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OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual

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Maps a given virtual address onto an image or execlet.


COMP_IMG_OFF sda$get_image_offset (VOID_PQ va, VOID_PQ img_info,
VOID_PQ subimg_info, VOID_PQ offset);



OpenVMS usage address
type quadword (unsigned)
access read only
mechanism by value

Virtual address of interest.


OpenVMS usage address
type quadword (unsigned)
access write only
mechanism by reference

Pointer to return addr of LDRIMG or IMCB block.


OpenVMS usage address
type quadword (unsigned)
access write only
mechanism by reference

Pointer to return addr of ISD_OVERLAY or KFERES.


OpenVMS usage quadword_unsigned
type quadword (unsigned)
access write only
mechanism by reference

Pointer to address to return offset from image.


Given a virtual address, this routine finds in which image it falls and returns the image information and offset. The loaded image list is traversed first to find this information. If it is not found, then the activated image list of the currently selected process is traversed. If still unsuccessful, then the resident installed images are checked.

Condition Values Returned

SDA_CIO$V_VALID Set if image offset is found
SDA_CIO$V_PROCESS Set if image is an activated image
SDA_CIO$V_SLICED Set if the image is sliced
SDA_CIO$V_COMPRESSED Set if activated image contains compressed data sections
SDA_CIO$V_ISD_INDEX Index into ISD_LABELS table (only for LDRIMG execlets)

The status returned indicates the type of image if a match was found.

SDA_CIO$V_xxx flags set: img_info type: subimg_info type:
valid LDRIMG n/a
valid && sliced LDRIMG ISD_OVERLAY
valid && process IMCB n/a
valid && process && sliced IMCB KFERES_SECTION


VOID_PQ va = (VOID_PQ)0xFFFFFFFF80102030;
COMP_IMG_OFF sda_cio;
int64 img_info;
int64 subimg_info;
int64 offset;
sda_cio = sda$get_image_offset (va,

For an example of code that interprets the returned COMP_IMG_OFF structure, see the supplied example program, SYS$EXAMPLES:MBX$SDA.C.


Reads input commands.


int sda$get_input (char *prompt, char *buffer, uint32 buflen);



OpenVMS usage char_string
type character string
access read only
mechanism by reference

Address of prompt string (zero-terminated ASCII string).


OpenVMS usage char_string
type character string
access write only
mechanism by reference

Address of buffer to store command.


OpenVMS usage longword_unsigned
type longword (unsigned)
access read only
mechanism by value

Maximum length of buffer.


The command entered is returned as a zero-terminated string. The string is not uppercased. If you do not enter input but simply press <return> or <ctrl/Z>, the routine returns a null string.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMAL Successful completion.
RMS$_EOF User pressed <ctrl/Z>


int status;
char buffer[128];
status = sda$get_input ( "MBX> ", buffer, sizeof (buffer) );

This call prompts you for input with "MBX> " and stores the response in the buffer.


Obtains the number of lines currently printed on the current page.


void sda$get_line_count (uint32 *line_count);



OpenVMS usage longword_unsigned
type longword (unsigned)
access write only
mechanism by reference

The number of lines printed on current page.


Returns the number of lines that have been printed so far on the current page.

Condition Values Returned



uint32 line_count;
sda$get_line_count (&line_count);

This call copies the current line count on the current page of output to the location LINE_COUNT.


Reads dump or system memory and signals a warning if inaccessible.


int sda$getmem (VOID_PQ start, void *dest, int length, __optional_params);



OpenVMS usage address
type quadword (unsigned)
access read only
mechanism by value

Starting virtual address in dump or system.


OpenVMS usage address
type varies
access write only
mechanism by reference

Return buffer address.


OpenVMS usage longword_unsigned
type longword (unsigned)
access read only
mechanism by value

Length of transfer.


OpenVMS usage longword_unsigned
type longword (unsigned)
access read only
mechanism by value

0: <start> is a virtual address. This is the default.
1: <start> is a physical address.


This routine transfers an area from the memory in the dump file or the running system to the caller's return buffer. It performs the necessary address translation to locate the data in the dump file. SDA$GETMEM signals a warning and returns an error status if the data is inaccessible.

Related Routines


Condition Values Returned

SDA$_SUCCESS Successful completion
SDA$_NOREAD The data is inaccessible for some reason.
SDA$_NOTINPHYS The data is inaccessible for some reason.
Others The data is inaccessible for some reason.

If a failure status code is returned, it has already been signaled as a warning.


int status;
PCB *current_pcb;
PHD *current_phd;
status = sda$getmem ((VOID_PQ)&current_pcb->pcb$l_phd, &current_phd, 4);

This call returns the contents of the PCB$L_PHD field of the PCB, whose system address is in the pointer CURRENT_PCB, to the pointer CURRENT_PHD.


Translates one Alpha machine instruction into the assembler string equivalent.


int sda$instruction_decode (void *istream_ptr, char *buffer, uint32 buflen);



OpenVMS usage address
type longword (unsigned)
access read/write
mechanism by reference

Address of the pointer that points to a copy of the i-stream in a local buffer.


OpenVMS usage char_string
type character string
access write only
mechanism by reference

Address of a string buffer into which to store the output assembler string.


OpenVMS usage longword_unsigned
type longword (unsigned)
access read only
mechanism by value

Maximum size of the string buffer.


Translates an Alpha machine instruction into the assembler string equivalent. Alpha instructions are always 4 bytes long. The instruction stream must first be read into local memory and then the address of a pointer to the local copy of the instruction stream is passed to the routine. For every successful translated instruction, the pointer is automatically updated to point to the next instruction.

The output assembler string is zero-terminated and in case of a failure a null string is returned.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMAL Successful completion.
SS$_BADPARAM Any of the following failures:
  Output buffer too small
Invalid register
Invalid opcode class/format
Could not translate instruction


int status;
VOID_PQ va = (VOID_PQ)0xFFFFFFFF80102030;
uint32 instruction;
uint32 *istream = &instruction;
char buffer[64];
sda$reqmem (va, &instruction, 4);
status = sda$instruction_decode (&istream, buffer, sizeof (buffer));

This example reads the instruction at dump location VA and decodes it, putting the result into BUFFER. Pointer ISTREAM is incremented (to the next longword).


Begins a new page of output.


void sda$new_page ();




This routine causes a new page to be written and outputs the page heading (established with SDA$FORMAT_HEADING) and the current subheading (established with SDA$SET_HEADING_ROUTINE).

Condition Values Returned



sda$new_page ();

This call outputs a page break and displays the current page heading and subheading (if any).


Parses and executes an SDA command line.


void sda$parse_command (char *cmd_line, __optional_params);



OpenVMS usage char_string
type character string
access read only
mechanism by reference

Address of a valid SDA command line (zero-terminated).


OpenVMS usage longword_unsigned
type longword (unsigned)
access read only
mechanism by value

The options argument has the following values:
Value Meaning
SDA_OPT$K_PARSE_DONT_SAVE Indicates "do not save this command." This is the default.
SDA_OPT$K_PARSE_SAVE Indicates "save this command." That is, it can be recalled with KP0 or REPEAT.


Not every SDA command has a callable extension interface. For example, to redirect SDA's output, you would pass the command string "SET OUTPUT MBX.LIS" to this parse command routine. Abbreviations are allowed.

Condition Values Returned



sda$parse_command ("SHOW ADDRESS 80102030");

This call produces the following output:

        FFFFFFFF.80102030 is an S0/S1 address

                  Mapped by Level-3 PTE at: FFFFFFFD.FFE00408
                  Mapped by Level-2 PTE at: FFFFFFFD.FF7FF800
                  Mapped by Level-1 PTE at: FFFFFFFD.FF7FDFF8
                  Mapped by Selfmap PTE at: FFFFFFFD.FF7FDFF0

                  Also mapped in SPT window at: FFFFFFFF.FFDF0408

The "SHOW ADDRESS" command is not recorded as the most recent command for use with the KP0 key or the REPEAT command.


Formats and prints a single line.


int sda$print (char *ctrstr, __optional_params);



OpenVMS usage char_string
type character-coded text string
access read only
mechanism by reference

Address of a zero-terminated control string.


OpenVMS usage varying_arg
type quadword (signed or unsigned)
access read only
mechanism by value

Optional FAO parameters. All arguments after the control string are copied into a quadword parameter list, as used by $FAOL_64.


Formats and prints a single line. This is normally output to the terminal, unless you used the SDA commands SET OUTPUT or SET LOG to redirect or copy the output to a file.

Condition Values Returned

SDA$_SUCCESS Indicates a successful completion.
SDA$_CNFLTARGS Indicates more than twenty FAO parameters given.
Other Returns from the $PUT issued by SDA$PRINT (the error is also signaled). If the $FAOL_64 call issued by SDA$PRINT fails, the control string is output.


char buffer[32];
sda$get_block_name (0x6F, 0x20,
        sizeof (buffer));
sda$print ("Block type: !AZ", buffer);

This example outputs the following line:

Block type: VCC_CFCB


Reads symbols from a given file.


int sda$read_symfile (char *filespec, uint32 options, __optional_params);



OpenVMS usage char_string
type character string
access read only
mechanism by reference

Address of file or directory specification from which to read the symbols (zero-terminated ASCII string).


OpenVMS usage longword_unsigned
type longword (unsigned)
access read only
mechanism by value

Indicates type of symbol file and flags, as shown in the following:
Flags Effect
SDA_OPT$M_READ_FORCE read/force <file>
SDA_OPT$M_READ_IMAGE read/image <file>
SDA_OPT$M_READ_SYMVA read/symva <file>
SDA_OPT$M_READ_RELO read/relo <file>
SDA_OPT$M_READ_EXEC read/exec [<dir>]
SDA_OPT$M_READ_NOLOG /nolog, suppress count of symbols read
SDA_OPT$M_READ_FILESPEC <file> or <dir> given
SDA_OPT$M_READ_NOSIGNAL return status, without signaling errors


OpenVMS usage address
type longword (unsigned)
access read only
mechanism by value

Base address for symbols (nonsliced symbols).


OpenVMS usage address
type longword (unsigned)
access read only
mechanism by value

The symbol vector address (symbols are offsets into the symbol vector).


OpenVMS usage longword_unsigned
type longword (unsigned)
access read only
mechanism by value

Size of symbol vector.


OpenVMS usage address
type longword (unsigned)
access read only
mechanism by reference

The address of $LDRIMG data structure with execlet information.


This command reads symbols from a given file to add symbol definitions to the working symbol table by reading GST entries. The file is usually a symbol file (.STB) or an image (.EXE). If SDA_OPT$M_READ_EXEC is specified in the options, then the filespec is treated as a directory specification, where symbol files and/or image files for all execlets may be found (as with READ/EXECUTIVE). If no directory specification is given, the logical name SDA$READ_DIR is used.

Note that when SDA reads symbol files and finds routine names, the symbol name that matches the routine name is set to the address of the procedure descriptor. A second symbol name, the routine name with "_C" appended, is set to the start of the routine's prologue.

Condition Values Returned

SDA$_SUCCESS Successful completion.
SDA$_CNFLTARGS No filename given and SDA_OPT$M_READ_EXEC not set.

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