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HP DECwindows Motif
for HP OpenVMS Alpha
Release Notes

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3.3.8 Help on Kerberos Login Box is Incorrect


The online help for Revoke Ticket is incorrect. See the HP DECwindows Motif for HP OpenVMS Alpha New Features manual for the correct description.

3.3.9 Generating Cookies in the Default X Authority File


Inserting cookies in the default X authority file may interfere with the session cookie. It is recommended that users avoid inserting generated cookies into the default X authority file. To avoid inserting a cookie into the default X authority file, do the following. Use the /XAUTH qualifier to specify an X authority file other than the default file.


If a generated cookie is inserted in the default X authority file, you can restore normal operation by ending the current session.

If you insert a generated cookie into a user's default X authority file, outside of a DECwindows session, you may need to delete the X authority file before that user can login.

3.3.10 Enabling and Disabling Access Control


DECwindows Motif does not enable access control by default. Instead, the product uses access control set by the server. The DECwindows X11 display server enables access control at startup time.

To force the DECwindows Session Manager to enable or disable access control explicitly at login time, you can define one of the following logical names:


If the logical name is not defined or if it is defined to some other value, such as "SERVER", DECwindows login neither enables nor disables access control.

In most cases, it should not be necessary to define the logical name.

3.4 Desktop Management

This section describes important issues and considerations related to managing desktop applications.

3.4.1 Define DECW$UTILS Global Symbol When Moving DECW$EXAMPLES Global Symbol


DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.2 introduced a new symbol, DECW$UTILS. Normally, this symbol points to a subdirectory of DECW$EXAMPLES. If you define a DECW$EXAMPLES global symbol in the DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM command procedure to change the directory for DECwindows example programs, you must also define DECW$UTILS to change the directory for utilities.

For example, to redefine both DECW$EXAMPLES and DECW$UTILS, add the following lines to the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM procedure:




Then, restart DECwindows Motif with the following command:


3.4.2 Color Problem in DECwindows Login Screen


A problem may occur on systems that have a customized DECW$LOGIN.DAT file. The Start Session dialog box is the color blue instead of tan. If this condition exists, look for a customized DECW$LOGIN.DAT file in the directory SYS$COMMON:[DECW$DEFAULTS.USER] and move it to SYS$MANAGER. A DECW$LOGIN.DAT file in SYS$COMMON:[DECW$DEFAULTS.USER] prevents the "*background:" resource from being defined; thus, it will default to the color blue.

HP provides a copy of the DECW$LOGIN.DAT file in the SYS$COMMON:[DECW$DEFAULTS.SYSTEM] directory. Any customized versions of this file should reside only in SYS$MANAGER.

3.4.3 Displaying Customized Login Logos


By default, if there is no DECwindows Motif license registered for the SYSTEM account, DECwindows does not display customized login logos. This is a problem on systems with DECwindows Motif personal-use licenses that do not include SYSTEM on the list of authorized DECwindows users.

To display a customized logo without a DECwindows Motif license for SYSTEM, add the following definition to the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM file:



If the file does not exist, copy it from the file SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.TEMPLATE.

After editing the setup file, restart DECwindows Motif using the following command:


DECwindows Motif login starts the logo process as a subprocess instead of as a detached process. The license check sees that the logo process is a child of the login process and that the X connection is opened.

3.5 Font and Keymap Management

The following sections contain release notes pertaining to font and keymap support.

3.5.1 Euro Currency Symbol Restrictions


The following limitations exist with DECwindows Motif and its support for the euro currency symbol:

  • When the euro symbol is pasted or sent to another X window application on a different platform (such as UNIX) using Compound Text format, the character may not be recognized as the euro symbol on the other platform.
  • The euro currency symbol is not included as part of the scalable font sets available with DECwindows Motif. Applications using scalable fonts cannot display the euro symbol.
  • Although you can use EDT to type the euro character into a file, the symbol may not display correctly on the screen. For example, typing Compose o x displays the A4 character code.

3.5.2 Cannot Grab Windows with Mouse When Mode_switch is On


When traditional keyboard maps that implement Mode_switch are loaded without either having first loaded the X Keyboard server extension or modifying the default DECW$MWM resource settings, windows can not be grabbed with the mouse while the Mode_switch is on.

For example, with the AUSTRIAN_GERMAN_LK401AG_TW keymap loaded, the compose key is a one-shot lockdown modifier. The first time compose is pressed, Mode_switch is turned on and windows can not be grabbed. If compose is pressed a second time or if another key that is affected by compose being locked is pressed (such as the letter "a"), Mode_switch is turned off and windows can be grabbed.

To prevent this from occurring on the CDE desktop, do one of the following:

  • Load the X Keyboard server extension, as described in the HP DECwindows Motif for HP OpenVMS Alpha New Features manual and restart the server. This will prevent the problem from occurring in all future CDE sessions.
  • After changing the keymap, logout of the CDE session and login again. This will prevent the problem from occurring in the current session.
    To prevent this from occurring on the Traditional Desktop, do the following and then exit and restart your DECwindows Motif session:
  • Redefine the DECW$MWM resources to allow window grabbing, by editing the file DECW$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS:DECW$MWM.DAT, and setting the value of Mwm*ignoreModKeys and Mwm*ignoreAllModKeys to TRUE.

3.5.3 Performance Problem with Certain Keymaps


There is a performance problem when using the Austrian-German keymap (AUSTRIAN_GERMAN_LK401AG_TW). The problem can also occur with other keyboard and/or language changes, when the user selects a sequence of keyboard maps/languages which force the Mode_switch modifier into the mod4 or mod5 entry in the keyboard modifier map. This happens in response to the user selecting a keyboard map in the "Keyboard Options" popup that uses the Mode_switch modifier.

To verify the position of the Mode_switch modifier in the keyboard modifier map, use the following commands:

xmodmap:  up to 3 keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses):

shift       Shift_R (0xab),  Shift_L (0xae)
lock        Caps_Lock (0xb0)
control     Control_L (0xaf)
mod1        Alt_L (0xac),  Alt_R (0xb2)
mod2        Mode_switch (0xb1)
mod3        Multi_key (0xad)
mod4        Mode_switch (0x7a)
mod5        Help (0x7c)

As a workaround, change the modifier mapping after selecting the keyboard map by using the DECW$UTILS:XMODMAP.EXE utility.

  1. Create a file, which when passed to XMODMAP, clears the keyboard modifier map and remaps the Mode_switch to a lower entry in the keyboard modifier map:

    clear shift
    clear lock
    clear control
    clear mod1
    clear mod2
    clear mod3
    clear mod4
    clear mod5
    add shift = Shift_R Shift_L
    add lock = Caps_Lock
    add control = Control_L
    add mod1 = Alt_R Alt_L
    add mod2 = Multi_key
    add mod3 = Mode_switch
    add mod5 = Help
  2. Pass the file to XMODMAP using the following commands:


3.6 Proxy Server Management

The following sections contain release notes pertaining to the management of the Low-Bandwidth X (LBX) proxy server and related proxy applications.

3.6.1 Some Applications Do Not Work Reliably with LBX Proxy Server


Some applications may experience problems when connected through an LBX Proxy Server to the DECwindows Motif display server. These problems can include hanging the DECwindows server, the proxy server, or the client.

To avoid these problems, disable selected options within the LBX proxy server. Specific cases are:

  • Applications, such as XMAG and Print Screen, that do XGetImage calls may hang in systems with XINERAMA. Use the NOIMAGE and NOGRAPHICS options to avoid this.
  • Applications that do large requests, such as CDA Viewer, may hang the server. Use the NOCOMP option to avoid this.
  • Some applications may return BADWINDOW or BADLENGTH if TAGS is enabled. Use the NOTAGS option to avoid this.

Use a command similar to the following:


LBX proxy server options can be disabled in SYS$MANAGER:DECW$LBXPROXY.DECW$PMCFG.

3.6.2 Proxy Manager Process Does Not Restart Automatically


The following problems can occur with the proxy manager when DECwindows Motif is configured to restart the proxy manager process automatically and the DECwindows Motif session is manually restarted:

  • If the proxy manager was running, a new process is not invoked when DECwindows Motif is restarted.
  • If the proxy manager was not running, a new process is started; however, the owner of the process is the user who enters the startup command and not the SYSTEM account.

Note that these problems do not occur when DECwindows Motif is restarted as part of an ordered system shutdown (reboot).

To manually restart the proxy manager, enter the following command for each active proxy manager process before restarting DECwindows Motif:

$ STOP process-name

where process-name represents the name of an active process, such as DECW$PROXY.

Note that this command not only stops an active proxy manager process, but also terminates all proxy server connections managed by the process.

To ensure that the owner of the proxy manager process is the SYSTEM account, always log in as SYSTEM when restarting DECwindows Motif.

3.6.3 Proxy Manager Configuration File Restriction


The proxy manager does not support specifying more then one managed or unmanaged entry for the same proxy service in the configuration file. If there are multiple entries, only the first one will be processed.

3.7 X Display Server Management

The following sections contain release notes pertaining to the management of the DECwindows X11 Display Server.

3.7.1 Some Combinations of Server Extensions Not Supported


Currently, the following combinations of X server extensions are not supported:


Note that these extensions may be enabled concurrently on the same DECwindows Motif system. However, due to resource or function conflicts, concurrent use of these extensions on the same system is not supported.

3.7.2 Extraneous Characters Displayed When Running XMAG in a Vertical Multihead Configuration Using XINERAMA


When using XMAG to display an image on a multihead system using XINERAMA, a one-pixel line of extraneous characters might appear between the screens when the screens are configured vertically. This problem does not occur when the screens are configured horizontally.

3.7.3 Incorrect Placement of Cascade Menus in Multihead Configurations Using XINERAMA


In some cases, DECwindows Motif cascade menus may not appear on the correct screen in a multihead configuration using XINERAMA. The menu is displayed in the correct position on the wrong screen. Currently, there is no workaround.

3.7.4 XINERAMA Supported in 2D Mode Only


Using the XINERAMA extension to the X server with 3D applications, such as OpenGL, is not supported. This extension should be used in a 2D environment only.

Chapter 4
Programming Release Notes

This chapter contains release notes related to programming in the DECwindows Motif environment.

4.1 General Programming

This section contains release notes pertaining to the general DECwindows Motif programming environment.

4.1.1 OSF/Motif Toolkit Support and Compatibility


The following table lists the versions of the OSF/Motif Toolkit and X Window System upon which each release of DECwindows Motif is based.

DECwindows Motif OSF/Motif Toolkit X Window System
Version 1.3 CDE Motif 1.0 Toolkit (OSF/Motif Release 1.2.5) Version 11 Release 6.6 (X11R6.6)
Version 1.2--6 CDE Motif 1.0 Toolkit (OSF/Motif Release 1.2.5) X11R5
Version 1.2--5 CDE Motif 1.0 Toolkit (OSF/Motif Release 1.2.5) X11R5
Version 1.2--4 CDE Motif 1.0 Toolkit (OSF/Motif Release 1.2.5) X11R5
Version 1.2--3 OSF/Motif 1.2.3 Toolkit (with extensions for the Common Desktop Environment (CDE)) X11R5
Version 1.2 OSF/Motif 1.2.2 Toolkit Version 11 Release 5 (X11R5)
Version 1.1 OSF/Motif 1.1.3 Toolkit X11R4
Version 1.0 OSF/Motif 1.1.1 Toolkit Version 11 Release 4 (X11R4)

Note that although DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.1 applications will continue to run without modification with current version of DECwindows Motif, only those applications that have been built against the OSF/Motif Release 1.2.2 Toolkit can take advantage of Version 1.2 features, such as drag-and-drop functionality and tear-off menus.

See Appendix B additional information related to the OSF/Motif Toolkit.

4.1.2 Run-Time and Programming Environment Support


The following run-time and programming environments are provided with the HP DECwindows Motif for HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3 software:

  • Run-time support is provided for the CDE Motif 1.0 Toolkit (OSF/Motif Release 1.2.5), OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 Toolkit, and the XUI Toolkits.
  • Development support is provided for the CDE Motif 1.0 Toolkit only.
    However, you can choose during installation to save the OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 programming files that existed on your system prior to the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.2--4 product. Refer to the Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Installation Guide for details about saving the OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 programming environment.
    • If you install the software using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility and if programming support for the OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 Toolkit is present, then you can choose to save the header files and UIL compiler that were used to develop OSF/Motif Release 1.1.3 applications. If selected, the installation procedure creates a subdirectory called [.DECW$113], and the previous programming files are moved into the new subdirectory.

    See the HP DECwindows Motif for HP OpenVMS Alpha Installation Guide for additional information about saving the Release 1.1.3 programming environment.
  • Application development with the HP DECwindows Motif for HP OpenVMS Alpha product is supported for C++ as well as for updated Motif language bindings for Ada, Pascal, Fortran, and C. Language bindings for Ada are available in the Ada Version 3.5A for OpenVMS (VAX and Alpha) layered products. Note, however, that these binding do not include enhancements added with HP DECwindows Motif for HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3.

4.1.3 Increased Stack Requirements


The addition of significant new functionality in the DECwindows Motif client libraries may increase the stack space used by DECwindows Motif at run time. Client applications that call DECwindows Motif functions from threads other than the main thread may experience a stack overflow.

If an overflow occurs, rebuild the application using a larger stack size for created threads.

Note that this problem does not occur with single-threaded applications or those multithreaded applications that make all their calls to DECwindows Motif from the main application thread.

4.1.4 Privileges Required for ICE, Proxy Manager, and LBX Server Processes


The Inter-Client Exchange (ICE), proxy manager, and Low-Bandwidth X (LBX) proxy server each provide functions that can establish separate server processes. These server processes may require certain system resources to gain access to one or more transport interfaces and to manage client connections.

The following table shows the minimum privileges required, according to network transport, to gain access to the appropriate resources:

Transport Privilege

4.1.5 Support for Display PostScript Removed


Starting August 1, 1998, support was discontinued for the Display PostScript software licensed by Adobe Systems Incorporated. This action resulted from Adobe ending their former ongoing support of Display PostScript.

Due to this decision, HP is contractually obligated to remove all Display PostScript capability from the DECwindows Motif software. This includes all related translated-image support and any functionality described in the following programming reference manuals:

  • VMS DECwindows Display PostScript System Programming Supplement
  • Display PostScript System: Perspective for Software Developers
  • Display PostScript System: Client Library Reference Manual
  • Display PostScript System: Color Extensions
  • Display PostScript System: pswrap Reference Manual
  • PostScript Document Structuring Conventions Specification Version 2.1

Currently, there is no workaround. See the following sections for more information on the potential impact to applications in the DECwindows Motif environment. Impact on DECwindows Motif Applications

Removing Display PostScript from DECwindows Motif impacts any application that relies on its capabilities to present and display graphics and documents in PostScript format.

Unfortunately, this includes not only those applications developed by HP, such as the CDA Viewer, but also any third-party, user-written, or translated VAX applications that depend on one or more of the following files and libraries. These items are no longer a part the product kit and are removed from your system when upgrading from a previous version of DECwindows Motif client software.

  • PSWRAP command (DCL)
  • Display PostScript (XDPS) libraries
  • Display PostScript header files and sample programs
  • Translated-Image Support (TIS) files

The actual effect of removing Display PostScript depends on the extent to which it was implemented in the application. Applications that call the PSWRAP command, may fail only at the point where the command is invoked. However, applications that link against one or more of the XDPS libraries or TIS images will fail to function entirely due to unresolved links at run time.

As a result, you may need to modify those portions of DECwindows Motif applications that rely on these files to run successfully in the HP DECwindows Motif for HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3 environment.

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