HP OpenVMS Systems

C++ Programming Language
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Compaq C++
Using Compaq C++ for OpenVMS VAX

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Chapter 8
8 Using the OpenVMS Debugger
     8.1     Debugging Compaq C++ Programs
         8.1.1         Compiling and Linking in Preparation for Debugging
         8.1.2         Debugger Support
         8.1.3         Starting and Ending a Debugging Session
         8.1.4         Features Basic to Debugging Compaq C++ Programs
                Determining Language Mode
                The %name Lexical Function
                Built-In Operators
                Constructs in Language and Address Expressions
                Data Types
                Qualified Class Names
     8.2     Using the OpenVMS Debugger with C++ Data
         8.2.1         Nonstatic Data Members
                Noninherited Data Members
                Inherited Data Members
                Inherited Virtual Data Members
         8.2.2         Static Data Members
         8.2.3         Reference Objects and Reference Members
         8.2.4         Pointers to Members
         8.2.5         Referencing Entities by Type
     8.3     Using the OpenVMS Debugger with C++ Functions
         8.3.1         Referring to Overloaded Functions
         8.3.2         Referring to Static and Nonstatic Member Functions
         8.3.3         Referring to Constructors
         8.3.4         Referring to Destructors
         8.3.5         Referring to Conversions
         8.3.6         Referring to User-Defined Operators
         8.3.7         Referring to Function Arguments
         8.3.8         Calling C++ Member Functions from the Debugger
Appendix A
Appendix A Compiler Command Qualifiers
Appendix B
Appendix B Programming Tools
     B.1     DEC Language-Sensitive Editor
         B.1.1         Starting and Terminating an LSE Session
         B.1.2         LSE Placeholders and Tokens
         B.1.3         Compiling and Reviewing Source Code from an LSE Session
         B.1.4         DEC Source Code Analyzer (SCA)
Appendix C
Appendix C Compaq C++ Compiler Messages
Appendix D
Appendix D Built-In Functions
     D.1     Privileged Architecture Library Code Instructions
         D.1.1         __PAL_BPT
         D.1.2         __PAL_BUGCHK
         D.1.3         __PAL_CFLUSH
         D.1.4         __PAL_CHME
         D.1.5         __PAL_CHMK
         D.1.6         __PAL_CHMS
         D.1.7         __PAL_CHMU
         D.1.8         __PAL_DRAINA
         D.1.9         __PAL_GENTRAP
         D.1.10         __PAL_HALT
         D.1.11         __PAL_INSQHIL
         D.1.12         __PAL_INSQHILR
         D.1.13         __PAL_INSQHIQ
         D.1.14         __PAL_INSQHIQR
         D.1.15         __PAL_INSQTIL
         D.1.16         __PAL_INSQTILR
         D.1.17         __PAL_INSQTIQ
         D.1.18         __PAL_INSQTIQR
         D.1.19         __PAL_INSQUEL
         D.1.20         __PAL_INSQUEL_D
         D.1.21         __PAL_INSQUEQ
         D.1.22         __PAL_INSQUEQ_D
         D.1.23         __PAL_LDQP
         D.1.24         __PAL_MFPR_XXXX
         D.1.25         __PAL_MTPR_XXXX
         D.1.26         __PAL_PROBER
         D.1.27         __PAL_PROBEW
         D.1.28         __PAL_RD_PS
         D.1.29         __PAL_REMQHIL
         D.1.30         __PAL_REMQHILR
         D.1.31         __PAL_REMQHIQ
         D.1.32         __PAL_REMQHIQR
         D.1.33         __PAL_REMQTIL
         D.1.34         __PAL_REMQTILR
         D.1.35         __PAL_REMQTIQ
         D.1.36         __PAL_REMQTIQR
         D.1.37         __PAL_REMQUEL
         D.1.38         __PAL_REMQUEL_D
         D.1.39         __PAL_REMQUEQ
         D.1.40         __PAL_REMQUEQ_D
         D.1.41         __PAL_STQP
         D.1.42         __PAL_SWASTEN
         D.1.43         __PAL_SWPCTX
         D.1.44         __PAL_WR_PS_SW
     D.2     Absolute Value ( __ABS)
     D.3     Add Aligned Word Interlocked ( __ADAWI)
     D.4     Add Atomic Longword ( __ADD_ATOMIC_LONG)
     D.5     Add Atomic Quadword ( __ADD_ATOMIC_QUAD)
     D.6     AND Atomic Longword ( __AND_ATOMIC_LONG)
     D.7     AND Atomic Quadword ( __AND_ATOMIC_QUAD)
     D.8     OR Atomic Longword ( __OR_ATOMIC_LONG)
     D.9     OR Atomic Quadword ( __OR_ATOMIC_QUAD)
     D.10     Allocate Bytes from Stack ( __ALLOCA)
     D.11     Single-Precision, Floating-Point Arithmetic Built-in Functions
     D.12     Double-Precision, Floating-Point Arithmetic Built-in Functions
     D.13     Copy Sign Built-in Functions
     D.14     Compare Store Longword ( __CMP_STORE_LONG)
     D.15     Compare Store Quadword ( __CMP_STORE_QUAD)
     D.16     Cosine ( __COS)
     D.17     Convert G_Floating to F_Floating Chopped ( __CVTGF_C)
     D.18     Convert G-Floating to Quadword ( __CVTGQ)
     D.19     Convert IEEE T_Floating to IEEE S_Floating Chopped ( __CVTTS_C)
     D.20     Convert IEEE T-Floating to Quadword ( __CVTTQ)
     D.21     Floating-Point Absolute Value ( __FABS)
     D.22     Longword Absolute Value ( __LABS)
     D.23     Memory Barrier ( __MB)
     D.24     Memory Copy and Set Functions ( __MEMCPY, __MEMMOVE, __MEMSET)
     D.25     Read Process Cycle Counter ( __RPCC)
     D.26     Sine ( __SIN)
     D.27     Test for Bit Clear then Clear Bit Interlocked ( __TESTBITCCI)
     D.28     Test for Bit Set then Set Bit Interlocked ( __TESTBITSSI)
     D.29     Trap Barrier Instruction ( __TRAPB)
     D.30     Unsigned Quadword Multiply High ( __UMULH)

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