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HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary

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Specifies the number of pages to print for the specified job. You can use the /PAGES qualifier to print portions of long files. By default, all pages of the file are printed.

The lowlim specifier refers to the first page in the group of pages that you want printed for that file. If you omit the lowlim specifier, the printing starts on the first page of the file.

The uplim specifier refers to the last page of the file that you want printed. If you want to print to the end of the file, but do not know how many pages the file contains, use quotation marks (" ") as the uplim specifier. You can omit the parentheses if you are including only a specific value for the uplim specifier. For example, /PAGES=10 prints the first ten pages of the file; /PAGES=(5,10) prints pages 5 through 10; /PAGES=(5,"") starts printing at page 5 in the file and continues until the end of the file is reached.

/PARAMETERS=(parameter[(=value[,...])] [,...])

Specifies from 1 to 8 optional parameters that are unique to a particular print symbiont. Each parameter and its values are passed as a single text string directly to the print symbiont: logical names and DCL symbols are not translated by the PRINT command.

Each parameter can take from 1 to 8 values for a total of 255 characters. If you specify only one parameter or parameter value, you can omit the parentheses. Enclose parameter values containing lowercase letters or nonalphanumeric characters (such as spaces, parentheses, or commas) in quotation marks.

You can specify the /PARAMETERS qualifier only once in each PRINT command. For example, in the command PRINT /PARAMETERS=(JJJ,KK) /PARAMETERS=(LL,MMM) , the JJJ and KK are ignored because the second occurrence of the /PARAMETERS qualifier supersedes the first occurrence.

For information on parameters available for printing to PostScript printers using DECprint Supervisor software (DCPS), refer to the DCL Help topic PRINT_Parameter.


/NOPASSALL (default)

Positional qualifier.

Specifies whether the symbiont bypasses all formatting and sends the output QIO to the driver with format suppressed. All qualifiers affecting formatting, as well as the /HEADER, /PAGES, and /SETUP qualifiers, are ignored.

If the /PASSALL qualifier is placed between the PRINT command and any file specifications, all files are printed in PASSALL mode. To specify the /PASSALL qualifier for only some files in the job, place the qualifier after each file that you want printed in PASSALL mode.


Requires OPER (operator) or ALTPRI (alter priority) privilege to raise the priority above the queue's maximum scheduling priority.

Specifies the job-scheduling priority of the print job. The value of the parameter n can be from 0 through 255, where 0 is the lowest priority and 255 is the highest. The default value of n is the value of the system parameter DEFQUEPRI. No privilege is needed to set the priority lower than the queue's maximum scheduling priority.


Queues the job to the specified output queue. The default queue is SYS$PRINT. This qualifier is synonymous with the /DEVICE qualifier.


Queues the job to SYS$PRINT on the remote node specified in the file specification; the file must exist on the remote node. When you use the /REMOTE qualifier, you must include the node name in the file specification.

You can specify only the following qualifiers with the /REMOTE qualifier:


Note that, unlike the printing on the local node, multiple files queued by a single PRINT/REMOTE command are considered separate jobs.

/RESTART (default)


Indicates whether a job restarts after a system failure or after a STOP/QUEUE/REQUEUE command.


Specifies the circumstances under which you want your jobs to be retained in a queue. When a job is retained in the queue, you can issue the SHOW QUEUE command after the job completes to see the status of the job. Without job retention, no record of a job is left in a queue after a job completes.

Use the following options to specify job retention:

  • ALWAYS----Holds the job in the queue regardless of the job's completion status.
  • DEFAULT----Holds the job in the queue as specified by the queue's retention policy.

  • ERROR----Holds the job in the queue only if the job completes unsuccessfully.
  • UNTIL=time-value----Holds the job in the queue for the specified length of time, regardless of the job's completion status.


You cannot specify a /NORETAIN qualifier with the PRINT command (as system managers can with the commands INITIALIZE/QUEUE, START/QUEUE, and SET QUEUE); however, you can specify /RETAIN=DEFAULT with the PRINT command. The default option holds the job in the queue as specified by the queue's retention policy. If the system manager has not specified retention for the queue, the job is not retained.

How Job Retention Is Determined

Although you can specify job retention options for your own jobs, the job retention option you specify may be overridden by the job retention option of the queue on which your job executed. If you submit or print a job to a generic queue, the generic queue's job retention setting may also override the job retention option you specify. This section describes how job retention is determined.

An execution queue's job retention setting takes precedence over a generic queue's job retention setting; however, if the job's completion status does not match the job retention setting (if any) on the execution queue, then the generic queue's job retention setting attempts to control job retention. If the job's completion status does not match the job retention setting (if any) on the generic queue, then the user-specified job retention setting is used. Jobs submitted directly to execution queues are not affected by job retention settings on generic queues.

If the execution queue's retention setting applies, the job is retained on the execution queue. Likewise, if the generic queue's retention setting applies, the job is retained on the generic queue. If the user-specified setting applies, the job is retained in the queue to which it was submitted.

The following example illustrates how the queue manager determines job retention:

Suppose you submit a job to a generic queue and specify /RETAIN=ALWAYS, and the job completes successfully.

First, the queue manager compares the job's completion status to the execution queue's retention setting. Suppose the queue is set with /RETAIN=ERROR (retains only jobs that complete unsuccessfully). The job is not retained in the execution queue because the error condition was not met.

The queue manager then compares the job's completion status to the generic queue's retention setting. Suppose the generic queue has no retention setting. The queue manager's comparison again fails to retain the job.

Finally, the queue manager compares the job's completion status to the retention setting you specified for the job. This comparison reveals that the job should be retained. Because the user-specified setting leads the queue manager to retain the job, the job is held in the queue to which the job was submitted---in this case, the generic queue.

For more information on types of queues, see the INITIALIZE/QUEUE command. For more information on setting retention options for queues, see the INITIALIZE/QUEUE, START/QUEUE, or SET QUEUE command.

Timed Retention

Timed retention, which you specify using the UNTIL=time-value option, allows you to retain a job in the queue only as long as you need it. This eliminates the need to delete the job from the queue later.

For example, the following command retains the print job MYFILE in the queue until 7:31 on December 14, when the job will automatically be deleted from the queue.


However, depending on the queue's job retention policy, the job might be retained indefinitely. The job retention policy set on the queue takes precedence over the user-specified job retention setting. Because system managers cannot specify timed job retention for a queue, any jobs retained as a result of a queue's setting are retained indefinitely.

If you specify the /RETAIN=UNTIL=time-value option, you must supply a time value. The time value is first interpreted as a delta time, then as a combination time, and finally as absolute time. If you specify a delta time, the delta begins when the job completes. For example, if you specify PRINT/RETAIN=UNTIL="+3:00", the job will be retained for three hours after the job completes. For information on specifying time values, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual.


Extracts the specified modules from the device control library (containing escape sequence modules for programmable printers) and copies the modules to the printer before a file is printed. By default, no device control modules are copied.

Note that the module names are not checked for validity until the time that the file is actually printed; therefore, PRINT/SETUP is susceptible to typing errors and other mistakes. It is recommended only for experimental setups.

For production setups, see DEFINE/FORM/SETUP.



Selects only those files dated on or after the specified time. You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: BOOT, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following qualifiers with the /SINCE qualifier to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection: /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED.

For complete information on specifying time values, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic Date_Time).


/NOSPACE (default)

Positional qualifier.

Controls whether print job output is double-spaced. The default is single-spaced output.


Specifies the file name format for display purposes.

The valid keywords for this qualifier are CONDENSED and EXPANDED. Descriptions are as follows:

Keyword Explanation
CONDENSED (default) Displays the file name representation of what is generated to fit into a 255-length character string. This file name may contain a DID or FID abbreviation in the file specification.
EXPANDED Displays the file name representation of what is stored on disk. This file name does not contain any DID or FID abbreviations.

The keywords CONDENSED and EXPANDED are mutually exclusive. This qualifier specifies which file name format is displayed in the output message, along with the confirmation if requested.

File errors are displayed with the CONDENSED file specification unless the EXPANDED keyword is specified.

Refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual for more information.



Positional qualifier.

Controls whether a file trailer page is printed at the end of a file. The trailer page displays the job entry number as well as information about the user submitting the job and the files being printed. If the /TRAILER qualifier is positioned between the PRINT command and the file specifications, it can take either of the following keywords:

ALL Prints a file trailer page after each file in the job.
ONE Prints a file trailer page after the last file in the job.

If you want the /TRAILER qualifier to apply to individual files in a multifile job, place the qualifier directly after each file that you want to have a trailer page.

Use the /[NO]TRAILER qualifier to override the /DEFAULT=[NO]TRAILER option that has been set for the output queue you are using. The /[NO]TRAILER qualifier does not override the /SEPARATE=[NO]TRAILER option set for the queue.


Requires CMKRNL (change mode to kernel) privilege and read (R) and write (W) access to the user authorization file (UAF).

Allows you to print a job on behalf of another user. The print job runs exactly as if that user had submitted it. The print job runs under that user's user name and user identification code (UIC), and accounting information is logged to that user's account. By default, the user identification comes from the requesting process. The user name qualifier value can be any user name that is valid on your system. The name must be 1 to 12 alphanumeric characters.



  Job RESUME (queue LPB0, entry 239) holding until 14-DEC-2001 20:00

The PRINT command in this example queues 10 copies of the file RESUME.LIS to printer LPB0, but requests that the copies not be printed until after 8:00 P.M.


  Job THETA (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 237) pending


The PRINT command in this example submits the files THETA.TXT, BETA.TXT, GAMMA.TXT, and the highest versions of all files with the file type .LIS as a single print job. Flag pages separate the individual files. Notice that the file type for BETA and GAMMA is .TXT, the file type of the first file in the list.


Job THETA (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 240) pending

The print job queued by the PRINT command in this example consists of two copies of THETA.TXT followed by three copies of BETA.DOC. This job must be printed on a printer that can print lowercase letters. If no such printer is available, the job waits in the queue.



The PRINT command in this example concatenates the files THETA.TXT and BETA.TXT into a single print job and prints three copies of the job. The /NOIDENTIFY qualifier requests that the job entry number and queue name not be displayed.



In this example, the two commands are entered at a node other than NODE3. The COPY command copies the file REPORT.MEM from the current node to the NODE3 node. The PRINT command queues the file REPORT.MEM located on the NODE3 node for printing at the NODE3 node. The job entry number and queue name are not displayed when the /REMOTE qualifier is used.


  Job MASTER (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 540) holding

The PRINT command in this example queues a copy of the file MASTER.DOC to the default printer in a hold status. Later, the SET ENTRY command releases the hold status on the file and makes it available for printing.


Job TEST.TXT (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 867) started on LPA0
Entry     Jobname     Username     Blocks    Status
-----     -------     --------     ------    ------
  867     TEST.TXT    Nisslert        135    Printing
          Submitted  10-DEC-2001 11:07 /FORM=DEFAULT /PRIORITY=100
          File: $5$DUA174:[NISSLERT]TEST.TXT;3


The PRINT command in this system example queues a copy of the file TEST.TXT to the default printer. It also creates the local symbol $ENTRY to store the job entry number. The SHOW ENTRY command requests a display of the entry using the symbol $ENTRY to identify it.


Server queue DOC$LN03, stopped, on NEWTON::, mounted form DEFAULT
Entry    Jobname    Username  Blocks  Status
-----    -------    --------  ------  ------
  436    MYFILE     MIGDAL         8  Retained until 11-DEC-2001 16:56
      %JBC-F-JOBABORT, job aborted during execution
        Completed  11-DEC-2001 15:56 on queue DOC$LN03

The SHOW QUEUE display in this system example includes the date and time at which a retained job completed and the queue on which it executed. The user set job retention to be one hour after job completion. Depending on the queue's job retention policy, the job might be deleted from the queue at 16:56.




This command passes the parameter AAA=123 to the print symbiont. The interpretation of the parameter is dependent on the symbiont.


$ PRINT /PARAMETERS=(ddd,"e,(F=(3,4),g),h)",iii)


This command passes three parameters to the print symbiont: DDD, "e,(F=(3,4),g),h)", and III. The use of the quotes around the second parameter allows the use of nested parentheses, commas, and the preservation of alphabetic case. This parameter value is perfectly acceptable to the PRINT command, even though it is apt to subsequently be rejected by the print symbiont.




This command passes three parameters to the print symbiont: "N,O,P,Q,R,S,T", U, and V. Depending on the parsing capabilities of the symbiont and the length of the parameters (each parameter is limited to 255 characters), this may be a workaround to the limitation of eight parameters.


Invokes the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility to do one of the following:
  • Install one or more software products.
  • Remove one or more software products.
  • Perform other related operations.

For a complete description of the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility and the use of the PRODUCT command, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual and the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual or online help.


PRODUCT [subcommand product-name [/qualifiers]]


Deletes all but the highest numbered versions of the specified files.


PURGE [filespec[,...]]



Specifies one or more files to be purged. If you specify more than one file, separate the file specifications with either commas (,) or plus signs (+). The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed in the directory, file name, and file type fields; however, no version number can be specified. As a default, the PURGE command purges all files in the current directory. There are no file name or file type defaults with the PURGE command.


The PURGE command deletes earlier versions of files. The PURGE command never deletes all versions of any file. By default, the PURGE command keeps only the highest version of a file. If you do not include a file specification with the PURGE command, all files in the current directory are affected by the purge.



Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /BACKUP qualifier selects files according to the dates of their most recent backups. This qualifier is incompatible with the /CREATED, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED qualifiers, which also allow you to select files according to time attributes. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is the /CREATED qualifier.


Selects only those files dated prior to the specified time. You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: BOOT, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following qualifiers with the /BEFORE qualifier to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection: /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED.

For complete information on specifying time values, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic Date_Time).


Selects only those files whose owner user identification code (UIC) matches the specified owner UIC. The default UIC is that of the current process.

Specify the UIC by using standard UIC format as described in the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security.


/NOCONFIRM (default)

Controls whether a request is issued before each purge operation to confirm that the operation should be performed on that file. The following responses are valid:
1 0 ALL

You can use any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters for word responses. Word responses can be abbreviated to one or more letters (for example, T, TR, or TRU for TRUE), but these abbreviations must be unique. Affirmative answers are YES, TRUE, and 1. Negative answers include: NO, FALSE, 0, and pressing Return. Entering QUIT or pressing Ctrl/Z indicates that you want to stop processing the command at that point. When you respond by entering ALL, the command continues to process, but no further prompts are given. If you type a response other than one of those in the list, DCL issues an error message and redisplays the prompt.

/CREATED (default)

Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /CREATED qualifier selects files based on their dates of creation. This qualifier is incompatible with the /BACKUP, /EXPIRED, and /MODIFIED qualifiers, which also allow you to select files according to time attributes. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is the /CREATED qualifier.


/NOERASE (default)

Erases the specified files from the disk so that the purged data no longer exists physically on the deallocated disk blocks.

When you delete a file, the area in which the file was stored is returned to the system for future use. The data that was stored in that location still exists in the system until new data is written over it. When the /ERASE qualifier is specified, the storage location is overwritten with a system-specified pattern so that the data no longer exists.


Excludes the specified files from the purge operation. You can include a directory but not a device in the file specification. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification; however, you cannot use relative version numbers to exclude a specific version. If you specify only one file, you can omit the parentheses.


Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /EXPIRED qualifier selects files according to their expiration dates. (The expiration date is set with the SET FILE/EXPIRATION_DATE command.) The /EXPIRED qualifier is incompatible with the /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /MODIFIED qualifiers, which also allow you to select files according to time attributes. If you specify none of these four time qualifiers, the default is the /CREATED qualifier.


Allows you to mark a write-accessed file for deletion. This removes the file name entry, and the file is deleted when it is closed by the final user.


Specifies the maximum number of versions of the specified files to be retained in the directory. If you do not include the /KEEP qualifier, all but the highest numbered version of the specified files are deleted from the directory.


/NOLOG (default)

Controls whether file specifications are displayed as the files are deleted.


Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /MODIFIED qualifier selects files according to the dates on which they were last modified. This qualifier is incompatible with the /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /EXPIRED qualifiers, which also allow you to select files according to time attributes. If you specify none of these four time modifiers, the default is the /CREATED qualifier.


Selects only those files dated on or after the specified time. You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: BOOT, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following qualifiers with the /SINCE qualifier to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection: /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED.

For complete information on specifying time values, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic Date_Time).


Specifies the file name format for display purposes while purging files.

The valid keywords for this qualifier are CONDENSED and EXPANDED. Descriptions are as follows:

Keyword Explanation
CONDENSED (default) Displays the file name representation of what is generated to fit into a 255-length character string. This file name may contain a DID or FID abbreviation in the file specification.
EXPANDED Displays the file name representation of what is stored on disk. This file name does not contain any DID or FID abbreviations.

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