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OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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Dynamically changes the characteristics of a locally offered service. You must have OPER privilege to use this command.


SET SERVICE [service-name]



Specifies the service whose characteristics are to be modified. If a service name is omitted, the default service name is the name of the local node you defined by using the SET NODE command.



Sets up the service as an application service. An application service offers a specific application on the service node rather than all of the resources on the service node. Define a dedicated port for the service by using the CREATE PORT and SET PORT commands.



Specifies whether a service offered by an OpenVMS system accepts incoming connections. If you use the /NOCONNECTIONS qualifier to disable incoming connections, users cannot connect to that service and receive instead the error message "service is disabled."

By default, a service accepts incoming connections (/CONNECTIONS).


Describes and identifies a service. Service nodes include the identification string in service announcements. A service node announces its services at regular intervals established with the SET NODE command. Entering the LATCP command SHOW NODE or the DECserver command SHOW NODE generates a display that includes this identification string.

By default, the identification string is the translation of SYS$ANNOUNCE. A service node announces its services at regular intervals established with the SET NODE command.

You cannot specify more than 64 ASCII characters in an identification string (a SYS$ANNOUNCE longer than that will be truncated to the first 64 characters). Enclose the string in quotation marks (" ").


Specifies that the service is a limited service, using devices assigned the limited characteristic and associated with (mapped to) this limited service. This qualifier is used in conjunction with the SET PORT /LIMITED command (see Example 2).


/NOLOG (default)

Specifies whether or not LATCP displays a message confirming that the command was executed. If you do not specify the /LOG or /NOLOG qualifier, the default is that no message will be displayed.



Specifies whether a locally offered limited (/LIMITED) or application (/DEDICATED) service is allowed to have queued connections when all ports are busy (the default). If you specify /NOQUEUED, incoming connections will be rejected if all ports are busy.



Enables or disables dynamic service ratings. A dynamic service rating means that a LAT algorithm calculates the availability of a service dynamically, based on the overall level of activity of the node that offers the service and the amount of memory. When a terminal server or node requests a connection to a service that is offered on two or more service nodes, the requesting node selects the service node with the highest (most favorable) service rating. This selection process is called load balancing.

The dynamic service rating, which is the default, is usually adequate for efficient load balancing on the LAT network. However, when necessary, you can use the /STATIC_RATING qualifier to disable dynamic service ratings so that you can specify a static (fixed) rating. That static rating value does not change until the dynamic service rating is reenabled.

Use the static rating to direct users away from or toward your node temporarily. Static ratings range from 0 to 255. Specify a low value to make the local service node less likely to be used; specify a high value to make the local service node more likely to be used.

If you do not specify either the /STATIC_RATING or /NOSTATIC_RATING qualifier, the default is that the LAT software uses the dynamic service rating.

Limited and application services do not rely exclusively on the dynamically calculated service rating. Instead, they use a portion of the dynamic rating based on how many ports are available for the service. For example, if a limited service has 50 percent of its ports available, the dynamic service rating will be scaled, halved, and then added to 105. When ports are available, the rating will always be above the value 105.

When all ports for a limited or application service are in use, the rating will be based on the scaled dynamic rating and the number of free queue slots on the local node. The rating will always be less then 90.

This rating procedure for limited and application services follows the terminal server rating algorithm for services and available ports that the service offers, while at the same time taking into account the availability of the node (which is the factor used to calculate the dynamic rating).

If your system is licensed for a specific number of units (where only a fixed number of users can log in to the system regardless of how the login limit is set), then all dynamic ratings become 0 when all OpenVMS license units have been consumed. (This forces all node service ratings to the lowest possible value when logins are not possible because all OpenVMS license units have been consumed.)

Note that the LAT software transmits a service announcement message when a user logs in to or out of the system. This allows the system to more quickly provide information about service rating changes that result from a login or logout operation.


The SET SERVICE command dynamically changes the characteristics of a service that you created previously (by interactively entering the CREATE SERVICE command or by running a program that created services).




This command specifies a new identification string, "SALES FORCE TIMESHARING SERVICES", for the service SALES. This string is announced with the service SALES in the multicast messages sent by a service node.


$ LCP :== $LATCP

This series of commands changes an existing service to a limited service that allows only one user to log in to the system through that service. When a user connects to service ONLY_ONE by responding to the terminal server prompt (Local>), the user is assigned port LTA1234 and then prompted for the user name. Any user who attempts to connect to the same service while LTA1234 has a user logged in receives the "service in use" message.


Displays the status and LAT characteristics of links on the local node.


SHOW LINK [link-name]



Specifies the name for a LAT data link. A link name can have up to 16 ASCII characters.

If you do not specify a link name, LATCP displays information about all links currently defined for the node.



Displays the device name and state of the link. This is the default display.


Displays the device counters kept for the link. The numbers displayed represent the values recorded since the last time the counters were reset (when the node first started or when the ZERO COUNTERS command was used).

Do not use the /BRIEF or /FULL qualifier with this qualifier.

The following table lists and describes counters common to both CSMA/CD (carrier sense, multiple access with collision detect) and FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface) links.

Counter Description
Messages received The total number of messages received over the link.
Multicast messages received The total number of multicast messages received over the link.
Bytes received The total number of bytes of information received over the link.
Multicast bytes received The total number of multicast bytes received over the link.
System buffer unavailable The total number of times no system buffer was available for an incoming frame.
Unrecognized destination The total number of times a frame was discarded because there was no portal with the protocol enabled. This count includes frames received for the physical address only.
Messages sent The total number of messages sent over the link.
Multicast messages sent The total number of multicast messages sent over the link.
Bytes sent The total number of bytes of information sent over the link.
Multicast bytes sent The total number of bytes of multicast messages sent over the link.
User buffer unavailable The total number of times no user buffer was available for an incoming frame that passed all filtering.
Data overrun The total number of bytes lost on the link's device because the local node's input buffers were full. A nonzero value can indicate noisy lines, a bad device, a busy or poorly tuned system (not enough resources allocated), or a hardware problem with another device on the LAN connection.

The following table lists and describes receive errors common to both CSMA/CD and FDDI links. These errors, which are included in the display generated by the SHOW LINK/COUNTERS command, are represented by flags that indicate the error has occurred.

Flag Description
Block check error CRC error in packets received.
Framing error Received frames ended incorrectly.
Frame too long Frames received longer than length limits.
Frame status error CRC error on ring noticed by local FDDI station (FDDI only).
Frame length error Frame length too short (FDDI only).

The following table lists and describes transmit errors common to both CSMA/CD and FDDI links. These errors, which are included in the display generated by the SHOW LINK/COUNTERS command, are represented by flags that indicate the error has occurred.

Flag Description
Excessive collisions Frames failed to transmit because the collision limit of 16 was reached (CSMA/CD only).
Carrier check failures Indicates transceiver problem or short circuit in cable.
Short circuit Short circuit in cable.
Open circuit Open circuit in cable.
Frame too long Frames too long. Indicates a transmission problem in one of the portals using the link.
Remote failure to defer A remote station failed to defer frames transmission. Could indicate a misconfigured network.
Transmit underrun Transmission of a frame was too slow. Indicates a hardware controller error.
Transmit failure Frames failed to transmit.

The following table lists and describes link counters specific to CSMA/CD only.

Counter Description
Transmit CDC failure The total number of carrier detect check errors, that is, the number of times the local node failed to detect that another Ethernet station was already transmitting when the local node began transmitting.
Messages transmitted: Single collision---The total number of times a frame was successfully transmitted on the second attempt after a normal collision on the first attempt.

Multiple collision---The total number of times a frame was successfully transmitted on the third or later attempt after normal collisions on previous attempts.

Initially deferred---The total number of times a frame transmission was deferred on its first attempt. This counter is used to measure Ethernet contention with no collisions.

The following table lists and describes link counters specific to FDDI only.

Counter Description
Ring initializations initiated The total number of times a ring reinitialization was initiated by the link.
Ring initializations received The total number of times a ring reinitialization was initiated by some other link.
Directed beacons received The number of times the link detected the directed beacon process. Each invocation of the directed beacon process is counted only once.
Connections completed The number of times the station successfully connected to the concentrator.
Duplicate tokens detected The number of times a duplicate token was detected on the link.
Ring purge errors The number of times the ring purger received a token while still in the ring purge state.
LCT rejects Link Confidence Test rejects. Indicates a problem with communication between station and concentrator.
Elasticity buffer errors Elasticity buffer function errors. Indicates a station on the ring with a transmit clock out of tolerance.
MAC error count The number of times the Media Access Control (MAC) changed the E indicator in a frame from R to S.
Traces initiated The number of times the PC-trace process was initiated by the link.
Traces received The number of times the link was requested to perform the PC-trace process.
Ring beacons initiated The number of times the ring beacon process was initiated by the link.
Link errors The number of times the Link Error Monitor (LEM) detected an error in a received message. Slow counts are normal.
Duplicate address test failures The number of times the link address was a duplicate.
FCI strip errors The number of times a Frame Content Independent Strip operation was terminated by receipt of a token.
LEM rejects The number of times excessive LEM errors were encountered.
MAC frame count The total number of frames (other than tokens) seen by the link.
MAC lost count The total number of times a frame (other than a token) was improperly terminated.


Displays the device name, state, and datalink address of the link and indicates whether the DECnet address is enabled.


Displays information about the specified link or all links if you do not specify a link. Depending on the qualifier you use with the SHOW LINK command, you can display a link's device name, state, LAT datalink address, DECnet address, or counters.




This command produces the following display of information about link NETWORK_A:

Link Name:     NETWORK_A               Datalink Address:  08-00-2B-10-12-E3
Device Name:   _ESA7:                  DECnet Address:    Disabled
Link State:    On

The display in this example gives the device name of link NETWORK_A and the device's hardware address. The link is in the On state.



This command produces the following display of counters for link LINK_A:

Link Name:    LINK_A
Device Name:  _ETA6:

Seconds Since Zeroed:            65535
Messages Received:            18582254     Messages Sent:             3550507
Multicast Msgs Received:      15096805     Multicast Msgs Sent:        413178
Bytes Received:             1994694325     Bytes Sent:              290838585
Multicast Bytes Received:   1528077909     Multicast Bytes Sent:     32637472
System Buffer Unavailable:        8724     User Buffer Unavailable:      6269
Unrecognized Destination:            0     Data Overrun:                    0

Receive Errors -                           Transmit Errors -
   Block Check Error:               No        Excessive Collisions:        No
   Framing Error:                   No        Carrier Check Failure:       No
   Frame Too Long:                  No        Short Circuit:               No
   Frame Status Error:              No        Open Circuit:                No
   Frame Length Error:              Yes       Frame Too Long:              No
                                              Remote Failure To Defer:     No
                                              Transmit Underrun:           No
                                              Transmit Failure:            No

CSMACD Specific Counters

Transmit CDC Failure:                0

Messages Transmitted -
   Single Collision:             43731
   Multiple Collisions:          73252
   Initially Deferred:          164508


Displays the status and LAT characteristics of a node.


SHOW NODE [node-name]



Specifies the name of the node for which information is displayed. If you do not specify a node name, LATCP displays information about the local node.

You can also specify any valid wildcard for this parameter. For example, the SHOW NODE A* command displays the status and characteristics of all nodes that begin with the letter A.



Displays information about all nodes known to your local node. When you use this qualifier, specify the /FULL or /BRIEF qualifier as well. If you do not specify either the /FULL or /BRIEF qualifier, the default display will contain the node status and identification string (the display generated by the /BRIEF qualifier).


Displays the node status and identification string. This is the default display if you specify the /ALL qualifier.


Displays the counters kept for the node. Do not use the /BRIEF or /FULL qualifier with this qualifier. The following table lists and describes the counters displayed with SHOW NODE/COUNTERS.
Counter Description
Messages received The total number of LAT messages received by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of LAT messages received from that remote node.
Messages transmitted The total number of LAT messages transmitted by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of LAT messages transmitted to that remote node.
Slots received The total number of LAT slots received by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of slots received from that remote node. A slot is a message segment that contains information corresponding to a single session.
Slots transmitted The total number of LAT slots transmitted by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of slots transmitted to that remote node.
Bytes received The total number of bytes of LAT information received by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of bytes received from that remote node.
Bytes transmitted The total number of bytes of LAT information transmitted by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of bytes transmitted to that remote node.
Multicast bytes received The total number of LAT multicast bytes received by the local node.
Multicast bytes sent The total number of LAT multicast bytes sent by the local node.
Multicast messages received The total number of LAT multicast messages received by the local node.
Multicast messages sent The total number of LAT multicast messages sent by the local node.
No transmit buffer The total number of times no buffer was available on the local node for transmission.
Multicast messages lost The total number of times LTDRIVER failed to process an inbound multicast message because of failed communication with the LATACP.
Multicast send failures The total number of times LTDRIVER failed to send a multicast message because of failed communication with the LATACP.
Controller errors The total number of times LTDRIVER failed to communicate with the data link controller driver.
Last controller error The most recent controller error.
Multiple node addresses The total number of times that a node announced itself with a physical address different from that in a previous announcement.
Duplicates received The total number of duplicate messages received by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of duplicate messages received from that remote node. This counter can indicate a system slowdown.
Messages retransmitted The total number of LAT messages that the local node retransmitted because they were not acknowledged by terminal servers (or nodes that support outgoing connections). If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of messages retransmitted to that remote node.
Illegal messages received The total number of invalidly formatted LAT messages received by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of invalidly formatted messages the local node received from that remote node. Illegal messages are grouped into several types of protocol errors, which are listed at the end of this table.
Illegal slots received The total number of invalidly formatted LAT slots received by the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of invalidly formatted slots the local node received from that remote node.
Solicitations accepted The total number of times a remote node accepted solicitations from the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of accepted solicitations by that remote node.
Solicitations rejected The total number of times a remote node rejected solicitation from the local node. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of rejected solicitations by that remote node.
Solicitation failures The total number of times solicitations by the local node received no response.
Transmit errors The total number of times the data link failed to transmit a LAT message.
Last transmit error The most recent transmit error.
Virtual circuit timeouts The total number of times a LAT circuit to another node timed out, indicating that the remote node failed to send a valid message in the required time span. If you specify a remote node with the SHOW NODE command, the number of times the local node timed out from a connection to that remote node.
Discarded output bytes The total number of data bytes that were discarded because of an overflow of an internal buffer before the data could be output to an LTA device.
User data lost The total number of times LTDRIVER failed to allocate resources to buffer session data. User data is lost and the session is stopped.
Resource errors The number of times LTDRIVER was unable to allocate system resources.
Incoming solicits accepted The total number of times the local node accepted solicitations from other nodes.
Incoming solicits rejected The total number of times the local node rejected solicitations from other nodes.

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