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Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS
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If the /NODE qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.
In order for the command to execute, either the /NODE qualifier must be provided on the command line, or the ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE logical must be defined.
If the /USER qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_USER. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.
If the /USER qualifier is not specified and the ACMS$MGMT_USER logical is not defined, the ACMSMGR utility attempts proxy access. See Section for a discussion of proxy access.
This command provides the ability to remotely update either the running ACMS system or the current ACMSGEN file.The /ACTIVE and /STORED qualifiers control how updates are posted to ACMSGEN. The /ACTIVE and /STORED qualifiers have no effect on the /AUDIT_STATE qualifier, which is processed independently of any ACMSGEN updates.
#1 |
This command modifies the ACMSGEN field mss_net_retry_timer on node SPARKS and updates the active system only. The change is not saved in the ACMSGEN file.
#2 |
This command modifies the ACMSGEN field mss_net_retry_timer on node SPARKS and saves the change in the ACMSGEN file. The active system is not updated.
#3 |
This command modifies the CHANNELCNT system parameter on node SPARKS and saves the change in the SYSGEN work area. The active system is not updated.
Updates records in the Collection table.
Command Qualifier Default /CLASS=class-name * (all) /COLL_STATE=keyword None /ENTITY=keyword Qualifier is required. /NAME=[*,entity-name] * (all) /NODE=node-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE /STORAGE_END_TIME=[NEVER, None time]++/ /STORAGE_INTERVAL=value++ None /STORAGE_LOCATION=file-name++ Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_SNAPSHOT /STORAGE_START_TIME=[NOW, None time]++/ /STORAGE_STATE=keyword++ None /USER=user-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_USER
This qualifier specifies the class to be enabled or disabled. The default is * (all). See Section 5.1.1 for a description of each class type./COLL_STATE=[ENABLED, DISABLED]
This qualifier specifies the state of the collection. When a SHOW entity command is issued, data for those classes that have their collection state set to ENABLED is displayed. Note that while the collection state is DISABLED, the data displayed for an entity may not be accurate. Data cannot be written to the data snapshot file when this qualifier is DISABLED, even when the storage state is ENABLED./ENTITY=[*, ACC, CP, EXC, GROUP, QTI, SERVER, TSC]
This required qualifier specifies the entity or entities for which collection should be enabled or disabled./NAME=[*, entity-name]
This qualifier specifies particular instances of an entity. Wildcards (*) are allowed in names.For ACC, CP, QTI, and TSC entity types, the entity name is the process name. For the EXC entity type, the entity name is the name of the application (for example, VR_APPL).
Server and task group names can be specified as compound names made up of an application name and a server or task group name, separated by a period (for example, VR_APPL.VR_READ_SERVER). Either part of server or task group names can be a wildcard (for example, *.VR_READ_SERVER or VR_APPL.*). If only one part of a server or task group name is specified, it is assumed to be the application name, and the server or task group name is wildcarded. For example, VR_APPL is equivalent to VR_APPL.*.
The default is all (*), which is equivalent to *.* for a compound name.
This qualifier specifies a fully- or partially-qualified TCP/IP host name. This name must match the current DECnet host name. IP addresses and host names (or aliases) that exceed six characters or include mixed case are not allowed. For more information on TCP/IP host names and defining aliases, see Section 2.2.1.If the /NODE qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.
In order for the command to execute, either the /NODE qualifier must be provided on the command line, or the ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE logical must be defined.
This qualifier specifies a time after which the collection data should no longer be written to the snapshot file. The format of time is DD-MMM-YY:hh:mm:ss.nn. Partial dates and times (for example, 10-OCT or 09:00) are supported. The keyword NEVER is also supported, which equates to the OpenVMS zero date of 17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00. With a value of NEVER, collection data continues to be written to the snapshot file until the storage state is set to DISABLED.If this qualifier is not specified, the existing value remains unchanged. This value can be modified dynamically.
This qualifier controls the frequency (in seconds) at which data snapshots are performed.The storage interval value should be a multiple of the timer interval parameter (SET PARAMETER/TIMER_INTERVAL). The timer interval value determines the minimum elapsed time for many Remote Manager parameters, including the storage interval setting. The relationship of these values determine how often data snapshots are performed, for example:
- If the timer interval value is greater, its value is used by default. For instance, if the timer interval is 10 and the storage interval is 5, snapshots will be written at 10 second intervals.
- If the storage interval value is greater and is a multiple of the timer interval, the storage interval value is used. For example, if the timer interval is 10 and the storage interval is 30, snapshots will be written at 30 second intervals.
- If the storage interval value is greater and is not a multiple of the timer interval, the next multiple of the timer interval value is used. For example, if the timer interval is 10 and the storage interval is 15, snapshots will be written at 20 second intervals.
This qualifier specifies an OpenVMS file specification to which collection data is to be written. The format of file-name is a valid OpenVMS pathname or logical (such as DISK$1:[SYSTEM.SNAPSHOTS] or SYS$SYSTEM:SNAPSHOTS.DAT).If the /STORAGE_LOCATION qualifier is not specified, the current value remains unchanged. If a directory is not provided as part of the specification, the file is written to the default directory of the account under which the Remote Manager process is running.
Multiple collections can share a single snapshot file or be stored in separate files. For continuity, Compaq recommends that EXC, Server, and Task Group collection information be written to the same snapshot file.
This value can be modified dynamically.
This qualifier specifies a time after which the collection data should be written to the snapshot file. The format of time is DD-MMM-YY:hh:mm:ss.nn. Partial dates and times (for example, 10-OCT or 09:00) are supported. The keyword NOW is also supported, which equates to the OpenVMS zero date of 17-NOV-1858 00:00:00.00. With a value of NOW, collection data is written to the snapshot file immediately, or as soon as the storage state is set to ENABLED.If this qualifier is not specified, the current value remains unchanged. This value can be modified dynamically.
This qualifier specifies the state of the data snapshots. To fully enable data snapshots, both the storage state and the collection state (/COLL_STATE) must be set to ENABLED. If this qualifier is not specified, the current value remains unchanged. This value can be modified dynamically./USER=user-name
This qualifier specifies the name of the OpenVMS account on the server node to be used for authorization. If this qualifier is specified, an explicit login must already have been completed successfully (see Section 11.9).If the /USER qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_USER. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.
If the /USER qualifier is not specified and the ACMS$MGMT_USER logical is not defined, the ACMSMGR utility attempts proxy access. See Section for a discussion of proxy access.
When updating collection records, the combination of class, entity, and name must exactly match a record in the Collection table.You cannot modify Collection table entries for the ID and CONFIG classes.
ACMS processes read the Collection table during process startup to determine which classes to begin collecting. Once the Remote Manager has been started, the ACMSMGR SHOW PROCESS command can be used to determine the class states for the currently running ACMS processes.
In order for collection data to be written to a snapshot file, the following conditions must be met:
- A qualifying entity must be running (one with an entity type and name matching fields in the Collection table).
- The collection state and storage state for that entity must be enabled.
- The current time must fall between the storage start time and storage end time.
If all these conditions are met, the Remote Manager opens the snapshot file for shared write operations. The file remains open until the storage state is set to DISABLED or until the snapshot period expires.
Changes to the Collection table are processed immediately, except for storage location and storage end time values. These values are applied the next time snapshot data is written. The Remote Manager signals the appropriate ACMS process as soon as it has reevaluated the Collection table following an addition. Messages are sent to the ACMS process using the ACMS Trace Monitor.
When multiple collection records apply to a given process, the records are assigned weights according to a precedence of name, then entity, then class. Within a column, wildcard entries are weighted less than nonwildcard entries. The row with the highest weight that applies to a process is used. The ACMSMGR SHOW COLLECTION command displays weights for each row in the table. See also Section 5.1.1 for a discussion of the Collection table and of how weights are assigned.
In contrast to typical collections, weighting for data snapshot threads does not apply. Therefore, it is possible for redundant collection data to be written to one or more snapshot files. If multiple collection records compile overlapping data, and each has their storage state set to ENABLED, each record writes data to the designated snapshot file.
This command disables run-time data collection for the VR_APPL application.
++ Only for use on systems running ACMS Version 4.4 or higher. |
Makes modifications to an ACMS system process.
ACMSMGR SET CP [/qualifiers]
Command Qualifier Default /ASTLM=value None. See /process-quota. /BIOLM=value None. See /process-quota. /BYTLM=value None. See /process-quota. /DIOLM=value None. See /process-quota. /ENQLM=value None. See /process-quota. /FILLM=value None. See /process-quota. /LOG None /PGFLQUOTA=value None. See /process-quota. /TQELM=value None. See /process-quota. /WSDEFAULT=value None. See /process-quota. /WSEXTENT=value None. See /process-quota. /WSQUOTA=value None. See /process-quota.
These qualifiers correspond to and update the related process quota fields in the system user authorization (SYSUAF) record for the user specified by CP_USERNAME. Updated quota values apply to the next process that is created.Because these qualifiers control the nondynamic values for the related process quota fields, the /ACTIVE qualifier cannot be specified. The /STORED qualifier causes the specified values to be stored in the current SYSUAF.DAT file.
For information on using AUTHORIZE to modify process quotas, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. For more information about the individual quotas and their values, see OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A--L or access the online help for AUTHORIZE.
This qualifier causes status information for the current SET transaction to be displayed to the terminal (SYS$OUTPUT). This qualifier is useful when setting multiple values; a separate status message is displayed for each value that is set.
This command provides the ability to remotely update either the running ACMS system or the current ACMSGEN file quota values for subsequent CP processes.
#1 |
This command modifies the ASTLM process quota and causes informational messages to be displayed that indicate the status of the update. The new ASTLM value will be applied to subsequent CP processes.
++ This command (and its qualifiers) is only for use with systems running ACMS Version 4.4 or higher. |
Makes modifications to running ACMS applications.
ACMSMGR SET EXC [/qualifiers]
Command Qualifier Default /ACTIVE /ACTIVE /APPLICATION=application-name None /ASTLM=value++ None. See /process-quota. /AUDIT_STATE=keyword None /BIOLM=value++ None. See /process-quota. /BYTLM=value++ None. See /process-quota. /DIOLM=value++ None. See /process-quota. /ENQLM=value++ None. See /process-quota. /FILLM=value++ None. See /process-quota. /LOG None /MAX_SERVERS=value None /MAX_TASKS=value None /NODE=node-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE /PGFLQUOTA=value++ None. See /process-quota. /SP_MON_INTERVAL=value None /STORED /ACTIVE /TQELM=value++ None. See /process-quota. /TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT=value None /USER=user-name Translation of logical ACMS$MGMT_USER /WSDEFAULT=value++ None. See /process-quota. /WSEXTENT=value++ None. See /process-quota. /WSQUOTA=value++ None. See /process-quota.
These qualifiers correspond to and update the related process quota fields in the system user authorization (SYSUAF) record for the user specified by SHOW EXC/ID. Updated quota values apply to the next process that is created.Because these qualifiers control the nondynamic values for the related process quota fields, the /ACTIVE qualifier cannot be specified. The /STORED qualifier causes the specified values to be stored in the current SYSUAF.DAT file.
For information on using AUTHORIZE to modify process quotas, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. For more information about the individual quotas and their values, see OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A--L or access the online help for AUTHORIZE.
This qualifier causes dynamic ACMSGEN field values to be updated from the current ACMSGEN file. The /ACTIVE qualifier cannot be specified on the same command with the /STORED qualifier. If neither is specified, the default is /ACTIVE for all values except for process quotas (which default to /STORED). If /ACTIVE is specified, no updates are written to the file./APPLICATION=application-name
The name of the application to be modified./AUDIT_STATE=[ENABLED, DISABLED]
This qualifier is equivalent to the ACMSOPER command ACMS/MODIFY APPLICATION /APPL=AUDIT (or /APPL=NOAUDIT if the value is DISABLED)./LOG
This qualifier causes status information for the current SET transaction to be displayed to the terminal (SYS$OUTPUT). This qualifier is useful when setting multiple values; a separate status message is displayed for each value that is set./MAX_SERVERS=value
This qualifier updates the MAX_SERVERS limit in the running application. Updates are lost when the application is restarted./MAX_TASKS=value
This qualifier updates the MAX_TASKS limit in the running application. Updates are lost when the application is restarted./NODE=node-name
This qualifier specifies a fully- or partially-qualified TCP/IP host name. This name must match the current DECnet host name. IP addresses and host names (or aliases) that exceed six characters or include mixed case are not allowed. For more information on TCP/IP host names and defining aliases, see Section 2.2.1.If the /NODE qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.
In order for the command to execute, either the /NODE qualifier must be provided on the command line, or the ACMS$MGMT_SERVER_NODE logical must be defined.
This qualifier updates the SP_MON_INTERVAL field in the running application. Updates are lost when the application is restarted./STORED
This qualifier causes ACMSGEN field updates to be written and saved in the current ACMSGEN file. The /STORED qualifier cannot be specified on the same command as the /ACTIVE qualifier. If neither is specified, the default is /ACTIVE for all values except for process quotas (which default to /STORED)./TRANSACTION_TIME=value
This qualifier updates the TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT default value in the running application. Updates are lost when the application is restarted./USER=user-name
This qualifier specifies the name of the OpenVMS account on the server node to be used for authorization. If this qualifier is specified, an explicit login must already have been completed successfully (see Section 11.9).If the /USER qualifier is not specified, the ACMSMGR utility checks for the presence of the logical name ACMS$MGMT_USER. If the logical is defined, the value of the logical is used by default.
If the /USER qualifier is not specified and the ACMS$MGMT_USER logical is not defined, the ACMSMGR utility attempts proxy access. See Section for a discussion of proxy access.
This command is equivalent to the ACMSOPER command ACMS/MOD APPLICATION. Any changes made to the running system are lost when the application is restarted.
This command modifies the running application VR_APPL.
++ Only for use on systems running ACMS Version 4.4 or higher. |
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