HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS

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Chapter 18
18 Configuring and Managing the POP Server
     18.1     Key Concepts
         18.1.1         POP Server Process
         18.1.2         How to Access Mail Messages from the POP Server
         18.1.3         How the POP Server Initiates and Manages a TCP Connection
         18.1.4         How the POP Server Handles Foreign Message Formats
         18.1.5         How the POP Server Authorizes Users
         18.1.6         Understanding POP Message Headers
                How POP Rebuilds the OpenVMS Mail From: Field
                        SMTP Address
                        DECnet Address
                        User Name-Only Address
                        DECnet Address That Contains Quotation Marks
                        Cluster-Forwarding SMTP Address
                        All Other Addresses
     18.2     POP Server Startup and Shutdown
     18.3     Modifying POP Server Characteristics
     18.4     Enabling MIME Mail
     18.5     Solving POP Problems
         18.5.1         POP Server Messages
         18.5.2         Using POP Extension Commands
Chapter 19
19 Configuring XDMCP-Compatible X Displays
     19.1     Key Concepts
     19.2     XDMCP Queries
     19.3     XDM Configuration Files
         19.3.1         Master Configuration File
         19.3.2         XACCESS.TXT File
         19.3.3         XSERVERS.TXT File
         19.3.4         XDM_KEYS.TXT File
         19.3.5         XDM_XSESSION.COM File
     19.4     XDM Log Files
     19.5     XDM Server Startup and Shutdown
     19.6     Configuring the XDM Server
         19.6.1         Ensuring XDM Is Enabled and Running
     19.7     Configuring Other X Displays
Part 5
Part 5 Network File Services
Chapter 20
20 NFS Server
     20.1     Key Concepts
         20.1.1         Clients and Servers
         20.1.2         NFS File Systems on OpenVMS
                Selecting a File System
                Understanding the Container File System
         20.1.3         How the Server Grants Access to Users and Hosts
         20.1.4         How the Server Maps User Identities
         20.1.5         Mapping the Default User
         20.1.6         Mapping a Remote Superuser
         20.1.7         How OpenVMS and the NFS Server Grant File Access
         20.1.8         Understanding the Client's Role in Granting Access
         20.1.9         Granting Access to PC-NFS Clients
     20.2     NFS Server Startup and Shutdown
     20.3     Running the NFS Server on an OpenVMS Cluster System
     20.4     Setting Up PC-NFS
     20.5     Managing the MOUNT Service
     20.6     Registering Users and Hosts
         20.6.1         Adding Proxy Entries
         20.6.2         Adding Entries to the Export Database
     20.7     Backing Up a File System
     20.8     Setting Up and Exporting an OpenVMS File System
     20.9     Setting Up and Exporting a Container File System
     20.10     Maintaining a Container File System
         20.10.1         Displaying Directory Listings
         20.10.2         Copying Files into a Container File System
         20.10.3         Removing Links to a File
         20.10.4         Removing Links to a Directory
         20.10.5         Deleting a Container File System
         20.10.6         Verifying the Integrity of a Container File System
         20.10.7         Restoring a Container File System
     20.11     Setting Up NFS Security Controls
     20.12     Modifying NFS Server Attributes
     20.13     Modifying File System Characteristics
     20.14     File Locking
         20.14.1         File Locking Service Startup and Shutdown
     20.15     Improving NFS Server Performance
         20.15.1         Displaying NFS Server Performance Information
         20.15.2         Displaying File System Information
         20.15.3         Increasing the Number of Active Threads
         20.15.4         OpenVMS SYSGEN Parameters That Impact Performance
Chapter 21
21 NFS Client
     21.1     Key Concepts
         21.1.1         NFS Clients and Servers
         21.1.2         Storing File Attributes
                Using Default ADFs
                How the Client Uses ADFs
                Creating Customized Default ADFs
         21.1.3         How the NFS Client Authenticates Users
         21.1.4         How the Client Maps User Identities
                Default User
         21.1.5         How the Client Maps UNIX Permissions to OpenVMS Protections
         21.1.6         Guidelines for Working with DNFS Devices
         21.1.7         How NFS Converts File Names
     21.2     NFS Client Startup and Shutdown
     21.3     Registering Users in the Proxy Database
     21.4     Mounting Files and Directories
         21.4.1         User-Level Mounting
         21.4.2         Automounting
         21.4.3         Background Mounting
         21.4.4         Overmounting
         21.4.5         Occluded Mounting

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