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HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary
The following command creates a volume set with the logical name TEST3. The volume set TEST3 is not shadowed, however each element of the volume set (TEST3011 and TEST3012) is a shadowset, providing redundancy for the volume set as a whole.
/BLOCKSIZE=nSpecifies the default block size for magnetic tape volumes.The parameter, n, specifies the default block size value for magnetic tape volumes. Valid values are in the range 20 to 65,532 for OpenVMS RMS operations, and 18 to 65,534 for non OpenVMS RMS operations. By default, records are written to magnetic tape volumes in 2048-byte blocks. For foreign or unlabeled magnetic tapes, the default is 512 bytes. You must specify /BLOCKSIZE in two situations:
In the following example, the /BLOCKSIZE qualifier specifies a block size of 1000 bytes; the default for a magnetic tape mounted with the /FOREIGN qualifier is 512.
/CACHE=(keyword[,...])/NOCACHEFor disks, controls whether caching limits established at system generation time are disabled or overridden. With the TAPE_DATA option, enables write caching for the tape controller specified (if the tape controller supports write caching).The following table lists the keywords for this qualifier:
Used with the disk options, the /CACHE qualifier overrides one or more of the present disk caching limits established at system generation time. Used with the TAPE_DATA option, the /CACHE qualifier enables write caching for the tape controller specified. If you do not specify the /CACHE qualifier and it is not implied by the use of the qualifier /MEDIA_FORMAT=COMPACTION, caching is enabled by default. If you specify more than one option, separate them by commas and enclose the list in parentheses. The options [NO]EXTENT, [NO]FILE_ID, LIMIT, and [NO]QUOTA apply only to a disk device. The option TAPE_DATA applies only to a tape device. The /NOCACHE qualifier is effective only if compaction is not enabled. If compaction is enabled (with the /MEDIA_FORMAT=COMPACTION), caching is enabled by default. If you specify /NOCACHE for a disk device, all caching is disabled for this volume. Note that the /NOCACHE qualifier is equivalent to /CACHE=(NOEXTENT,NOFILE_ID,NOQUOTA,WRITETHROUGH). If you specify /NOCACHE for a magnetic tape device, the tape controller's write cache is disabled for this volume. The following command mounts an HSG80 Fibre Channel disk device labeled FILES and assigns the logical name WORK. The /CACHE qualifier enables an extent cache of 60 entries, a file identification cache of 60 entries, and a quota cache of 20; it disables writeback caching of file headers.
The following command mounts the volume TAPE on device MUA0 and instructs MOUNT to enable the tape controller's write cache for MUA0:
/CLUSTERSpecifies that after the volume is successfully mounted on the local node, or if it is already mounted /SYSTEM on the local node, it is to be mounted on every other node in the existing OpenVMS Cluster (that is, the volume is mounted clusterwide).Only system or group volumes can be mounted clusterwide. If you specify the /CLUSTER qualifier with neither the /SYSTEM nor the /GROUP qualifier, the default is /SYSTEM. Note that you must use a cluster device-naming convention. Use either node$device-name or allocation-class$device-name as required by your configuration. You need the user privileges GRPNAM and SYSNAM, respectively, to mount group and system volumes clusterwide. If the system is not a member of an OpenVMS Cluster, the /CLUSTER qualifier has no effect. The following MOUNT/CLUSTER command mounts the volume SNOWWHITE on DOPEY$DMA1, then proceeds to mount the volume clusterwide. The SHOW DEVICE/FULL command displays information about the volume, including the other nodes on which it is mounted.
/COMMENT=stringSpecifies additional information to be included with the operator request when the mount operation requires operator assistance.The parameter, string, specifies a text string that is output to the operator log file and the current SYS$OUTPUT device. The string must contain no more than 78 characters. The following command requests the operator to mount the disk volume TESTSYS on the device DYA1. Notice that the /COMMENT qualifier is used to inform the operator of the location of the volume. After the operator places the volume in DYA1, MOUNT retries the operation. After the operation completes, the operator request is canceled.
The following command is the same as in the previous example. However, in this example, because the requested device is in use, the operator aborts the mount.
The following command requests the operator to mount the volume TESTSYS on the device DYA0. In this example, the operator notices that the requested device is in use and redirects the mount to device DYA1.
/CONFIRM virtual-unit-name[:] /SHADOW=(physical-dev-name[:][,...])/NOCONFIRM virtual-unit-name[:] /SHADOW=(physical-dev-name[:][,...])Causes MOUNT to pause and request confirmation before performing a copy operation on the specified disk device. This qualifier is applicable only if you have the volume shadowing option. Refer to HP Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS for additional information.This qualifier controls whether MOUNT issues a request to confirm a full copy operation when mounting a shadow set. The /SHADOW qualifier must be used with the /CONFIRM qualifier. Use /CONFIRM to display the volume label and volume owner for any specified physical device that is a target for a copy operation. MOUNT stops before any copy operations occur and issues the following prompt:
If you respond Y or YES, the mount operation continues automatically with copy operations allowed. If you respond N, NO, <RETURN>, or <Ctrl/Z>, the command quits without mounting any of the specified volumes (including volumes that did not require copy operations). If you type a response other than those listed above, MOUNT reissues the prompt. The /CONFIRM qualifier is similar to /NOCOPY. Use /CONFIRM to mount shadow sets interactively; use /NOCOPY in the site-specific startup command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. The following example shows how to use the /CONFIRM qualifier to check the status of potential shadow set members before any data is erased. The command instructs MOUNT to build a shadow set with the specified devices, and prompts for permission to perform a copy operation. The response of YES instructs MOUNT to mount the shadow set.
/COPY virtual-unit-name[:] /SHADOW=(physical-dev-name[:][,...]) (default)/NOCOPY virtual-unit-name[:] /SHADOW=(physical-dev-name[:][,...])Enables or disables copy operations on physical devices specified when you mount a shadow set. This qualifier is applicable only if you have the volume shadowing option. Refer to HP Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS for additional information.The /COPY qualifier instructs MOUNT to perform copy operations on shadow set members. You can mount shadow sets with /NOCOPY to test if proposed shadow set members are targets of copy operations. If any of the specified volumes is a target of a copy operation, the command quits without mounting any of the specified volumes (including those that did not require a copy operation). The /NOCOPY qualifier is similar to /CONFIRM. Use /NOCOPY to mount shadow sets in the site-specific startup command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM; use /CONFIRM for interactive mounting. The following example shows how to use the /NOCOPY qualifier to check the status of potential shadow set members before any data is erased. The command instructs MOUNT to build a shadow set with the specified devices only if a copy operation is not required. Because the device DUA7 required a copy operation to become a member of the shadow set, the mount failed. You could reissue the command specifying /COPY to instruct MOUNT to build the shadow set providing the necessary copy operation.
/DATA_CHECK[=(keyword[,...])]Overrides the read-check or write-check option (or both) specified for a volume when it was initialized.The keyword, READ, performs checks following all read operations, and the keyword, WRITE, performs checks following all write operations. You can specify either or both of the keywords. If you specify more than one keyword, separate them by commas and enclose the list in parentheses. If you specify the /DATA_CHECK qualifier without specifying a keyword, MOUNT defaults to /DATA_CHECK=WRITE. The following command mounts a volume labeled SAM on CLEMENS$DKA2 and assigns the logical name BOOK. The /DATA_CHECK=READ qualifier overrides a previous INITIALIZE/DATA_CHECK=WRITE specification, so that subsequent read operations on BOOK are subject to data-checking operations.
/DENSITY=keywordSpecifies the density at which a magnetic tape is to be written. This qualifier is valid only if you mount a tape specifying the /FOREIGN qualifier. If you change the density on a tape, the first operation on the tape must be a write operation.The densities supported for tapes are shown in the following table:
Note that tape density keywords cannot be abbreviated. When you initialize a tape with the INITIALIZE command and do not specify a density, the tape is initialized at the default density for the media and drive you are using (usually the highest density available). The density of a tape can only be changed if the tape is at beginning-of-tape (BOT). To change the density of a tape that has previously been recorded, the first operation must be a write operation. If the first operation on the tape is a read operation, the magnetic tape is set to the density at which the first record on the tape was recorded, no matter what density is specified with the /DENSITY qualifier. The following command mounts a tape on the MFA0: drive /FOREIGN and assigns it the logical name TAPE. The /DENSITY qualifier specifies that the tape is to be written at TK87.
/EXTENSION=nSpecifies the number of blocks by which disk files are to be extended on the volume unless otherwise specified by an individual command or program request.The parameter, n, specifies a value from 0 to 65,535 to override the value specified when the volume was initialized. The following command mounts a volume labeled DOC on DKA0, assigns the logical name WORK, and specifies a default block extent of 64 for the files on WORK:
/FOREIGNIndicates that the volume is not in the standard format used by the OpenVMS operating system.Use the /FOREIGN qualifier when a magnetic tape volume is not in the standard ANSI format, or when a disk volume is not in Files-11 format. If you mount a volume with the /FOREIGN qualifier, the program you use to read the volume must be able to process the labels on the volume, if any. The OpenVMS operating system does not provide an ancillary control process (ACP) to process the volume. You must mount DOS-1 and RT-11 volumes with the /FOREIGN qualifier and process them with the Exchange utility (EXCHANGE). Refer to the OpenVMS Exchange Utility Manual (available on the Documentation CD-ROM). The default protection applied to foreign volumes is RWLP (Read, Write, Logical I/O, Physical I/O) for the system and owner and no access for the group and world. If you also specify /GROUP, group members are also given RWLP access. If you specify /SYSTEM or /SHARE, the group and world are both given RWLP access. Note that the /GROUP, /SYSTEM, and /SHARE qualifiers do not alter the default protection. If you mount a volume currently in Files-11 format with the /FOREIGN qualifier, you must have the user privilege VOLPRO, or your UIC must match the UIC on the volume. The /FOREIGN qualifier is incompatible with the following qualifiers: /ACCESSED, /AUTOMATIC, /BIND, /CACHE, /[NO]CONFIRM, [NO]COPY, /EXTENSION, /HDR3, /INITIALIZE, /LABEL, /PROCESSOR, /QUOTA, /REBUILD, /SHADOW, /OVERRIDE=EXPIRATION, and /WINDOWS. The following command mounts a foreign magnetic tape on drive MTA1:
The following command mounts an RK07 device as a foreign volume on DMA2 and assigns the default logical name as DISK$SAVEDISK. As a volume that is not file structured, SAVEDISK can be used for sequential-disk BACKUP save operations.
/GROUPMakes the volume available to other users with the same group number in their UICs as the user entering the MOUNT command.The logical name for the volume is placed in the group logical name table. You must have the user privilege GRPNAM to use the /GROUP qualifier. Note that if the volume is owned by a group other than yours, access may be denied because of the volume protection. The /GROUP qualifier is not valid for ISO 9660 volume sets. The /GROUP qualifier is incompatible with the /OVERRIDE=IDENTIFICATION, /SHARE, and /SYSTEM qualifiers. The following command mounts and makes available on a group basis the volume set consisting of volumes labeled PAYVOL1, PAYVOL2, and PAYVOL3. The logical name PAY is assigned to the set; anyone wanting to access files on these volumes can refer to the set as PAY.
The following command adds the volume labeled PAYVOL4 to the existing volume set MASTER_PAY. The root volume for the volume set must be on line when you enter this command.
/HDR3 (default)/NOHDR3Controls whether ANSI standard header label 3 is written on a magnetic tape volume.By default, header label 3 is written. You can specify the /NOHDR3 qualifier to write magnetic tapes that are to be used on other systems that do not process HDR3 labels correctly.