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OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual

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This example illustrates the default output of the SHOW CLUSTER command.


VMScluster data structures

                --- SCS Listening Process Directory ---

Entry Address     Connection ID     Process Name           Information
-------------     -------------     ------------           -----------

  80C71EC0          74D20000        SCS$DIRECTORY          Directory Server
  80C72100          74D20001        MSCP$TAPE              NOT PRESENT HERE
  80E16940          74D20002        MSCP$DISK              MSCP$DISK
  80E23B40          74D20003        VMS$SDA_AXP            Remote SDA
  80E23B40          74D20003        VMS$SDA_AXP            Remote SDA
  80E25540          74D20004        VMS$VAXcluster         ................
  80E29E80          74D20005        SCA$TRANSPORT
  813020C0          74D20053        PATHWORKScluster       .....TurboServer

                   --- SCS Systems Summary ---

  SB Address     Node      Type       System ID         Paths
  ----------     ----      ----       ---------         -----

  8493BC00      ARUSHA     VMS       000000004CA1         2
  80E23800      HSJ201     HSJ       4200101A1B20         1
  80E3FF40      ORNOT      VMS       000000004CA7         2
  80E43F40      LOADQ      VMS       000000004C31         2
  80E473C0      HSJ300     HSJ       420010051D20         1
  80E47CC0      HSJ101     HSJ       420010081720         1
  80E47D40      HSJ100     HSJ       4200100B1520         1
  80E478C0      HSJ600     HSJ       420010070920         1
  80E49180      HSJ401     HSJ       4200100D0320         1
  80E47DC0      HSJ301     HSJ       420010091F20         1
  80E47E40      HSJ601     HSJ       4200100A0B20         1
  80E49500      HSJ400     HSJ       4200100C0120         1
  80E5BF80      CHOBE      VMS       000000004CD6         2
  80E5F080      ETOSHA     VMS       000000004CF3         2
  80E5FC00      VMS        VMS       000000004C7A         2
  80E4FF80      HSJ501     HSJ       4200101C0720         1
  80E5FD80      HSJ200     HSJ       420010191920         1
  80E5FE80      HSJ500     HSJ       4200101B0520         1
  80E5FE00      IPL31      VMS       000000004F52         2
  80E59F80      ZAPNOT     VMS       000000004CBB         2
  80E61F80      ALTOS      VMS       000000004D0F         2
  80E72000      TSAVO      VMS       000000004CFE         2
  80ED5D00      SLYTHE     VMS       000000004DD1         1
  80EDDD00      AZSUN      VMS       000000004D56         1
  80EDDE00      CALSUN     VMS       000000004EA4         1
  80EDFC00      4X4TRK     VMS       00000000FF26         1
  80EE93C0      GNRS       VMS       00000000FC2B         1
  80EE94C0      IXIVIV     VMS       000000004E56         1
  80EF1A80      CLAIR      VMS       000000004CDF         1
  80EF1C00      INT4       VMS       00000000FD70         1
  80EFDF80      SCOP       VMS       00000000FC87         1
  80EFFAC0      MOCKUP     VMS       00000000FCD5         1

                    --- ARUSHA System Block (SB) 8493BC00 ---

System ID            000000004CA1    Local software type          VMS
Max message size              216    Local software vers.         V7.2
Max datagram size             576    Local software incarn.   DF4AC300
Local hardware type          ALPH                             009F7570
Local hardware vers. 000000000003    SCS poller timeout           5AD3
                     040400000000    SCS poller enable mask         27
Status:  00000000

--- Path Block (PB) 80E55F80 --- Status: 0020 credit Remote sta. addr. 000000000016 Remote port type 00000010 Remote state ENAB Number of data paths 2 Remote hardware rev. 00000008 Cables state A-OK B-OK Remote func. mask ABFF0D00 Local state OPEN Reseting port 16 Port dev. name PNA0 Handshake retry cnt. 2 SCS MSGBUF address 80E4C528 Msg. buf. wait queue 80E55FB8 PDT address 80E2A180 --- Path Block (PB) 80ED0900 --- Status: 0020 credit Remote sta. addr. 0000000000DF Remote port type NI Remote state ENAB Number of data paths 2 Remote hardware rev. 00000104 Cables state A-OK B-OK Remote func. mask 83FF0180 Local state OPEN Reseting port 00 Port dev. name PEA0 Handshake retry cnt. 3 SCS MSGBUF address 80ED19A0 Msg. buf. wait queue 80ED0938 PDT address 80EC3C70 . . .

This example illustrates the output of the SHOW CLUSTER /SCS command.


Displays information about all active connections between System Communications Services (SCS) processes or a single connection.


SHOW CONNECTIONS [{/ADDRESS=cdt-address |/NODE=name |/SYSAP=name }]





Displays information contained in the connection descriptor table (CDT) for a specific connection. You can find the cdt-address for any active connection on the system in the CDT summary page display of the SHOW CONNECTIONS command. In addition, CDT addresses are stored in many individual data structures related to SCS connections. These data structures include class driver request packets (CDRPs) and unit control blocks (UCBs) for class drivers that use SCS, and cluster system blocks (CSBs) for the connection manager.


Displays all CDTs associated with the specified remote SCS node name.


Displays all CDTs associated with the specified local SYSAP.


The SHOW CONNECTIONS command provides a series of displays.

The CDT summary page lists information regarding each connection on the local system, including the following:

  • CDT address
  • Name of the local process with which the CDT is associated
  • Connection ID
  • Current state
  • Name of the remote node (if any) to which it is currently connected

The CDT summary page concludes with a count of CDTs that are free and available to the system.

SHOW CONNECTIONS next displays a page of detailed information for each active CDT listed previously.


              --- CDT Summary Page ---
CDT Address   Local Process     Connection ID     State       Remote Node
-----------   -------------     -------------     -----       -----------
 805E7ED0     SCS$DIRECTORY       FF120000        listen
 805E8030     MSCP$TAPE           FF120001        listen
 805E8190     VMS$VMScluster      FF120002        listen
 805E82F0     MSCP$DISK           FF120003        listen
 805E8450     SCA$TRANSPORT       FF120004        listen
 805E85B0     MSCP$DISK           FF150005        open         VANDQ1
 805E8710     VMS$VMScluster      FF120006        open         VANDQ1
 805E8870     VMS$VMScluster      FF120007        open         ROMRDR
 805E89D0     MSCP$DISK           FF120008        open         ROMRDR
 805E8C90     VMS$DISK_CL_DRVR    FF12000A        open         ROMRDR
 805E8DF0     VMS$DISK_CL_DRVR    FF12000B        open         VANDQ1
 805E8F50     VMS$TAPE_CL_DRVR    FF12000C        open         VANDQ1
Number of free CDT's:  188
          --- Connection Descriptor Table (CDT) 80C44850 ---
State:  0001 listen               Local Process:        MSCP$TAPE
Blocked State:  0000
Local Con. ID   899F0003    Datagrams sent         0    Message queue   80C4488C
Remote Con. ID  00000000    Datagrams rcvd         0    Send Credit Q.  80C44894
Receive Credit         0    Datagram discard       0    PB address      00000000
Send Credit            0    Message Sends          0    PDT address     00000000
Min. Rec. Credit       0    Message Recvs          0    Error Notify    822FFCC0
Pend Rec. Credit       0    Mess Sends NoFP        0    Receive Buffer  00000000
Initial Rec. Credit    0    Mess Recvs NoFP        0    Connect Data    00000000
Rem. Sta.   000000000000    Send Data Init.        0    Aux. Structure  00000000
Rej/Disconn Reason     0    Req Data Init.         0    Fast Recvmsg Rq 00000000
Queued for BDLT        0    Bytes Sent             0    Fast Recvmsg PM 00000000
Queued Send Credit     0    Bytes rcvd             0    Change Affinity 00000000
                            Total bytes map        0
      --- Connection Descriptor Table (CDT) 805E8030 ---
State:  0001 listen           Local Process:        MSCP$TAPE
Blocked State:  0000
Local Con. ID   FF120001    Datagrams sent         0    Message queue   805E8060
Remote Con. ID  00000000    Datagrams rcvd         0    Send Credit Q.  805E8068
Receive Credit         0    Datagram discard       0    PB address      00000000
Send Credit            0    Messages Sent          0    PDT address     00000000
Min. Rec. Credit       0    Messages Rcvd.         0    Error Notify    804540D0
Pend Rec. Credit       0    Send Data Init.        0    Receive Buffer  00000000
Initial Rec. Credit    0    Req Data Init.         0    Connect Data    00000000
Rem. Sta.   000000000000    Bytes Sent             0    Aux. Structure  00000000
Rej/Disconn Reason     0    Bytes rcvd             0
Queued for BDLT        0    Total bytes map        0
Queued Send Credit     0

This example shows the default output of the SHOW CONNECTIONS command.


When analyzing a dump, displays information about the state of a CPU at the time of the system failure.


SHOW CPU is only valid when you are analyzing a crash dump. It is not a valid command when you are analyzing the running system, because all the CPU-specific information may not be available.


SHOW CPU [cpu-id]



Numeric value from 00 to 1F16 indicating the identity of the CPU for which context information is to be displayed. If you specify a value outside this range, or you specify the cpu-id of a CPU that was not active at the time of the system failure, SDA displays the following message:

%SDA-E-CPUNOTVLD, CPU not booted or CPU number out of range

If you use the cpu-id parameter, the SHOW CPU command performs an implicit SET CPU command, making the CPU indicated by cpu-id the current CPU for subsequent SDA commands. (See the description of the SET CPU command and Chapter 2, Section 2.5 for information on how this can affect the CPU context---and process context---in which SDA commands execute.)




The SHOW CPU command displays system failure information about the CPU specified by cpu-id or, by default, the SDA current CPU, as defined in Chapter 2, Section 2.5. You cannot use the SHOW CPU command when examining the running system with SDA.

The SHOW CPU command produces several displays. First, there is a brief description of the system failure and its environment that includes the following:

  • Reason for the bugcheck.
  • Name of the currently executing process. If no process has been scheduled on this CPU, SDA displays the following message:

    Process currently executing: no processes currently scheduled on the processor
  • File specification of the image executing within the current process (if there is a current process).
  • Interrupt priority level (IPL) of the CPU at the time of the system failure.
  • The CPU database address.
  • The CPU's capability set.

Next, the general registers display shows the contents of the CPU's integer registers (R0 to R30), and the AI, RA, PV, FP, PC, and PS at the time of the system failure.

The processor registers display consists of the following parts:

  • Common processor registers
  • Processor-specific registers
  • Stack pointers

The first part of the processor registers display includes registers common to all Alpha processors, which are used by the operating system to maintain the current process virtual address space, system space, or other system functions. This part of the display includes the following registers:

  • Hardware privileged context block base register (PCBB)
  • System control block base register (SCBB)
  • Software interrupt summary register (SISR)
  • Address space number register (ASN)
  • AST summary register (ASTSR)
  • AST enable register (ASTEN)
  • Interrupt priority level register (IPL)
  • Processor priority level register (PRBR)
  • Page table base register (PTBR)
  • Virtual page table base register (VPTB)
  • Floating point control register (FPCR)
  • Machine check error summary register (MCES)

The last part of the display includes the four stack pointers: the pointers of the kernel, executive, supervisor, and user stacks (KSP, ESP, SSP, and USP, respectively).

The SHOW CPU command concludes with a listing of the spinlocks, if any, owned by the CPU at the time of the system failure, reproducing some of the information given by the SHOW SPINLOCKS command. The spinlock display includes the following information:

  • Name of the spinlock.
  • Address of the spinlock data structure (SPL).
  • The owning CPU's CPU ID.
  • IPL of the spinlock.
  • Indication of the depth of this CPU's ownership of the spinlock. A number greater than 1 indicates that this CPU has nested acquisitions of the spinlock.
  • Rank of the spinlock.
  • Timeout interval for spinlock acquisition (in terms of 10 milliseconds).
  • Shared array (shared spinlock context block pointers)


CPU 00 Processor crash information
CPU 00 reason for Bugcheck: CPUEXIT, Shutdown requested by another CPU

Process currently executing on this CPU:   None

Current IPL: 31  (decimal)

CPU database address:  81414000

CPUs Capabilities:    PRIMARY,QUORUM,RUN

General registers:

R0   = FFFFFFFF.81414000  R1   = FFFFFFFF.81414000  R2   = 00000000.00000000
R3   = FFFFFFFF.810AD960  R4   = 00000000.01668E90  R5   = 00000000.00000001
R6   = 66666666.66666666  R7   = 77777777.77777777  R8   = FFFFFFFF.814FB040
R9   = 99999999.99999999  R10  = FFFFFFFF.814FB0C0  R11  = BBBBBBBB.BBBBBBBB
R12  = CCCCCCCC.CCCCCCCC  R13  = FFFFFFFF.810AD960  R14  = FFFFFFFF.81414018
R15  = 00000000.00000004  R16  = 00000000.000006AC  R17  = 00000000.00000047
R18  = 00000000.00000000  R19  = 00000000.00000000  R20  = FFFFFFFF.8051A494
R21  = 00000000.00000000  R22  = 00000000.00000001  R23  = 00000000.00000010
R24  = FFFFFFFF.81414000  AI   = FFFFFFFF.81414000  RA   = FFFFFFFF.81006000
PV   = 00000001.FFFFFFFF  R28  = 00000000.00000000  FP   = FFFFFFFF.88ABDFD0
PC   = FFFFFFFF.8009C95C  PS   = 18000000.00001F04

Processor Internal Registers:

ASN  = 00000000.00000000                     ASTSR/ASTEN =          00000000
IPL  =          0000001F  PCBB = 00000000.01014080  PRBR = FFFFFFFF.81414000
PTBR = 00000000.0000FFBF  SCBB = 00000000.000001E8  SISR = 00000000.00000100
VPTB = FFFFFEFC.00000000  FPCR = 00000000.00000000  MCES = 00000000.00000000

        KSP    = FFFFFFFF.88ABDCD8
        ESP    = FFFFFFFF.88ABF000
        SSP    = FFFFFFFF.88AB9000
        USP    = FFFFFFFF.88AB9000

                Spinlocks currently owned by CPU 00

SCS                                    Address        810AF300
Owner CPU ID       00000000            IPL            00000008
Ownership Depth    00000000            Rank           0000001A
Timeout Interval   002DC6C0            Share Array    00000000

This example shows the default output of the SHOW CPU command.


Displays information about the state of the system at the time of failure. Provides a system information identifying a running system.







Allows exception data to be displayed from CPUs other than the one considered as the crash CPU when more than one CPU crashes simultaneously.


The SHOW CRASH command has two different functions, depending on whether you use it to analyze a running system or a system failure.

When used during the analysis of a running system, the SHOW CRASH command produces a display that describes the system and the version of OpenVMS Alpha that it is running. The system crash information display contains the following information:

  • Name and version number of the operating system
  • Major and minor IDs of the operating system
  • Identity of the Alpha system, including an indication of its cluster membership
  • CPU ID of the primary CPU
  • Address of all CPU databases

When used during the analysis of a system failure, the SHOW CRASH command produces several displays that identify the system and describe its state at the time of the failure.

If the current CPU context for SDA is not that of the processor that signaled the bugcheck, or the CPU specified with the /CPU=n qualifier, the SHOW CRASH command first performs an implicit SET CPU command to make that processor the current CPU for SDA. (See the description of the SET CPU command and Chapter 2, Section 2.5 for a discussion of how this can affect the CPU context---and process context---in which SDA commands execute.)

The system crash information display in this context provides the following information:

  • Date and time of the system failure.
  • Name and version number of the operating system.
  • Major and minor IDs of the operating system.
  • Identity of the system.
  • CPU IDs of both the primary CPU and the CPU that initiated the bugcheck. In a uniprocessor Alpha system, these IDs are identical.
  • Bitmask of the active and available CPUs in the system.
  • For each active processor in the system, the name of the bugcheck that caused the system failure. Generally, there will be only one significant bugcheck in the system. All other processors typically display the following as their reason for taking a bugcheck:

    CPUEXIT, Shutdown requested by another CPU

Subsequent screens of the SHOW CRASH command display information about the state of each active processor on the system at the time of the system failure. The information in these screens is identical to that produced by the SHOW CPU command, including the general-purpose registers, processor-specific registers, stack pointers, and records of spinlock ownership. The first such screen presents information about the processor that caused the failure; others follow according to the numeric order of their CPU IDs.



System crash information
Time of system crash:  1-JAN-2001 00:00:00.00

Version of system: OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version X901-SSB

System Version Major ID/Minor ID: 3/0

VMScluster node: VMSTS6, a

Crash CPU ID/Primary CPU ID:  00/00

Bitmask of CPUs active/available:  00000001/00000001

CPU bugcheck codes:
        CPU 00 -- INVEXCEPTN, Exception while above ASTDEL

System State at Time of Exception
Exception Frame:
        R2  = FFFFFFFF.810416C0  SCS$GA_LOCALSB+005C0
        R3  = FFFFFFFF.81007E60  EXE$GPL_HWRPB_L
        R4  = FFFFFFFF.850AEB80
        R5  = FFFFFFFF.81041330  SCS$GA_LOCALSB+00230
        R6  = FFFFFFFF.81038868  CON$INITLINE
        R7  = FFFFFFFF.81041330  SCS$GA_LOCALSB+00230
        PS  = 30000000.00001F04

         FFFFFFFF.803EF80C:     STL             R24,#X0060(R5)
         FFFFFFFF.803EF810:     LDL             R28,#X0138(R5)
         FFFFFFFF.803EF814:     BIC             R28,R27,R28
         FFFFFFFF.803EF818:    00000138
   PC => FFFFFFFF.803EF81C:     HALT
         FFFFFFFF.803EF820:     HALT
         FFFFFFFF.803EF824:     BR              R31,#XFF0000
         FFFFFFFF.803EF828:     LDL             R24,#X0138(R5)
         FFFFFFFF.803EF82C:     BIC             R24,#X40,R24

   PS =>
         MBZ SPAL      MBZ    IPL VMM MBZ CURMOD INT PRVMOD de   0   30   00000000000 1F  0   0   KERN   1   KERN

Signal Array
        Length = 00000003
        Type   = 0000043C
        Arg    = FFFFFFFF.803EF81C  SYS$TTDRIVER+0F81C
        Arg    = 30000000.00001F04
%SYSTEM-F-OPCDEC, opcode reserved to Digital fault at PC=FFFFFFFF803EF81C, PS=00001F04

Saved Scratch Registers in Mechanism Array
R0   = 00000000.00000000  R1   = FFFFFFFF.811998B8  R16  = 00000000.00001000
R17  = FFFFFFFF.8119B1F0  R18  = 00000000.00000010  R19  = FFFFFFFF.810194F0
R20  = 00000000.00000000  R21  = 0000000F.00000000  R22  = 00000000.00000000
R23  = 00000000.00004000  R24  = 00000000.00001000  R25  = 00000000.00000000
R26  = FFFFFFFF.81041474  R27  = 00000000.00004000  R28  = 00000000.00001000

                           (CPU-specific display omitted)

This long display reflects the output of the SHOW CRASH command within the analysis of a system failure.


System crash information
Time of system crash: 12-OCT-2000 11:27:58.02

Version of system: OpenVMS (TM) Alpha Operating System, Version X74B-FT2

System Version Major ID/Minor ID: 3/0

System type: DEC 3000 Model 400

Crash CPU ID/Primary CPU ID:  00/00

Bitmask of CPUs active/available:  00000001/00000001

CPU bugcheck codes:
        CPU 00 -- PGFIPLHI, Pagefault with IPL too high

System State at Time of Page Fault:

Page fault for address 00000000.00046000 occurred at IPL: 8
Memory management flags: 00000000.00000001 (instruction fetch)

Exception Frame:
        R2  = 00000000.00000003
        R3  = FFFFFFFF.810B9280  EXCEPTION_MON+39C80
        R4  = FFFFFFFF.81564540  PCB
        R5  = 00000000.00000088
        R6  = 00000000.000458B0
        R7  = 00000000.7FFA1FC0
        PC  = 00000000.00046000
        PS  = 20000000.00000803

         00000000.00045FF0:     LDQ             R2,#X0050(FP)
         00000000.00045FF4:     LDQ             R12,#X0058(FP)
         00000000.00045FF8:     LDQ             R13,#X0060(FP)
         00000000.00045FFC:     LDQ             R14,#X0068(FP)
   PC => 00000000.00046000:     BIS             R1,R17,R1
         00000000.00046004:     BIS             R31,#X01,R25
         00000000.00046008:     STQ_U           R1,#X0002(R10)
         00000000.0004600C:     BSR             R26,#X00738C
         00000000.00046010:     LDQ_U           R16,#X0002(R10)

   PS =>
         MBZ SPAL      MBZ    IPL VMM MBZ CURMOD INT PRVMOD de   0   20   00000000000 08  0   0   KERN   0   USER

                                        (CPU-specific display omitted)

This display reflects the output of a SHOW CRASH command within the analysis of a PGFIPLHI bugcheck.

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