HP OpenVMS Systems

C Programming Language
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Compaq C
User's Guide for OpenVMS Systems

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This function removes the last entry from a longword queue in an indivisible manner. This operation is interlocked against similar operations by other processors or devices in the system. This function must have write access to the header and queue entries. All parts of the queue must be memory resident.

This function has the following format:

int __PAL_REMQTILR (void *head, void **removed_entry); /* At tail, interlocked resident */


A pointer to the queue header. The header must be aligned on a quadword boundary.


A pointer to the address of the entry removed from the queue.

There are four possible return values:

  • --1 if the entry cannot be removed because the secondary interlock failed
  • 0 if the queue was empty
  • 1 if the entry was removed and the queue has remaining entries
  • 2 if the entry was removed and the queue is now empty __PAL_REMQTIQ

This function removes the last entry from a quadword queue in an indivisible manner. This operation is interlocked against similar operations by other processors or devices in the system. This function must have write access to the header and queue entries.

This function has the following format:

int __PAL_REMQTIQ (void *head, void **removed_entry); /* At tail, interlocked */


A pointer to the queue header. The header must be aligned on an octaword boundary.


A pointer to the address of the entry removed from the queue.

There are four possible return values:

  • --1 if the entry cannot be removed because the secondary interlock failed
  • 0 if the queue was empty
  • 1 if the entry was removed and the queue has remaining entries
  • 2 if the entry was removed and the queue is now empty __PAL_REMQTIQR

This function removes the last entry from a quadword queue in an indivisible manner. This operation is interlocked against similar operations by other processors or devices in the system. This function must have write access to the header and queue entries. All parts of the queue must be memory resident.

This function has the following format:

int __PAL_REMQTIQR (void *head, void **removed_entry); /* At tail, interlocked resident */


A pointer to the queue header. The header must be aligned on an octaword boundary.


A pointer to the address of the entry removed from the queue.

There are four possible return values:

  • --1 if the entry cannot be removed because the secondary interlock failed
  • 0 if the queue was empty
  • 1 if the entry was removed and the queue has remaining entries
  • 2 if the entry was removed and the queue is now empty __PAL_REMQUEL

This function removes an entry from a longword queue. This function must have write access to header and queue entries.

This function has the following format:

int _PAL_REMQUEL (void *entry, void **removed_entry);


A pointer to the queue entry to be removed.


A pointer to the address of the entry removed from the queue.

There are three possible return values:

  • --1 if the queue was empty
  • 0 if the entry was removed and the queue is now empty
  • 1 if the entry was removed and the queue has remaining entries __PAL_REMQUEL_D

This function removes an entry from a longword queue deferred. This function must have write access to header and queue entries.

This function has the following format:

int __PAL_REMQUEL_D (void **entry, void **removed_entry); /* Deferred */


A pointer to a pointer to the queue entry to be removed.


A pointer to the address of the entry removed from the queue.

There are three possible return values:

  • --1 if the queue was empty
  • 0 if the entry was removed and the queue is now empty
  • 1 if the entry was removed and the queue has remaining entries __PAL_REMQUEQ

This function removes an entry from a quadword queue. This function must have write access to header and queue entries.

This function has the following format:

int __PAL_REMQUEQ (void *entry, void **removed_entry);


A pointer to the queue entry to be removed.


A pointer to the address of the entry removed from the queue.

There are three possible return values:

  • --1 if the queue was empty
  • 0 if the entry was removed and the queue is now empty
  • 1 if the entry was removed and the queue has remaining entries __PAL_REMQUEQ_D

This function removes an entry from a quadword queue deferred. This function must have write access to header and queue entries.

This function has the following format:

int __PAL_REMQUEQ_D (void **entry, void **removed_entry); /* Deferred */


A pointer to a pointer to the queue entry to be removed.


A pointer to the address of the entry removed from the queue.

There are three possible return values:

  • --1 if the queue was empty
  • 0 if the entry was removed and the queue is now empty
  • 1 if the entry was removed and the queue has remaining entries __PAL_SWPCTX

This function returns ownership of the data structure that contains the current hardware privileged context (the HWPCB) to the operating system and passes ownership of the new HWPCB to the processor.

This function has the following format:

void __PAL_SWPCTX (void *address);


A pointer to the new HWPCB. __PAL_SWASTEN

This function swaps the previous state of the Asynchronous System Trap (AST) enable bit for the new state. The new state is supplied in bit 0 of new_state_mask. The previous state is returned, zero-extended.

A check is made to determine if an AST is pending. If the enabling conditions are present for an AST at the completion of this instruction, the AST occurs before the next instruction.

This function has the following format:

unsigned int __PAL_SWASTEN (int new_state_mask);


An integer whose 0 bit is the new state of the AST enable bit. __PAL_WR_PS_SW

This function writes the low-order three bits of mask into the Processor Status software field (PS<SW>).

This function has the following format:

void __PAL_WR_PS_SW (int mask);


An integer whose low-order three bits are written into PS<SW>. _POPCNT

The _POPCNT built-in function returns the number of "1" bits (0 to 64) in its argument. For example, _POPCNT(12) returns 2.

This function has the following format:

int64 _POPCNT (unsigned int64); _POPPAR

The _POPPAR built-in function returns 1 if the number of "1" bits in its argument is odd; otherwise it returns 0. For example, _POPPAR(12) returns 0.

This function has the following format:

int64 _POPPAR (unsigned int64); Read Process Cycle Counter ( __RPCC)

The __RPCC function reads the current process cycle counter.

This function has the following format:

uint64 __RPCC (void); Sine ( __SIN)

The __SIN built-in is functionally equivalent to its counterpart, sin , in the standard header file <math.h> .

Its format is also the same:

#include <math.h>
double __SIN (double x);


A radian value.

This built-in offers performance improvements because there is less call overhead associated with its use.

If you include <math.h> , the built-in is automatically used for all occurrences of sin . To disable the built-in, use #undef sin . Single-Precision, Floating-Point Arithmetic Built-in Functions

The following built-in functions provide single-precision, floating-point chopped arithmetic:


They have the following format:

float __op{F,S}_C (float operand1, float operand2);

Where op is one of ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, and {F,S} represents VAX or IEEE floating-point arithmetic, respectively.

The result of the arithmetic operation is returned. Test for Bit Clear then Clear Bit Interlocked (__INTERLOCKED_TESTBITCC_QUAD)

The __INTERLOCKED_TESTBITCC_QUAD function performs the following functions in interlocked fashion:

  1. Returns the complement of the specified bit before being cleared.
  2. Clears the bit.

This function has one of the following formats:

int __INTERLOCKED_TESTBITCC_QUAD (volatile void *address, int bit_position);
int __INTERLOCKED_TESTBITCC_QUAD_RETRY (volatile void *address, int bit_position, int retry, int *status);


The quadword-aligned base address of the bit field.


The position within the field of the bit that you want cleared, in the range of 0 to 63.


A retry count of type int that indicates the number of times the operation is attempted (which is at least once, even if the retry argument is 0). If the operation cannot be performed successfully in the specified number of retries, the function returns without updating the quadword.


A pointer to an integer that is set to 0 if the operation did not succeed within the specified number of retries, and set to 1 if the operation succeeded. Test for Bit Clear then Clear Bit Interlocked (__TESTBITCCI)

The __TESTBITCCI function performs the following operations in interlocked fashion:

  • Returns the complement of the specified bit before being cleared
  • Clears the bit

This function has the following format:

int __TESTBITCCI (void *address, int position, ...);


The base address of the field.


The position within the field of the bit that you want cleared.


An optional retry count of type int . If specified, the retry count indicates the number of times the operation is attempted (which will be at least once, even if the count argument is 0). Test for Bit Set Then Set Bit Interlocked (__INTERLOCKED_TESTBITSS_QUAD)

The __INTERLOCKED_TESTBITSS_QUAD function performs the following functions in interlocked fashion:

  1. Returns the value of the specified bit before being set.
  2. Sets the bit.

This function has one of the following formats:

int __INTERLOCKED_TESTBITSS_QUAD (volatile void *address, int bit_position);
int __INTERLOCKED_TESTBITSS_QUAD_RETRY (volatile void *address, int expression, int retry, int *status);


The quadword-aligned base address of the bit field.


The position within the field of the bit that you want cleared, in the range of 0 to 63.


A retry count of type int that indicates the number of times the operation is attempted (which is at least once, even if the retry argument is 0). If the operation cannot be performed successfully in the specified number of retries, the function returns without updating the longword.


A pointer to an integer that is set to 0 if the operation did not succeed within the specified number of retries, and set to 1 if the operation succeeded. Test for Bit Set then Set Bit Interlocked (__TESTBITSSI)

The __TESTBITSSI function performs the following operations in interlocked fashion:

  • Returns the value of the specified bit before being set
  • Sets the bit

This function has the following format:

int __TESTBITSSI (void *address, int position, ...);


The base address of the field.


The position within the field of the bit that you want set.


An optional retry count of type int . If specified, the retry count indicates the number of times the operation is attempted (which will be at least once, even if the count argument is 0). _TRAILZ

The _TRAILZ built-in function returns the number of trailing zeros (counting after the least significant set bit to the least significant bit position) in its argument. For example, _TRAILZ(2) returns 1, and _TRAILZ(0) returns 64.

This function has the following format:

int64 _TRAILZ (unsigned int64); Trap Barrier Instruction ( __TRAPB)

The __TRAPB function allows software to guarantee that, in a pipeline implementation, all previous arithmetic instructions will be completed without incurring any arithmetic traps before any instructions after the TRAPB instruction are issued.

This function has the following format:

void __TRAPB (void); Unsigned Quadword Multiply High ( __UMULH)

The __UMULH function performs a quadword multiply high instruction.

This function has the following format:

uint64 __UMULH (uint64 operand1, uint64 operand2);


A 64-bit unsigned integer.


A 64-bit unsigned integer.

The two operands are multiplied as unsigned integers to produce a 128-bit result. The high-order 64 bits are returned. Note that uint64 is a typedef for the Alpha data type unsigned __int64 .

6.2.2 Built-In Functions for OpenVMS VAX Systems (VAX ONLY)

The following sections describe the Compaq C built-in functions available on OpenVMS VAX systems.

The Compaq C built-in functions use enumerated typedefs to define possible return values. We recommend that you use the enumerated types to store and compare return values. Allocate Bytes from Stack ( __ALLOCA)

The __ALLOCA function allocates n bytes from the stack.

This function has the following format:

void *__ALLOCA (unsigned int n);


The number of bytes to be allocated.

A pointer to the allocated memory is returned. Add Aligned Word Interlocked ( _ADAWI)

The _ADAWI function adds its source operand to the destination. This function is interlocked against similar operations by other processors or devices in the system.

The _ADAWI function has the following format:

typedef enum { _adawi_sum_neg=--1, _adawi_sum_zero, _adawi_sum_pos} _ADAWI_STATUS;
_ADAWI_STATUS _ADAWI (short __src, short *__dest);


The value to be added to the destination.


A pointer to the destination. The destination must be aligned on a word boundary. (You can achieve alignment using the _align or __align storage-class modifier.)

There are three possible return values:

  • adawi_sum_neg (--1) if the sum when considered to be a signed number is negative
  • adawi_sum_zero (0) if the sum is 0
  • adawi_sum_pos (1) if the sum is positive Branch on Bit Clear-Clear Interlocked ( _BBCCI)

The _BBCCI function performs the following functions in interlocked fashion:

  • Returns the complement of the bit specified by the two arguments
  • Clears the bit specified by the two arguments

The _BBCCI function has the following format:

typedef enum { _bbcci_oldval_1, _bbcci_oldval_0} _BBCCI_STATUS;
_BBCCI_STATUS _BBCCI (int __position, void *__address);


The position of the bit within the field.


The base address of the field.

The return value of _bbcci_oldval_1 (0) or _bbcci_oldval_0 (1) is the complement of the value of the specified bit before being cleared. Branch on Bit Set-Set Interlocked ( _BBSSI)

The _BBSSI function performs the following functions in interlocked fashion:

  • Returns the status of the bit specified by the two arguments
  • Sets the bit specified by the two arguments

The _BBSSI function has the following format:

typedef enum { _bbssi_oldval_0, _bbcci_oldval_1} _BBSSI_STATUS;
_BBSSI_STATUS _BBSSI (int __position, void *__address);


The position of the bit within the field.


The base address of the field.

The return value of _bbssi_oldval_0 (0) or _bbssi_oldval_1 (1) is the value of the specified bit before being set. Find First Clear Bit ( _FFC)

The _FFC function finds the position of the first clear bit in a field. The bits are tested for clear status starting at bit 0 and extending to the highest bit in the field.

The _FFC function has the following format:

typedef enum { _ff_bit_not_found, _ff_bit_found} _FF_STATUS;
_FF_STATUS _FFC (int __start, char __size, const void *__base, int *__position);


The start position of the field.


The size of the field, in bits. The size must be a value from 0 to 32 bits.


The address of the field.


The address of an integer to receive the position of the clear bit. If no bit is clear, the integer is set to the position of the first bit past the last bit tested.

There are two possible return values:

  • _ff_bit_not_found (0) if all bits in the field are set
  • _ff_bit_found (1) if a bit with value 0 is found

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