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VMS DECwindows Transport Manual

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Returns an XTCB to a local connection.


XTFT$A_EXECUTE_FREE tcc, nullarg, type, free_queue


VMS usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write
mechanism: value

Returns a longword condition value in R0.



VMS usage: record
type: xtcc
access: modify
mechanism: by reference

Address of the XTCC for this connection.


VMS usage: null_arg
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read
mechanism: value

Placeholding argument reserved for historical reasons. It is never referred to by XTFT$A_EXECUTE_FREE and its contents are unpredictable.


VMS usage: longword
type: longword
access: read
mechanism: value



VMS usage: array
type: longword
access: modify
mechanism: reference

Pointer to the free queue.


The XTFT$A_EXECUTE_FREE routine logically returns an XTCB to a logical link. The common transport DECW$XPORT_FREE_INPUT_BUFFER invokes XTFT$A_EXECUTE_FREE after it returns an input XTCB to a previously empty free queue.

XTFT$A_EXECUTE_FREE checks to see if input_free operations are enabled for this connection and tries to remove the first XTCB. If it successfully removes the XTCB, XTFT$A_EXECUTE_FREE initiates a $QIO read into it by invoking DECW$$XPORT_FREE_INPUT (which invokes XTFT$A_FREE_INPUT_BUFFER).

The nullarg argument is a placeholder; XTFT$A_EXECUTE_FREE does a REMQHI to get the XTCB from the head of the queue.

XTFT$A_EXECUTE_FREE is invoked in user mode.

See Section 8.2.6 for a sample implementation of the XTFT$A_EXECUTE_FREE routine.


Writes an XTCB to a transport-specific connection.


XTFT$A_EXECUTE_WRITE xtcc, nullarg, mode


VMS usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write
mechanism: value

Returns a longword condition value in R0.



VMS usage: record
type: xtcc
access: modify
mechanism: reference

Address of the XTCC for this connection.


VMS usage: null_arg
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read
mechanism: value

Placeholding argument reserved for historical reasons.


VMS usage: longword
type: longword
access: read
mechanism: value

Modifying flags for the write operation. The valid field is:
Constant Description
DECW$M_MODE_NOBLOCK Nonblocking write. If no buffer is available when an attempt is made to allocate one, do not block but return the status value DECW$_BUFNOTAVL.


XTFT$A_EXECUTE_WRITE is invoked to write an XTCB to a transport connection. XTFT$A_EXECUTE_WRITE is expected to remove the head XTCB from the output work queue and, if the remove was successful, initiate a write operation for the XTCB by invoking the common transport DECW$$XPORT_WRITE routine. DECW$$XPORT_WRITE then calls XTFT$A_WRITE to send the buffer.

The nullarg argument is a placeholder retained for historical reasons; its value is never accessed or relied upon.

XTFT$A_EXECUTE_WRITE is invoked in user mode.

See Section 8.2.2 for a sample implementation of the XTFT$A_EXECUTE_WRITE routine.


Starts a read operation on a freed input buffer.




VMS usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write
mechanism: value

Returns a longword condition value in R0.



VMS usage: record
type: ixtcc
access: modify
mechanism: by reference

Address of the connection where communication takes place.


VMS usage: record
type: xtcb
access: modify
mechanism: by reference

Address of the XTCB to free.


The XTFT$A_FREE_INPUT_BUFFER routine does a $QIO read operation for a connection into the provided buffer. If the read $QIO fails, XTFT$A_FREE_INPUT_BUFFER inserts the XTCB on the free queue and sets the connection state to dying.

The transport-common DECW$$XPORT_FREE_INPUT routine calls the XTFT$A_FREE_INPUT_BUFFER routine to perform a $QIO read operation for the connection.

Unlike the XTFT$A_EXECUTE_FREE routine, the xtcb argument is a "real" XTCB and it is assumed that any enable/disable checks, performed with the XPORT_IN_FREE_DISABLE macro, have already been performed.

XTFT$A_FREE_INPUT_BUFFER is invoked in executive mode.

See Section 8.2.7 for a sample implementation of the XTFT$A_FREE_INPUT_BUFFER routine.


Attempts to establish a connection to a server.


XTFT$A_OPEN workstation, server, itcc


VMS usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write
mechanism: value

Returns a longword condition value in R0.



VMS usage: char string
type: descriptor
access: read
mechanism: reference

Name of the server object passed by descriptor. Contains network address and authentication information. The workstation argument is usually a node name.


VMS usage: longword
type: longword
access: read
mechanism: value

The number of the server to be connected. The server argument is usually zero because most workstations run only one server.


VMS usage: record
type: ixtcc
access: modify
mechanism: reference

Location of a preallocated IXTCC. This IXTCC has an XTPB (IXTCC$A_TPB and XTCC$A_TPB) that has been initialized.


The XTFT$A_OPEN routine tries to connect a client to a server.

The transport-common DECW$XPORT_OPEN routine attempts to locate a transport with a name matching that passed in its xportnam argument (for example DECNET). If a matching transport is found, the XTFT$A_OPEN routine is called with the server and workstation arguments and an IXTCC that has been partially initialized.

XTFT$A_OPEN is responsible for allocating and initializing the XTCC and all necessary XTCBs, populating the XTCQ with the XTCBs, and initiating I/O on the connection. Parameters that would affect these operations are found in the XTPB attached to the IXTCC by means of the IXTCC$A_TPB field.

XTFT$A_OPEN is invoked in executive mode.

Waiting for Asynchronous Connections

Connections are usually established in inner mode. However, if your specific transport indicates (by an explicit return status of DECW$_STALL) that it is necessary to wait for a connection to be established across a network, DECW$XPORT_OPEN can wait in user mode for the open to complete. Waiting in user-mode allows a user to press Ctrl/Y to exit the application in the event of a problem.

You can write your transport-specific XTFT$A_OPEN routine to wait either in executive mode (by a $QIOW call) or in user mode (by an asynchronous $QIO call) and use the return status of DECW$STALL to tell the DECW$XPORT_OPEN routine which way to proceed. Note that waiting in executive mode is discouraged.

If a transport-specific XTFT$A_OPEN return returns a status of DECW$_STALL, it must then call DECW$XPORT_OPEN_COMPLETE when it has completed the open to notify DECW$XPORT_OPEN that an asynchronous open operation has completed.

See Section 8.2.12 for a sample implementation of the XTFT$A_OPEN routine.


Performs the transport-specific rundown functions required during image rundown.




VMS usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write
mechanism: value

Returns a longword condition value in R0.



VMS usage: record
type: xtdb
access: modify
mechanism: reference

XTDB structure. The XTDB is initialized by the common transport before XTFT$A_RUNDOWN is called.


XTFT$A_RUNDOWN is invoked by the common transport when the image in which the transport is running exits. The transport's rundown procedure must release any resources that might survive the image exit. ASTs are disabled while XTFT$A_RUNDOWN is executing.

XTFT$A_RUNDOWN is invoked in executive mode.

See Section 8.2.22 for a sample implementation of the XTFT$A_RUNDOWN routine.


Writes an XTCB buffer from the common transport to a transport-specific connection.


XTFT$A_WRITE itcc, tcb, mode


VMS usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write
mechanism: value

Returns a longword condition value in R0.



VMS usage: record
type: xtcc
access: modify
mechanism: reference

Address of the IXTCC for this connection.


VMS usage: record
type: xtcb
access: modify
mechanism: reference

Address of the XTCB to write to the transport-specific connection.


VMS usage: longword
type: longword
access: read
mechanism: value

Modifying flags for the write operation. The valid field is as follows:
Constant Description
DECW$M_MODE_NOBLOCK Nonblocking write. If no buffer is available when an attempt is made to allocate one, do not block but return the status value DECW$_BUFNOTAVL.


The XTFT$A_WRITE routine is invoked to write the data in an XTCB, possibly by means of $QIO, to a transport connection associated with the XTCC. If there is nothing to write, that is, the XTCB is empty, XTFT$A_WRITE inserts the XTCB on the appropriate (small or large) output free queue.

If the $QIO write operation fails, XTFT$A_WRITE puts the XTCB back at the head of the output work queue and sets the connection status to dying.

Unlike XTFT$A_EXECUTE_WRITE, the XTCB parameter in the argument list is significant and is the address of an XTCB, not an element of any queue, whose data is to be written to a connection.

The XTFT$A_WRITE routine is called in executive mode.

See Section 8.2.3 for a sample implementation of the XTFT$A_WRITE routine.


Attempts to write a buffer in the user's address space to a transport-specific connection.


XTFT$A_WRITE_USER itcc, buffer, mode


VMS usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write
mechanism: value

Returns a longword condition value in R0.



VMS usage: record
type: ixtcc
access: modify
mechanism: reference

Address of the IXTCC data structure that identifies the connection.


VMS usage: char string
type: char string
access: read
mechanism: descriptor

A buffer in the user's address space that contains data to write to the connection.


VMS usage: longword
type: longword
access: read
mechanism: value

Modifying flags for the write operation. The valid field is as follows:
Constant Description
DECW$M_MODE_NOBLOCK Nonblocking write. If no buffer is available when an attempt is made to allocate one, do not block but return the status value DECW$_BUFNOTAVL.


The XTFT$A_WRITE_USER routine attempts to write a buffer in the user's address space to a transport connection. The purpose of this interface is to avoid a data copy into XTCBs when the caller has a large, contiguous block of data to be written to a connection, such as when sending image data between client and server.

There are two methods for implementing this routine. The first is to wait for the output work queue to become empty and then perform the I/O operation on the user's buffer, typically by means of a $QIO. The other method is to invoke the common transport's DECW$XPORT_COPY_AND_WRITE routine for the buffer arguments. It is strongly recommended that transports use the DECW$XPORT_COPY_AND_WRITE routine.

XTFT$A_WRITE_USER is called in user mode.

See Section 8.2.5 for a sample implementation of the XTFT$A_WRITE_USER routine.

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