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OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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The MONITOR MSCP_SERVER command initiates monitoring of the mass storage control protocol (MSCP) server class.



Command Qualifiers


One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.

Classname Qualifiers


Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR.


Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.


Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes.


Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.


Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.


The MSCP server class consists of the following data items that can be useful in tuning the MSCP server:
Data Item Description
Server I/O Request Rate The rate at which remote processors request I/O transfers.
Read Request Rate The rate at which remote processors request Read I/O transfers.
Write Request Rate The rate at which remote processors request Write I/O transfers.
Extra Fragment Rate The rate at which the server issues extra fragments. One or more extra fragments are created when, due to buffering constraints, the MSCP server issues multiple I/Os in order to fulfill a single I/O request. For example, if the MSCP server breaks up a 64-block request into 4 fragments of 16 blocks, 3 extra fragments are created.
Fragmented Request Rate The rate at which fragmented requests occur. A fragmented request is a transfer request that the server fragments due to buffering constraints. For example, one fragmented request occurs when the server splits a 36-block request into 3 fragments of 16 blocks, 16 blocks, and 4 blocks. In this example, the server creates two extra fragments.
Buffer Wait Rate The rate at which "buffer waits" occur in the server. A buffer wait occurs when a request must wait for MSCP buffer memory.
Request Size Rates A histogram that displays the rate of requests for various block sizes.



                           OpenVMS Monitor Utility
                             MSCP SERVER STATISTICS
                                 on node GLOBBO
                              29-APR-2000 09:51:43

                                       CUR        AVE        MIN        MAX

    Server I/O Request Rate           0.00       0.71       0.00       6.22
    Read Request Rate                 0.00       0.54       0.00       6.22
    Write Request Rate                0.00       0.16       0.00       6.16

    Extra Fragment Rate               0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
    Fragmented Request Rate           0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
    Buffer Wait Rate                  0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00

    Request Size Rates  1             0.00       0.07       0.00       0.98
     (Blocks)           2-3           0.00       0.03       0.00       0.65
                        4-7           0.00       0.03       0.00       0.65
                        8-15          0.00       0.10       0.00       1.63
                        16-31         0.00       0.46       0.00       5.51
                        32-63         0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
                        64+           0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00

This example demonstrates use of the MONITOR MSCP_SERVER command to generate MSCP statistics on node GLOBBO.


The MONITOR PAGE command initiates monitoring of the PAGE class.



Command Qualifiers


One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.

Classname Qualifiers


Specifies that a table of all available statistics (current, average, minimum, and maximum) is to be included in the display and summary output. For summary output, this qualifier is the default for all classes; otherwise, it is the default for all classes except CLUSTER, MODES, PROCESSES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR.


Specifies that a bar graph of average statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.


Specifies that a bar graph of current statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs. The /CURRENT qualifier is the default for the CLUSTER, MODES, STATES, SYSTEM, and VECTOR classes.


Specifies that a bar graph of maximum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.


Specifies that a bar graph of minimum statistics is to be included in the display and summary outputs.


The PAGE class includes the following data items:
Data Item Description
Page Fault Rate Rate of page faults for all working sets
Page Read Rate Rate of pages read from disk as a result of page faults
Page Read I/O Rate Rate of read I/O operations from disk as a result of page faults
Page Write Rate Rate at which pages were written to the page file
Page Write I/O Rate Rate of write I/O operations to the page file
Free List Fault Rate Rate at which pages were read from the free-page list as a result of page faults
Modified List Fault Rate Rate of pages read from the modified-page list as a result of page faults
Demand Zero Fault Rate Rate at which zero-filled pages were allocated as a result of page faults
Global Valid Fault Rate Rate of page faults for pages that are not in the process's working set, but are in physical memory and are indicated as valid pages in the systemwide global page tables
Writes In Progress Fault Rate Rate of pages read that were in the process of being written back to disk when faulted
System Fault Rate Rate of page faults for pages in system space
Free List Size Number of pages on the free-page list
Modified List Size Number of pages on the modified-page list



                           OpenVMS Monitor Utility
                           PAGE MANAGEMENT STATISTICS
                                 on node SAMPLE
                              29-APR-2000 22:22:44

                                       CUR        AVE        MIN        MAX

     Page Fault Rate                 26.82      18.27       9.66      26.82
     Page Read Rate                   3.97       2.65       1.33       3.97
     Page Read I/O Rate               1.32       0.99       0.66       1.32
     Page Write Rate                  0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
     Page Write I/O Rate              0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00

     Free List Fault Rate            13.90      10.96       8.00      13.90
     Modified List Fault Rate         5.62       2.99       0.33       5.62
     Demand Zero Fault Rate           4.63       2.65       0.66       4.63
     Global Valid Fault Rate          1.32       0.66       0.00       1.32
     Wrt In Progress Fault Rate       0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00
     System Fault Rate                2.31       1.99       1.66       2.31

     Free List Size                3164.00    3176.00    3164.00    3188.00
     Modified List Size             155.00     131.00     107.00     155.00

This example shows that the current rate of pages read per read I/O operation is approximately 3 per second (Page Read Rate divided by Page Read I/O Rate). Note that while the page fault rate is currently at the highest point of the monitoring session, the majority of the pages are faulted from memory, not from disk.


The MONITOR PROCESSES command initiates monitoring of the PROCESSES class, which displays information about all processes in the system.

In a multifile summary request, the classes CLUSTER and PROCESSES are ignored. If these classes are the only classes specified on the command line, MONITOR does not recognize them and displays a "no classes specified" error message.



Command Qualifiers


One or more qualifiers as described in the Command Qualifier Descriptions section.

Classname Qualifiers


Specifies that a bar graph listing the top buffered I/O users be produced instead of the standard display and summary output. Values are expressed in units of buffered I/Os per second.


Specifies that a bar graph listing the top CPU time users be produced instead of the standard display and summary output. Values are expressed in units of clock ticks (10 milliseconds) per second.

Prior to OpenVMS Version 7.3, the MONITOR PROCESSES/TOPCPU display showed only a maximum of 8 processes on one screen. In OpenVMS Version 7.3, the choice of which one of three screens is displayed is determined by the number of CPUs on the system. (See the examples in this section.)


Specifies that a bar graph listing the top direct I/O users be produced instead of the standard display and summary output. Values are expressed in units of direct I/Os per second.


Specifies that a bar graph listing the top page faulting processes be produced instead of the standard display and summary output. Values are expressed in units of page faults per second.


On OpenVMS VAX systems, specifies that a bar graph listing the top balance slot faulting processes be produced instead of the standard display and summary output. Values are expressed in units of balance slot faults per second.


As illustrated in the examples, the PROCESSES display (and summary) formats are different from those of all other classes. The PROCESSES display provides the following information:
Data Item Description
PID Process identifier as assigned by the system, in hexadecimal
STATE Process's scheduler state (see the description of the MONITOR STATES command for an explanation and a tabular summary of the STATES codes)
PRI Current (as opposed to base) priority of the process
NAME Process name
PAGES Number of shareable pages and total number of pages currently in use by the process
DIOCNT Cumulative direct I/O operations performed by the process since its creation; not displayed if the process is swapped out
FAULTS Cumulative page faults since the process was created; not displayed if the process is swapped out
CPU TIME Cumulative CPU time used by the process since its creation, in the format hours:minutes:seconds ; not displayed if the process is swapped out

The top corners of the display contain the number of processes in the system and the time in days, hours, minutes, and seconds since the system was last booted. Processes that are swapped out are so noted.

If more processes are in the system than can be displayed on the terminal screen at once, the display consists of multiple screens. Screens are presented one at a time at intervals specified with the /VIEWING_TIME qualifier. The five /TOP bar graph displays provide the PID and process name of each of the top eight users.

As with the other bar graph displays, examples in the displays of top users are rounded to the nearest whole number. Up to eight processes with nonzero values are displayed. To be eligible for inclusion in the list of top users, a process must be present and swapped in at the beginning and end of the display interval. This eligibility requirement also applies to the beginning and ending of the entire period covered by a summary.

Note that only one of the displays of top users or the regular PROCESSES display can be selected in a single MONITOR request.




Process Count: 20            OpenVMS Monitor Utility        Uptime:  1 23:26:10
                                 on node SAMPLE
                              29-APR-2000 12:39:09


     00000081 HIB   16 SWAPPER         0/0             0       0 00:00:15.8
     00000102 LEFO   4 SAMPLE1001      87/232      SWAPPED OUT
     00000103 COM    4 SAMPLE1101      16/100       7127   51298 00:05:11.0
     00000084 HIB    8 ERRFMT          64/174       2750     125 00:00:43.9
     00000086 LEF    8 OPCOM           73/272        283     178 00:00:07.7
     00000087 HIB    9 JOB_CONTROL     57/293        707     167 00:00:10.5
     00000088 HIB    8 CONFIGURE       43/205         22     123 00:00:00.6
     0000008A HIB    6 SYMBIONT_0001   5/56           50     617 00:03:15.1
     0000008B HIB    8 JNLACP          75/580      15149    4922 00:21:51.1
     0000008C HIB    8 NETACP          5/954          11    1057 00:25:06.8
     0000008D HIB    5 EVL             7/56           44   34384 00:00:20.5
     0000008E HIB    9 REMACP          5/54           13     107 00:00:01.3
     00000112 COM    4 SAMPLE1601      45/111      13131   39992 00:06:39.1
     0000011E CUR    9 SMITH           89/298        138     830 00:00:07.1

This example illustrates a PROCESSES display generated from the input file PROCS.DAT. One line is displayed for each process in the system. This display shows current values only---average, minimum, and maximum statistics are not available. Also for swapped-out processes, the words SWAPPED OUT replace the three rightmost items, because those items are not available for swapped-out processes. Because this example is a playback request, the system uptime displayed is that of the system at the time the MONITOR data was recorded.

Nondisplayable characters in process names are represented by periods.



                           OpenVMS Monitor Utility
                         TOP DIRECT I/O RATE PROCESSES
                                 on node SAMPLE
                              29-APR-2000 16:13:38

                                     0         25        50        75       100
                                     + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+
 000000C7  SAMPLE0901            25  |**********
                                     |         |         |         |          |
 00000112  SAMPLE1601            17  |******
                                     |         |         |         |          |
 00000102  SAMPLE1001            14  |*****
                                     |         |         |         |          |
 00000103  SAMPLE1101            12  |****
                                     |         |         |         |          |
 00000080  NULL                  12  |****
                                     |         |         |         |          |
 0000011E  SMITH                  4  |*
                                     |         |         |         |          |
 0000008C  NETACP                 1  |
                                     |         |         |         |          |
                                     + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+

This example shows that the process SAMPLE0901, with a rate of 25 per second, was the top consumer of direct I/Os during the most recent interval between displays.



                            OpenVMS Monitor Utility
                             TOP CPU TIME PROCESSES
                                 on node BRS004
                             5-JUN-2000 10:47:49.21

                                     0         25        50        75       100
                                     + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+
 00000121  BATCH_36                6  **
                                     |         |         |         |        |
 0000012A  BATCH_45                6  **
                                     |         |         |         |        |
 00000117  BATCH_26                6  **
                                     |         |         |         |        |
 0000011D  BATCH_32                5  **
                                     |         |         |         |        |
 0000011A  BATCH_29                5  **
                                     |         |         |         |        |
 0000012B  BATCH_46                5  **
                                     |         |         |         |        |
 00000125  BATCH_40                5  **
                                     |         |         |         |        |
 0000011F  BATCH_34                5  **

                                      + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+

This example shows a MONITOR PROCESSES/TOPCPU screen display on a single CPU system.



                            OpenVMS Monitor Utility
                             TOP CPU TIME PROCESSES
                                 on node BRS012
                             5-JUN-2000 10:48:39.38

                                     0         25        50        75       100
                                     + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+
 0000012B  BATCH_46                7  **
 00000128  BATCH_43                6  **
 0000012A  BATCH_45                5  **
 00000125  BATCH_40                5  **
 00000123  BATCH_38                5  **
 00000121  BATCH_36                5  **
 00000129  BATCH_44                5  **
 0000011F  BATCH_34                5  **
 0000011E  BATCH_33                5  **
 0000011D  BATCH_32                5  **
 00000117  BATCH_26                5  **
 00000127  BATCH_42                5  **
 00000120  BATCH_35                5  **
 0000011B  BATCH_30                5  **
 00000119  BATCH_28                5  **

This example shows s MONITOR PROCESSES/TOPCPU screen display on a 12-CPU system.



                            OpenVMS Monitor Utility
                             TOP CPU TIME PROCESSES
                                 on node BRS016
                             5-JUN-2000 10:51:10.89

                                     0         25        50        75       100
                                     + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - + - - - - -+
 00000127  BATCH_42                6  **
 00000125  BATCH_40                6  **
 00000124  BATCH_39                5  **
 00000118  BATCH_27                5  **
 00000129  BATCH_44                5  **
 00000122  BATCH_37                5  **
 00000120  BATCH_35                5  **
 0000011F  BATCH_34                5  **
 0000011D  BATCH_32                5  **
 0000011C  BATCH_31                5  **
 00000119  BATCH_28                5  **
 00000128  BATCH_43                5  **
 00000123  BATCH_38                5  **
 0000011B  BATCH_30                4  *
 0000012B  BATCH_46                4  *
 00000126  BATCH_41                4  *

This example shows s MONITOR PROCESSES/TOPCPU screen display on a 16-CPU system.

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