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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
Remote Systems Management Guide

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9.9.1 Field Descriptions

Following are descriptions of the fields in Table 9-8.

  • dcl_audit_level, mgr_audit_level, msg_audit_level,proc_mon_audit_level, rpc_audit_level, security_audit_level, snap_audit_level, snmp_audit_level, timer_audit_level, trap_audit_level
    Audit levels determine the amount of auditing information written for a given facility. Audit levels are specified using a hexadecimal value from 0 (none) to F (all). The integer values are a logical ORing of the following:
    INFO 1
    WARN 2
    ERROR 4
    FATAL 8

    For example, to specify auditing of both error and fatal information, specify a value of C. For more information about auditing and audit levels see Section 4.7.
  • dcl_mgr_priority
    Relative priority of the DCL manager thread. The DCL manager is used to send ACMS run-time changes to the ACMS system. Priority is specified as a whole number between 1 and 10, where 1 is the lowest priority and 10 is the highest. This value should be left at the default.
  • dcl_stacksize, log_stacksize, msg_proc_stacksize, proc_mon_stacksize, rpc_stacksize, snap_stacksize, snmp_stacksize, timer_stacksize, trap_stacksize,
    These values determine the internal stack sizes for each thread. Stack sizes are set during thread creation and are not adjusted after the thread has been started. Restartable threads, such as RPC and SNMP, can be adjusted while the Remote Manager is running by disabling the interface, modifying the parameter, and then reenabling the interface.
  • error_interval
    Controls the frequency (in seconds) at which error data is filtered. Any errors that are rebroadcast within the specified interval are not sent to the Remote Manager server. A lower value causes errors to be filtered more often; a higher value causes errors to be filtered less often.
  • event_log_priority
    Relative priority of the event log thread. The event log thread writes audit messages to the audit log. Priority is specified as a whole number between 1 and 10, where 1 is the lowest priority and 10 is the highest. This value should be left at the default.
  • login_creds_lifetime
    The amount of time (in minutes) that explicit logins are valid. When a user logs in to a Remote Manager process using a valid OpenVMS account and password, a login is created for the user, and the expiration of that login is calculated and stored based on this parameter. When the current time is greater than the expiration time, the user is logged out and must log in again using the ACMSMGR LOGIN command. A change to this parameter takes effect for any login that takes place after the change is made. A change to this parameter does not take effect for any login that took place before the change was made.
  • max_logins
    Maximum number of external processes allowed to concurrently connect to the Remote Manager. Starting the SNMP interface counts as one login. Each RPC client counts as one login. RPCs are serviced serially.
  • max_rpc_return_recs
    The maximum number of records to be returned to any given request for data. This parameter allows network bandwidth to be conserved by sending data in user-managed chunks.
  • msg_proc_priority
    Relative priority of the message processor thread. The message processor is responsible for removing messages sent by ACMS processes to the Remote Manager from the error input queue and for processing messages according to configuration values specified in the Collection and Trap tables. This value should be left at the default. Priority is specified as a whole number between 1 and 10, where 1 is the lowest priority and 10 is the highest.
  • mss_coll_interval
    Controls the frequency (in seconds) at which MSS values are collected. A lower value causes MSS values to be collected more often; a higher value causes MSS values to be collected less often. MSS values are collected by all ACMS run-time processes except SWL, ATR, and procedure servers.
  • proc_mon_interval
    The frequency (in seconds) at which the process monitor thread should run. The process monitor thread checks for the existence of the ACC and other ACMS run-time processes in order to map the MGMT global section and to send alarms.
  • proc_mon_priority
    Relative priority of the process monitor thread. The process monitor thread periodically checks for the existence of the ACC process in order to map the MGMT global section and to send alarms. Priority is specified as a whole number between 1 and 10, where 1 is the lowest priority and 10 is the highest. This value should be left at the default.
  • proxy_creds_lifetime
    The amount of time (in minutes) that proxy logins are valid. When a user first accesses a Remote Manager process using an ACMS proxy, a login is created for the user, and the expiration of that login is calculated and stored based on this parameter. When the current time is greater than the expiration time, the user's proxy information is refreshed. A change to this parameter takes effect for any login that takes place after the change is made. A change to this parameter does not take effect for any login that took place before the change was made.
  • rpc_priority
    Relative priority of the RPC management thread. The RPC management thread responds to RPC requests to get or set data values. Priority is specified as a whole number between 1 and 10, where 1 is the lowest priority and 10 is the highest.

  • snap_priority
    Relative priority of the data snapshot management thread. The data snapshot thread responds to data snapshot requests to get or set data values. Priority is specified as a whole number between 1 and 10, where 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest.
  • snmp_agent_time_out
    Number of seconds that the SNMP Master agent waits for a response from the Remote Manager. The maximum is 10 seconds for Compaq TCP/IP Services Version 4.2. For Compaq TCP/IP Services Version 5.0 and higher, the maximum is 60 seconds.
  • snmp_are_you_there
    Controls how often are you there messages are sent by the Remote Manager to the SNMP Master agent. This value should be entered as a multiple of the snmp_sel_time_out value. Each time a timeout occurs, a timeout counter is incremented. The product of the timeout counter and the snmp_sel_timeout are then compared to the snmp_are_you_there value. If the product is greater than the snmp_are_you_there value, an are_you_there message is sent.
  • snmp_priority
    Relative priority of the SNMP management thread. The SNMP management thread responds to SNMP requests to get or set data values. Priority is specified as a whole number between 1 and 10, where 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest.
  • snmp_sel_time_out
    Controls how long the Remote Manager waits for a response from the SNMP master agent. If the timeout value is reached and no messages are expected, the snmp_are_you_there interval is checked (see snmp_are_you_there) . If a message is expected and is not received before the select times out, the connection to the master agent is assumed to have been lost and an attempt is made to reregister. There is a hard coded 2 second wait prior to reregistration.
    This value also controls how long it takes to begin disabling this interface. Requests to disable the interface do not interrupt the socket select---they wait for it to either timeout or end naturally (that is, when a message is received). At worse case, a request to disable the interface has to wait snmp_sel_time_out seconds before the shutdown of the interface begins. Once it begins, it usually shuts down quickly---within a second or two.
  • tcp_enabled
    Controls how the Remote Manager client and desktop server work together. If this field is set to 0, then the current TCP/IP connection is disabled. If both the tcp_enabled and udp_enabled fields are set to 0, the entire RPC thread is shut down.
  • timer_interval
    The Remote Manager runs one internal timer that controls the operation of all other timers. The interval of this timer effectively sets the smallest timer interval for the process. The interval is set in seconds. If the value is too small, the timer will run frequently with no work to do. This value should be set to smallest desired timer interval.

  • timer_priority
    Relative priority of the timer thread. The timer thread manages all internal timers. Priority is specified as a whole number between 1 and 10, where 1 is the lowest priority and 10 is the highest. This value should be left at the default.
  • total_entity_slots
    The total number of Collection table entries to allow. When this number is reached, additional ACMSMGR ADD COLLECTION requests are rejected. Slots are allocated when the ACMS run-time system is started.
  • trace_msg_wait_time
    The number of seconds the Remote Manager should wait for updates to the mss_coll_interval and wksp_coll_interval parameters to become effective (processed by the ACC). Updates to the ACC are sent by means of the trace monitor. The Remote Manager will poll the value being changed for up to trace_msg_wait_time seconds to see whether the value was in fact changed. If it is not changed within this timeframe, the Remote Manager logs an error and returns an error to the caller.
  • trace_start_wait_time
    The number of seconds the Remote Manager should wait for the trace monitor to be started. The Remote Manager communicates to ACMS process through the trace monitor. The Remote Manager attempts to start the trace monitor if the Remote Manager needs to send a message and the trace monitor is not already running. This value controls how long the Remote Manager will wait for the trace monitor to start before aborting the message send. Messages that are not sent are discarded (lost).
  • trap_priority
    Relative priority of the trap sender thread. The trap sender thread dispatches trap messages to SNMP and RPC receivers. Priority is specified as a whole number between 1 and 10, where 1 is the lowest priority and 10 is the highest. This value should be left at the default.
  • udp_enabled
    Controls how the Remote Manager client and desktop server work together. If this field is set to 0, a UDP listener is not registered for the Remote Manager. If both the tcp_enabled and udp_enabled fields are set to 0, the entire RPC thread is shut down.
  • vms_coll_interval
    Controls the frequency (in seconds) at which OpenVMS process quota and system parameter values are collected. A lower value causes these values to be collected more often; a higher value causes these values to be collected less often. OpenVMS process quota values are collected by all ACMS processes; system parameter values are collected only by ACC.
  • wksp_coll_interval
    Controls the frequency (in seconds) at which workspace (WS, WSC, TWS, TWSC) pool values are collected. A lower value causes workspace values to be collected more often; a higher value causes workspace pool values to be collected less often. Workspace pool values are collected only by ACC and EXC.

9.10 QTI Table

The QTI table contains a single entry for QTI management information.

Table 9-9 QTI Table
Collection Class Field Data Type SNMP Access RPC Access Dynamic
ID record_state integer R R  
ID id_coll_state integer R R  
ID process_name string R R  
ID pid integer R R  
ID start_time time R R  
ID end_time time R R  
CONFIG config_coll_state integer R R  
CONFIG acms_state integer RW R D
CONFIG qti_username_active string R R  
CONFIG qti_username_stored string RW RW  
CONFIG qti_priority_active integer R R  
CONFIG qti_priority_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG sub_timeout_active integer RW RW D
CONFIG sub_timeout_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG retry_timer_active integer RW RW D
CONFIG retry_timer_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG polling_timer_active integer RW RW D
CONFIG polling_timer_stored integer RW RW  
CONFIG astlm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG astlm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG biolm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG biolm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG bytlm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG bytlm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG diolm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG diolm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG enqlm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG enqlm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG fillm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG fillm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG pgflquota_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG pgflquota_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG tqelm_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG tqelm_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG wsdefault_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG wsdefault_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG wsextent_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG wsextent_stored++ integer RW RW  
CONFIG wsquota_active++ integer R R  
CONFIG wsquota_stored++ integer RW RW  
RUNTIME runtime_coll_state integer R R  
RUNTIME max_threads integer R R  
RUNTIME started_queues gauge R R  
RUNTIME current_tasks gauge R R  
RUNTIME current_submitters gauge R R  
RUNTIME task_successes integer R R  
RUNTIME task_failures integer R R  
RUNTIME task_retries integer R R  
RUNTIME errors_queued integer R R  
RUNTIME astlm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME biolm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME bytlm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME diolm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME enqlm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME fillm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME pgflquota_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME tqelm_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME wssize_current++ gauge R R  
RUNTIME channelcnt_current++ gauge R R  
POOL pool_coll_state integer R R  
POOL mss_process_total integer R R  
POOL mss_process_free min gauge R R  
POOL mss_process_largest min gauge R R  
POOL mss_process_failures integer R R  
POOL mss_process_garbage integer R R  
ERROR err_coll_state++ integer R R  
ERROR err_count++ integer R R  
ERROR last_err_msg++ string R R  
ERROR time_of_last_error++ time R R  

++Only valid for use with systems running ACMS Version 4.4 or higher.

Key to Access Modes
  • R---Read Access
  • RW---Read/Write Access
  • Blank---Not available to the interface
  • D---Field is dynamic.

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