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OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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Command Qualifier

Lists the file information produced by the command qualifier /LIST in the format provided by the DCL command DIRECTORY/FULL.


/LIST/FULL input-specifier [output-specifier]


The /FULL qualifier is valid only with the command qualifier /LIST.

If you do not specify /FULL with /LIST, the /LIST qualifier uses the default command qualifier /BRIEF and lists only the file specification, size, and creation date of each file. When you specify /FULL, the list includes more information from the file header records, such as the BACKUP date, date of last modification, number of blocks allocated to the file, file protection and organization, and record attributes.


Listing of save set(s)
Save set:          ROCK.BCK
Written by:        RINGO
UIC:               [000200,000300]
Date:              20-AUG-2000 15:39:38.89

Operating system:  OpenVMS Alpha Version V7.3

BACKUP version:    V7.3
CPU ID register:   08000000
Node name:         _SUZI::
Written on:        _MTA0:
Block size:        8192
Group size:        10
Buffer count:      30

                  Size:       1/1         Created: 18-AUG-2000 14:10
                  Owner: [000200,000200]  Revised: 18-AUG-2000 14:10 (2)
                  File ID: (91,7,1)       Expires: [None specified]
                                          Backup:  [No backup done]
  File protection:    System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RE, World:
  File organization:  Sequential
  File attributes:    Allocation = 1, Extend = 0
                      Global Buffer Count = 0
  Record format:      Variable length, maximum 255 bytes
  Record attributes:  Carriage return

                      Size:    1/1        Created: 18-AUG-2000 14:11
                      Owner: [000200,000200]  Revised: 18-AUG-2000 14:11 (2)
                      File ID: (92,9,1)       Expires: [None specified]
                                              Backup:  [No backup done]
  File protection:    System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RE, World:
  File organization:  Sequential
  File attributes:    Allocation = 1, Extend = 0
                      Global Buffer Count = 0
  Record format:      Variable length, maximum 255 bytes
  Record attributes:  Carriage return
Total of 4 files, 16 blocks
End of save set


The command in this example lists the files in save set MTA1:ROCK.BCK in full format.


Output Save-Set Qualifier

Defines the number of blocks BACKUP places in each redundancy group.


input-specifier output-save-set-spec/GROUP_SIZE=n


BACKUP writes redundant information to output save sets to protect against data loss. Using the redundant information, BACKUP can correct one uncorrectable read error in each redundancy group. The /GROUP_SIZE qualifier specifies the number of output blocks written to each redundancy group. The value of n can be 0 to 100. The default value is 10.

If you define a value of 0 for /GROUP_SIZE, no redundancy groups are created for the save set.



This BACKUP command saves all files in the current default directory tree that have been modified since the last BACKUP/RECORD operation; the /GROUP_SIZE defines the redundancy group size as 5 blocks.


Command Qualifier

Specifies that a BACKUP save or copy operation will override restrictions placed on files or will not perform tape label processing checks.


/IGNORE= option input-specifier output-specifier


The /IGNORE=option qualifier has the following options:
ACCESSIBILITY Processes files on a tape that is protected by a volume accessibility character, or on a tape created by HSC Backup. The option applies only to tapes. It affects the first tape mounted and all subsequent tapes in the save set.
INTERLOCK Processes files that otherwise could not be processed due to file access conflicts. Use this option to save or copy files currently open for writing. Note that no synchronization is made with the process writing the file, so the file data that is copied might be inconsistent with the input file, depending on the circumstances (for example, if another user is editing the file, the contents might change). When a file open for writing is processed, BACKUP issues the following message:
%BACKUP-W-ACCONFLICT, 'filename' is open for write by another user.

  The INTERLOCK option is especially useful if you have files that are open so much of the time that they might not otherwise be saved. The use of this option requires the user privilege SYSPRV, a system UIC, or ownership of the volume.
LABEL_PROCESSING Saves or copies the contents of files to the specified magnetic tape volume regardless of the information contained in the volume header record. BACKUP does not verify the volume label or expiration date before writing information to the tape volume. Note that you cannot use this option with the /EXACT_ORDER qualifier.
NOBACKUP Saves or copies both the file header record and the contents of files marked with the NOBACKUP flag by the /NOBACKUP qualifier of the DCL command SET FILE. If you do not specify this option, BACKUP saves only the file header record of files marked with the NOBACKUP flag.



_From: DUA0:[SUSAN...]

This command saves an entire directory tree and the files in all subdirectories, including any files that are open.



This command rewinds the tape in drive MFA1 to the beginning-of-tape marker, initializes the tape, and creates a save set containing all files in the user's current directory. The command qualifier /IGNORE=LABEL_PROCESSING specifies that no tape label processing checks are done before BACKUP initializes the tape. When the tape is initialized, access to data that previously resided on the tape is lost.


_From:  DUA0:[BOOKS...]

The INITIALIZE command in this example initializes the tape with an accessibility character (K) and a volume label (29JUN). The BACKUP command mounts the tape, regardless of the accessibility, and performs the BACKUP operation. For more information about tape protection, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.



%BACKUP-I-ODS5CONV, structure level 5 files will be converted to structure
        level 2 on DKA200:
-BACKUP-I-ODS5LOSS, conversion may result in loss of structure level 5
        file attributes
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]000000.DIR;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]BACKUP.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]CONTIN.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]CORIMG.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DKA200:[000000]SECURITY.SYS;1

You can use commands like the ones in the example if you have an image backup of an ODS-5 disk, and you want to restore it to an ODS-2 disk.

In the command line in the example, IMAGE.BCK is the ODS-5 save set, and DKA200: is the ODS-2 disk. When you use this conversion method, you must preinitialize the output disk to ODS-2 and then include the /NOINIT qualifier in your command line.


Command Qualifier

Directs BACKUP to process an entire volume or volume set.


/IMAGE input-specifier output-specifier


To use the /IMAGE qualifier, you need write access to the volume index file (INDEXF.SYS) and the bit map file (BITMAP.SYS), or the input medium must be write-locked. BACKUP opens the index file to synchronize with the file system (no update is made). Finally, you must have read access to all files on the input medium.

You can receive a fatal error if you use /IMAGE with the /PHYSICAL qualifier.

When you use the /IMAGE qualifier to save a disk, ALIAS directory trees are not processed. Only the primary files that the ALIAS points to are saved. Depending on how many ALIAS directory specifications are on the disk, this may increase performance by reducing the number of files BACKUP checks for processing.


The input and output devices in an image operation must be different except in an image save operation when the output device is a Files--11 disk save set.

If the output volume is a disk, all files on the output volume are stored contiguously. Contiguous storage of files eliminates disk fragmentation and creates contiguous free blocks of disk space.

Because all files on the input volume are processed, you cannot use input file-selection qualifiers in image copy or save operations. You can, however, restore files and directories selectively from an image save set.

When performing image operations on volume sets (more than one volume), the number of volumes specified by the output specifier must be equal to the number of volumes in the input volume set.

In an image save or copy operation, BACKUP attempts to save or copy all files on the input disk volume including files marked for deletion and lost files (files without a directory entry). By default, a BACKUP image operation saves or copies the attributes but not the contents of files flagged as NOBACKUP. Also by default, BACKUP does not save the attributes nor the contents of files open for write access by another user at the time of the image save operation. If you want these files to be included, specify the command qualifier /IGNORE in the BACKUP command line. The command qualifier /IGNORE=NOBACKUP directs BACKUP to save or copy files flagged as NOBACKUP. The command qualifier /IGNORE=INTERLOCK directs BACKUP to save or copy files open for write access by another user.

An image restore or copy operation initializes the output volume or volume set. The initialization data comes from the save-volume summary record of the input volume unless the command qualifier /NOINITIALIZE is specified. Specifying /NOINITIALIZE directs BACKUP to initialize the output volume using volume initialization data that already exists on the output volume.

In image restore and copy operations, every file is restored or copied. The output volume must be mounted using the /FOREIGN qualifier. The new volume is a functionally equivalent copy of the input volume; however, file placement will change. Files are stored contiguously on the output volume.

You cannot change the structure level of the output volume in an image restore or copy operation. A BACKUP operation to mixed tape and disk save sets, as shown in the following command, is unsupported:


Specifying the /IMAGE qualifier without also specifying /NOALIAS can result in incomplete disk or file restoration operations. Therefore, Compaq strongly recommends that you specify /NOALIAS with /IMAGE when performing image mode backup operations.


If you do not specify /NOALIAS, the /ALIAS qualifier is activated by default.

When you create a save set using /IMAGE and /ALIAS (explicitly or by default) in OpenVMS Versions 6.2 and 7.0, BACKUP saves only one copy of a file: either the alias file entry or the primary file entry. If the primary file entry is not saved in the save set, subsequent restore operations for this save set would restore the file using its alias entry, causing the file header of the created file to contain the wrong file name.

If you use /NOALIAS to restore a volume from a save set created using /ALIAS in Version 6.2 or 7.0, the volume might be incompletely restored. If BACKUP previously saved alias file entries instead of primary file entries, the alias file entries would be omitted from a volume restored using /NOALIAS.

To safely restore a save set created using /ALIAS in Version 6.2 or 7.0, use the following procedure:

  1. Restore the save set using the /IMAGE and /ALIAS qualifiers.
  2. Correct file entries by renaming the offending files, as shown in the following example:


    In this example, VMS$COMMON.DIR is the primary file entry and SYSCOMMON.DIR is the alias file entry.

Starting with OpenVMS Version 7.1, if you specify /IMAGE without /NOALIAS, BACKUP saves both the primary and alias file entries.



%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DMA1:[000000]000000.DIR;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DMA1:[000000]BACKUP.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DMA1:[000000]CONTIN.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DMA1:[000000]CORIMG.SYS;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DMA1:[000000]ELLA.DIR;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DMA1:[000000]JOE.DIR;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DMA1:[000000]OSCAR.DIR;1
%BACKUP-S-CREATED, created DMA1:[000000]VOLSET.SYS;1

The MOUNT command prepares the target disk for the image copy operation. The command qualifier /LOG directs BACKUP to display information about each file copied on your terminal. The BACKUP command initializes DMA1 and copies the disk volume DLA2 to DMA1. All files on DMA1 are stored contiguously.



This command saves an entire disk volume to a multivolume save set named ET.BCK using two magnetic tape drives.



The MOUNT command prepares the target disk for the image save operation. The BACKUP command performs an image save operation to a Files--11 save set named 28SEP.BCK.


Command Qualifier

Allows you to restore an incremental save set.


/INCREMENTAL save-set-spec disk-device-name


Use /INCREMENTAL only in restore operations that restore incremental save sets. When you use /INCREMENTAL, the output specifier must specify a device only; file specifications are not allowed. Also, input save-set qualifiers are not allowed in incremental restore operations.

You can create incremental save sets with the command qualifier /RECORD and the file-selection qualifier /SINCE=BACKUP or /SINCE=date. Most sites perform daily incremental save operations to keep copies of files created or modified that day, and periodic full backups to keep a copy of all files on the disk volume. (Compaq recommends that you use the command qualifier /IMAGE to perform full backups.)

If a disk volume is lost, corrupted, or destroyed, its contents can be recreated by performing the following tasks:

  1. Restore the volume using the latest (most recent) image backup save set. (The saveset must have been created using the /IMAGE and /RECORD BACKUP command qualifiers.)
  2. Restore any incremental save sets since the last full backup, in reverse chronological order, using the /INCREMENTAL qualifier.

After you restore the save sets in this order, the output disk volume contains the same files it contained when the most recent incremental save operation was performed.

When the /INCREMENTAL qualifier is used, the /BY_OWNER=ORIGINAL qualifier is assumed; therefore, specifying /BY_OWNER is unnecessary unless you want to change the original UICs. The /INCREMENTAL qualifier can be used only on Files--11 Structure Level 2 or 5 volumes.

You can receive a fatal error if you use the /PHYSICAL qualifier with /INCREMENTAL.


If you have been performing a combination of full backups and incremental save operations on a public volume, and the public volume is lost, corrupted, or destroyed, use a procedure like the following one to create a new copy of the public volume. First, restore the volume from the latest full backup with an image restore operation.

The section "Formulating a Backup Strategy" in the BACKUP chapter of the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual discusses the importance of using the /IMAGE and /RECORD qualifiers the first time you back up a disk, before you perform incremental backups.

%MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, mounted on _DRA0:
%BACKUP-I-RESUME, resuming operation on volume 2
%BACKUP-I-RESUME, resuming operation on volume 3
%BACKUP-I-RESUME, resuming operation on volume 4

Next, mount the disk as a file-structured volume and restore the incremental save sets in reverse chronological order. Finally, restore the weekly incremental save sets. The /INCREMENTAL qualifier must be used where shown in the following example to obtain the correct results:


Note that BACKUP restores the volume correctly regardless of the order in which the incremental save sets are applied; using reverse chronological order is most efficient.


Command Qualifier

Initializes an output disk or tape volume, making its entire previous contents unavailable. (/REWIND performs the same function for output tapes.)


/[NO]INITIALIZE input-specifier output-specifier


The /[NO]INITIALIZE qualifier is valid only when used with the command qualifier /IMAGE during restore or copy operations or when saving files to a sequential-disk save set.

When used with the command qualifier /IMAGE in a restore or copy operation, the /INITIALIZE qualifier directs BACKUP to initialize the output volume using volume initialization data from the save-volume summary record on the input volume.

The /NOINITIALIZE qualifier directs BACKUP to reinitialize the output volume using the existing initialization data on that volume; the output volume must have been previously initialized as a Files--11 volume. When the output volume is initialized, existing data on the volume is lost. The structure level of the output volume must be the same as the structure level of the save set being restored.

For image restore and copy operations on Files--11 volumes, the default is /INITIALIZE.

If you use the /INITIALIZE qualifier when creating sequential-disk save sets, BACKUP initializes the first output volume in the sequential-disk save set, as well as subsequent volumes. By default, BACKUP does not initialize the first volume of a sequential-disk save set but does initialize subsequent volumes of a multivolume sequential-disk save set.

The BACKUP/IMAGE/INITIALIZE command sizes the storage bitmap to correspond to the entire physical volume. Beginning with OpenVMS Version 7.2, the file system also correctly handles a volume whose storage bitmap is smaller than required. The space on the volume available for allocation is the space the bitmap describes; as a result, if the bitmap is smaller than the volume requires, not all the volume is available for file allocation. A SHOW DEVICE /FULL command continues to display the actual physical volume size; however, the free blocks displayed are the number of blocks actually available for allocation.




This command causes the output volume DBA2 to be reinitialized using the volume initialization data that exists on DBA2. The contents of DBA0 are then copied to DBA2.



This command directs BACKUP to initialize the output volume DBA6 using volume initialization parameters in the save-volume summary record on DBA2. The image save set OLDFILES.BCK is then restored to DBA6.

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