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OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual

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B.2 Difference Between LICENSE LIST and SHOW LICENSE

This example shows the differences between the LICENSE LIST command, which displays license information stored on disk, and the SHOW LICENSE command, which displays license information stored in memory. The first command registers a Fortran license, as follows:


This command adds the license for the product Compaq Fortran to the default License Database. To see the information registered in the database, enter a LICENSE LIST command, as follows:

Use Ctrl/Z to exit, PF3-PF4 for Previous-Next Screen and Arrow keys to Scroll.
 License Management Facility  V1.2

 License Database File:       SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB
 Created on:                  17-AUG-2000
 Created by user:             GRAHAM
 Created by LMF Version:      V1.2
 Issuer:                      DEC
 Authorization:               USA-10
 Product Name:                FORTRAN
 Producer:                    DEC
 Units:                       400
 Version:                     6.0
 Release Date:                (none)
 PAK Termination Date:        (none)
 Availability:                F (Layered Products)
 Activity:                    0
 Hardware ID:

 Revision Level:              1
 Status:                      Active
 Command:                     REGISTER
 Modified by user:            LESH
 Modified on:                 21-AUG-2000 14:32:23.41

Notice that for status the LICENSE LIST command displays Active. This means the registered license is enabled for loading, that it has not been disabled or canceled. It does not necessarily mean the Fortran license was loaded with a LICENSE LOAD command. Because the LICENSE LIST command sees only the License Database on disk, you must enter a SHOW LICENSE command to refer to the License Database in memory to determine whether a license is active on the current system. For example:


Active licenses on node BIODTL:

        Producer: DEC
        Units: 400
        Version:  7.3
        Release Date:  (none)
        Termination Date: 31-DEC-2001
        Availability: E (System Integrated Products)
        Activity:  0

        Producer: DEC
        Units: 400
        Version:  6.0
        Release Date:  (none)
        Termination Date: (none)
        Availability: A (VMS Capacity)
        Activity:  0

The SHOW LICENSE command in this example displays all the active licensed products on the current node named BIODTL; the Fortran license has not yet been loaded.

After you load the Fortran LICENSE, the SHOW LICENSE command displays the license. For example:

LICENSE-I-LOADED, DEC FORTRAN was successfully loaded with 400 units
Active licenses on node BIODTL:

        Producer: DEC
        Units: 400
        Version:  7.3
        Release Date:  (none)
        Termination Date: 31-DEC-2001
        Availability: E (System Integrated Products)
        Activity:  0

        Producer: DEC
        Units: 400
        Version:  6.0
        Release Date:  (none)
        Termination Date: (none)
        Availability: F (Layered Products)
        Activity:  0

        Producer: DEC
        Units: 400
        Version:  6.0
        Release Date:  (none)
        Termination Date: (none)
        Availability: A (VMS Capacity)
        Activity:  0

B.3 Restricting Product Use

This example illustrates how LMF restricts use of a product when insufficient license units are registered for it. In this example, the product DEC BASIC is installed and its license is registered with zero availability units and the MOD_UNITS option. Zero-unit licenses provide authorization for that product's use on any processor. In the first LICENSE MODIFY command, however, the license is changed to a 1500-unit Availability License:


The next command attempts to load the registered license on a system:

%LICENSE-W-NOLOAD, license was not loaded for BASIC
-LICENSE-F-EXCEEDED, attempted usage exceeds active license limits

Because the VAX 6000 system in this example requires 2400 license units to authorize DEC BASIC, the LICENSE LOAD command fails. The next command attempts to invoke DEC BASIC despite the failed LICENSE LOAD command:

%LICENSE-F-NOAUTH, DEC BASIC use is not authorized on this node
-LICENSE-F-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product
-LICENSE-I-SYSMGR, please see your system manager

Note that the attempt to invoke DEC BASIC fails. Because the LICENSE LOAD command failed, DEC BASIC use is unauthorized on the current node. The solution is to modify the license again using a value obtained by using the DCL command SHOW LICENSE /UNIT_REQUIREMENTS.

VMS/LMF Charge Information for node JANINA
This is a VAX 6000-540, hardware model type 188
Type: A, Units Required: 170    (VAX/VMS Capacity or OpenVMS Unlimited or Base)
Type: B, * Not Permitted *      (VAX/VMS F&A Server)
Type: C, * Not Permitted *      (VAX/VMS Concurrent User)
Type: D, * Not Permitted *      (VAX/VMS Workstation)
Type: E, Units Required: 600    (VAX/VMS System Integrated Products)
Type: F, Units Required: 2400   (VAX Layered Products)
Type: G, * Not Permitted *      (Reserved)
Type: H, * Not Permitted *      (Alpha Layered Products)
Type: I, Units Required: 2400   (Layered Products)

Issuing the SHOW LICENSE/UNIT_REQUIREMENTS shows that the required number of license units is 2400. Change the number of units with the LICENSE MODIFY command to provide sufficient units to allow a successful LICENSE LOAD command, which authorizes use of the product.

%LICENSE-I-LOADED, DEC BASIC was successfully loaded with 2400 units

After the license is loaded, the product can be invoked, as follows:




This glossary defines the LMF-related terms used in the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual.

active license: A license that has been enabled. The term active appears in displays produced by LICENSE LIST and has been retained to prevent automated procedures from breaking.

Activity License: A license that defines the allowed number of concurrent uses of a product. Each product defines an activity as either an interactive user, a running process, or a job. For example, a 4-Activity License may have enough license units to allow four users to access the product simultaneously.

authorization number: The unique number assigned by the PAK issuer to a specific PAK. The PAK issuer name and authorization number identify a license.

Availability License: A license that makes a product available to all the users of a system. LMF can activate a product when the number of license units on a license matches or exceeds the license unit rating for the current processor. Every System Marketing Model (SMM) has a series of license unit requirements, typically related to performance, that define how many license units are required to make a product available.

checksum: An encoded number calculated from the other information supplied with a PAK. The checksum string always begins with the number 1, which is the only number in the string. The other 16 characters are always alphabetic characters from A through P.

hardware identifier: An optional string that identifies a particular hardware unit.

Integrated Software Business Technologies: The name for Compaq's business plan that integrates consolidated software distribution, online documentation, and software access management. With this plan more products will be available on compact disc read-only memory (CD-ROM) where software access is authorized by PAKs and LMF.

license: (In this manual) PAK information for a software product that is registered in the License Database.

license combination: A method for using the license units from two or more combinable licenses to provide more product availability. Two licenses with 100 units each combine to equal a 200-unit license. You may use license combination, for example, when you add a new processor to a VAXcluster environment.

License Database: A collection of interrelated data stored on a disk and accessed through LMF software. The default location for the database is SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB. Each record in the License Database corresponds to a license. Sometimes OpenVMS licenses are registered in a second License Database located in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]LMF$SYSTEM.LDB.

License Management Facility (LMF): See LMF.

license registration: The entry in the License Database of a Product Authorization Key (PAK) to add a new license. To register a license, enter the LICENSE REGISTER command, or respond to prompts from the VMSLICENSE.COM command procedure.

license sharing: A method to allow more than one processor to use the license units from a single license. In OpenVMS, this refers to sharing licenses among nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster environment. Licenses that specify the NO_SHARE option cannot be shared.

license unit: A basic measurement that Compaq uses to specify how much product use a license provides. Compaq gives each license intended to be used with LMF a size, specified in license units. For example, a license can be a 50-unit license, a 200-unit license, or a 700-unit license.

License Unit Requirement Table (LURT): See LURT.

LMF: License Management Facility. A variety of system-level software components used to maintain software license information in the License Database of the OpenVMS operating system. LMF is a management tool; the terms and conditions of your product contract determine your legal use of software.

LURT: License Unit Requirement Table. Online tables provided by Compaq that specify a series of license unit requirements, essentially performance ratings, for each System Marketing Model. Processors that provide more performance (other ratings may be unrelated to performance) have greater license unit requirements. The default file name for the LMF LURTs is SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LURT.DAT.

PAK: Product Authorization Key. License information that you must register in the License Database in order to use the product. It is produced by a PAK issuer and delivered to you by mail, electronic transfer, or by telephone.

PAK issuer: The LMF name for the company that creates the license contract for the software. The PAK issuer name and license authorization number uniquely identify a license. PAK issuers are usually the same as software producers but can operate under agreement with the producer.

Personal Use License: A license that designates the names of specific users for unlimited use of a product. Each product defines a user as either an interactive user, a running process, or a job. LMF requires user names associated with this kind of license.

Product Authorization Key (PAK): See PAK.

product identification: The software producer name and product name. Together they uniquely identify a software product for licensing.

record: A collection of data fields in the License Database that define a license at any one time.

release level: Uniquely identified by either a product release date or product release version. To authorize a product for use by license version number, the product release level (in the form nn.nn) must be less than or equal to the license version number. For example, license version number 4.4 allows operation of product release levels 4.3 and 4.4, but not 4.5.

reservation list: A list that contains the names of users with authorized access to a product that is registered with a Personal Use License.

selection weight: An arbitrary attribute of a license, assigned by LMF, to control the order in which different licenses for a product are loaded. You can modify the selection weight with the /SELECTION_WEIGHT qualifier to LICENSE MODIFY.

SMM: System Marketing Model. The model name of a computer system as used in marketing and pricing. The SMM is generally the name on the front panel of the processor cabinet. LMF uses this value rather than hardware CPU-type because different marketing models may use the same CPU with different pricing and licensing rules.

software license: A contract between a license issuer (Compaq) and a license receiver (customer) that grants permission to use a specific software product as described by the applicable Software Product Description (SPD) and the terms and conditions of the license contract. A PAK supplies the information that results from a software license contract.

software producer: The company that owns the software being licensed. Software producers are usually the same as PAK issuers but can operate under agreement with the issuer.

Software Product Description (SPD): See SPD.

SPD: Software Product Description. The legal document that describes the software product. This document contains the precise product release level that comprises the product version and official product release date.

System Marketing Model (SMM): See SMM.

termination date: The date when a license contract is no longer valid, and when LMF no longer authorizes product use.

token: A text string specific to each product used to control additional licensing features. Compaq does not currently use tokens; however, LMF accepts them for use by certain third-party products.

User License: The number of users allowed unlimited use of a product. Each product defines a user as either an interactive user, a running process, or a job. LMF requires user names with this kind of license.

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