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OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined:

  • PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command.
  • PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root:

Note that the definition of PCSI$SYSDEVICE and PCSI$SPECIFIC specify only where the utility will find or place its database. These logical names do not affect the /DESTINATION qualifier.


Specifies the disk and directory where the utility searches for the software product kit or kits. If /SOURCE is not specified, the utility searches in the location defined by the logical name PCSI$SOURCE. If PCSI$SOURCE is not defined, and the /SOURCE qualifier is not specified, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility searches the current default directory.


Selects software products whose versions match the specified version criteria. The keywords are:
ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified
BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified
MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified
MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified

The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS=(MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0.

/TEST (default)


Requests that the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility run the installation verification procedure (IVP) for the product.


/NOTRACE (default)

Displays all DCL commands that the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility may execute while performing the operation. Any output generated by these commands is also displayed. This qualifier is a debugging aid to trace the execution of DCL commands and command procedures executed in a subprocess.


Selects software products that have the specified version.


Specifies the name of the device and directory acting as a temporary work area. By default, temporary files are created in subdirectories of the user's login directory.




The command in this example installs POSIX Version 3.0 and creates a product configuration file.


Lists the names of the files contained in a sequentially formatted software product kit. A file type of .PCSI denotes a sequential kit. All files in a kit are listed unless you use the /SELECT qualifier to specify a subset of the files.


PRODUCT LIST product-name[,...] [/qualifiers]



Names the product, or list of products, whose kit contents are to be listed. This parameter is required.



Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. The base system name AXPVMS denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product, VAXVMS denotes an OpenVMS VAX product, and VMS denotes a product applicable to either OpenVMS Alpha or VAX.


Displays information about files contained in the kit in 132-column format. The /FULL qualifier shows the name of each file, gives its size in blocks, and provides a comment field that can provide additional information---for example, the file is a product description file, a temporary file, or a module file that updates a library file. The /NOFULL qualifier displays only the name of each file in the kit in 80-column format.


Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are:
Designates the format of the product kit as follows:
REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree.
SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in <full-product-name>.PCSI, a container file.
Specifies the type of product kit as follows:
FULL Layered product (application) software.
OPERATING_SYSTEM Operating system software.
MANDATORY_UPDATE A required correction to currently installed software. Functionally, this type of kit is the same as a patch kit.
PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product.
PATCH A correction to currently installed software. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product.
PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (also called a product suite).
TRANSITION Used to register information about a product that is installed but not recorded in the product database (for example, a product installed by VMSINSTAL). This kit does not provide product material.


/NOLOG (default)

Displays messages as the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility performs an operation.


Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces.


Specifies the name of a file, or a list of files; these files are in the specified sequential kit. You can use the asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters for all or part of the file name. The file name can contain a directory specification that includes an ellipsis (...).


Specifies the disk and directory where the utility searches for the software product kit or kits. If /SOURCE is not specified, the utility searches in the location that the logical name PCSI$SOURCE defines. If PCSI$SOURCE is not defined, and the /SOURCE qualifier is not specified, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility searches the current default directory.


Selects software products whose versions match the specified version criteria. The keywords are:
ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified
BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified
MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified
MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified

The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS=(MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0.


Selects software products that have the specified version.



In this example, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility lists all the files that match the selection criteria TEST.* from the sequential kit of the product TEST that is in the [AL] directory on the user's default disk.


Creates a software product kit. This operation uses a product description file (PDF) and an optional product text file (PTF) to produce a kit that contains the images and other files that make up the product.

During a package operation, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility reformats the input PDF file to produce a new output PDF file. Comments are removed from the output PDF file and information, such as the size of each file, is added. The input PTF file is transformed into an output PTF in text library format.

The PRODUCT PACKAGE command requires the /SOURCE, /DESTINATION, and /MATERIAL qualifiers.


PRODUCT PACKAGE product-name[,...] [/qualifiers] /SOURCE=file-specification /DESTINATION=device-name:[directory-name] /MATERIAL=(path-name[,...])



Names the product or list of products to be packaged.



Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. The base system name AXPVMS denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product, VAXVMS denotes an OpenVMS VAX product, and VMS denotes a product applicable to either OpenVMS Alpha or VAX.



Specifies whether you want the product material files and associated directories included in the product kit. The /NOCOPY qualifier can save file processing time when you are debugging a PDF file and do not need to produce a complete product kit.

The use of /NOCOPY with /FORMAT=SEQUENTIAL is not supported and produces undefined results.


If /FORMAT=SEQUENTIAL is specified, /DESTINATION specifies the directory where the utility creates the sequential kit. A sequential kit is a container file that includes the PDF, PTF, and all the images and other material that make up the product. The file type of the sequential kit file is .PCSI.

If /FORMAT=REFERENCE is specifed (or defaulted), /DESTINATION specifies the directory where the utility creates the output PDF file and optional PTF file. The file types of the PDF and PTF files are .PCSI$DESCRIPTION and .PCSI$TLB, respectively. The images and other materials that make up the product are placed in a directory tree under this directory.

If the device name is not provided, it defaults to the user's default device. If the directory name is omitted, it defaults to the user's default directory.

The PRODUCT PACKAGE operation ignores the PCSI$DESTINATION logical name whether or not you use the /DESTINATION qualifier.


Specifies the output format of the product kit. Keywords are:
REFERENCE Reference format in which product files are placed in a directory tree.
SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in <full-product-name>.PCSI, a container file.
The default is /FORMAT=REFERENCE.


/NOLOG (default)

Displays messages as the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility performs the operation.


Specifies one or more locations in which the utility can search for product material files to include in the software product kit. Material files represent the output of the producer's software engineering process, that is, all files that make up the software product, including any command procedures that might be used during installation.

Note that the location of the PDF and PTF are not specified with the /MATERIAL qualifier. See the /SOURCE qualifier for more information.

This is a required qualifier for the PRODUCT PACKAGE command. Parentheses (()) are optional only when you specify a single path name. They are required when you specify multiple path names.

The format for path-name is: device-name:[directory-name]

You can specify path-name as:

A specific directory Only one directory is searched.
A root directory A period (.) following the directory name denotes a root directory specification. For example, TEST$:[ABC.FT2.] limits the search path to subdirectories of [ABC.FT2].
A wildcard directory The directory name includes one or more of the wildcard characters asterisk (*), percent sign (%), or ellipsis (...). All directories that satisfy the wildcard specification are searched.

Note that when you use either a wildcard directory or a list of path names, if files in different directories have the same name, only the first file found in the search path is used.

When either a specific directory or a wildcard directory is used, the relative file specification on the file statement in the PDF file is not used to locate the file. However, when a root directory is used, the utility appends the relative file specification from the file statement in the PDF to the root directory in the material search path to locate files.

In general, use of a specific directory or a root directory is more efficient than using a wildcard directory. When packaging a product that contains hundreds of files, you might notice a significant difference in processing time, depending on the method you use to specify the path name. The choice of material path name does no affect the time required to install the kit.


Specifies the owner user identification code (UIC) for files created during a copy operation. By default, the user executing the operation owns the software product files. For example, if you are logged in to your own account, you can use this qualifier during a copy operation to assign ownership of the product files to SYSTEM rather than to your own account. Specify the UIC in alphanumeric format (in the form [name]) or in octal group-member format (in the form [g,m]). UIC formats are described in the OpenVMS User's Manual.


Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces.


Specifies the location of the input PDF file. If the device name is omitted, it defaults to the user's default device. If the directory name is omitted, it defaults to the user's default directory. If the file name and file type components of the file specification are not provided, they default to <full-product-name>.PCSI$DESCRIPTION.

The optional PTF file, if used, must be in the same directory and have the same file name as the PDF with a .PCSI$TEXT file type. If a file named <full-product-name>.PCSI$TEXT is not found, the package operation does not use a PTF file.

This is a required qualifier for the PRODUCT PACKAGE command. The logical name PCSI$SOURCE is not used.


Selects software products that have the specified version.




The directory [JAMES.TEST.PDF] contains the PDF named ABC-AXPVMS-VIEWER-0201--1.PCSI$DESCRIPTION. This file and the product material files from the BUILD$:[VIEWER0201.RESULT...] directory tree are used to create the kit for product VIEWER. When the PACKAGE operation completes, a sequential kit named ABC-AXPVMS-VIEWER-0201--1.PCSI is created and placed in the DKA200:[PCSI_KITS] directory.


Modifies the configuration of an installed product by allowing a user to change installation options.

Reconfiguration of a product might result in the addition or deletion of files, or both, depending on the user's selection or deselection of options; that is, users can select options that were not selected when the product was installed, or they can deselect options that were selected when the product was installed. At the conclusion of the operation, the product database is updated to reflect the changes.


PRODUCT RECONFIGURE product-name[,...] [/qualifiers]



Names the product, or list of products, to reconfigure.



Selects software products whose base system matches the one specified. The base system name identifies both a hardware platform and an operating system. The base system name AXPVMS denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product, VAXVMS denotes an OpenVMS VAX product, and VMS denotes a product applicable to either OpenVMS Alpha or VAX.


Specifies how the configuration choices will be supplied. Keywords are:
CURRENT This is the default. It uses values from the product database, which has the current values recorded from the last time the product was installed or reconfigured.
PRODUCER Uses values specified by the software manufacturer for this version of the product.
INPUT=pcf-name Uses values from the specified product configuration file.
OUTPUT=pcf-name Writes configuration choices to the specified product configuration file. If no file name is supplied, creates a file named DEFAULT.PCSI$CONFIGURATION.
The keywords CURRENT, PRODUCER, and INPUT are mutually exclusive. Each of these, however, can be used with the keyword OUTPUT. If you specify only one keyword, you can omit the parentheses.


/NOHELP (default)

Controls whether detailed explanations of product options and informational text are displayed. The first time you install a product, these explanations can help you decide which options to select. When you perform subsequent installations or upgrades, you might choose the brief explanations to save time.

When /NOHELP is selected, you can request a detailed explanation about a question by performing one of the following actions at the prompt:

  • Press the Help key or PF2 key
  • Type ? and press the Return key


Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are:
Designates the format of the product kit as follows:
REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree.
SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in <full-product-name>.PCSI, a container file.
Specifies the type of product kit as follows:
FULL Layered product (application) software.
OPERATING_SYSTEM Operating system software.
MANDATORY_UPDATE A required correction to currently installed software. Functionally, this type of kit is the same as a patch kit.
PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product.
PATCH A correction to currently installed software. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product.
PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (also called a product suite).
TRANSITION Used to register information about a product that is installed but not recorded in the product database (for example, a product installed by VMSINSTAL). This kit does not provide product material.


/NOLOG (default)

Displays messages as the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility performs the operation.


Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces.


Records a comment in the product database about the task you are performing. The SHOW HISTORY command displays the recorded comments. For each product, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility stores a chronological list of tasks you perform and the associated remarks. The default behavior is that no remark is recorded.


/NOREMOTE (default)

Uses the product database on a system other than the currently running system. This qualifier is primarily for use in command procedures that Compaq supplies. Incorrect use of this qualifier can corrupt the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility database, corrupt installed products, or cause other problems. In some cases, /REMOTE can be useful with the CONFIGURE and SHOW commands.

When you use /REMOTE, the following logical names must be defined:

  • PCSI$SYSDEVICE must specify the physical disk name of the target system disk. This disk must be mounted and allocated to the process executing the PRODUCT command.
  • PCSI$SPECIFIC must point to a system root on PCSI$SYSDEVICE. It must be defined in the following form, where x is a valid system root:

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