HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Run-Time Library Reference Manual for OpenVMS Systems

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Resets the error and end-of-file indicators for a file (so that ferror and feof will not return a nonzero value).


#include <stdio.h>

void clearerr (FILE *file_ptr);



A file pointer.


Sets the clear flag for the window.


#include <curses.h>

clearok (WINDOW *win, bool boolf);



The entire size of the terminal screen. You can use the windows stdscr and curscr with clearok .


A Boolean value of TRUE or FALSE. If the argument is TRUE, this forces a clearscreen to be printed on the next call to refresh , or stops the screen from being cleared if boolf is FALSE.

The type bool is defined in the <curses.h> header file as follows:

#define bool int


Unlike the clear function, the clearok function does not alter the contents of the window. If the win argument is curscr , the next call to refresh causes a clearscreen, even if the window passed to refresh is not a window the size of the entire terminal screen.


Determines the CPU time (in 10-millisecond units) used since the beginning of the process. The time reported is the sum of the user and system times of the calling process and any terminated child processes for which the calling process has executed wait or system .


#include <time.h>

clock_t clock (void);


The value returned by the clock function must be divided by the value of the CLK_TCK, as defined in the standard header file <time.h> , to obtain the time in seconds.

The type clock_t is defined in the <time.h> header file as follows:

typedef long int clock_t;

Only the accumulated times for child processes running a C main program or a program that calls VAXC$CRTL_INIT or DECC$CRTL_INIT are included.

A typical usage of the clock function is to call it after a program does its initial setup, and then again after the program executes the code to be timed. Then subtract the two values to give elapsed CPU time.

Return Values

n The processor time used.
- 1 Indicates that the processor time used is not available.

clock_getres (ALPHA ONLY)

Gets the resolution for the specified clock.


#include <time.h>

int clock_getres (clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec *res);



The clock type used to obtain the resolution. The CLOCK_REALTIME clock is supported and represents the TIME-OF-DAY clock for the system.


A pointer to the timespec data structure that receives the value of the clock's resolution.


The clock_getres function obtains the resolution value for the specified clock. Clock resolutions are implementation-dependent and cannot be set by a process.

If the res argument is not NULL, the resolution of the specified clock is stored in the location pointed to by res.

If res is NULL, the clock resolution is not stored.

If the time argument (tp) of clock_settime is not a multiple of res, then the value is truncated to a multiple of res.

On success, the function returns 0.

On failure, the function returns - 1 and sets errno to indicate the error.

See also clock_gettime , clock_settime , time , and ctime .

Return Values

0 Indicates success.
- 1 Indicates failure; errno is set to the following value:
  • EINVAL -- The clock_id argument does not specify a known clock.

clock_gettime (ALPHA ONLY)

Returns the current time (in seconds and nanoseconds) for the specified clock.


#include <time.h>

int clock_gettime (clockid_t clock_id, struct timespec *tp);



The clock type used to obtain the time for the clock that is set. The CLOCK_REALTIME clock is supported and represents the TIME-OF-DAY clock for the system.


A pointer to a timespec data structure.


The clock_gettime function returns the current tp value for the specified clock, clock_id.

On success, the function returns 0.

On failure, the function returns - 1 and sets errno to indicate the error.

See also clock_getres , clock_settime , time , and ctime .

Return Values

0 Indicates success.
- 1 Indicates failure; errno is set to the following value:
  • EINVAL -- The clock_id argument does not specify a known clock, or the tp argument specifies a nanosecond value less than 0 or greater than or equal to 1 billion.

clock_settime (ALPHA ONLY)

Sets the specified clock.


#include <time.h>

int clock_settime (clockid_t clock_id, const struct timespec *tp);



The clock type used for the clock that is to be set. The CLOCK_REALTIME clock is supported and represents the TIME-OF-DAY clock for the system.


A pointer to a timespec data structure.


The clock_settime function sets the specified clock, clock_id, to the value specified by tp. Time values that are between two consecutive non-negative integer multiples of the resolution of the specified clock are truncated down to the smaller multiple of the resolution.

A clock can be systemwide (that is, visible to all processes) or per-process (measuring time that is meaningful only within a process).

The CLOCK_REALTIME clock, defined in <time.h> , represents the realtime clock for the system. For this clock, the values specified by clock_settime and returned by clock_gettime represent the amount of time elapsed, in seconds and nanoseconds, since the Epoch. The Epoch is defined as 00:00:00:00 January 1, 1970 Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

You must have OPER, LOG_IO, and SYSPRV privileges to use the clock_settime function.

On success, the function returns 0.

On failure, the function returns - 1 and sets errno to indicate the error.

See also clock_getres , clock_gettime , time , and ctime .

Return Values

0 Indicates success.
- 1 Indicates failure; errno is set to the following value:
  • EINVAL -- The clock_id argument does not specify a known clock, or the tp argument is outside the range for the given clock_id or specifies a nanosecond value less than 0 or greater than or equal to 1 billion.
  • EPERM -- The requesting process does not have the appropriate privilege to set the specified clock.


Closes the file associated with a file descriptor.


#include <unistd.h>

int close (int file_desc);



A file descriptor.


The close function tries to write buffered data by using an implicit call to fflush . If the write fails (because the disk is full or the user's quota was exceeded, for example), close continues executing. It closes the OpenVMS channel, deallocates any buffers, and releases the memory associated with the file descriptor (or FILE pointer). Any buffered data is lost, and the file descriptor (or FILE pointer) no longer refers to the file.

If your program needs to recover from errors when flushing buffered data, it should make an explicit call to fsync (or fflush ) before calling close .

Return Values

0 Indicates that the file is properly closed.
- 1 Indicates that the file descriptor is undefined or an error occurred while the file was being closed (for example, if the buffered data cannot be written out).


#include <unistd.h>

int fd;
fd = open ("student.dat", 1);


Closes directories.


#include <dirent.h>

int closedir (DIR *dir_pointer);



Pointer to the dir structure of an open directory.


The closedir function closes a directory stream and frees the structure associated with the dir_pointer argument. Upon return, the value of dir_pointer does not necessarily point to an accessible object of the type DIR .

The type DIR , which is defined in the <dirent.h> header file, represents a directory stream that is an ordered sequence of all the directory entries in a particular directory. Directory entries represent files. You can remove files from or add files to a directory asynchronously to the operation of the readdir function.


An open directory must always be closed with the closedir function to ensure that the next attempt to open the directory is successful.


The following example shows how to search a directory for the entry name, using the opendir , readdir , and closedir functions:

#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define FOUND     1
#define NOT_FOUND 0

static int dir_example(const char *name, unsigned int unix_style)
    DIR *dir_pointer;
    struct dirent *dp;

    if ( unix_style )
        dir_pointer = opendir(".");
        dir_pointer = opendir(getenv("PATH"));

    if ( !dir_pointer ) {
        return NOT_FOUND;

    /* Note, that if opendir() was called with UNIX style file  */
    /* spec like ".", readdir() will return only a single       */
    /* version of each file in the directory. In this case the  */
    /* name returned in d_name member of the dirent structure   */
    /* will contain only file name and file extension fields,   */
    /* both lowercased like "foo.bar".                          */

    /* If opendir() was called with OpenVMS style file spec,    */
    /* readdir() will return every version of each file in the  */
    /* directory. In this case the name returned in d_name      */
    /* member of the dirent structure will contain file name,   */
    /* file extension and file version fields. All in upper     */
    /* case, like "FOO.BAR;1".                                  */

    for ( dp = readdir(dir_pointer);
          dp && strcmp(dp->d_name, name);
          dp = readdir(dir_pointer) )


    if ( dp != NULL )
        return FOUND;
        return NOT_FOUND;

int main(void)
   char *filename = "foo.bar";
   FILE *fp;


   if ( !(fp = fopen(filename, "w")) ) {
        return (EXIT_FAILURE);

   if ( dir_example( "FOO.BAR;1", 0 ) == FOUND )
        puts("OpenVMS style: found");
        puts("OpenVMS style: not found");

   if ( dir_example( "foo.bar", 1 ) == FOUND )
        puts("UNIX style: found");
        puts("UNIX style: not found");

   return( EXIT_SUCCESS );

Return Values

0 Indicates success.
- 1 Indicates an error and is further specified in the global errno .


Deactivate the video display attribute attr within the window. The clrattr function acts on the stdscr window.


#include <curses.h>

int clrattr (int attr);

int wclrattr (WINDOW *win, int attr);



A pointer to the window.


Video display attributes that can be blinking, boldface, reverse video, and underlining; they are represented by the defined constants _BLINK, _BOLD, _REVERSE, and _UNDERLINE. To clear multiple attributes, separate them with a bitwise OR operator (|) as follows:

clrattr(_BLINK | _UNDERLINE);


These functions are specific to HP C for OpenVMS Systems and are not portable.

Return Values

OK Indicates success.
ERR Indicates an error.


Erase the contents of the window from the current position of the cursor to the bottom of the window. The clrtobot function acts on the stdscr window.


#include <curses.h>

int clrtobot();

int wclrtobot (WINDOW *win);



A pointer to the window.

Return Values

OK Indicates success.
ERR Indicates an error.


Erase the contents of the window from the current cursor position to the end of the line on the specified window. The clrtoeol function acts on the stdscr window.


#include <curses.h>

int clrtoeol();

int wclrtoeol (WINDOW *win);



A pointer to the window.

Return Values

OK Indicates success.
ERR Indicates an error.


Determines the current value of a specified system variable defined by a string value.


#include <unistd.h>

size_t confstr (int name, char *buf, size_t len);



The system variable setting. Valid values for the name argument are the _CS_X names defined in the <unistd.h> header file.


Pointer to the buffer where the confstr function copies the name value.


The size of the buffer storing the name value.


The confstr function allows an application to determine the current setting of certain system parameters, limits, or options that are defined by a string value. The function is mainly used by applications to find the system default value for the PATH environment variable.

If the following conditions are true, then the confstr function copies that value into a len-byte buffer pointed to by buf:

  • The len argument is not 0 (zero).
  • The name argument has a system-defined value.
  • The buf argument is not a NULL pointer.

If the returned string is longer than len bytes, including the terminating null, then the confstr function truncates the string to len - 1 bytes and adds a terminating null to the result. The application can detect that the string was truncated by comparing the value returned by the confstr function with the value of the len argument.

The <limits.h> header file contains system-defined limits. The <unistd.h> header file contains system-defined environmental variables.


To find out how big a buffer is needed to store the string value of name, enter:

 confstr(_CS_PATH, NULL, (size_t) 0)

The confstr function returns the size of the buffer necessary.

Return Values

0 Indicates an error. When the specified name value:
  • Is invalid, errno is set to EINVAL.
  • Does not have a system-defined value, errno is not set.
n The size of the buffer needed to hold the value.
  • When the value of the name argument is system-defined, confstr returns the size of the buffer needed to hold the entire value. If this return value is greater than the len value, the string returned as the buf value is truncated.
  • When the value of the len argument is set to 0 or the buf value is NULL, confstr returns the size of the buffer needed to hold the entire system-defined value. The string value is not copied.

copysign (ALPHA ONLY)

Returns x with the same sign as y.


#include <math.h>

double copysign (double x, double y);

float copysignf (float x, float y); (ALPHA ONLY)

long double copysignl (long double x, long double y); (ALPHA ONLY)



A real value.


A real value.


The copysign functions return x with the same sign as y. IEEE 754 requires copysign (x,NaN), copysignf (x,NaN) and copysignl (x,NaN) to return +x or - x.

Return Value

x The value of x with the same sign as y.

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