HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS

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Chapter 8
8 Configuring the DHCP Client
     8.1     Key Concepts
         8.1.1         Designating the Primary Interface
         8.1.2         Requesting a Lease
         8.1.3         Requesting Parameters
         8.1.4         Understanding How the DHCP Client Operates
     8.2     DHCP Client Components
         8.2.1         Executable Files
         8.2.2         Configuration Files
                Client Configuration File
                The Interface File
                The Host Name File
                The DHCPTAGS. File
         8.2.3         Command Files
         8.2.4         System Logicals
         8.2.5         Log Files
     8.3     DHCP Client Startup and Shutdown
     8.4     Configuring the DHCP Client
         8.4.1         Putting Interfaces under DHCP Control
                Using Autoconfigure on a New TCP/IP Installation
                Using TCPIP$CONFIG to Configure an Existing Installation
         8.4.2         Configuring the Software
         8.4.3         Configuring a Cluster Environment
         8.4.4         Signaling the DHCP Client
     8.5     TCP/IP Management Commands
         8.5.1         Temporarily Configuring Interfaces
         8.5.2         Permanently Configuring Interfaces
     8.6     Using the SHOWDHC Utility
Chapter 9
9 Configuring BOOTP
     9.1     Key Concepts
     9.2     BOOTP Planning and Preconfiguration Tasks
         9.2.1         Network Configuration Decisions
         9.2.2         BOOTP Service Decisions
         9.2.3         BOOTP Security
     9.3     Configuring the BOOTP Service
     9.4     Managing the BOOTP Service
         9.4.1         Enabling and Disabling BOOTP
         9.4.2         BOOTP Management Commands
         9.4.3         BOOTP Logical Names
         9.4.4         BOOTP Startup and Shutdown
     9.5     Creating a BOOTP Database
         9.5.1         Populating the BOOTP Database
         9.5.2         Converting UNIX Records
         9.5.3         Creating Individual Entries
         9.5.4         Modifying and Deleting Entries
     9.6     Solving BOOTP Problems
Chapter 10
10 Configuring TFTP
     10.1     Key Concepts
     10.2     Setting up the TFTP Service
         10.2.1         Transferring Data to the TFTP Host
         10.2.2         TFTP Management Commands
         10.2.3         TFTP Logical Names
         10.2.4         TFTP Startup and Shutdown
         10.2.5         Enabling and Disabling TFTP
     10.3     TFTP Security
     10.4     Solving TFTP Problems
Chapter 11
11 Configuring the Portmapper
     11.1     Configuring Services to Use the Portmapper
     11.2     Portmapper Startup and Shutdown
     11.3     Displaying Portmapper Information
Chapter 12
12 Configuring and Managing NTP
     12.1     Key Concepts
         12.1.1         Time Distributed Through a Hierarchy of Servers
         12.1.2         How Hosts Negotiate Synchronization
         12.1.3         How the OpenVMS System Maintains the System Clock
         12.1.4         How NTP Makes Adjustments to System Time
         12.1.5         Configuring the Local Host
     12.2     NTP Service Startup and Shutdown
     12.3     Configuring Your NTP Host
         12.3.1         Creating the Configuration File
         12.3.2         Configuration Statements and Options
                NTP Monitoring Options
                Sample NTP Configuration File
         12.3.3         Using NTP with Another Time Service
     12.4     Configuring NTP as Backup Time Server
     12.5     Operating with Time Zone Offsets
     12.6     NTP Event Logging
         12.6.1         Sample NTP Log File
     12.7     NTP Authentication Support
         12.7.1         NTP Authentication Commands
         12.7.2         Authentication Key Format
     12.8     NTP Utilities
         12.8.1         Setting the Date and Time with NTPDATE
         12.8.2         Tracing a Time Source with NTPTRACE
         12.8.3         Making Run-Time Requests with NTPDC
                NTPDC Interactive Commands
                NTPDC Control Message Commands
                NTPDC Request Commands
         12.8.4         Querying the NTP Server with NTPQ
                NTPQ Control Message Commands
     12.9     Solving NTP Problems

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