E |
Edit/FDL utility (EDIT/FDL)
as alternative to multiple XABs
EDT argument
Enter service
condition values
control block input fields
requirement for NAM or NAML block fields
EOF (end-of-file), positioning
EOF mark, positioning for user file open option
Erase service
condition values
control block input fields
requirements for using
use restriction
Error completion routine
Error status code
Error types
Errors, recommended method for signaling
ESA (expanded string area address), program example
Escape sequences
using from terminal devices
ETO option
Event flags, for synchronous operations
Executive-mode (PSL$C_EXEC) constant
Expanded string, requesting
Expired date suppression
Extend service
condition values
control block input fields
control block output fields
use restriction
XAB option overrides
F |
FAB$B_BID field
FAB$B_BKS field
considerations for calculating
default logic
limitation for RMS-11
performance considerations
requirements for RMS-11 compatibility
selecting default size for indexed files
variations for XABs
FAB$B_BLN field
FAB$B_DNS field #1
FAB$B_DNS field #2
default file specification
FAB$B_FAC field #1
FAB$B_FAC field #2
comparing with FAB$B_SHR field
for specifying sharing options #1
for specifying sharing options #2
interdependency with FAB$B_SHR field
requirement for invoking Extend service
FAB$B_FNS field
specifying primary file specification
to specify file name size
FAB$B_FSZ field
FAB$B_JOURNAL field #1
FAB$B_JOURNAL field #2
FAB$B_ORG field #1
FAB$B_ORG field #2
FAB$B_PUT field, requirement for invoking Extend service
FAB$B_RAT field #1
FAB$B_RAT field #2
FAB$B_RFM field
FAB$B_RTV field
FAB$B_SHR field
comparing option names with file access option names
conflict with FAB$B_FAC field
default logic
for specifying sharing options #1
for specifying sharing options #2
interdependency with FAB$B_FAC field
option naming convention
FAB$B_UPD field, requirement for invoking Extend service
FAB$C_FIX option
FAB$C_STM option
FAB$C_STMCR option
FAB$C_STMLF option
FAB$C_UDF option
FAB$C_VAR option
FAB$C_VFC option
FAB$L_ALQ field
as output field
functional variations for XABs
setting at run time
use with Create service
use with Extend service
use with Open service
using to specify additional file space
FAB$L_CTX field
FAB$L_DEV field
FAB$L_DNA field #1
FAB$L_DNA field #2
FAB$L_DNA field #3
components listed
specifying default file specification
FAB$L_FNA field
specifying primary file specification
to specify file name string
FAB$L_FOP field
FAB$L_MRN field
FAB$L_NAM field
FAB$L_NAML field
FAB$L_SDC field
FAB$L_STS field
handling for ACL error status
FAB$L_STV field
examples of using
for invoking $QIO
for total number of blocks allocated
with I/O channel
FAB$L_XAB field
$FAB macro
argument categories
FAB$V_AI flag
FAB$V_ASY option
FAB$V_BI flag
FAB$V_BIO option
how used to specify I/O type
FAB$V_BLK option
FAB$V_BRO option
FAB$V_CBT option
FAB$V_CHAN_MODE subfield
FAB$V_CIF option
FAB$V_CR option
FAB$V_CTG option
FAB$V_DEL option
for enabling Delete service
FAB$V_DFW option, exception to use of global buffers
FAB$V_DLT option
qualified use by Close service
use with FAB$V_SCF or FAB$V_SPL option
FAB$V_FTN option
FAB$V_GET option #1
FAB$V_GET option #2
use with block I/O operations #1
use with block I/O operations #2
FAB$V_MSE option
enabling multiple RABs
for overriding the FAB$V_UPI option
requirement for read-only buffer cache #1
requirement for read-only buffer cache #2
use with other options
FAB$V_MXV option
FAB$V_NAM option
FAB$V_NEF option
FAB$V_NFS option
relationship to FAB$V_CHAN_MODE subfield
FAB$V_NIL option
effect on specifying user file open option
precedence over other options
requirement for block I/O
FAB$V_NQL sharing option
FAB$V_OFP option
FAB$V_POS option
FAB$V_PRN option
FAB$V_PUT option #1
FAB$V_PUT option #2
use with block I/O operations
FAB$V_PUT sharing option
FAB$V_RCK option
FAB$V_RU flag
FAB$V_RWC option
FAB$V_RWO option
FAB$V_SCF option
qualified use by Close service
requirement for read-only buffer cache #1
requirement for read-only buffer cache #2
FAB$V_SPL option
qualified use by Close service
FAB$V_SQO option
prohibiting random access
FAB$V_SUP option
subordinate to FAB$V_CIF option
FAB$V_TEF option
FAB$V_TMD option
inhibiting automatic Create
FAB$V_TMP option
inhibiting automatic Create
FAB$V_TRN option
in file access field
requirement for truncate-on-put operation
FAB$V_UFO option
effect on internal structures
relationship to FAB$V_CHAN_MODE subfield
FAB$V_UPD option #1
FAB$V_UPD option #2
requirement for implementing update-if option
requirement for Update service
FAB$V_UPI option
requirement for block I/O
requirement for setting
requirement for user file open option
FAB$V_WCK option
FAB$W_BLS field
FAB$W_DEQ field #1
FAB$W_DEQ field #2
FAB$W_DEQ field #3
default logic
overriding default
FAB$W_GBC field
as output
overriding default
FAB$W_IFI field
requirement for invoking Extend service
FAB$W_MRS field
program example
FABs (file access blocks)
argument categories
requirements for
$FAB_STORE macro
argument categories
FAB argument requirement
run-time arguments
FDL$PARSE routine
Field length, identifier in symbolic name
File component descriptors
address field
field value logic
list of
size field
suggested use of
File Expiration Date and Time
evaluation criteria
how used
File name strings
component parts
File positioning, effect on shared files
File processing
naming convention options
option categories listed
service output options
services listed
using record management services
File sections
defining in context of multiple volumes
File sharing, features provided by RMS
File specifications
component descriptors
default requirements
how handled by Search service
string addresses
string sizes
File tags
requirement for
characteristics argument for FAB
specification argument for FAB
specifying paths using file specification string
Fill level, comparing primary key and alternate keys
Find service
condition values
control block input fields
control block output fields
Flush service
condition values
control block input fields
control block output fields
FNA argument
FNM argument
FNS argument
Fortran, carriage control option list
Free service
condition values
control block input and output fields