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DEC Text Processing Utility Reference Manual

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"facility_name" string constant parameter to GET_INFO
FAO built-in procedure #1
FAO built-in procedure #2
FAO directives
    with MESSAGE
"file_name" string constant parameter to GET_INFO #1
"file_name" string constant parameter to GET_INFO #2
FILE_PARSE built-in procedure #1
FILE_PARSE built-in procedure #2
FILE_SEARCH built-in procedure #1
FILE_SEARCH built-in procedure #2
FILL built-in procedure #1
FILL built-in procedure #2
"find_buffer" string constant parameter to GET_INFO
"first" string constant parameter to GET_INFO #1
"first" string constant parameter to GET_INFO #2
"first" string constant parameter to GET_INFO #3
"first" string constant parameter to GET_INFO #4
"first" string constant parameter to GET_INFO #5
"first" string constant parameter to GET_INFO #6
"first" string constant parameter to GET_INFO #7
"first" string constant parameter to GET_INFO #8
"first" string parameter to ADD_KEY_MAP
"first_file_name" string constant parameter to GET_INFO
"first_marker" string constant parameter to GET_INFO
"first_range" string constant parameter to GET_INFO
FORWARD keyword #1
FORWARD keyword #2
    with SEARCH
Free cursor movement #1
Free cursor movement #2
Free markers
    with MARK
GET_CLIPBOARD built-in procedure
    example of use
GET_DEFAULT built-in procedure
GET_GLOBAL_SELECT built-in procedure
    example of use
GET_INFO built-in procedure #1
GET_INFO built-in procedure #2
    any_keyname parameter
    any_keyword parameter
    any_variable parameter
    ARRAY keyword parameter
    array_variable parameter
    BUFFER keyword parameter
    buffer variable parameter
        "read_routine" #1
        "read_routine" #2
    buffer_variable parameter
    COMMAND_LINE keyword parameter
    DEBUG keyword parameter
    DEFINED_KEY keyword parameter
    integer_variable parameter
    KEY_MAP keyword parameter
    KEY_MAP_LIST keyword parameter
    key_name parameter
    marker_variable parameter
    mouse_event_keyword parameter
    PROCEDURES keyword parameter
    PROCESS keyword parameter
    process_variable parameter
    range_variable parameter
    SCREEN keyword parameter
        "grab_routine" #1
        "grab_routine" #2
    SCREEN keyword parameter
    SCREEN keyword parameter
    screen update parameter
    string constant parameter
        "beyond_eol" #1
        "beyond_eol" #2
        "bound" #1
        "bound" #2
        "bound" #3
        "buffer" #1
        "buffer" #2
        "buffer" #3
        "current" #1
        "current" #2
        "current" #3
        "current" #4
        "current" #5
        "current" #6
        "current_column" #1
        "current_column" #2
        "current_row" #1
        "current_row" #2
        "display_value" #1
        "display_value" #2
        "first" #1
        "first" #2
        "first" #3
        "first" #4
        "first" #5
        "first" #6
        "first" #7
        "first" #8
        "grab_routine" #1
        "grab_routine" #2
        "input_focus" #1
        "input_focus" #2
        "journal_file" #1
        "journal_file" #2
        "key_map_list" #1
        "key_map_list" #2
        "last" #1
        "last" #2
        "last" #3
        "last" #4
        "last" #5
        "last" #6
        "last" #7
        "last" #8
        "left_margin" #1
        "left_margin" #2
        "length" #1
        "length" #2
        "line_number" #1
        "line_number" #2
        "modified" #1
        "modified" #2
        "name" #1
        "name" #2
        "next" #1
        "next" #2
        "next" #3
        "next" #4
        "next" #5
        "next" #6
        "next" #7
        "next" #8
        "next" #9
        "next" #10
        "offset" #1
        "offset" #2
        "offset_column" #1
        "offset_column" #2
        "original_length" #1
        "original_length" #2
        "previous" #1
        "previous" #2
        "previous" #3
        "previous" #4
        "previous" #5
        "previous" #6
        "previous" #7
        "previous" #8
        "previous" #9
        "previous" #10
        "read_routine" #1
        "read_routine" #2
        "record_number" #1
        "record_number" #2
        "right_margin" #1
        "right_margin" #2
        "scroll" #1
        "scroll" #2
        "shift_key" #1
        "shift_key" #2
        "text" #1
        "text" #2
        "unmodifiable_records" #1
        "unmodifiable_records" #2
        "unmodifiable_records" #3
        "video" #1
        "video" #2
        "video" #3
        "visible_length" #1
        "visible_length" #2
        "width" #1
        "width" #2
    string_variable parameter
    SYSTEM keyword parameter
    WIDGET keyword parameter
    widget variable parameter
    widget_variable parameter
    WINDOW keyword parameter
    window variable parameter
    window_variable parameter
Global selection
    determining ownership of
    fetching grab routine for
    fetching information about
    fetching read request for
    fetching read routine for #1
    fetching read routine for #2
    fetching ungrab routine for
    fetching wait time for
    obtaining data from
    reading information about
    requesting ownership of
    sending information about to an application
    specifying expiration period for
    specifying grab routine for
    specifying read routine for
    specifying ungrab routine for
GOLD key
    restriction on defining in EVE
Grab routine
    fetching event in
    global selection
    input focus

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