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OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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When a recording file containing a comment is played back, the comment is included in the heading of the display or single-file summary. Note that comment text is not displayed on playback for the CLUSTER class unless either the /SUMMARY or the /ALL qualifier is also used.

/DISPLAY[=file-spec] (default)


Specifies whether information collected by MONITOR is to be displayed as ASCII screen images. Optionally names the disk file to contain the output.

If you omit the optional file specification, output is written to SYS$OUTPUT.

Note that although display output is produced by default, display output is never produced when a multifile summary is requested.


Specifies the time that monitoring ends, by using a combination of absolute and delta times. Observe the syntax rules for time values described in the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic Date_Time).

If you are monitoring a running system and omit the /ENDING qualifier, monitoring continues until you terminate the request with Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Z. If you have also specified the /INPUT qualifier to play back data from an input recording file, /ENDING defaults to the ending time recorded in the input file. If you specify /ENDING with a time, but are playing back a recording file, MONITOR selects the earlier of the ending time of the file and the ending time you specify. For live requests, the local node's time-stamp is used to determine ending time.

You can prematurely terminate a request, regardless of the value of the /ENDING qualifier, by pressing Ctrl/C or Ctrl/Z. To prematurely terminate a request running in a noninteractive process (that is, a batch job or a detached process or subprocess), enter the appropriate DCL command to terminate the process.


Specifies the interval, in seconds, at which data collected by MONITOR (contents of MONITOR buffers) is written to disk. Values must be in the range from 1 to 9,999. The default interval is 300 seconds.

If you are writing data to a shared recording file currently in use, specify a short interval to ensure that others accessing the file receive data that is as current as possible. The smaller the interval, the less data is lost if a system failure occurs while recording.


/NOINPUT (default)

Controls whether performance data is played back from one or more input files or collected from the running system. If you specify more than one file, enclose the list in parentheses, and separate the file specifications with commas. Wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification.


Data in all files in the list must have been collected by the same OpenVMS version.

With multiple input files, you must use the /SUMMARY qualifier. The maximum number of files MONITOR accepts for a multifile summary is 5000. In a multifile summary request, the classes CLUSTER and PROCESSES are ignored. If these classes are the only classes specified on the command line, MONITOR does not recognize them and displays a "no classes specified" error message.

In a list of input files, any omitted segment of the file specification (name or type) is defaulted to the corresponding segment of the previous file specification.

If you omit the file type, and you have not specified the file type previously in an input file list, the default file type .DAT is used. If you omit the file specification, MONITOR assigns the default file name MONITOR.DAT. The current device and directory defaults are applied.

If you omit the qualifier, performance data is collected from the running system.


Specifies the sampling interval between data collection events, recording events, and display events. Values can range from 1 to 9,999,999.

Collection events, recording events, and display events occur within a MONITOR request. Use the /INTERVAL qualifier to control the frequency of these events. A collection event causes raw data for all requested classes to be collected from the operating system or from a previously recorded file. A recording event causes data for all requested classes to be written to a recording file. A display event causes a screen image to be composed, for a single class, from the accumulated data collected for that class since the beginning of the MONITOR request.

For live collection requests, a collection event is always followed immediately by a recording event (if requested). The frequency of collection/recording event pairs is controlled by the /INTERVAL qualifier, which specifies the number of seconds that must elapse between occurrences of the event pair. Display events occur asynchronously to collection/recording event pairs at a frequency governed by the /VIEWING_TIME qualifier.

For playback requests, a collection event occurs each time a new interval is encountered in the input file of previously recorded data. A recording event (if requested) does not necessarily follow immediately as it does in live collection. Its frequency is still governed by the /INTERVAL qualifier; the specified /INTERVAL value is interpreted in terms of the /INTERVAL value specified when the input file was created. The new value must be an integral multiple of the original value. A recording event is then triggered every time an interval is encountered in the input file that is the appropriate multiple of the original interval. For playback requests, occurrences of display events (if requested) are indicated in exactly the same way as recording events (with the /INTERVAL qualifier) and immediately follow recording events (if both are specified). The actual length of time a displayed image remains on the screen is still specified with the /VIEWING_TIME qualifier, but, unlike the live collection case, this qualifier is not used to signal a display event. The following table summarizes which qualifiers cause the various MONITOR events.

Event Live Collection Qualifier Playback Qualifier
Collection /INTERVAL Original /INTERVAL value (from file)

Note that, for live requests, the collection interval is defined as the number of seconds from the end of one collection event to the beginning of the next. A collection event includes collection for all requested classes on all nodes specified. (For multiple-node requests, a collection event must complete on all nodes before a new event is initiated.) Therefore, the elapsed time from the beginning of one collection event to the beginning of the next is the interval value plus the time it takes to do the collection. For some requests, notably those including many classes or the PROCESSES, RMS, CLUSTER, or SYSTEM classes, collection time can be significant.

For /INPUT requests, the interval value defaults to the value specified in the input recording file. The default for monitoring the running system is 3 seconds for all classes except ALL_CLASSES, CLUSTER, and SYSTEM, which have a default of 6 seconds.


Specifies the nodes (up to 48 in a cluster) for which data is to be collected. If you specify more than one name, separate the names with commas, and enclose the list in parentheses.

Remote monitoring in an OpenVMS Cluster environment might not be compatible for nodes that are running different OpenVMS versions. The following table shows the compatibility of versions for remote monitoring.

  OpenVMS Alpha and VAX Version 6.0 and later OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5 and VAX Version 5.n
OpenVMS Alpha and VAX Version 6.0 or later Yes No
OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5 and VAX Version 5. n No Yes

To obtain data from an incompatible remote node, record the data on the remote node and then use the MONITOR playback feature to examine the data on the local node. The OpenVMS System Manager's Manual describes remote monitoring. If you specify multiple node names with multiple system classes, MONITOR displays one class at a time for each node. For example, the command MONITOR/NODE=(NODE_A,NODE_B) STATES,MODES generates STATES data for NODE_A and NODE_B and then MODES data.


Used with the CONVERT command, this qualifier specifies the name of the converted recording file. The default specification is MONITOR.DAT. File lists are not permitted.

Recording files produced using MONITOR prior to VMS Version 5.0 must be converted to the current format before they can be played back by the current MONITOR version.


/NORECORD (default)

Specifies that a binary disk file be created containing all collected data for the request. Note that recording is restricted to files on disks. No wildcard characters are allowed in the file specification. If you omit the file type, the default file type is .DAT. If you omit the file specification, output is generated to a file named MONITOR.DAT in the current default device and directory. If you specify an existing file but omit the version number, a new version of the file is created.

The output consists of all data for the requested classes, regardless of the classname qualifiers specified. Note that recording file output is not produced when a multifile summary is requested.


/NOSUMMARY (default)

Specifies that an ASCII disk file be created containing summary statistics on all data collected for this request. If the optional file specification is omitted, it defaults to MONITOR.SUM.

The summary file, generated at the end of monitoring, contains one or more pages of output for each requested class. The format of each page is similar to that of display output and is determined by the classname qualifiers. The /ALL qualifier is applied to all class names for which no other qualifier is specified.


Specifies the duration for each screen image display for /DISPLAY requests. Values can range from 1 to 9,999,999.

If you are monitoring the running system, /VIEWING_TIME defaults to the /INTERVAL value. If you specify /INPUT, and you are monitoring a recording file, /VIEWING_TIME defaults to 3 seconds.

Effective viewing time varies, however, depending on whether you are running MONITOR on your local system or on a remote node. (Remote in this context refers to the use of the SET HOST command to access another node.) For remote access, the time required to display the screen is included in the viewing time, while for local access, this time is not included. Therefore, use a larger viewing time than the 3-second default when running MONITOR on a remote system. The value appropriate for remote access depends on your terminal baud rate. For a 9600--baud terminal line, 6 seconds is a reasonable viewing time.

Note also that the time between full screens of data for the PROCESSES display is controlled by this qualifier.


The MONITOR ALL_CLASSES command initiates monitoring of statistics for all classes except the CLUSTER and RMS classes.



Command Qualifiers


One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.

Classname Qualifiers


Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR.


Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.


Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes.


Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.


Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.


If you do not specify any qualifiers with the ALL_CLASSES parameter, normal default output is produced for each class. The qualifiers have no effect on display of the PROCESSES class.

Note that the default interval is 6 seconds.

The MONITOR ALL_CLASSES command is particularly useful for playback of recording files because it eliminates the need to specify the particular classes of performance data the recording file contains. To override any of the default qualifiers, specify the class name with the qualifier after specifying ALL_CLASSES.



This command initiates playback of the recording file SYS$MANAGER:LOADBAL.DAT. All data contained in the file will be displayed.


The MONITOR CLUSTER command initiates monitoring of the CLUSTER statistics class, which shows clusterwide CPU, memory, disk, and locking activity.



Command Qualifiers


One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.

Classname Qualifiers


Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR.


Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.


Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes.


Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.


Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.


For the CLUSTER class, MONITOR collects data items for up to 48 nodes in a cluster. Because this class combines the most significant clusterwide performance statistics in a single display, it is particularly useful to cluster managers and other users seeking an overview of cluster activity.

MONITOR does not recognize nodes that enter the cluster while a request is active. MONITOR, therefore, does not collect data for these nodes.

You cannot specify the CLUSTER class in the same request with any other class.

In a multifile summary request, the classes CLUSTER and PROCESSES are ignored. If these classes are the only classes specified on the command line, MONITOR does not recognize them and displays a "no classes specified" error message. MONITOR does not recognize these classes if they are the only classes specified on the command line, and displays a "no classes specified" error message.

The CLUSTER class includes the following data items:

Data Item Description
CPU Busy Percentage of CPU in use; includes activity in all processor modes (except Idle Time) for each node.
Percent Memory In Use Memory in use on each node; calculated by dividing the Free List Size by total available memory and subtracting the result from 100%.
I/O Operation Rate Total rate of disk I/O operations on each disk by all nodes currently active in the request.

In cluster configurations, the MSCP server software makes locally attached and HSC disks available to other nodes. A node uses remote access to a disk when it accesses the disk through another VAX node (using the MSCP server). A node uses direct access to a disk when it directly accesses a locally attached or HSC disk.

An "R" following the device name indicates that the displayed statistics represent I/O operations requested by nodes using remote access.

If an "R" does not appear after the device name, the displayed statistics represent I/O operations issued by nodes with direct access. These I/O operations might include those issued by the MSCP server on behalf of remote requests.

Total ENQ/DEQ Rate Sum of all local, incoming, and outgoing ENQs, DEQs, and conversions.

Two display formats are provided, depending on the classname qualifier specified:

  • A tabular style format for the /ALL qualifier
  • A bar graph style format for the /AVERAGE, /CURRENT, /MAXIMUM, and /MINIMUM qualifiers

Beginning in OpenVMS Version 7.3, the range of rate fields has been increased in the MONITOR CLUSTER screen display as follows:

Rate Name Old Rate New Rate
I/O Operation 0 - 25 - 50 - 75 - 100 0 - 125 - 250 - 375 - 500
Lock Scale from 0 to 500 Scale from 0 to 1000

Note to Cluster Managers on MONITOR_SERVER Process

When users enter the MONITOR CLUSTER command, MONITOR activates the image SYS$SYSTEM:VPM.EXE, which creates a process called MONITOR_SERVER on each remote cluster node. (If users specify the /NODE qualifier with the MONITOR CLUSTER command or with any command of the form MONITOR class name, MONITOR creates the process only on the specified nodes.) The server process gathers data from remote nodes for live display or to record on the local node. To ensure accurate and timely data collection, the process is started at priority 15. Because server processes consume minimal resources, they have no significant effect on system performance.

By default, MONITOR_SERVER processes are started in the system DECnet account, which is created when the NETCONFIG.COM command procedure executes at bootstrap time. If this account is not present on your system, you must either create it by executing NETCONFIG.COM, or specify another account in which the server processes can be started.

If you want to start the processes in another account, use the following sequence of commands to define VPM as known object 51 in the DECnet database and associate the object with the desired account:

 _ ACCOUNT account -
 _ USER user-id -
 _ PASSWORD password
 _ ACCOUNT account -
 _ USERNAME user-id -
 _ PASSWORD password

For each server process, MONITOR creates a log file on the local node to which information about server connection activity, including error messages, is written. Note that error messages are written to the file only when errors occur. A single version is maintained for the life of the system. The default file specification has the form SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]VPM$nodename.LOG. The node name portion of the specification identifies the node on which the MONITOR_SERVER process has been started.

If you want to change the default specification, you can redefine the executive-mode logical name VPM$LOG_FILE in the system logical name table on the appropriate nodes. For example, if you wanted to write server error logging data to the file WRKD:[MONSERVER]VPM_ERRORS.LOG, you would define VPM$LOG_FILE as follows:


To direct to a single file data for all MONITOR_SERVER processes on the cluster, you could assign the logical name the same value on each member system. Note that because the log files are created as shared sequential files, multiple server processes can access them simultaneously.

If you routinely monitor your cluster, you can reduce server startup time significantly by creating MONITOR_SERVER processes on each member node at bootstrap time and maintaining the processes for the life of the system. To do so, add the following lines to the appropriate site-independent startup command files:


You can enter these commands interactively at any time if you have the following privileges: ALTPRI, NETMBX, PSWAPM, SYSNAM, SYSPRV, and TMPMBX.



                            OpenVMS Monitor Utility
                               CLUSTER STATISTICS
                                 on node CURLEY
                              29-APR-2000 12:25:13

CPU Busy                                   CUR        AVE        MIN        MAX

LARRY                                   100.00     100.00     100.00     100.00
CURLEY                                  100.00      99.83     100.00     100.00
MOE                                       8.52       8.50       8.52       8.52

                            OpenVMS Monitor Utility
                               CLUSTER STATISTICS
                                 on node CURLEY
                              29-APR-2000 12:25:19
%Memory In Use                             CUR        AVE        MIN        MAX

MOE                                      88.00      88.00      88.00      88.00
LARRY                                    78.00      78.00      77.00      78.00
CURLEY                                   72.00      72.50      72.00      72.00

                            OpenVMS Monitor Utility
                               CLUSTER STATISTICS
                                 on node CURLEY
                              29-APR-2000 12:25:25

I/O Operation Rate                         CUR        AVE        MIN        MAX

$111$DUA7:   (DECEIT) SQMCLUSTERV4        0.48       6.53       0.48      10.41
$111$DUA6:   (DECEIT) QUALD               1.93       1.07       0.00       1.93
$111$DUA4:   (DECEIT) PAGESWAPDISK        1.44       0.96       0.00       1.44
$111$DUA2:   (DECEIT) TSDPERF             0.32       0.53       0.16       1.12
LARRY$DRA3:           QUALQUEST           0.00       0.21       0.00       0.64
MOE$DMA1:             UVMSQAR             0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
MOE$DRA5:             USER01              0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
LARRY$DRA4:           TIMEDEV             0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
LARRY$DBB3:           REGLIB              0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
$111$DUA3:   (DECEIT) DUMPDISK            0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
$111$DUA5:   (DECEIT) BPMDISK             0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
$111$DJA8:   (DECEIT) ORLEAN              0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
$111$DJA10:  (DECEIT) QMISDATABASE        0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
$111$DJA9:   (DECEIT) MPI$DATA            0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00

                            OpenVMS Monitor Utility
                               CLUSTER STATISTICS
                                 on node CURLEY
                              29-APR-2000 12:25:56
Tot ENQ/DEQ Rate                           CUR        AVE        MIN        MAX

MOE                                       7.90      14.92       0.00      43.12
LARRY                                    20.48      14.64       0.00      46.92
CURLEY                                    1.93      13.29       0.00      57.30

The preceding example shows the tabular style format for the CLUSTER display.


Statistic: CURRENT          OpenVMS Monitor Utility      5-JUN-2000
                               CLUSTER STATISTICS
                   CPU                   |               MEMORY
CPU Busy            0   25   50   75  100|%Memory In Use   0   25   50   75  100
                    +----+----+----+----+|                 +----+----+----+----+
BRS004          100 |********************|BRS004        37 |*******
                    |                    |                 |
                    |                    |                 |
                    |                    |                 |
                    |                    |                 |
                    |                    |                 |
                   DISK                  |                LOCK
I/O Operation Rate  0  125  250  375  500|Tot ENQ/DEQ Rate 0  250  500  750 1000
                    +----+----+----+----+|                 +----+----+----+----+
$1$DIA1:         52 |**                  |BRS004       183 |***
                    |                    |                 |
                    |                    |                 |
                    |                    |                 |
                    |                    |                 |
                    |                    |                 |

The preceding example shows the bar graph style format for a CLUSTER/CURRENT display.

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