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OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users
Datagram Free Queue Insert Failure
Datagram Free Queue Remove Failure
DBLERR, double error halt restart Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable hardware error. Because of the severity of the error, further operation is impossible or it could corrupt user data. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Thoroughly test all system hardware components. If no hardware errors are located and if the problem persists, note the conditions at the time of the error. Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. DEADLOCK, deadlock detected Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: The first 12 characters of an ISO 9660 CD-ROM's volume name and volume set name are the same. When an attempt is made to mount the volume, both names are used to construct an OpenVMS lock request to manage volumes within a volume set. However, if the first 12 characters of the names match, the lock request fails. User Action: Mount the volume specifying a different volume set name. DECPTREF, decrement page table reference count error Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. DEFCLI, you are not authorized to specify CLI parameters Facility: LOGIN, Login Procedure Explanation: Authorization is needed to specify an alternate command language interpreter (CLI) or alternate CLI tables. User Action: Log in again without specifying the /CLI or /TABLES qualifiers after your user name. DELCONPFN, fatal error in delete contents of PFN Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. DELETE, error deleting 'file-name' file ID ('numeric-string') Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: An error is encountered during an attempt to delete the file with the specified file identification in response to the /DELETE qualifier. The accompanying message provides additional information. User Action: None. DELETESWL, 'device-name' is write protected - file deletion pass not executed Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: The input device is software write locked. The Backup utility cannot perform the file deletion pass. User Action: Dismount the input device, remount it writable, and either delete the files by hand or reenter the BACKUP command. DELGBLSEC, delete global section error Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. DELGBLWCB, delete global section window error Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. DELPORT, deleted port 'port-name' Facility: LAT, LAT Facility Explanation: The specified port has been deleted by LATCP. User Action: None. DELSERVICE, deleted service 'service-name' Facility: LAT, LAT Facility Explanation: The specified service has been deleted by LATCP. User Action: None. DELWSLEX, delete working set list entry index error Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. DENIGNORED, /DENSITY qualifier not appropriate to this device; ignored Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: The /DENSITY qualifier was supplied on the command line for a device that does not support various densities. The qualifier is ignored. User Action: Omit the /DENSITY qualifier to avoid getting this system message. Use the /MEDIA_FORMAT=[NO]COMPACTION qualifier if the device supports compaction. DENSITY, 'saveset-spec' does not support specified density - default used Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: The specified tape hardware does not support the density selected by the /DENSITY qualifier. The Backup utility uses the default density. User Action: Use a different tape device, or specify a different density. DEQSUBLCKS, tried to dequeue lock with sublocks Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. DETSHADINCON, mount has detected an inconsistent state for shadowing Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: MOUNT has detected an internal inconsistency while attempting to mount a shadow set. This message indicates a failure in either MOUNT or the OpenVMS Volume Shadowing software. User Action: Contact a Compaq support representative and provide as much detail as possible about the circumstances surrounding this error. DEVBUSY, mount or dismount in progress on device Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: MOUNT has been retrying a mount operation for at least two minutes. The operation keeps failing because the master member of a shadow set is no longer valid, probably because a simultaneous dismount operation is being attempted on the set. User Action: Ensure that no dismount operation is being performed on the set and attempt the mount operation again. If the operation continues to fail, contact a Compaq support representative. DEVCOUNT, number of devices must match number of volumes Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: The number of devices specified in the DCL command MOUNT to mount a disk volume set does not match the number of volume labels specified in the command. User Action: Verify the names of the devices and volume labels for the command and then reenter the command with a matching number of devices and volume labels. DEVDMT, device is marked for dismount Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: The device is in the process of being dismounted. No mount requests can be processed on this device until the dismount completes. If this condition persists, files are open on the device. User Action: Close any open files on the device. If other processes have open files, the system manager may need to resolve the situation. DEVICES, only one device allowed Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: More than one device was specified in the DCL command MOUNT. Only one volume at a time can be mounted for this specified type of mount. User Action: Reenter the DCL command MOUNT, specifying only one device. DEVNOFE, device does not support FORCED ERROR handling. To override use the /OVERRIDE=NO_FORCED_ERROR qualifier Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: The device being mounted into a shadow set does not support forced error handling and the /OVERRIDE=NO_FORCED_ERROR qualifier was not specified. User Action: Specify the /OVERRIDE=NO_FORCED_ERROR qualifier and retry the operation. DEVNOTKNWN, device not known: 'input' Facility: SYSGEN, System Generation Utility Explanation: The specific device is unknown. User Action: See the OpenVMS VAX Device Support Manual for the correct UNIBUS controller name. DEVSHAMEM, device is already mounted as a shadow set member Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: The device you attempted to mount as a nonshadowed device is already mounted elsewhere in the cluster as a shadow set member. User Action: Mount the device as a member of a shadow set. You can use DSA: to specify a generic virtual unit if you do not know which virtual unit contains the device. DIAGPACK, 'disk' is a diagnostic pack Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: Either a Backup utility operation attempted to use a volume identified as a diagnostic volume, or the INITIALIZE command was used to initialize a diagnostic volume. In either case, the volume cannot be used. User Action: Retry the operation using another volume. DIFVOLMNT, different volume already mounted on this device Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: Previously, a different volume was mounted on this device on another node in the cluster. The device may be in mount verification on the other node. Either the original volume was removed from the device and replaced with another, or its volume identification was overwritten. User Action: Restore the previously mounted volume to the device. If this is not possible, dismount the device on all nodes that currently have it mounted. Then retry the mount operation. DIRENTRY, ACP failed to find same directory entry Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. DISKCLASS, fatal error detected by Disk Class driver (DUDRIVER) Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. DISKFRAG, free space on 'device-name' is too fragmented Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: The number of free extents on the specified volume is unreasonably large. The volume cannot be used as a save-set disk. User Action: Reinitialize the volume, or select another volume and retry the operation. DISMAL, all of the volumes have been dismounted Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: All of the volumes mounted by this invocation of $MOUNT or the MOUNT command have been dismounted because of errors that were detected after the volumes were mounted. User Action: Take the action based on the preceding messages, and reenter the MOUNT command. DISMOUNTD, volume 'volume-name' of volume-set 'volume-set-name' dismounted Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: The specified volume of the specified volume set has been dismounted because of errors encountered in processing the volume after it is mounted. An error with part of a volume set causes the entire volume set to be dismounted. This message appears for each member of the volume set that is dismounted due to the error condition. Only those volumes that were mounted by this invocation of the MOUNT command are listed. If the volume set name is not available, the string "name n/a" appears as the name of the volume set. User Action: Take action based on the accompanying message and reenter the MOUNT command. DISMPART, some of the volumes have been dismounted Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: Some of the volumes that were mounted by this invocation of the Mount utility or the MOUNT command have been dismounted due to errors detected after the volumes were mounted. User Action: Take action based on the preceding messages, and reenter the MOUNT command. DISRECONNECT, you are not authorized to do reconnections Facility: LOGIN, Login Procedure Explanation: Authorization is needed to reconnect to disconnected processes. User Action: Log in again without specifying the /CONNECT qualifier after your user name. DISUSER, account is disabled Facility: LOGIN, Login Procedure Explanation: An attempt is made to log in to an account when the account is disabled. An account's system access can be restricted by setting the DISUSER flag in the user authorization file. This message is written to the system accounting and security audit records; the NOTVALID message displays to the user. User Action: None. DOSETVOL, Use SET VOLUME/STRUCTURE_LEVEL and remount. Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: This message accompanies the INCONSTRUCT and INCONSET error messages to provide instructions for making the volume or volume set consistent. User Action: If the volume or volume set is not currently mounted /NOSHARE, dismount the portion that is currently mounted and mount the volume or volume set using /NOSHARE. Then execute the DCL command SET VOLUME /STRUCTURE_LEVEL=5 on the volume or volume set. Afterwards, you can dismount the volume or volume set and mount it as you wish. DOUBLDALOC, double deallocation of swap file space Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. DOUBLDEALO, double deallocation of memory block Facility: BUGCHECK, System Bugcheck Explanation: The OpenVMS software detected an irrecoverable, inconsistent condition. After all physical memory is written to a system dump file, the system automatically reboots if the BUGREBOOT system parameter is set to 1. User Action: Use the BACKUP command with the /IGNORE=NOBACKUP qualifier to make a backup save set of the system dump file and the error log file active at the time of the error. Contact a Compaq support representative and describe the conditions leading to the error. DRIVENAM, driver name is 'driver-name' Facility: SYSGEN, System Generation Utility Explanation: This message is issued with the message SYSVERDIF to identify the driver. User Action: See the SYSGEN message SYSVERDIF for user action information. DRVERR, fatal drive error Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: In a SCSI OpenVMS Cluster environment, a request has been made to mount a device on a shared SCSI bus and the device does not support SCSI-2 tagged command queuing (TCQ). User Action: If you want to mount a device on a shared SCSI bus, the device must support TCQ.
DSSI Terminator Power failure, possible blown fuse.
DUALLOC, dual allocation on volume 'n' Facility: RBLD, REBUILD Command (Mount Utility) Explanation: A logical block on the specified relative volume is allocated to more than one file. User Action: Execute the DCL command ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE/NOREPAIR for the volume. This command invokes the Analyze/Disk_Structure utility, which issues a message for each case of dual file allocation. Each message identifies the file name, the range of logical block numbers that are allocated, and the virtual block numbers that map to the logical blocks. After you determine the files involved in each case of dual allocation, disallow any other file activity for them and copy all but one file to a new version. Then delete the versions containing dual allocation. This causes blocks that are not actually free to be marked as free blocks in the storage bit map. Finally, reexecute the ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE/REPAIR command. Then examine each file and reconstruct from backup media any files that have been corrupted.
Dump aborted, page tables may be corrupted
DUPDEVSPC, duplicate device specified Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: The same tape device is specified more than once in a list of tape devices for the DCL command MOUNT. User Action: Reenter the MOUNT command, specifying each device only once. DUPLABEL, duplicate label 'label' not allowed with /EXACT_ORDER qualifier Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: Duplicate labels cannot be specified with the /EXACT_ORDER qualifier. The specified label matches a label that was entered previously. User Action: Reenter the command, specifying unique labels. DUPLICATE_ID, Device 'device-name' has the same ID as a previous device for this bus, at line 'line-number'. Facility: READ_CONFIG, File-Based Autoconfiguration Explanation: Another device defined earlier in the file has the same ID and ADAPTER values. The initial occurrence in the file will be used; the second device will be ignored. User Action: Check your configuration files for duplicate records. DUPOPT, previously specified callable interface option type invalid, argument position 'position', option type = 'option-type' Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility Explanation: An option type is specified more than once in the set of options. It is illegal to specify duplicates for this option type. User Action: Note the value of the option type found and its relative position in the set of options specified to the BACKUP API; then remove redundant specifications of this option type. (Refer to the BACKUP documentation and the BACKUP API definitions files for valid option values.) DUPRVN, duplicate volume number already mounted Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: A volume of the same relative volume number and the same volume set name is already mounted. An attempt is being made to mount a volume that belongs to a volume set with the same name as a volume set that is already mounted. User Action: Make sure that the correct volume has been mounted. Verify that the volume status (/SHARE, /NOSHARE, /GROUP, or /SYSTEM) is defined consistently with volumes already mounted. DUPVOLNAM, volume label already present in set Facility: MOUNT, Mount Utility Explanation: During an attempt to add a volume to an existing volume set, the specified volume set is found to contain a volume with the label specified. User Action: Verify the labels on the existing volumes in the set. Choose a new label for the volume you are adding to the set, reinitialize the volume, and reenter the DCL command MOUNT/BIND. DZRO_ISD, image contains demand zero sections Facility: LOADER, Executive Image Loader Explanation: A load request was made for an executive image that illegally contains demand zero sections. User Action: Correct the link procedure used to build the executive image; specify the appropriate PSECT_ATTR and COLLECT statements to eliminate the demand zero sections.