HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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OpenVMS User's Manual

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Chapter 16
16 Advanced Programming with DCL
     16.1     Performing Command Procedure Input
         16.1.1         Restrictions to Including Data in Command Procedures
         16.1.2         Other Methods of Inputting Data
     16.2     Using Parameters to Pass Data
         16.2.1         Specifying Parameters as Integers
         16.2.2         Specifying Parameters as Character Strings
         16.2.3         Specifying Parameters as Symbols
         16.2.4         Specifying Parameters as Null Values
     16.3     Using Parameters to Pass Data to Batch Jobs
     16.4     Using Parameters to Pass Data to Nested Command Procedures
     16.5     Prompting for Data
     16.6     Using the SYS$INPUT Logical Name to Obtain Data
         16.6.1         Redefining SYS$INPUT as Your Terminal
         16.6.2         Defining SYS$INPUT as a Separate File
     16.7     Performing Command Procedure Output
         16.7.1         Writing Data to Terminals
         16.7.2         Redirecting Output from Commands and Images
         16.7.3         Returning Data from Command Procedures
         16.7.4         Redirecting Error Messages
                Redefining SYS$ERROR
                Suppressing System Error Messages
     16.8     Reading and Writing Files (File I/O)
     16.9     Using the OPEN Command
     16.10     Writing to Files
         16.10.1         Creating Files with Unique File Names
     16.11     Using the WRITE Command
         16.11.1         Specifying Data
         16.11.2         Using the /SYMBOL Qualifier
         16.11.3         Using the /UPDATE Qualifier
     16.12     Using the READ Command
         16.12.1         Using the /END_OF_FILE Qualifier
         16.12.2         Using the /INDEX and /KEY Qualifiers
         16.12.3         Using the /DELETE Qualifier
     16.13     Using the Close Command
     16.14     Modifying Files
         16.14.1         Updating Records
         16.14.2         Creating New Output Files
         16.14.3         Appending Records to Files
     16.15     Handling File I/O Errors
         16.15.1         Default Error Actions
     16.16     Techniques for Controlling Execution Flow
         16.16.1         Using the IF Command
         16.16.2         Using the THEN Command
         16.16.3         Using the ELSE Command
         16.16.4         Using Command Blocks
         16.16.5         Using the GOTO Command
                Avoiding Reexecution
         16.16.6         Using the GOSUB and RETURN Commands
     16.17     Creating New Command Levels
         16.17.1         Using the CALL Command
                CALL Command Defaults
                Beginning and Ending Subroutines
     16.18     Writing Case Statements
         16.18.1         Listing the Labels
         16.18.2         Writing the Case Statement
         16.18.3         Writing the Command Blocks
     16.19     Writing Loops
     16.20     Using the PIPE Command
         16.20.1         Using the PIPE Command for Conditional Command Execution
         16.20.2         Using the PIPE Command for Pipeline Execution
         16.20.3         Using the PIPE Command for Subshell Execution
         16.20.4         Using the PIPE Command for Background Execution
         16.20.5         Using the PIPE Command for Input/Output Redirection
         16.20.6         Interrupting a PIPE Command
         16.20.7         Improving Subprocess Performance
Chapter 17
17 Lexical Functions: Obtaining and Manipulating Information
     17.1     About Lexical Functions
         17.1.1         Information Manipulation
     17.2     Obtaining Information About Your Process
         17.2.1         Changing Verification Settings
         17.2.2         Changing Default File Protection
     17.3     Obtaining Information About the System
         17.3.1         Determining Your OpenVMS Cluster Node Name
         17.3.2         Obtaining Queue Information
         17.3.3         Obtaining Process Information
         17.3.4         F$CONTEXT Lexical Function
     17.4     Obtaining Information About Files and Devices
         17.4.1         Searching for Devices
         17.4.2         Searching for a File in a Directory
         17.4.3         Deleting Old Versions of Files
     17.5     Translating Logical Names
     17.6     Manipulating Strings
         17.6.1         Determining Presence of Strings or Characters
         17.6.2         Extracting Parts of Strings
         17.6.3         Formatting Output Strings
     17.7     Manipulating Data Types
         17.7.1         Converting Data Types
         17.7.2         Evaluating Expressions
         17.7.3         Determining Whether a Symbol Exists

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