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OpenVMS VAX System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual

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Displays information about all active connections between systems communications services (SCS) processes or a single connection. This command displays information that is in the connection descriptor table (CDT).


SHOW CONNECTIONS {/ADDR or /ADDRESS=cdt-address| /NODE=name| /SYSAP=name}




/ADDR or /ADDRESS=cdt-address

Displays information contained in the connection descriptor table (CDT) for a specific connection.9


Displays information contained in the connection descriptor table (CDT) for a specific node.


Displays information contained in the connection descriptor table (CDT) for a specific system application (SYSAP).


The SHOW CONNECTIONS command provides a series of displays.

The CDT summary page lists information regarding each connection on the local system, including the following:

  • CDT address
  • Name of the local process with which the CDT is associated
  • Connection ID
  • Current state
  • Name of the remote node (if any) to which it is currently connected

The CDT summary page concludes with a count of CDTs that are free and available to the system.

SHOW CONNECTIONS next displays a page of detailed information for each active CDT listed previously.



VAXcluster data structures

                     --- CDT Summary Page ---
CDT Address   Local Process     Connection ID     State       Remote Node
-----------   -------------     -------------     -----       -----------
 801C2670     SCS$DIRECTORY       08EE0000        listen
 801C2710     VMS$VAXcluster      08EE0001        listen
 801C27B0     VMS$VAXcluster      08FF0002        open         DORIS
 801C2850     VMS$DISK_CL_DRVR    08FD0003        open         PINTO
 801C28F0     VMS$VAXcluster      08EF0004        open         SOLLY
 801C2990     VMS$VAXcluster      08F00005        open         GUS
Number of free CDTs:  32

            --- Connection Descriptor Table (CDT) 801C2670 ---
State:  0001 listen          Local Process:        SCS$DIRECTORY
Blocked State:  0000
Local Con. ID   08EE0000   Datagrams sent    0   Message queue      empty
Remote Con. ID  78A30017   Datagrams rcvd    0   Send Credit Q.     empty
Receive Credit         0   Datagram discard  0   PB address      80438300
Send Credit            1   Messages Sent     0   PDT address     801CEA20
Min. Rec. Credit       0   Messages Rcvd.    0   Error Notify    8022B816
Pend Rec. Credit       0   Send Data Init.   0   Receive Buffer  00000000
Initial Rec. Credit    0   Req Data Init.    0   Connect Data    00000000
Rem. Sta.   00000000000C   Bytes Sent        0   Aux. Structure  00000000
Rej/Disconn Reason     0   Bytes rcvd        0
Queued for BDT         0   Total bytes map   0
Queued Send Credit     0


This example shows the CDT summary page and the first page of the detailed displays for each CDT.


VAXcluster data structures

            --- Connection Descriptor Table (CDT) 801C27B0 ---
State:  0002 open        Local Process:          VMS$VAXcluster
Blocked State:  0000     Remote Node::Process:   DORIS::VMS$VAXcluster
Local Con. ID   08FF0002  Datagrams sent     0   Message queue      empty
Remote Con. ID  33440003  Datagrams rcvd     0   Send Credit Q.     empty
Receive Credit         4  Datagram discard   0   PB address      80437E80


This example shows the use of the /ADDRESS qualifier to obtain information about a specific connection.



VAXcluster data structures

   --- Connection Descriptor Table (CDT) 98310EE0 ---

State:  0002 open    Local Process:        MSCP$DISK
Blocked State:  0000              Remote Node::Process: MOON::VMS$DISK_CL_DRVR

Local Con. ID   7C79004E    Datagrams sent         0    Message queue      empty
Remote Con. ID  009F0069    Datagrams rcvd         0    Send Credit Q.     empty
Receive Credit        16    Datagram discard       0    PB address      98348200
Send Credit           10    Messages Sent        964    PDT address     98336590
Min. Rec. Credit       1    Messages Rcvd.       808    Error Notify    98B6158D
Pend Rec. Credit       0    Send Data Init.        0    Receive Buffer  986791E8
Initial Rec. Credit   10    Req Data Init.         0    Connect Data    98B60079
Rem. Sta.   000000000009    Bytes Sent             0    Aux. Structure  98679A80
Rej/Disconn Reason     0    Bytes rcvd             0
Queued for BDT         0    Total bytes map        0
Queued Send Credit     0

   --- Connection Descriptor Table (CDT) 98310540 ---

State:  0002 open    Local Process:        SCA$TRANSPORT
Blocked State:  0000              Remote Node::Process: MOON::SCA$TRANSPORT

Local Con. ID   7CCD0047    Datagrams sent         0    Message queue      empty
Remote Con. ID  817F005D    Datagrams rcvd         0    Send Credit Q.     empty

   --- Connection Descriptor Table (CDT) 9830F0A0 ---

State:  0002 open    Local Process:        VMS$DISK_CL_DRVR
Blocked State:  0000              Remote Node::Process: MOON::MSCP$DISK

Local Con. ID   7C790038    Datagrams sent         0    Message queue      empty
Remote Con. ID  4B51005B    Datagrams rcvd         0    Send Credit Q.     empty

   --- Connection Descriptor Table (CDT) 9830EF40 ---

State:  0002 open    Local Process:        VMS$TAPE_CL_DRVR
Blocked State:  0000              Remote Node::Process: MOON::MSCP$TAPE

Local Con. ID   7C790037    Datagrams sent         0    Message queue      empty
Remote Con. ID  23B20068    Datagrams rcvd         0    Send Credit Q.     empty

The command in this example displays information in the CDT about the node MOON.



    --- CDT Summary Page ---

CDT Address   Local Process     Connection ID     State       Remote Node
-----------   -------------     -------------     -----       -----------

 9830A7C0     SCA$TRANSPORT       7C790003        listen
 98310540     SCA$TRANSPORT       7CCD0047        open         METEOR
 98310800     SCA$TRANSPORT       7CD50049        open         OCALA

Number of free CDT's:  158

   --- Connection Descriptor Table (CDT) 9830A7C0 ---

State:  0001 listen    Local Process:        SCA$TRANSPORT
Blocked State:  0000

Local Con. ID   7C790003    Datagrams sent         0    Message queue      empty
Remote Con. ID  00000000    Datagrams rcvd         0    Send Credit Q.     empty
Receive Credit         0    Datagram discard       0    PB address      00000000
Send Credit            0    Messages Sent          0    PDT address     00000000
Min. Rec. Credit       0    Messages Rcvd.         0    Error Notify    968D9E8B
Pend Rec. Credit       0    Send Data Init.        0    Receive Buffer  00000000
Initial Rec. Credit    0    Req Data Init.         0    Connect Data    00000000
Rem. Sta.   000000000000    Bytes Sent             0    Aux. Structure  00000000
Rej/Disconn Reason     0    Bytes rcvd             0
Queued for BDT         0    Total bytes map        0
Queued Send Credit     0

   --- Connection Descriptor Table (CDT) 98310540 ---

State:  0002 open    Local Process:        SCA$TRANSPORT
Blocked State:  0000              Remote Node::Process: METEOR::SCA$TRANSPORT

Local Con. ID   7CCD0047    Datagrams sent         0    Message queue      empty
Remote Con. ID  817F005D    Datagrams rcvd         0    Send Credit Q.     empty

   --- Connection Descriptor Table (CDT) 98310800 ---

State:  0002 open    Local Process:        SCA$TRANSPORT
Blocked State:  0000              Remote Node::Process: OCALA::SCA$TRANSPORT

Local Con. ID   7CD50049    Datagrams sent         0    Message queue      empty
Remote Con. ID  EFB80009    Datagrams rcvd         0    Send Credit Q.     empty

This example shows the use of the /SYSAP qualifier to show which nodes in the cluster are connected to SCA$TRANSPORT.


9 You can find the cdt-address for any active connection on the system in the CDT summary page display of the SHOW CONNECTIONS command. In addition, CDT addresses are stored in many individual data structures related to SCS connections. These data structures include class driver request packets (CDRPs) and unit control blocks (UCBs) for class drivers that use SCS and cluster system blocks (CSBs) for the connection manager.


Displays information about the state of a processor at the time of the system failure.


SHOW CPU [cpu-id]



Numeric value from 00 to 1F16 indicating the identity of the processor for which context information is to be displayed. If you specify a value outside this range, or you specify the cpu-id of a processor that was not active at the time of the system failure, SDA displays the following message:

%SDA-E-CPUNOTVLD, CPU not booted or CPU number out of range

If you use the cpu-id parameter, the SHOW CPU command performs an implicit SET CPU command, making the processor indicated by cpu-id the current CPU for subsequent SDA commands. (See the description of the SET CPU command and Section 4 for information about how this can affect the CPU context---and process context---in which SDA commands execute.)




The SHOW CPU command displays crash information about the processor specified by cpu-id or, by default, the SDA current CPU, as defined in Section 4. You cannot use the SHOW CPU command when examining the running system with SDA.

The SHOW CPU command produces several displays. First, there is a brief description of the crash and its environment that includes the following:

  • Reason for the bugcheck
  • Name of the currently executing process. If no process has been scheduled on this processor, SDA displays the following message:

    Process currently executing: no processes currently scheduled on the processor
  • File specification of the image executing within the current process (if there is a current process)
  • Interrupt priority level (IPL) of the processor at the time of the system failure

Next, the general registers display shows the contents of the processor's general-purpose registers (R0 through R11) and the AP, FP, SP, PC, and PSL at the time of the crash.

The processor registers display consists of the following three parts:

  • Common processor registers
  • Processor-specific registers
  • Stack pointers and memory interconnect silos

The first section includes registers that maintain the virtual address space, system space, or other system functions of the current process. The following registers are among those displayed:

Register Description
P0BR Program region (P0 space) base register
P0LR Program region length register
P1BR Control region (P1 space) base register
P1LR Control region length register
SBR System region (S0 space) base register
SLR System region length register
PCBB Process control block base register
SCBB System control block base register
ASTLVL Asynchronous system trap level
SISR Software interrupt summary register
ICCS Internal clock control and status register
SID System identification register

The second section of the processor registers display shows those registers that are specific to the type of processor being examined. (The SHOW CRASH command displays the processor type.) The contents of the register display vary according to the type of processor involved in the crash and are used primarily in hardware diagnostics.

The final section of the display includes the five stack pointers: the interrupt stack pointer (ISP) and the four pointers of the kernel, executive, supervisor, and user stacks (KSP, ESP, SSP, and USP, respectively). Certain processors, such as the VAX 8800 and VAX 8600 processors, also display the contents of the silos of their memory interconnects in this section.

The SHOW CPU command concludes with a listing of the spin locks, if any, owned by the processor at the time of the crash, reproducing some of the information given by the SHOW SPINLOCKS command. The spin lock display includes the following information:

  • Name of the spin lock.
  • Address of the spin lock data structure (SPL).
  • IPL and rank of the spin lock.
  • Number of processors waiting for this processor to release the spin lock.
  • Indication of the depth of this processor's ownership of the spin lock. A number greater than 1 indicates that this processor has nested acquisitions of the spin lock.


CPU 00 Processor crash information

CPU 00 reason for Bugcheck: INVEXCEPTN, Exception while above ASTDEL or
on interrupt stack

Process currently executing: NETACP

Current image file: $254$DUA200:[SYS6.SYSCOMMON.]<SYSEXE>NETACP.EXE;3

Current IPL: 8  (decimal)

General registers:

        R0  = 00000008   R1  = 00080000   R2  = 8047FC40   R3  = 000003AC
        R4  = 00000002   R5  = 8047FC40   R6  = 00000036   R7  = 00000000
        R8  = 00000000   R9  = 00000062   R10 = 7FFE7D70   R11 = 0000747C
        AP  = 0000BE34   FP  = 7FFE7DD0   SP  = 7FFE7D30   PC  = 80146682
        PSL = 00080009

Processor registers:

        P0BR   = 816EB600     SBR    = 01A6A800     ASTLVL = 00000004
        P0LR   = 00000C0C     SLR    = 00065600     SISR   = 00000000
        P1BR   = 80FFCE00     PCBB   = 008AF2A0     ICCS   = 00000041
        P1LR   = 001FFC5F     SCBB   = 01A62600     SID    = 067F014F

        ICR    = FFFFEDEA     REVR1  = 11121111     NMIFSR = 000C0000
        TODR   = 2B914C0F     REVR2  = FF00FF12     NMIEAR = 2243F830
        COR    = 00000001     CPUINFO= 000009F7

        ISP    = 8016AC00
        KSP    = 7FFE7D30
        ESP    = 7FFE9E00
        SSP    = 7FFEDE00
        USP    = 7FF8E590

NMI bus silo:


                Spinlocks currently owned by CPU 00

IOLOCK8                            Address : 80185E50
Owner CPU ID     : 00              IPL     : 08
Ownership Depth  : 0001            Rank    : 14
CPUs Waiting     : 0000            Index   : 34

R5:  8047FC40   "@üG."

Process index: 000D   Name: NETACP   Extended PID: 33C0010D
Process status:  00148001   RES,NOACNT,PHDRES,LOGIN
CPU 01 Processor crash information

CPU 01 reason for Bugcheck: CPUEXIT, Shutdown requested by another CPU

Process currently executing: no processes currently scheduled on this CPU

Current IPL: 31  (decimal)
             No spinlocks currently owned by CPU 01

R5:  83ED5E00   ".^í."
%SDA-E-BADPROC, no such process


This SDA session illustrates the output of the SHOW CPU command in the analysis of a crash dump from a VAX 8800 multiprocessing system with two active processors. The first SHOW CPU command displays the crash information particular to CPU 00, which initially posted an INVEXCEPTN bugcheck from within process NETACP and then requested CPU 01 to take a bugcheck (CPUEXIT) as well. That the crash occurred at IPL 8 signifies, perhaps, that a driver fork process is involved.

The second instance of the SHOW CPU command (SHOW CPU 01) corroborates that CPU 01 was requested to crash by CPU 00.

Significantly, the second SHOW CPU command changes both the SDA current CPU context and current process context. The two EXAMINE R5 commands are executed under different CPU contexts; the values they produce differ. In the CPU context of CPU 00, the current process context is that of process NETACP. There is no current process on CPU 01; thus, SDA process context is initially undefined when its CPU context is changed to that of CPU 01.


In the analysis of a system failure, displays information about the state of the system at the time of the failure. In the analysis of a running system, provides information identifying the system.








The SHOW CRASH command has two different manifestations, depending upon whether you use it while analyzing a running system or a system failure.

In either case, if the SDA current CPU context is not that of the processor that signaled the bugcheck, the SHOW CRASH command performs an implicit SET CPU command to make that processor the SDA current CPU. (See the description of the SET CPU command and Section 4 for a discussion of how this can affect the CPU context---and process context---in which SDA commands execute.)

When used during the analysis of a running system, the SHOW CRASH command produces a display that describes the system and the version of OpenVMS that it is running. The system crash information display contains the following information:

  • Date and time that the ANALYZE/SYSTEM command was issued (titled "Time of system crash" in the display)
  • Name and version number of the operating system
  • Major and minor IDs of the operating system
  • Identity of the system, including an indication of its VAXcluster membership
  • CPU ID of the primary CPU
  • Two bit masks indicating which processors in the system are active and which are available for booting, respectively

When used during the analysis of a system failure, the SHOW CRASH command produces several displays that identify the system and describe its state at the time of the failure.

The system crash information display in this context provides the following information:

  • Date and time of the system crash.
  • Name and version number of the operating system.
  • Major and minor IDs of the operating system.
  • Identity of the system, including an indication of its VAXcluster membership and the location of the primary CPU in a multiprocessing configuration.
  • CPU IDs of both the primary CPU and the CPU that initiated the bugcheck. In a uniprocessor system, these IDs are identical.
  • Two bit masks indicating which processors in the system are active and which are available for booting, respectively.
  • For each active processor in the system, the name of the bugcheck that caused the failure. Generally, there will be only one significant bugcheck in the system. All other processors typically display the following as their reason for taking a bugcheck:

    CPUEXIT, Shutdown requested by another CPU

Subsequent screens of the SHOW CRASH command display information about the state of each active processor on the system at the time of the system failure. The information in these screens is identical to that produced by the SHOW CPU command, including the general-purpose registers, processor-specific registers, stack pointers, and records of spin lock ownership. The first such screen presents information about the processor that caused the crash; others follow according to the numerical order of their CPU IDs.



OpenVMS VAX System analyzer

System crash information
Time of system crash: 25-FEB-1993 11:18:06.84

Version of system: OpenVMS VAX VERSION 6.0

System Version Major ID/Minor ID: 10/11

VAXcluster node: BIGTOP, a VAX 8800 - primary CPU (left) was booted

Primary CPU ID:  01

Bitmask of CPUs active/available:  00000003/00000003
%SDA-E-BADPROC, no such process


When issued from within the analysis of a running system, the SHOW CRASH command displays the time the ANALYZE/SYSTEM command was issued as the "Time of system crash." The display indicates that the OpenVMS VAX system in use is a VAX 8800 multiprocessing system, the left CPU of which is the primary CPU. The bit mask indicates that there are two processors available and both are running.

Note that no SDA current process is defined at this time.



OpenVMS VAX System dump analyzer

Dump taken on 23-FEB-1993 12:44:30.23
INVEXCEPTN, Exception while above ASTDEL or on
           interrupt stack


System crash information (1)
Time of system crash: 23-FEB-1993 12:44:30.23

Version of system: OpenVMS VAX VERSION 6.0
System Version Major ID/Minor ID: 10/11

VAXcluster node: MOOSE, a VAX 8800 - primary CPU (left) was booted

Crash CPU ID/Primary CPU ID:  00/01

Bitmask of CPUs active/available:  00000003/00000003

CPU bugcheck codes: (2)
   CPU 00 -- INVEXCEPTN, Exception while above ASTDEL or on
             interrupt stack
  1 other -- CPUEXIT, Shutdown requested by another CPU

CPU 00 Processor crash information

CPU 00 reason for Bugcheck: INVEXCEPTN, Exception while above ASTDEL
or on interrupt stack (3)

Process currently executing on this CPU: NETACP (3)

Current image file: $254$DUA200:[SYS6.SYSCOMMON.][SYSEXE]NETACP.EXE;3

Current IPL: 8  (decimal) (4)

General registers:

    R0  = 00000008   R1  = 00080000   R2  = 8047FC40   R3  = 000003AC
    R4  = 00000002   R5  = 8047FC40   R6  = 00000036   R7  = 00000000
    R8  = 00000000   R9  = 00000062   R10 = 7FFE7D70   R11 = 0000747C
    AP  = 0000BE34   FP  = 7FFE7DD0   SP  = 7FFE7D30   PC  = 80146682
    PSL = 00080009

Processor registers:

    P0BR   = 816EB600     SBR    = 01A6A800     ASTLVL = 00000004
    P0LR   = 00000C0C     SLR    = 00065600     SISR   = 00000000
    P1BR   = 80FFCE00     PCBB   = 008AF2A0     ICCS   = 00000041
    P1LR   = 001FFC5F     SCBB   = 01A62600     SID    = 067F014F

    ICR    = FFFFEDEA     REVR1  = 11121111     NMIFSR = 000C0000
    TODR   = 2B914C0F     REVR2  = FF00FF12     NMIEAR = 2243F830
    COR    = 00000001     CPUINFO= 000009F7     MEMCSR0= 000700F0
         NBIA0 CSR0 = 00203810         NBIA1 CSR0 = 00000000

    ISP    = 8016AC00
    KSP    = 7FFE7D30
    ESP    = 7FFE9E00
    SSP    = 7FFEDE00
    USP    = 7FF8E590

NMI bus silo:


    Spinlocks currently owned by CPU 00

IOLOCK8                            Address : 80185E50
Owner CPU ID     : 00              IPL     : 08
Ownership Depth  : 0001            Rank    : 14
CPUs Waiting     : 0000            Index   : 34

CPU 01 Processor crash information

CPU 01 reason for Bugcheck: CPUEXIT, Shutdown requested by another CPU

Process currently executing on this CPU:   None

Current IPL: 31  (decimal)

General registers:

    R0  = 00000020   R1  = 00000000   R2  = 8000CA78   R3  = 80DAF000
    R4  = 80487000   R5  = 83ED5E00   R6  = 7FFA4188   R7  = 7FF28EB8
    R8  = 7FF28E68   R9  = 7FFA2808   R10 = 7FFA4000   R11 = 7FFE0070
    AP  = 7FF28D90   FP  = 7FF28D98   SP  = 80DAFBF8   PC  = 80765465
    PSL = 041F0000

Processor registers:

    P0BR   = 83EE8E00     SBR    = 01A6A800     ASTLVL = 00000004
    P0LR   = 000001C1     SLR    = 00065600     SISR   = 00000000
    P1BR   = 837FA600     PCBB   = 00BB62A0     ICCS   = 00000041
    P1LR   = 001FF935     SCBB   = 01A62600     SID    = 06FF014F

    ICR    = FFFFE7C1     REVR1  = 11121111     NMIFSR = 000C0000
    TODR   = 2B914C0F     REVR2  = FF00FF12     NMIEAR = 24080000
    COR    = 00000001     CPUINFO= 000009F7     MEMCSR0= 000700F0
    NBIA0 CSR0 = 00203810         NBIA1 CSR0 = 00000000

    ISP    = 80DAFBF8
    KSP    = 7FFE7E00
    ESP    = 7FFE9E00
    SSP    = 7FFED04E
    USP    = 7FF28D90

NMI bus silo:


    No spinlocks currently owned by CPU 01

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