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OpenVMS VAX RTL Mathematics (MTH$) Manual
Part 2
The Scalar MTH$ Reference Section provides detailed descriptions of the
scalar routines provided by the OpenVMS RTL Mathematics (MTH$) facility.
OpenVMS usage: | floating_point |
type: | F_floating, D_floating, G_floating |
access: | write only |
mechanism: | by value |
Angle in radians. The angle returned will have a value in the range:
0 <= angle <= Pi sign
MTH$ACOS returns an F-floating number. MTH$DACOS returns a D-floating number. MTH$GACOS returns a G-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: read only mechanism: by reference
The cosine of the angle whose value (in radians) is to be returned. The cosine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this cosine. The absolute value of cosine must be less than or equal to 1. For MTH$ACOS, cosine specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DACOS, cosine specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GACOS, cosine specifies a G-floating number.
The angle in radians whose cosine is X is computed as:
Value of Cosine Value Returned 0 Pi sign/2 1 0 -1 Pi sign 0 < X < 1 zATAN(zSQRT(1-X 2)/X) , where zATAN and zSQRT are the Math Library arc tangent and square root routines, respectively, of the appropriate data type -1 < X < 0 zATAN(zSQRT(1-X 2)/X) + Pi sign 1 < |X| The error MTH$_INVARGMAT is signaled See MTH$HACOS for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.
SS$_ROPRAND Reserved operand. The MTH$xACOS routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by Compaq. MTH$_INVARGMAT Invalid argument. The absolute value of cosine is greater than 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.
#1 |
100 !+ ! This BASIC program demonstrates the use of ! MTH$ACOS. !- EXTERNAL REAL FUNCTION MTH$ACOS DECLARE REAL COS_VALUE, ANGLE 300 INPUT "Cosine value between -1 and +1 "; COS_VALUE 400 IF (COS_VALUE < -1) OR (COS_VALUE > 1) THEN PRINT "Invalid cosine value" GOTO 300 500 ANGLE = MTH$ACOS( COS_VALUE ) PRINT "The angle with that cosine is "; ANGLE; "radians" 32767 END |
This BASIC program prompts for a cosine value and determines the angle that has that cosine. The output generated by this program is as follows:
$ RUN ACOS Cosine value between -1 and +1 ? .5 The angle with that cosine is 1.0472 radians
#2 |
PROGRAM GETANGLE(INPUT,OUTPUT); {+} { This Pascal program uses MTH$ACOS to determine { the angle which has the cosine given as input. {-} VAR COS : REAL; FUNCTION MTH$ACOS(COS : REAL) : REAL; EXTERN; BEGIN WRITE('Cosine value between -1 and +1: '); READ (COS); WRITELN('The angle with that cosine is ', MTH$ACOS(COS), ' radians'); END. |
This Pascal program prompts for a cosine value and determines the angle that has that cosine. The output generated by this program is as follows:
$ RUN ACOS Cosine value between -1 and +1: .5 The angle with that cosine is 1.04720E+00 radians
Given the cosine of an angle, the Arc Cosine of Angle Expressed in Degrees routine returns that angle (in degrees).
Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.
Corresponding JSB Entry Points
Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: write only mechanism: by value
Angle in degrees. The angle returned will have a value in the range:
0 <= angle <= 180MTH$ACOSD returns an F-floating number. MTH$DACOSD returns a D-floating number. MTH$GACOSD returns a G-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, G_floating, D_floating access: read only mechanism: by reference
Cosine of the angle whose value (in degrees) is to be returned. The cosine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this cosine. The absolute value of cosine must be less than or equal to 1. For MTH$ACOSD, cosine specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DACOSD, cosine specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GACOSD, cosine specifies a G-floating number.
The angle in degrees whose cosine is X is computed as:
Value of Cosine Angle Returned 0 90 1 0 -1 180 0 < X < 1 zATAND(zSQRT(1-X 2)/X) , where zATAND and zSQRT are the Math Library arc tangent and square root routines, respectively, of the appropriate data type -1 < X < 0 zATAND(zSQRT(1-X 2)/X) + 180 1 < |X| The error MTH$_INVARGMAT is signaled See MTH$HACOSD for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.
SS$_ROPRAND Reserved operand. The MTH$xACOSD routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by Compaq. MTH$_INVARGMAT Invalid argument. The absolute value of cosine is greater than 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.
The output generated by this Pascal example program is as follows:
The angle, expressed in degrees, is: 6.00000E+01
Given the sine of an angle, the Arc Sine in Radians routine returns that angle (in radians).
Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.
Corresponding JSB Entry Points
Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: write only mechanism: by value
Angle in radians. The angle returned will have a value in the range:
-Pi sign/2 <= angle <= Pi sign/2
MTH$ASIN returns an F-floating number. MTH$DASIN returns a D-floating number. MTH$GASIN returns a G-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: read only mechanism: by reference
The sine of the angle whose value (in radians) is to be returned. The sine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this sine. The absolute value of sine must be less than or equal to 1. For MTH$ASIN, sine specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DASIN, sine specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GASIN, sine specifies a G-floating number.
The angle in radians whose sine is X is computed as:
Value of Sine Angle Returned 0 0 1 Pi sign/2 -1 -Pi sign/2 0 < |X| < 1 zATAN(X/zSQRT(1-X 2)) , where zATAN and zSQRT are the Math Library arc tangent and square root routines, respectively, of the appropriate data type 1 < |X| The error MTH$_INVARGMAT is signaled See MTH$HASIN for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.
SS$_ROPRAND Reserved operand. The MTH$xASIN routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by Compaq. MTH$_INVARGMAT Invalid argument. The absolute value of sine is greater than 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.
Given the sine of an angle, the Arc Sine in Degrees routine returns that angle (in degrees).
Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.
Corresponding JSB Entry Points
Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: write only mechanism: by value
Angle in degrees. The angle returned will have a value in the range:
-90 <= angle <= 90
MTH$ASIND returns an F-floating number. MTH$DASIND returns a D-floating number. MTH$GASIND returns a G-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: read only mechanism: by reference
Sine of the angle whose value (in degrees) is to be returned. The sine argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this sine. The absolute value of sine must be less than or equal to 1. For MTH$ASIND, sine specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DASIND, sine specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GASIND, sine specifies a G-floating number.
The angle in degrees whose sine is X is computed as:
Value of Sine Value Returned 0 0 1 90 -1 -90 0 < |X| < 1 zATAND(X/zSQRT(1-X 2)) , where zATAND and zSQRT are the Math Library arc tangent and square root routines, respectively, of the appropriate data type 1 < |X| The error MTH$_INVARGMAT is signaled See MTH$HASIND for the description of the H-floating version of this routine.
SS$_ROPRAND Reserved operand. The MTH$xASIND routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by Compaq. MTH$_INVARGMAT Invalid argument. The absolute value of sine is greater than 1. LIB$SIGNAL copies the floating-point reserved operand to the mechanism argument vector CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1. The result is the floating-point reserved operand unless you have written a condition handler to change CHF$L_MCH_SAVR0/R1.
Given the tangent of an angle, the Arc Tangent in Radians routine returns that angle (in radians).
MTH$ATAN tangentMTH$DATAN tangent
MTH$GATAN tangent
Each of the above formats accepts one of the floating-point types as input.
Corresponding JSB Entry Points
Each of the above JSB entry points accepts one of the floating-point types as input.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: write only mechanism: by value
Angle in radians. The angle returned will have a value in the range:
MTH$ATAN returns an F-floating number. MTH$DATAN returns a D-floating number. MTH$GATAN returns a G-floating number.
OpenVMS usage: floating_point type: F_floating, D_floating, G_floating access: read only mechanism: by reference
The tangent of the angle whose value (in radians) is to be returned. The tangent argument is the address of a floating-point number that is this tangent. For MTH$ATAN, tangent specifies an F-floating number. For MTH$DATAN, tangent specifies a D-floating number. For MTH$GATAN, tangent specifies a G-floating number.
In radians, the computation of the arc tangent function is based on the following identities:
arctan(X) = X - X 3/3 + X 5/5 - X 7/7 + ... arctan(X) = X + X*Q(X 2),
where Q(Y) = - Y/3 + Y 2/5 - Y 3/7 + ...arctan(X) = X*P(X 2),
where P(Y) = 1 - Y/3 + Y 2/5 - Y 3/7 + ...arctan(X) = Pi sign/2 - arctan(1/X) arctan(X) = arctan(A) + arctan((X-A)/(1+A*X))
for any real AThe angle in radians whose tangent is X is computed as:
Value of X Angle Returned 0 <= X <= 3/32 X + X * Q(X 2) 3/32 < X <= 11 ATAN(A) + V* (P(V 2)), where A and ATAN(A) are chosen by table lookup and V = (X - A)/(1 + A*X) 11 < X Pi sign/2 - W* (P(W 2)) where W = 1/X X < 0 -zATAN(|X|) See MTH$HATAN for the description of the H-floating point version of this routine.
SS$_ROPRAND Reserved operand. The MTH$xATAN routine encountered a floating-point reserved operand due to incorrect user input. A floating-point reserved operand is a floating-point datum with a sign bit of 1 and a biased exponent of 0. Floating-point reserved operands are reserved for future use by Compaq.
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