IMPORTANT - Carefully read the Evaluation License Terms before proceeding.
If you agree to its terms, please click on the "I Accept" button
at the bottom of this license to start the download process. If
you do not agree to its terms, click on the "I do not accept" button
and you will be returned to the BASIC Translator Home Page.
WARNING: Use of this software is limited to translating 200
lines or less of BASIC (DEC BASIC or VAX BASIC) source code. In
addition, the translated object code becomes inoperable 90 days
after translation.
Read Before Installing BASIC Translator Promotional
Before you install the BASIC Translator Promotional Product please
read the Download and Installation Instructions.
It will make your download and install experience more efficient.
Evaluation License Terms
Software: BASIC Translator Promotional Product
Hewlett-Packard Company grants you the right to use BASIC Translator
and the accompanying documentation on a single computer, provided
that you restrict use to trial purposes. You may deploy the object
code on any number of computers for trial purposes. You may not
transfer your rights to use the Software or the Software itself.
The Software is owned by HP and its suppliers and is protected
by copyright laws and international treaties. Your use of the Software
and associated documentation is subject to the applicable copyright
laws and the express rights and restrictions of these terms.
Use of the Translator is limited to 200 lines of BASIC (DEC BASIC or VAX BASIC)
source code. Use of the translated object code is limited to 90
days from time of translation.
You may not rent, lease, or otherwise transfer the Software except as expressly
authorized in these terms. You may not make the Software available over the
internet or similar networking technology. You may not remove any copyright,
trademark, or other proprietary notices from the Software or the media. You
may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software, except to the
extent HP cannot prohibit such acts by law.
Limitation of liability: The products and product information
furnished hereunder are furnished "as is." HP disclaims all warranties
that may be implied on the products including, without limitation,
all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event
will HP be liable for any damages whatsoever, including loss of
data or use, lost profits or any incidental or consequential damages,
arising out of or in connection with this license or the use or
performance of the products, whether in an action of contract or
tort including negligence.
Commercial Computer Software, and Computer Software Documentation, and Technical
Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government with
HP's standard commercial license and, when applicable, the rights
in DFAR 252.227-7015, "Technical Data - Commercial Items."
You are responsible for compliance with all applicable export or re-export
control laws and regulations if you export the Software. This agreement
is governed by and is to be construed under the laws of the state of
California, United States.
If you have any questions concerning this agreement, please contact
your local HP sales office.
All trademarks are the sole property of their owners.
Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 2003
Download Registration Form
The following form must be filled in before downloading the BASIC Translator
Promotional Product.
About This Form
The form above is designed to enable us to distribute software in a relatively free
manner but with some knowledge about the people retrieving it and where it is being
used. The data will be used to keep track of how much it's being used and whom to
contact about new releases and updates. Your cooperation is requested to make this a
useful set of information.
» go to the download and installation instructions
» go to the BASIC translator home page
» go to the ACE home page