign (#).
  2. If you specify a lock-clause, it must follow the position-clause. If the lock-clause precedes the position-clause, BASIC signals an error.
  3. If you specify the REGARDLESS lock-clause, you cannot specify another lock-clause in the same FIND statement.


  1. Position-clause
    • Position-clause specifies the position of a record in a file. BASIC signals an error if you specify a position-clause and the channel is not associated with a disk file. If you do not specify a position-clause, FIND locates records sequentially. Sequential record access is valid on all files.
    • The RFA position-clause allows you to randomly locate records by specifying the record file address (RFA) of a record. You specify the disk address of a record, and RMS locates the record at that address. All file organizations can be accessed by RFA.
      Rfa-exp in the RFA position-clause is a variable of the RFA data type that specifies the record's file address. Note that an RFA expression can only be a variable of the RFA data type or the GETRFA function. Use the GETRFA function to find the RFA of a record.
    • The RECORD position-clause allows you to randomly locate records in relative and sequential fixed files by specifying the record number.
      • Num-exp in the RECORD position-clause specifies the number of the record you want to locate. It must be between 1 and the number of the record with the highest number in the file.
      • When you specify a RECORD clause, chnl-exp must be a channel associated with an open relative or sequential fixed file.
    • The KEY position-clause allows you to randomly locate records in indexed files by specifying a key of reference, a relational test, and a key value.
    • An RFA value is valid only for the life of a specific version of a file. If a new version of a file is created, the RFA values may change.
    • Attempting to access a record with an invalid RFA value results in a run-time error.
  2. Lock-clause
    • Lock-clause allows you to control how a record is locked to other access streams, to override lock checking when accessing shared files that may contain locked records, or to specify what action to take in the case of a locked record.
    • The type of lock you impose on a record remains in effect until you explicitly unlock it with a FREE or UNLOCK statement, until you close the file, or until you perform a GET, FIND, UPDATE or DELETE on the same channel (unless you specified UNLOCK EXPLICIT).
    • The REGARDLESS lock-clause specifies that the FIND statement can override lock checking and locate a record locked by another program.
    • When you specify a REGARDLESS lock-clause, BASIC does not impose a lock on the retrieved record.
    • The ALLOW lock-clause lets you control how a record is locked to other users and access streams. The file associated with the specified channel must have been opened with the UNLOCK EXPLICIT clause or BASIC signals the error "Illegal record locking clause."
    • The ALLOW allow-clause can be one of the following:
      • ALLOW NONE denies access to the record. This means that other access streams cannot retrieve the record unless they bypass lock checking with the GET REGARDLESS clause.
      • ALLOW READ provides read access to the record. This means that other access streams can retrieve the record but cannot use the DELETE or UPDATE statements on the record.
      • ALLOW MODIFY provides read and write to the record. This means that other access streams can use the GET, FIND, DELETE, and UPDATE statements on the record.
    • If you do not open a file with the ACCESS READ clause or specify an allow-clause, locking is imposed as follows:
      • If the file associated with the specified channel was opened with UNLOCK EXPLICIT, BASIC imposes the ALLOW NONE lock on the retrieved record and the next GET or FIND operation does not unlock the previously locked record.
      • If the file associated with the specified channel was not opened with UNLOCK EXPLICIT, BASIC locks the retrieved record and unlocks the previously locked record.
    • The WAIT lock-clause accepts an optional int-exp. Int-exp represents a timeout value in seconds. Int-exp must be from 0 through 255 or BASIC signals a warning message.
      • WAIT followed by a timeout value causes RMS to wait for a locked record for a given period of time.
      • WAIT followed by no timeout value indicates that RMS should wait indefinitely for the record to become available.
      • If you specify a timeout value and the record does not become available within that period, BASIC signals the run-time error "Keyboard wait exhausted" (ERR=15). VMSSTATUS and RMSSTATUS then return RMS$_TMO. For more information about the RMSSTATUS and VMSSTATUS functions, see this chapter and the Compaq BASIC for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX Systems User Manual.
      • If you attempt to wait for a record that another user has locked, and consequently that user attempts to wait for the record you have locked, a deadlock condition occurs. When a deadlock condition persists for a period of time (as defined by the SYSGEN parameter DEADLOCK_WAIT), RMS signals the error "RMS$_DEADLOCK" and BASIC signals the error "Detected deadlock error while waiting for GET or FIND" (ERR=193).
      • If you specify a WAIT clause followed by a timeout value that is less than the SYSGEN parameter DEADLOCK_WAIT, BASIC signals the error "Keyboard wait exhausted" (ERR=15) even though a deadlock condition may exist.
  3. Key-clause
    • In a key-clause, int-exp1 is the target key of reference. It must be an integer in the range of zero to the highest-numbered key for the file. The primary key is #0, the first alternate key is #1, the second alternate key is #2, and so on. Int-exp1 must be preceded by a number sign (#) or BASIC signals an error.
    • When you specify a key-clause, the specified channel must be a channel associated with an open indexed file.
  4. Rel-op
    • Rel-op is a relational operator that specifies how key-exp is to be compared with int-exp1 in the key-clause.
      • EQ means "equal to"
      • NXEQ means "next or equal to"
      • GE means "greater than or next" (a synonym for NXEQ)
      • NX means "next"
      • GT means "greater than" (a synonym for NX)
    • A successful random FIND operation by key locates the first record whose key satisfies the key-clause comparison:
      • With an exact key match (EQ), a successful FIND locates the first record in the file that equals the key value specified in key-exp. However, if the characters specified by a str-exp key expression are less than the key length, characters specified by str-exp are matched approximately rather than exactly. For example, if you specify ABC and the key length is six characters, BASIC locates the first record that begins with ABC. If you specify ABCABC, BASIC locates only a record with the key ABCABC. If no match is possible, BASIC signals the error "Record not found" (ERR=155).
      • If you specify a next or equal to record key match (NXEQ), a successful FIND locates the next record that equals the key length specified in int-exp or str-exp. If no exact match exists, BASIC locates the next record in the key sort order. If the keys are in ascending order, the next record will have a greater key value. If the keys are in descending order, the next record will have a lesser key value.
      • If you specify a greater than or equal to key match (GE), the behavior is identical to that of next or equal to (NXEQ). (Likewise, the behavior of GT is identical to NX.) However, the use of GE in a descending key file may be confusing, because GE will retrieve the next record in the key sort order, but the next record will have a lesser key value. For this reason, it is recommended that you use NXEQ in new program development, especially if you are using descending key files.
      • If you specify a next key match (NX), a successful FIND locates the first record that follows the relational operator in the sort order. If no such record exists, BASIC signals the error "Record not found" (ERR=155).
  5. Key-exp
    • Int-exp2 specifies an integer value to be compared with the key value of a record.
    • Str-exp specifies a string value to be compared with the key value of a record. Str-exp can contain fewer characters than the key of the record you want to locate, but cannot be a null string.
      Str-exp cannot contain more characters than the key of the record you want to locate. If str-exp does contain more characters than the key, BASIC signals "Key size too large" (ERR = 145).
    • Decimal-exp in the key-clause specifies a packed decimal value to be compared with the key value of a record.
    • Quadword-exp in the key-clause specifies a record or group exactly 8 bytes long to be compared with the key value of a record.
  6. The file on the specified channel must have been opened with ACCESS MODIFY, ACCESS READ, or SCRATCH before your program can execute a FIND operation.
  7. FIND does not transfer any data to the record buffer. To access the contents of a record, use the GET statement.
  8. A successful sequential FIND operation updates both the current record pointers and next record pointers.
    • For sequential files, a successful FIND operation locates the next sequential record (the record pointed to by the next record pointer) in the file, changes the current record pointer to the record just found, and the next record pointer to the next sequential record. If the current record pointer points to the last record in a file, a sequential FIND operation causes BASIC to signal "Record not found" (ERR=155).
    • For relative files, a successful FIND operation locates the record that exists with the next higher record number (or cell number), makes it the current record, and changes the next record pointer to the current record pointer plus 1.
    • For indexed files, a successful FIND operation locates the next existing logical record in the current key of reference, makes this the current record, and changes the next record pointer to the current record pointer plus 1.
  9. A successful random access FIND operation by RFA or by record changes the current record pointer to the record specified by rfa-exp or int-exp, but leaves the next record pointer unchanged.
  10. A successful random access FIND operation by key changes the current record pointer to the first record whose key satisfies the key-clause comparison and leaves the next record pointer unchanged.
  11. When a random access FIND operation by RFA, record, or key is not successful, BASIC signals "Record not found" (ERR=155). The values of the current record pointer and next record pointer are undefined.
  12. You should not use a FIND statement on a terminal-format or virtual array file.


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