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OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual
Command Qualifier Format/PHYSICAL input-specifier output-specifier DescriptionIn a physical operation, BACKUP saves, restores, copies, or compares the entire volume in terms of logical blocks.
#1 |
This example mounts RX02 diskettes in DYA0 and DYA1 as foreign devices and copies the contents of the diskette mounted in DYA0 to the diskette mounted in DYA1.
#2 |
This command restores a physical save set named 28SEP.BCK to DBA1.
Output Save-Set QualifierWhen you create a save set on disk, this qualifier defines the protection to be applied to an output save set. When you create a save set on magnetic tape, this qualifier defines the protection to be applied to the magnetic tape volume. (All save sets created subsequently on the tape will receive this same protection until the tape is initialized.)
input-specifier output-save-set-spec/PROTECTION[=(code)]
Because the file system treats a BACKUP save set as a single file, it is crucial that you protect save sets adequately. If you do not specify adequate protection, anyone who has access to a save set can access any file in the save set.The protection code indicates the type of access (read, write, execute, and delete) available to the four categories of users (system, owner, group, and world). For more information about specifying protection codes, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual.
If the save set is written to either a Files--11 disk or a sequential disk and /PROTECTION is not specified, BACKUP applies the process default protection to the save set. If /PROTECTION is specified, any protection categories not specified default to your default process protection.
Protection information is written to the volume header record of a magnetic tape, and applies to all save sets stored on the tape. If you specify /PROTECTION, any protection categories that you do not specify default to your default process protection.
To initialize a magnetic tape with the correct protection, specify the output save-set qualifier /REWIND with the /PROTECTION qualifier. If you do not specify /REWIND with /PROTECTION, the protection information, if any, in the volume header record is not changed. However, specifying /PROTECTION without /REWIND ensures that continuation volumes receive the correct protection.
If the save set is written to magnetic tape and /PROTECTION is not specified, BACKUP applies no protection to the tape.
In order to initialize a magnetic tape volume that was previously initialized with the /PROTECTION qualifier, you must own the volume (your UIC matches the UIC of the volume) or have the VOLPRO privilege.
#1 |
This command saves the directory tree [CLEAVER...] to a save set named ACCOUNTS.BCK on the magnetic tape labeled BANK01. The output save-set qualifier /REWIND directs BACKUP to rewind the tape and initialize it before performing the save operation. The output save-set qualifier /BY_OWNER assigns an owner UIC of [301,310] to the magnetic tape. The /PROTECTION qualifier assigns the owner of the magnetic tape read, write, execute, and delete access. SYSTEM users are assigned read, write, and execute access; GROUP users are assigned read and execute access; and WORLD users are assigned no access.
#2 |
$ BACKUP/IMAGE _From: DUA0: _To: MFA2:DAILY.BCK/REWIND/LABEL=TAPE1- _$ /PROTECTION=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G,W) $ BACKUP/IMAGE DUA2: MFA2:DAILY2.BCK/PROTECTION=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G,W) %BACKUP-I-RESUME, resuming operation on volume 2 %BACKUP-I-READYWRITE, mount volume 2 on _MFA2: for writing Press return when ready: [Return] |
This first BACKUP command creates an image backup of the disk DUA0 in a save set named DAILY.BCK on the magnetic tape labeled BANK01. The output save-set qualifier /REWIND directs BACKUP to rewind the tape and initialize it before performing the save operation. The /PROTECTION qualifier assigns the owner of the magnetic tape and SYSTEM users read, write, execute, and delete access; GROUP and WORLD users are assigned no access.
The second BACKUP command uses the same tape for an image backup of the disk DUA2. When the tape is full, BACKUP requests another volume. Because the /PROTECTION qualifier was specified with second BACKUP command, the continuation volume receives the desired protection.
Command QualifierRecords the current date and time in the BACKUP date field of each file header record once a file is successfully saved or copied.
/RECORD input-specifier output-specifier
The /RECORD qualifier can be used only in save or copy operations on Files--11 Structure Level 2 or 5 volumes. To use the /RECORD qualifier on files, the user privilege SYSPRV is required.When you use /RECORD in a copy or save operation, BACKUP writes the date and time that the copy or save set was created in the BACKUP date field of each file header record.
When you use /RECORD to perform incremental save operations on a disk volume, do not allow other users to use /RECORD in their BACKUP operations on the same disk volume. If other users specify /RECORD, the dates in the BACKUP date fields of file header records will change. This makes it impossible for you to save all files created or modified since you last performed a save operation.
If you use the command qualifier /VERIFY with /RECORD, files that fail verification are not recorded.
If /RECORD is not specified, the BACKUP date field of each processed file is not changed.
You cannot use the /RECORD qualifier with the command qualifiers /DELETE, /COMPARE, or /PHYSICAL.
This command saves all files on DBA1 that have been created or modified since the last save operation and records the current date and time in each file header record.
Command QualifierDismounts and unloads a tape after a BACKUP save operation writes a save set to the tape (and optionally verifies the saveset information on that tape).
/RELEASE_TAPE input-specifier output-specifier
By using the /RELEASE_TAPE qualifier in conjunction with either the /DELETE or /RECORD qualifiers, you can make a tape drive available for other operations before the BACKUP command completes. You can also use the /RELEASE_TAPE qualifier without the /DELETE or /RECORD qualifiers, in which case the /RELEASE_TAPE qualifier dismounts and unloads the tape in the drive after the BACKUP command completes.You cannot use the /RECORD and /DELETE qualifiers in the same BACKUP command.
#1 |
The command in this example backs up the disk DUA1 to the save set BACK.BCK. By using the /RELEASE_TAPE and /RECORD qualifiers, BACKUP dismounts and unloads the tape in MUA0 (making it available for other operations) before it performs the action of the /RECORD qualifier.
#2 |
The commands in this example back up some directories on a disk named DUA1, and then delete the files that have been backed up. The /RELEASE_TAPE qualifier dismounts and unloads the tape (making it available for other operations) before the /DELETE qualifier performs its action. The tape remains allocated until you enter the DEALLOCATE command.
Output File QualifierReplaces a file on the output specifier with an identically named file from the input specifier.
input-specifier output-specifier/REPLACE
When you use /REPLACE in a copy or restore operation, and an identically named file exists in both the input and output specifiers, BACKUP performs the following tasks:
- Copies or restores a new version of the file with the same directory specification, file name, type, and version number
- Deletes the copy of the file that previously existed on the output disk
In this way, the previous copy of the file is replaced with the restored version. Note that the version number is not incremented because the old copy of the file is deleted. If you want to keep the versions from both the input and the output specifiers, use the output file qualifier /NEW_VERSION.
If you do not use /REPLACE, /OVERLAY, or /NEW_VERSION, and the version number of the file being restored is identical to the version number of the existing file, BACKUP reports an error and does not restore the file.
The command in this example restores the directory tree [LEE...] (and all files in the directory tree) from a magnetic tape save set to disk. The input save-set qualifier /SELECT specifies the directory tree to be selected from the save set. The output file qualifier /REPLACE instructs BACKUP to first create a new version of an input file if the output medium has a file with the same file specification, and then to delete the file that originally existed on the output medium.
Input Save-Set QualifierRewinds the input tape reel to the beginning-of-tape marker before reading the input volume.
input-save-set-spec/[NO]REWIND output-specifier
The /[NO]REWIND qualifier is for magnetic tape volumes only.The /REWIND qualifier directs BACKUP to rewind the input magnetic tape to the beginning-of-tape marker before reading the input volume. Then BACKUP locates the input save set. In this way, BACKUP can find the input save set if it is located before the current tape position.
The /NOREWIND qualifier indicates that BACKUP should not rewind the input volume before processing the command. Instead, BACKUP proceeds toward the logical end-of-tape (the end of the last save set stored on the tape). Therefore, if the specified save set is located before the current position of the tape, BACKUP is unable to find it.
The default is /NOREWIND. You must specify /REWIND to rewind the tape.
In this example, the save set CONTRACTS.BCK is restored to the disk volume mounted on DBA2. The /REWIND qualifier rewinds the magnetic tape to the beginning-of-tape marker before reading the input volume to search for CONTRACTS.BCK. The output file qualifier /BY_OWNER restores the original owner UICs.
Output Save-Set QualifierRewinds the output tape to the beginning-of-tape marker and initializes the output tape. The /NOREWIND qualifier causes the tape to wind forward to the logical end-of-tape (the end of the last save set stored on the tape) and to begin writing the save set there.
input-specifier output-save-set-spec/[NO]REWIND
The /[NO]REWIND qualifier is for magnetic tape volumes only.If you specify /REWIND, BACKUP rewinds to the beginning of the magnetic tape and searches the volume header record for a volume label. If the volume header record contains no volume label, BACKUP writes the label specified in the BACKUP command to the volume header record, initializes the tape, and creates the save set on the tape.
If no label is specified explicitly in the command line, BACKUP uses the first six characters of the save-set name as the volume label of the first tape in a multivolume save set and the first four characters of the save-set name followed by the volume number of the tape as the volume label of subsequent tapes. You can also specify a label or list of labels explicitly with the /LABEL qualifier. If you do not specify enough labels with the /LABEL qualifier, BACKUP uses the first four characters of the final label in the list followed by the volume number of the tape as the volume label of subsequent tapes.
If BACKUP finds a volume label on the tape, it compares the volume label with the label you specified in the BACKUP command line (either explicitly with the /LABEL qualifier or implicitly through the save-set name) and ensures that the tape is expired.
If the volume label is fewer than six characters long, BACKUP pads the volume label with the blank character to six characters. The first four characters of the volume label must either match the first four characters of the label specified in the BACKUP command line exactly, or the first four characters of the volume label must end with one or more underscore characters. If the first four characters of the volume label end with one or more underscore characters, and the label specified in the command line matches the part of the volume label that appears before the underscore characters, BACKUP accepts the match. (For example, the volume label ABN_ matches the command line label ABN but does not match the command line label ABNE.) If either the fifth or sixth character of the volume label is in the range 0 to 9, BACKUP does not compare these characters with corresponding characters in the label specified in the BACKUP command line. Otherwise, the fifth and sixth characters in the volume label must match the corresponding characters in the label specified in the BACKUP command line exactly. The following table illustrates volume labels that match labels specified in the BACKUP command line:
Label Specified in the Command Line Matching Volume Labels MAR MAR, MAR_, MAR_nn MAR_ MAR_, MAR_nn MARK MARK, MARKnn MARKER MARKER, MARKnn You can specify more than one label with the /LABEL qualifier. If any label specified in the BACKUP command line matches the volume label of the tape and the tape is expired, BACKUP overwrites the volume label of the tape with the same volume label.
By overwriting the tape's volume label, BACKUP initializes the tape, removing access to any data that previously resided on the tape and preparing the tape to receive new data. During the initialization process, BACKUP writes the values specified with the output save-set qualifiers /TAPE_EXPIRATION, /PROTECTION, and /BY_OWNER to the volume header record. (If these qualifiers are not specified, the default tape expiration date is today, the default protection is none, and the owner UIC of the tape is the UIC of the current process.) After initializing the tape, BACKUP writes the save set to the tape.
If the label in the BACKUP command line did not match the volume label of the tape, BACKUP displays the following message and prompt on your terminal if you specified the command qualifier /NOASSIST, or on the operator terminal if you did not specify /NOASSIST:
%BACKUP-W-MOUNTERR, volume 'number' on 'device' was not mounted because its label does not match the one requested Specify option (QUIT, NEW tape or OVERWRITE tape) BACKUP>If you enter QUIT at the BACKUP> prompt, BACKUP aborts, unloads the magnetic tape, and issues the following message:
%BACKUP-F-ABORT, operator requested abort on fatal errorIf you enter NEW at the BACKUP> prompt, BACKUP unloads the magnetic tape and issues the following prompt for a new tape:
%BACKUP-I-READYWRITE, mount volume 'volume-number' on _'device-name': for writing Enter "YES" when ready:If you enter OVERWRITE at the BACKUP> prompt, BACKUP overwrites the old volume label with the new volume label. (OVERWRITE instructs BACKUP to ignore the fact that either the tape has not expired or that the labels do not match.) By overwriting the tape's volume label, BACKUP initializes the tape, removing access to any data that previously resided on the tape and preparing the tape to receive new data.
During the initialization process, BACKUP writes the values specified with the output save-set qualifiers /TAPE_EXPIRATION, /PROTECTION, and /BY_OWNER to the volume header record. After initializing the tape, BACKUP writes the save set to the tape.
If the tape is not expired, BACKUP displays the following message and prompt on your terminal if you specified the command qualifier /NOASSIST, or on the operator terminal if you did not specify /NOASSIST:
%BACKUP-W-MOUNTERR, volume 'number' on 'device' was not mounted because its expiration date is in the future Specify option (QUIT, NEW tape or OVERWRITE tape) BACKUP>Always specify /REWIND when the output tape has a non-ANSI or non-ISO label or when the output tape has never been initialized.
The /NOREWIND qualifier directs BACKUP to compare the volume label of the tape with the label you specified in the BACKUP command before performing the save operation. You can specify a label explicitly with the /LABEL qualifier; otherwise, BACKUP uses the first six characters of the save-set name as the volume label. If the volume label does not match the label you specified, BACKUP displays the following message and prompt on your terminal if you specified the command qualifier /NOASSIST, or on the operator terminal if you did not specify /NOASSIST:
%BACKUP-W-MOUNTERR, volume 'number' on 'device' was not mounted because its label does not match the one requested Specify option (QUIT, NEW tape or OVERWRITE tape) BACKUP>If you choose the OVERWRITE option, BACKUP ignores the fact that the volume labels do not match. If the labels match, or if you choose the OVERWRITE option, BACKUP winds the tape forward to the logical end-of-tape (the end of the last save set stored on the tape) and writes the save set to the tape. If the logical end-of-tape is also the physical end of the tape, BACKUP requests a new tape. Because BACKUP searches for the end of data on the tape, you cannot write a new save set to a tape if it ends with a save set that is continued onto another tape.
Although the /NOREWIND qualifier does not initialize the first tape in a multivolume save set, BACKUP initializes subsequent tapes in a multivolume save set. BACKUP ensures that the tape is expired and that the tape labels match before initializing subsequent volumes in a multivolume save set.
The default is /NOREWIND. You must specify /REWIND to rewind and initialize a magnetic tape volume.
The command in this example initializes a new magnetic tape and writes the volume label DSR01 and a tape expiration date of June 29, 2000, to the tape's volume header record. Then this command saves all files in the current default directory with a file type of .PS to the magnetic tape save set named DSRSAVE.BCK.
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