HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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OpenVMS User's Manual

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Chapter 10
10 DIGITAL Standard Runoff (DSR): Formatting Text Files
     10.1     About DSR
     10.2     Entering DSR Commands in Source Files
     10.3     Invoking DSR
         10.3.1         Overriding DSR Commands or Flags
         10.3.2         Using DSR Defaults
     10.4     Creating Tables of Contents
     10.5     Creating Indexes
     10.6     Summary of DSR Commands
         10.6.1         Page Size and Running Heads
         10.6.2         Paging and Page-Number Control
         10.6.3         Subpaging
         10.6.4         Margin Settings
         10.6.5         Filling and Justifying Text
         10.6.6         Vertical Spacing
         10.6.7         Horizontal Spacing
         10.6.8         Paragraph Formatting
         10.6.9         Text Emphasis
         10.6.10         Figure Formatting
         10.6.11         List Formatting
         10.6.12         Note and Footnote Formatting
         10.6.13         Chapter and Appendix Formatting
         10.6.14         Section Formatting
         10.6.15         Index Formatting
         10.6.16         Tables of Contents Formatting
         10.6.17         Flag Recognition Commands
         10.6.18         Other DSR Commands
Chapter 11
11 Sort/Merge Utility: Sorting and Merging Files
     11.1     High-Performance Sort/Merge
     11.2     Sorting Files
         11.2.1         Defining a Key
         11.2.2         Multiple Key Fields
         11.2.3         Identical Key Fields
         11.2.4         Noncharacter Data
         11.2.5         Output File Organization
         11.2.6         Sorting Process
     11.3     Specifying a Collating Sequence
     11.4     Running Sort as a Batch Job
         11.4.1         Command Procedures
         11.4.2         Including Input Records
     11.5     Merging Files
         11.5.1         Sorted Files
         11.5.2         Identical Key Fields
     11.6     Entering Records from a Terminal
     11.7     Using a Sort/Merge Specification File
     11.8     Optimizing a Sort or Merge Operation
         11.8.1         Sorting Process
         11.8.2         Omitting Records and Fields
         11.8.3         Assigning Work Files
         11.8.4         Modifying the Working Set Extent
     11.9     Summary of Sort/Merge Qualifiers
         11.9.1         Input File Qualifier
         11.9.2         Output File Qualifiers
         11.9.3         Specification File Qualifiers
Chapter 12
12 Devices: Using Private Tapes and Disks
     12.1     Device Management
     12.2     Displaying Device Information
     12.3     Allocating Devices
     12.4     Initializing Volumes
         12.4.1         Initializing Disk Volumes
         12.4.2         Initializing Magnetic Tape Volumes
     12.5     Mounting Volumes
         12.5.1         Requesting Operator Assistance
         12.5.2         Mounting a Foreign Disk Volume
         12.5.3         Mounting Magnetic Tape Volumes
     12.6     Accessing Files on Private Devices
         12.6.1         Using Physical Device Names
         12.6.2         Using Logical Device Names
         12.6.3         Using Generic Device Names
         12.6.4         Using OpenVMS Cluster Device Names
     12.7     Dismounting Volumes
Chapter 13
13 Logical Names: Defining Names for Devices and Files
     13.1     Logical Name Characteristics
     13.2     Using System-Defined Logical Names
     13.3     Creating Logical Names
         13.3.1         Using the DEFINE Command
         13.3.2         Creating Logical Names in Command Procedures for File I/O
         13.3.3         Rules for Creating Logical Names
         13.3.4         Translation Attributes
         13.3.5         Access Modes
         13.3.6         Creating Logical Node Names
                Using Logical Node Names in File Specifications
                Overriding Access Control Strings
         13.3.7         Creating Multiple Logical Names for the Same Object
     13.4     Deleting Logical Names
     13.5     Logical Name Translation
         13.5.1         Iterative Translation
         13.5.2         Missing Fields Filled in with System Defaults
         13.5.3         Default Search Order for Logical Name Translations
     13.6     Displaying Logical Names
         13.6.1         Specifying a Logical Name Table to Search
         13.6.2         Displaying Translation Attributes and Access Modes
     13.7     Creating and Using Search Lists
         13.7.1         Using Search Lists with Commands That Accept Wildcards
         13.7.2         Using a Search List with the SET DEFAULT Command
         13.7.3         Using a Search List with the RUN Command
         13.7.4         Search Order for Multiple Search Lists
     13.8     Logical Name Table Characteristics
         13.8.1         Logical Name Table Directories
         13.8.2         Displaying the Structure of Directory Tables
     13.9     Default Logical Name Tables
         13.9.1         Process Logical Name Directory
         13.9.2         Process Logical Name Table
         13.9.3         System Logical Name Directory
         13.9.4         Shareable Logical Name Tables
         13.9.5         Default Protection of Shareable Logical Name Tables
         13.9.6         Privilege and Access Requirements for Managing Shareable Logical Names
     13.10     Creating Logical Name Tables
         13.10.1         Creating Process-Private Logical Name Tables
         13.10.2         Creating Shareable Logical Name Tables
         13.10.3         Creating Clusterwide Logical Name Tables
         13.10.4         Privilege and Access Requirements
         13.10.5         Modifying the Default Protection
         13.10.6         Establishing Quotas for Logical Name Tables
                Setting Job Table Quotas
     13.11     Modifying the Order of Logical Name Translations
     13.12     Deleting Logical Name Tables
     13.13     Process-Permanent Logical Names
         13.13.1         Equivalence Name Differences Between Interactive and Batch Processing
         13.13.2         Redirecting File I/O Using Process-Permanent Logical Names
                Redefining SYS$INPUT
                Redefining SYS$OUTPUT
                Redefining SYS$ERROR
                Redefining SYS$COMMAND

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