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OpenVMS VAX System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual

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The SHOW POOL/PAGED/HEADER command displays only the name of each block allocated from paged pool, its starting address, its size, and the first four longwords of its contents.


   (Non-Paged Pool History Ring-Buffer
    (512 entries: Most recent first)
   Packet Adr  Size  Type  Subtype Caller's PC   Routine called      Entry Adr
    --------  -----  -----  ----    --------    ---------------      --------
    DA9EE5C0    168  IRP      3     D8012BF1    EXE$DEANONPAGED      DA4C7750
    DAA27EC0    192  DSRV     3     DA591941    EXE$DEANONPAGED      DA4C7740
    DAD47B40    168  IRP      0     DA591918    EXE$DEANONPAGED      DA4C7730
    DAAB5400     24  FRK     52     DA590252    EXE$DEANONPAGED      DA4C7720
    DAAB5400     24  TQE      0     DA591276    EXE$ALONONPAGED      DA4C7710
    DAD47B40    168  IRP     64     DA59184A    EXE$ALONONPAGED      DA4C7700
    DAA66500    172  IRP     64     DB251C80    EXE$ALONONPAGED      DA4C7770
    DAA32300    192  CIMSG    0     DA54C2C8    EXE$DEANONPAGED      DA4C7760


This example of the SHOW POOL/RING_BUFFER command displays the contents of the nonpaged pool history ring buffer, with the most recent entries displayed first.


        List head    List      Alloc.        Alloc.
         Address     Size     Attempts      Failures      Deallocs.
        --------    -----    ----------    ----------    ----------
        D80A9030       64       2077039          1121       2073964
        D80A9038      128       6323789          4502       6309357
        D80A9040      192      21085351          1903      21078538
        D80A9048      256        502388          2025        499705
        D80A9050      320       1372168          3512       1367707
        D80A9058      384         32649           774         31899
        D80A9060      448       2463316          1025       2462243
        D80A9068      512        357170          2181        354754
        D80A9070      576        293998          2438        291476
        D80A9078      640        168145           645        167482
        D80A9080      704         83645          2043         81547
        D80A9088      768         34852           120         34726
        D80A9090      832         21263            44         21215
        D80A9290     4928       2305645          3283       2302249
        D80A9298     4992             9             0             6
        D80A92A0     5056             0             0             0
        D80A92A8     5120             1             0             0


This example of the SHOW POOL/STATISTICS command displays usage statistics about each pool list.


Summary of non-paged pool contents

  145  UNKNOWN   =   191616  (18%)
    2  ADP       =     1280  (0%)
   35  ACB       =     2624  (0%)
    3  AQB       =      192  (0%)
   17  CRB       =     2368  (0%)
   16  DDB       =     2048  (0%)
  355  FCB       =   113600  (11%)
    3  FRK       =    18240  (1%)
   16  IDB       =     1088  (0%)
   42  IRP       =     8064  (0%)
   20  PCB       =    10240  (1%)
   48  TQE       =     3072  (0%)
   70  UCB       =    21696  (2%)
    5  VCB       =     1280  (0%)
  299  WCB       =    51008  (5%)
  287  BUFIO     =   112128  (11%)
    5  TYPAHD    =     1920  (0%)
    2  MVL       =     4736  (0%)
    3  NET       =     4160  (0%)
   15  CXB       =    23616  (2%)
    5  NDB       =     2112  (0%)
   14  DPT       =   132928  (13%)

Total space used = 1016896 out of 1068032 total bytes, 51136 bytes left

Total space utilization = 95%

Summary of paged pool contents

   33  UNKNOWN   =    36480  (15%)
    1  PQB       =     2256  (0%)
  224  GSD       =    14240  (6%)
  153  KFE       =    10864  (4%)
    3  MTL       =       96  (0%)
  118  KFRH      =    46736  (20%)
    1  RSHT      =      528  (0%)
    1  XWB       =    18048  (7%)
  225  LNM       =    16720  (7%)
    4  KFD       =      224  (0%)
    1  KFPB      =       16  (0%)
    2  CIA       =    29264  (12%)
    1  CHIP      =     9216  (4%)
   41  ORB       =     5248  (2%)
    2  ARB       =    34912  (15%)
    1  PTC       =     3072  (1%)
    7  OCB       =     1344  (0%)
    1  PGD       =      208  (0%)

Total space used = 229472 out of 524800 total bytes, 295328 bytes left

Total space utilization = 43%


This example of the SHOW POOL/SUMMARY command displays an allocation summary for each region of pool.


Displays those portions of the port descriptor table (PDT) that are port independent.


SHOW PORTS [/qualifier[,...]]





Displays the specified port descriptor table (PDT).10


Displays BUS (LAN device) structure data.


Displays channel (CH) data.


Displays the network path description for a channel.


Displays the message data associated with a virtual circuit (VC).


Displays virtual circuit (VC) information associated with the named node on the specified PDT. You must use this qualifier with /ADDRESS qualifier.


Displays the virtual circuit data.


The SHOW PORTS command provides port-independent information from the port descriptor table (PDT) for those CI ports with full SCS connections. This information is used by all system communications services (SCS) port drivers.

Note that the SHOW PORTS command does not display similar information about UDA ports, BDA ports, and similar controllers.

The SHOW PORTS command also defines symbols for PEDRIVER based on the cluster configuration. These symbols include the following information:

  • Virtual circuit (VC) control blocks for each of the remote systems
  • BUS data structure for each of the local LAN adapters
  • Some of the data structures used by both PEDRIVER and the LAN drivers

The following symbols are defined automatically:

Symbol Explanation or Example
VC_nodename VC_NODE1, address of the local node's virtual circuit to node NODE1
CH_nodename The preferred channel for the virtual circuit; for example, CH_NODE1, address of the local node's preferred channel to node NODE1
BUS_busname BUS_ETA, address of the local node's BUS structure associated with LAN adapter ETA0
PE_PDT Address of PEDRIVER's port descriptor table
MGMT_VCRP_busname MGMT_VCRP_ETA, address of the management VCRP for BUS ETA
HELLO_VCRP_busname HELLO_VCRP_ETA, address of the HELLO message VCRP for BUS ETA
VCIB_busname VCIB_ETA, address of the VCIB for BUS ETA
UCB_LAVC_busname UCB_LAVC_ETA, address of the LAN device's UCB used for the local area VAXcluster protocol
UCB0_LAVC_busname UCB0_LAVC_ETA, address of the LAN device's template UCB
LDC_LAVC_busname LDC_LAVC_ETA, address of the LDC structure associated with LAN device ETA
LSB_LAVC_busname LSB_LAVC_ETA, address of the LSB structure associated with LAN device ETA

These symbols equate to system addresses for the corresponding data structures. You can use these symbols, or an address, after the equal sign in SDA commands.

The SHOW PORTS command produces several displays. The initial display, the PDT summary page, lists the PDT address, port type, device name, and driver name for each PDT. Subsequent displays provide information taken from each PDT listed on the summary page.

You can use the /ADDRESS qualifier of the SHOW PORTS command to produce more detailed information about a specific port. The first display of the SHOW PORTS/ADDRESS command duplicates the last display of the SHOW PORTS command, listing information stored in the port's PDT. Subsequent displays list information about the port blocks and virtual circuits associated with the port.




VAXcluster data structures

                  --- Port Descriptor Table (PDT) 806C37A0 ---

Type: 03 pe
Characteristics: 0000

Msg Header Size           32  Connect        80799F94  Recyclh_Msg_Buf  8079AD8A
Max Xfer Bcnt       FFFFFFFF  Dealloc_Dg_Buf 8079AFDA  Request_Data     8079B1CC
DG Header Size           288  Disconnect     8079A06B  Send_Data        8079B215
Poller Sweep              31  Unmap          8079B510  Send_Dg_Buf      8079B03E
Fork Block W.Q.        empty  Map            8079B111  Send_Msg_Buf     8079AEA8
UCB Address         806C0E50  Map_Bypass     8079B0F8  Send_Cnt_Msg_Buf 8079AEAF
ADP Address         00000000  Map_Irp        8079B101  Read_Count       80796D59
Accept              80799FEC  Map_Irp_Bypass 8079B0F0  Rls_Read_Count   80796DD3
Alloc_Dg_Buf        8079AFC6  Queue_Dg_Buf   8079AFE0  Mreset           80799C94
Alloc_Msg_Buf       8079AD05  Queue_Mult_Dgs 8079AFE8  Mstart           80799C9E
Dealloc_Msg_Buf     8079ADE3  Recycl_Msg_Buf 8079AD94  Stop_Vcs         8079BEDD
Dealloc_Msg_Buf_Reg 8079ADF6  Reject         8079A036  Send_Dg_Reg      8079B031

                 --- Port Block 80B091B0 ---

Status: 0001 authorize
VC Count: 5
Secs Since Last Zeroed: 311728

SBUF Size                 436              LBUF Size              1788
SBUF Count                 12              LBUF Count                1
SBUF Max                  768              LBUF Max                384
SBUF Quo                   13              LBUF Quo                  1
SBUF Miss                  18              LBUF Miss             12235
SBUF Allocs            499579              LBUF Allocs           16824
SBUFs In Use                0              LBUFs In Use              0
Peak SBUF In Use           14              Peak LBUF In Use         34
SBUF Queue Empty            0              LBUF Queue Empty          0
TR SBUF Queue Empty         0
No SBUF for ACK             0

Bus Addr  Bus     LAN Address    Error Count Last Error   Time of Last Error
--------  ---  ----------------- ----------- ---------- -----------------------
80B08920  LCL  00-00-00-00-00-00           0
80B08090  ESA  AA-00-04-00-33-FD          75  00000334  25-MAR-1993 23:39:28.27
80B008B0  XQA  08-00-2B-0A-6A-6B          12  0000002C  23-MAR-1993 12:43:59.07
80AF6E90  XQB  08-00-2B-08-CB-B8           0

                 --- Virtual Circuit (VC) Summary ---

VC Addr     Node    SCS ID  Lcl ID    Status Summary        Last Event Time
--------  --------  ------  ------  -----------------   -----------------------
806CD1A0  NODE12    64819  223/DF  open,path            1-JAN-1993 00:00:00.03
806CD6E0  NODE13    64856  222/DE  open,path            1-JAN-1993 00:00:07.
806CD9A0  NODE14    64587  221/DD  open,path            22-MAR-1993 18:34:10.18
8070D530  NODE15    64555  220/DC  open,path            22-MAR-1993 18:57:33.
8074AB60  NODE16    64841  219/DB  open,path            25-MAR-1993 20:42:38.20

The SHOW PORTS/ADDRESS command displays the port descriptor table (PDT) structure, some of the fields in the PORT structure, the BUS summary, and the virtual circuit summary.



VAXcluster data structures
--- BUS: 80B08090  (ESA)  Device: ES_LANCE  LAN Address: AA-00-04-00-33-FD---
                            LAN Hardware Address: 08-00-2B-12-AE-A1
Status: 00000A03 run,online,xmt_chaining_disabled,restart
------- Transmit ------  ------- Receive -------  ---- Structure Addresses ---
Msg Xmt          434107  Msg Rcv         1170090  PORT Address       80B091B0
  Mcast Msgs     103939    Mcast Msgs     859601  VCIB Addr          80B08248
  Mcast Bytes  13304192    Mcast Bytes  96272072  HELLO Message Addr  80B082D8
Bytes Xmt      59789962  Bytes Rcv     146674695  BYE Message Addr    80B08468
Outstand I/Os         0  Buffer Size        1424  Delete BUS Rtn Adr  8079E424
Xmt Errors           75  Rcv Ring Size         8
Last Xmt Error 00000334         Time of Last Xmt Error 25-MAR-1993 23:39:28.27
--- Receive Errors ----  ------ BUS Timer ------  ----- Datalink Events ------
TR Mcast Rcv          0  Handshake TMO  8079FA50  Last 22-MAR-1993 18:25:25.12
Rcv Bad SCSID         0  Listen TMO     8079FA54  Last Event          00001202
Rcv Short Msg         0  HELLO timer           1  Port Usable                1
Fail CH Alloc         0  HELLO Xmt err        38  Port Unusable              0
Fail VC Alloc         0                           Address Change             1
Wrong PORT            0                           Port Restart Fail          0

The SHOW PORTS/BUS=BUS_id command displays the data for the specified BUS structure. The last event time is at the top of the lower right-hand column. If an error was counted, the last error time is displayed under Xmt Errors. The normal status is: RUN, ONLINE, and RESTART.

The Xmt Error field indicates a problem detected during transmission of a message. The error rate should be less than one per hour.



VAXcluster data structures
                 --- Virtual Circuit (VC) 806CD6E0 ---
Remote System Name:  BREE   (0:VAX)     Remote SCSSYSTEMID:  64856
Local System ID:  222 (DE)              Status: 0005 open,path
------ Transmit -------  ------ VC Closures ----  ---- Congestion Control ----
Msg Xmt          216686  SeqMsg TMO            0  UnAcked Msgs               1
  Unsequence          3  CC DFQ Empty          0  Pipe Quota Reached        33
  Sequence       149643  Topology Change       0  CMD Queue Len              0
  ReXmt             545  NPAGEDYN Low          0  Max CMD Queue Len          5
  Lone ACK        66495                           RSVP Threshold            15
Bytes Xmt      33309074                           Pipe Quota                31
------- Receive -------  - Messages  Discarded -  ----- Channel Selection ----
Msg Rcv          194492  No Xmt Chan           0  Preferred Channel   80704320
  Unsequence          1  Rcv Short Msg         0  Delay Time          FB7E6F80
  Sequence       178905  Illegal Seq Msg       0  Buffer Size             1424
  ReRcv              30  Bad Checksum          0  Channel Count              6
  Lone ACK        15531  TR DFQ Empty          0  Channel Selections      3920
  Cache              26  TR MFQ Empty          0  Protocol               1.3.0
  Ill ACK             0  CC MFQ Empty          0  Open  1-JAN-1993 00:00:07.03
Bytes Rcv      52086897  Cache Miss            0  Cls  17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00

        -- Channel Summary for Virtual Circuit (BREE  ) 806CD6E0 --

Address     Type    Xmt Time Size Preferred    Best        Last State Change
--------  --------- -------- ---- ---------  --------   -----------------------
80704320  Preferred FB7E6F80 1424       812       617   22-MAR-1993 18:14:07.01
807043E0  Active    FB7E735E 1424        95         4   25-MAR-1993 20:01:15.18
807050D0  Active    FB7E7FED 1424       431         0   25-MAR-1993 20:01:15.18
806CD820  Active    FB7E728E 1424       868      1470   25-MAR-1993 20:01:15.18
80705010  Active    FB7E7043 1424       738         9   25-MAR-1993 20:00:58.17
806CD8E0  Active    FB7E7BB5 1424       976      1744   25-MAR-1993 20:00:31.17

The SHOW PORTS/VC=VC_id command displays the virtual circuit data for the specified remote node and a channel summary. In this display, the upper center of the display contains the virtual circuit status. The lower right-hand corner contains the virtual circuit open and close times.

The ReXmt field indicates a problem sending messages to the remote system. The error rate per hour should be less than the Pipe Quota field.

The ReRcv field indicates a problem receiving messages from the remote system. The error rate per hour should be less than the Pipe Quota field.



This SHOW PORTS command displays the virtual circuit data for the specified remote node, followed by the message data for the remote node. The virtual circuit message display shows the counters for the following items:

  • Sequenced message delivery
  • Any messages in the process of being transmitted or in the receive cache

The following is an example of part of a display resulting from the SHOW PORTS/MESSAGE/VC=vc-address command:

VAXcluster data structures

        --- Sequenced Message Counters Virtual Circuit (VC) 806CD6E0 ---

      NSU: 4457   HAA: 4456   LAR: 4455   HSR: B3AA  Cache Mask: 00000000

                           Messages Waiting for ACKs

VCRP adr  Len  Flgs Seq   Ack                    Message Data
--------  ---- ---- ----  ----  -----------------------------------------------
806CD2E0   137  0B  4456  B3AA  02 7D 00 04 00 0A 00 00 00 09 00 D 75 05 00 67



This SHOW PORTS command displays the data for the specified channel. The normal state is OPEN, with a status of PATH, OPEN, and RMT_HWA_VALID.

In the following example display resulting from this command, the top of the display shows the remote device name, the remote device type, and the channel open and close times.

VAXcluster data structures

: PEDRIVER Channel (CH:80704320) for Virtual Circuit (VC:806CD6E0) BREE   --
State: 0004 open                Status: 0B path,open,rmt_hwa_valid
BUS: 80B008B0  (XQA)  Lcl Device: XQ_DELQA  Lcl LAN Address: 08-00-2B-0A-6A-6B
Rmt Name: XQB         Rmt Device: XQ_DEQTA  Rmt LAN Address: 08-00-2B-13-70-88
Rmt Seq #: 0002   Open:22-MAR-1993 18:14:07.01  Closed:17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00
------- Transmit ------  ------- Receive -------  ----- Channel Selection ----
Lcl CH Seq #       0001  Msg Rcv          139205  Average Xmt Time    FB879740
Msg Xmt           66707    Mcast Msgs     103906  Remote Buffer Size      1424
  Ctrl Msgs           1    Mcast Bytes  10182788  Max Buffer Size         1424
  Ctrl Bytes         98    Ctrl Msgs           2  Best Channel             615
Bytes Xmt       9130385    Ctrl Bytes        196  Preferred Channel        810
Rmt Ring Size        31  Bytes Rcv      22654333  Retransmit Penalty         2
---------------  Channel Errors  ---------------  Xmt Error Penalty         12
Handshake TMO         0  Short CC Msgs         0  ------- Channel Timer ------
Listen TMO            0  Incompat Chan         0  Timer Entry Flink   8079FA3C
Bad Authorize         0  No MSCP Srvr          0              Blink   80705010
Bad ECO               0  Disk Not Srvd         0  Last Ring Index           08
Bad Multicast         0  Old TR Msgs           0  Protocol               1.3.0
Topology Change       0                           Supported Services  00000000



This SHOW PORTS command displays the following information:

  • Virtual circuit data for the specified remote node
  • Channel data
  • The network path description for each channel to the remote node

The following is an example of a display resulting from the SHOW PORTS/DEVICE/CHANNEL/VC=vc-address command:

VAXcluster data structures
: Network Component List (CLST:80D36440) for Channel (CH:806DC420) --

COMP adr   COMP Type  Description
--------   ---------  ---------------------------------------------------------
80D30010   NODE       SGRPOP:VAXstation 3300; RDO3-4/U10
80CC9300   ADAPTER    ESA; SGRPOP:VAXstation 3300; RDO3-4/U10 (08-00-2B-12-AE-A1)
80D3CDB0   COMPONENT  RD34C4, I-Cluster Segment DAMPR
80D40380   COMPONENT  RD34C4, I-Cluster Segment SELNI
80D36AD0   COMPONENT  I-Cluster Segment
80D2D4C0 P COMPONENT  RDO3-4 Lab, DIVER: I-Cluster Segment SELNI
80D323F0   NODE       PELLNM:rack mounted MicroVAX II; RDO3-4 Lab

This display is useful after the local area VAXcluster network failure analysis data has been loaded. After a network failure analysis, this display indicates primary and secondary failed component suspects in the following ways:

  • P: Primary suspect
  • S: Secondary suspect
  • ?: Component that cannot be proved to be working


This SHOW PORTS command displays the channel data and the network path description if it was provided by the network failure analysis.



This command displays all of the bus structures, all of the virtual circuits and their message counters, and channels, including network path descriptions when available.



VAXcluster data structures

   --- Virtual Circuit (VC) 862C8D80 ---
Remote System Name:  DAVID3 (0:VAX)     Remote SCSSYSTEMID:  64588
Local System ID:  213 (D5)              Status: 0005 open,path
------ Transmit -------  ------ VC Closures ----  ---- Congestion Control ----
Msg Xmt              19  SeqMsg TMO            0  Pipe Quota/Slo/Max   1/31/31
  Unsequence         16  CC DFQ Empty          0  Pipe Quota Reached         0
  Sequence            3  Topology Change       0  Xmt C/T                  0/1
  ReXmt             0/0  NPAGEDYN Low          0  RndTrp uS          3000000+0
  Lone ACK            0                           UnAcked Msgs               0
Bytes Xmt          1058                           CMD Queue Len/Max        0/0
------- Receive -------  - Messages  Discarded -  ----- Channel Selection ----
Msg Rcv              10  No Xmt Chan           0  Preferred Channel   00000000
  Unsequence         16  Rcv Short Msg         0  Delay Time          003266DB
  Sequence            0  Illegal Seq Msg       0  Buffer Size             1424
  ReRcv               0  Bad Checksum          0  Channel Count              2
  Lone ACK            0  TR DFQ Empty          0  Channel Selections         9
  Cache               0  TR MFQ Empty          0  Protocol               1.3.0
  Ill ACK             0  CC MFQ Empty          0  Open  8-FEB-1993 11:30:43.60
Bytes Rcv           440  Cache Miss            0  Cls   8-FEB-1993 11:28:30.69

 -- Channel Summary for Virtual Circuit (DAVID3) 862C8D80 --

Address     Type    Xmt Time Size Preferred    Best       Last State Change
--------  --------- -------- ---- ---------  --------  ----------------------
862CB600  Active    000927BF 1424         3         4  8-FEB-1993 11:30:53.69
862C8F00  Active    000927BF 1424         6         2  8-FEB-1993 11:30:43.60


The command in this example displays virtual connect information associated with the DAVID3 node, which is associated with the port descriptor table whose address is 862C8D80.


10 You can find the pdt-address for any active connection on the system in the PDT summary page display of the SHOW PORTS command. This command also defines the symbol PE_PDT. CDT addresses are also stored in many individual data structures related to SCS connections; for instance, in the path block displays of the SHOW CLUSTER/SCS command.

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