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VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual

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opcode src1.rx, src2.rx

Condition Codes

N|| <--- src1 LSS src2;  
Z|| <--- src1 EQL src2;  
V|| <--- 0;  
C|| <--- 0;  


reserved operand


51 CMPF Compare F_floating
71 CMPD Compare D_floating
51FD CMPG Compare G_floating
71FD CMPH Compare H_floating


The source 1 operand is compared with the source 2 operand. The only action is to affect the condition codes.




opcode src.rx, dst.wy

Condition Codes

N|| <--- dst LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- dst EQL 0;  
V|| <--- {integer overflow};  
C|| <--- 0;  


integer overflow
floating overflow
floating underflow
reserved operand


4C CVTBF Convert Byte to F_floating
6C CVTBD Convert Byte to D_floating
4CFD CVTBG Convert Byte to G_floating
6CFD CVTBH Convert Byte to H_floating
4D CVTWF Convert Word to F_floating
6D CVTWD Convert Word to D_floating
4DFD CVTWG Convert Word to G_floating
6DFD CVTWH Convert Word to H_floating
4E CVTLF Convert Long to F_floating
6E CVTLD Convert Long to D_floating
4EFD CVTLG Convert Long to G_floating
6EFD CVTLH Convert Long to H_floating
48 CVTFB Convert F_floating to Byte
68 CVTDB Convert D_floating to Byte
48FD CVTGB Convert G_floating to Byte
68FD CVTHB Convert H_floating to Byte
49 CVTFW Convert F_floating to Word
69 CVTDW Convert D_floating to Word
49FD CVTGW Convert G_floating to Word
69FD CVTHW Convert H_floating to Word
4A CVTFL Convert F_floating to Long
4B CVTRFL Convert Rounded F_floating to Long
6A CVTDL Convert D_floating to Long
6B CVTRDL Convert Rounded D_floating to Long
4AFD CVTGL Convert G_floating to Long
4BFD CVTRGL Convert Rounded G_floating to Long
6AFD CVTHL Convert H_floating to Long
6BFD CVTRHL Convert Rounded H_floating to Long
56 CVTFD Convert F_floating to D_floating
99FD CVTFG Convert F_floating to G_floating
98FD CVTFH Convert F_floating to H_floating
76 CVTDF Convert D_floating to F_floating
32FD CVTDH Convert D_floating to H_floating
33FD CVTGF Convert G_floating to F_floating
56FD CVTGH Convert G_floating to H_floating
F6FD CVTHF Convert H_floating to F_floating
F7FD CVTHD Convert H_floating to D_floating
76FD CVTHG Convert H_floating to G_floating


The source operand is converted to the data type of the destination operand, and the destination operand is replaced by the result. The form of the conversion is as follows:
Form Instructions


  1. Only CVTDF, CVTGF, CVTHF, CVTHD, and CVTHG can result in a floating overflow fault; the destination operand is unaffected, and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE.
  2. Only converts with a floating-point source operand can result in a reserved operand fault. On a reserved operand fault, the destination operand is unaffected, and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE.
  3. Only converts with an integer destination operand can result in integer overflow. On integer overflow, the destination operand is replaced by the low-order bits of the true result.
  4. Only CVTGF, CVTHF, CVTHD, and CVTHG can result in floating underflow. If FU is set, a fault occurs. On a floating underflow fault, the destination operand is unaffected. If FU is clear, the destination operand is replaced by zero, and no exception occurs.




2operand: opcode divr.rx, quo.mx

3operand: opcode divr.rx, divd.rx, quo.wx

Condition Codes

N|| <--- quo LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- quo EQL 0;  
V|| <--- 0;  
C|| <--- 0;  


floating overflow
floating underflow
divide by zero
reserved operand


46 DIVF2 Divide F_floating 2 Operand
47 DIVF3 Divide F_floating 3 Operand
66 DIVD2 Divide D_floating 2 Operand
67 DIVD3 Divide D_floating 3 Operand
46FD DIVG2 Divide G_floating 2 Operand
47FD DIVG3 Divide G_floating 3 Operand
66FD DIVH2 Divide H_floating 2 Operand
67FD DIVH3 Divide H_floating 3 Operand


In 2 operand format, the quotient operand is divided by the divisor operand and the quotient operand is replaced by the rounded result. In 3 operand format, the dividend operand is divided by the divisor operand, and the quotient operand is replaced by the rounded result.


  1. On a reserved operand fault, the quotient operand is unaffected, and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE.
  2. On floating underflow, if FU is set, a fault occurs. On a floating underflow fault, the quotient operand is unaffected. If FU is clear, the quotient operand is replaced by zero, and no exception occurs.

  3. On floating overflow, the instruction faults, the quotient operand is unaffected, and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE.
  4. On divide by zero, the quotient operand and condition codes are affected, as in note 3.


Extended Multiply and Integerize



opcode mulr.rx, mulrx.rb, muld.rx, int.wl, fract.wx


opcode mulr.rx, mulrx.rw, muld.rx, int.wl, fract.wx

Condition Codes

N|| <--- fract LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- fract EQL 0;  
V|| <--- {integer overflow};  
C|| <--- 0;  


integer overflow
floating underflow
reserved operand


54 EMODF Extended Multiply and Integerize F_floating
74 EMODD Extended Multiply and Integerize D_floating
54FD EMODG Extended Multiply and Integerize G_floating
74FD EMODH Extended Multiply and Integerize H_floating


The multiplier extension operand is concatenated with the multiplier operand to gain 8 (EMODD and EMODF), 11 (EMODG), or 15 (EMODH) additional low-order fraction bits. The low-order 5 or 1 bits of the 16-bit multiplier extension operand are ignored by the EMODG and EMODH instructions, respectively. The multiplicand operand is multiplied by the extended multiplier operand. The multiplication result is equivalent to the exact product truncated (before normalization) to a fraction field of 32 bits in F_floating, 64 bits in D_floating and G_floating, and 128 bits in H_floating. The result is regarded as the sum of an integer and fraction of the same sign. The integer operand is replaced by the integer part of the result, and the fraction operand is replaced by the rounded fractional part of the result.


  1. On a reserved operand fault, the integer operand, and the fraction operand are unaffected. The condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE.
  2. On floating underflow, if FU is set, a fault occurs. On a floating underflow fault, the integer and fraction parts are unaffected. If FU is clear, the integer and fraction parts are replaced by zero, and no exception occurs.
  3. On integer overflow, the integer operand is replaced by the low-order bits of the true result.
  4. Floating overflow is indicated by integer overflow; however, integer overflow is possible in the absence of floating overflow.
  5. The signs of the integer and fraction are the same unless integer overflow results.
  6. Because the fraction part is rounded after separation of the integer part, it is possible that the value of the fraction operand is 1.


Move Negated


opcode src.rx, dst.wx

Condition Codes

N|| <--- dst LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- dst EQL 0;  
V|| <--- 0;  
C|| <--- 0;  


reserved operand


52 MNEGF Move Negated F_floating
72 MNEGD Move Negated D_floating
52FD MNEGG Move Negated G_floating
72FD MNEGH Move Negated H_floating


The destination operand is replaced by the negative of the source operand.




opcode src.rx, dst.wx

Condition Codes

N|| <--- dst LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- dst EQL 0;  
V|| <--- 0;  
C|| <--- C;  


reserved operand


50 MOVF Move F_floating
70 MOVD Move D_floating
50FD MOVG Move G_floating
70FD MOVH Move H_floating


The destination operand is replaced by the source operand.


On a reserved operand fault, the destination operand is unaffected, and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE.




2operand: opcode mulr.rx, prod.mx

3operand: opcode mulr.rx, muld.rx, prod.wx

Condition Codes

N|| <--- prod LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- prod EQL 0;  
V|| <--- 0;  
C|| <--- 0;  


floating overflow
floating underflow
reserved operand


44 MULF2 Multiply F_floating 2 Operand
45 MULF3 Multiply F_floating 3 Operand
64 MULD2 Multiply D_floating 2 Operand
65 MULD3 Multiply D_floating 3 Operand
44FD MULG2 Multiply G_floating 2 Operand
45FD MULG3 Multiply G_floating 3 Operand
64FD MULH2 Multiply H_floating 2 Operand
65FD MULH3 Multiply H_floating 3 Operand


In 2 operand format, the product operand is multiplied by the multiplier operand, and the product operand is replaced by the rounded result. In 3 operand format, the multiplicand operand is multiplied by the multiplier operand, and the product operand is replaced by the rounded result.


  1. On a reserved operand fault, the product operand is unaffected, and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE.
  2. On floating underflow, if FU is set, a fault occurs. On a floating underflow fault, the product operand is unaffected. If FU is clear, the product operand is replaced by zero, and no exception occurs.
  3. On floating overflow, the instruction faults, the product operand is unaffected, and the condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE.


Polynomial Evaluation


opcode arg.rx, degree.rw, tbladdr.ab

Condition Codes

N|| <--- R0 LSS 0;  
Z|| <--- R0 EQL 0;  
V|| <--- 0;  
C|| <--- 0;  


floating overflow
floating underflow
reserved operand


55 POLYF Polynomial Evaluation F_floating
75 POLYD Polynomial Evaluation D_floating
55FD POLYG Polynomial Evaluation G_floating
75FD POLYH Polynomial Evaluation H_floating


The table address operand points to a table of polynomial coefficients. The coefficient of the highest-order term of the polynomial is pointed to by the table address operand. The table is specified with lower-order coefficients stored at increasing addresses. The data type of the coefficients is the same as the data type of the argument operand. The evaluation is carried out by Horner's method, and the contents of R0 (R1'R0 for POLYD and POLYG, R3'R2'R1'R0 for POLYH) are replaced by the result. The result computed is:

if d = degree
and x = arg
result = C[0]+x**0 + x*(C[1] + x*(C[2] + ... x*C[d]))

The unsigned word degree operand specifies the highest-numbered coefficient to participate in the evaluation. POLYH requires four longwords on the stack to store arg in case the instruction is interrupted.


  1. After execution:
    R0 = result
    R1 = 0
    R2 = 0
    R3 = table address + degree*4 + 4
    POLYD and POLYG:
    R0 = high-order part of result
    R1 = low-order part of result
    R2 = 0
    R3 = table address + degree*8 + 8
    R4 = 0
    R5 = 0
    R0 = highest-order part of result
    R1 = second-highest-order part of result
    R2 = second-lowest-order part of result
    R3 = lowest-order part of result
    R4 = 0
    R5 = table address + degree*16 + 16
  2. On a floating fault:
    • If PSL<FPD> = 0, the instruction faults, and all relevant side effects are restored to their original state.
    • If PSL<FPD> = 1, the instruction is suspended, and the state is saved in the general registers as follows:

      R0 = tmp3            ! Partial result after iteration
                           !   prior to the one causing the
                           !   overflow/underflow
      R1 = arg
      R2<7:0> = tmp1       ! Number of iterations remaining
      R2<31:8> = implementation specific
      R3 = tmp2            ! Points to table entry causing
                           !   exception
      POLYD and POLYG:
      R1'R0 = tmp3         ! Partial result after iteration
                           !   prior to the one causing the
                           !   overflow/underflow
      R2<7:0> = tmp1       ! Number of iterations remaining
      R2<31:8> = implementation specific
      R3 = tmp2            ! Points to table entry causing
                           !   exception
      R5'R4 = arg
      R3'R2'R1'R0 = tmp3   ! Partial result after iteration
                           !   prior to the one causing the
                           !   overflow/underflow
      R4<7:0> = tmp1       ! Number of iterations remaining
      R4<31:8> = implementation specific
      R5 = tmp2            ! Points to table entry causing
                           !   exception

      arg is saved on the stack in use during the faulting instruction.
      Implementation-specific information is saved to allow the instruction to continue after possible scaling of the coefficients and partial result by the fault handler.
  3. If the unsigned word degree operand is zero and the argument is not a reserved operand, the result is C[0].
  4. If the unsigned word degree operand is greater than 31, a reserved operand fault occurs.
  5. On a reserved operand fault:
    • If PSL<FPD> = 0, the reserved operand is either the degree operand (greater than 31), or the argument operand, or some coefficient.
    • If PSL<FPD> = 1, the reserved operand is a coefficient, and R3 (except for POLYH) or R5 (for POLYH) is pointing at the value that caused the exception.
    • The state of the saved condition codes and the other registers is UNPREDICTABLE. If the reserved operand is changed and the contents of the condition codes and all registers are preserved, the fault can be continued.
  6. On floating underflow after the rounding operation at any iteration of the computation loop, a fault occurs if FU is set. If FU is clear, the temporary result (tmp3) is replaced by zero and the operation continues. In this case, the final result may be nonzero if underflow occurred before the last iteration.
  7. On floating overflow after the rounding operation at any iteration of the computation loop, the instruction terminates with a fault.
  8. If the argument is zero and one of the coefficients in the table is the reserved operand, whether a reserved operand fault occurs is UNPREDICTABLE.
  9. For POLYH, some implementations may not save arg on the stack until after an interrupt or fault occurs. However, arg will always be on the stack if an interrupt or floating fault occurs after FPD is set. If the four longwords on the stack overlap any of the source operands, the results are UNPREDICTABLE.


; To compute P(x) = C0 + C1*x + C2*x**2
; where C0 = 1.0,  C1 = .5, and C2 = .25

        POLYF   X,#2,PTABLE
PTABLE: .FLOAT  0.25    ; C2
        .FLOAT  0.5     ; C1
        .FLOAT  1.0     ; C0

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