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OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual

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2-1 Calling the ACL Editor with a VAX BLISS Program
3-1 Calling the Backup API with a VAX C Program
4-1 Using the CLI Routines to Retrieve Information About Command Lines in a Fortran Program
5-1 Using UTIL$CQUAL Routines to Process Files
6-1 Using the CONVERT Routines in a Fortran Program
6-2 Using the CONVERT Routines in a C Program
6-3 Using the CONV$RECLAIM Routine in a Fortran Program
6-4 Using the CONV$RECLAIM Routine in a C Program
7-1 Compressing a File in a Compaq Fortran Program
7-2 Expanding a Compressed File in a Compaq Fortran Program
8-1 Sample VAX BLISS Template for Callable DECTPU
8-2 Normal DECTPU Setup in Compaq Fortran
8-3 Building a Callback Item List with Compaq Fortran
8-4 Specifying a User-Written File I/O Routine in VAX C
9-1 Using the EDT Routines in a VAX BASIC Program
10-1 Using FDL$CREATE in a Fortran Program
10-2 Using FDL$PARSE and FDL$RELEASE in a C Program
10-3 Using FDL$PARSE and FDL$GENERATE in a Compaq Pascal Program
11-1 Creating a New Library Using Compaq Pascal
11-2 Inserting a Module into a Library Using Compaq Pascal
11-3 Extracting a Module from a Library Using Compaq Pascal
11-4 Deleting a Module from a Library Using Compaq Pascal
11-5 Associating Keys with Modules
11-6 Listing Keys Associated with a Module
11-7 Displaying the Module Header
11-8 Reading Library Headers
11-9 Displaying Text from a Help Library
11-10 Displaying Index Entries
14-1 Sending a File
14-2 Displaying Folders
14-3 Displaying User Profile Information
15-1 Using NCS Routines in a Compaq Fortran for OpenVMS Program
15-2 Using NCS Routines in a Compaq C for OpenVMS VAX Program
16-1 Using PSM Routines to Supply a Page Header Routine in a VAX MACRO Program
18-1 Using SOR Routines to Perform a Merge Using Record Interface in a Compaq Fortran Program
18-2 Using SOR Routines to Sort Using Mixed Interface in a Compaq Fortran Program
18-3 Using SOR Routines to Merge Three Input Files in a Compaq Pascal Program
18-4 Using SOR Routines to Sort Records from Two Input Files in a Compaq Pascal Program
18-5 Using SOR Routines to Sort Records Using the STABLE Option and Two Text Keys in a Compaq C Program
11-1 Structure of a Macro, Text, or Help Library
11-2 Structure of an Object or Shareable Image Library
11-3 Structure of a User-Developed Library
13-1 LOGINOUT Callout Routines Data Flow
13-2 Callout Organization
14-1 Standard Message Format
14-2 Item Descriptor
16-1 Multithreaded Symbiont
16-2 Symbiont Execution Sequence or Flow of Control
17-1 Symbionts in the OpenVMS Environment
17-2 Flowchart for a Single-Threaded, Synchronous Symbiont
17-3 Flowchart for a Single-Threaded, Asynchronous Symbiont (MAIN Routine)
17-4 Flowchart for a Single-Threaded, Asynchronous Symbiont (AST Routine)
3-1 Backup API Language Definition Files
3-2 BACKUP Option Structure Types
3-3 bckEvent Format
3-4 Event Callback Buffer Formats
3-5 Control Event Subtypes
3-6 bckControl Format
5-1 UTIL$CQUAL Routines
5-2 UTIL$CQUAL_FILE_PARSE Command Line Qualifiers
5-3 UTIL$CQUAL_FILE_PARSE Flags and Masks
5-4 Prompting Form Values
5-5 Prompt Responses
6-1 Conversion Statistics Array
6-2 CONVERT Qualifiers
6-3 Bucket Reclamation Statistics Array
8-1 Valid Masks for the TPU$K_OPTIONS Item Code
11-1 LBR Routines
13-1 LOGINOUT Callouts
13-2 LOGINOUT Callback Routines
13-3 Useful LOGINOUT Internal Variables
14-1 Default Mail Folders
14-2 User Profile Information
14-3 Levels of Mail Utility Processing
14-4 Callable Mail Utility Routines
14-5 Types of Action Routines
14-6 Mail File Routines
14-7 Message Routines
14-8 Send Routines
14-9 User Profile Context Routines
14-10 Input Item Codes
14-11 Output Item Codes
15-1 NCS Routines
16-1 Routine Codes for Specification to PSM$REPLACE
17-1 Job Controller Functions
18-1 High-Performance Sort/Merge: Differences in SOR$ Routine Behavior

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