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OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3
Upgrade and Installation Manual

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B.5.4 Logout, Shutdown, and Reboot

After you complete the restore operation:

  1. Enter the LOGOUT command to exit from the DCL environment and return to the menu.
  2. Choose the shutdown option (8).
  3. After the shutdown completes, boot from the system disk.

B.6 Alternate Backup and Restore Procedure

This section describes an alternate method of performing backup and restore operations on your system disk. With this method, you install the operating system (without options) on another disk and perform your backup and restore operations on the system disk from there. Use this method under the following conditions:

  • If you do not have access to the operating system CD-ROM and its menu system
  • If you want to back up a shadowed system disk without disabling the shadow set


It is also possible to back up your running system disk by using the qualifier /IGNORE=INTERLOCK with the BACKUP command and ignoring warning messages. However, that method requires that all other use of the system be suspended, including disabling logins, stopping print and batch queues, and turning off networking software. In addition, you cannot use this method to restore files to the running system disk. Because of these limitations, Compaq recommends that if you must use an alternate method to back up or restore the system disk, you use the method described in this section.

B.6.1 Preparing an Alternate System Disk

Prepare an alternate system disk as follows:

  1. Log in to a privileged account on your running Compaq OpenVMS Alpha system.
  2. Using the SHOW DEVICE command, identify a data disk on which you can install the operating system, with no options. This will be your target disk during that installation. Note the following:
    • You will need approximately 75,000 blocks to install the operating system with no options
    • Existing data will remain on the disk
  3. The target disk must be mounted privately to your process. (This prevents other users from accessing this disk during the installation and backup procedures.) Therefore, if the target disk was mounted with /SYSTEM, /CLUSTER, /GROUP, or /SHARE, dismount that disk and mount it without using those qualifiers or the /FOREIGN qualifier. For example:

  4. Enter the following command to install the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system, with no options, on the target disk:


    (The procedure will prompt you for a device name if you do not specify it on the command line.)
  5. As the procedure completes the installation, the display is similar to the following:

    DEC AXPVMS OPENVMS V7.3: OpenVMS and related products platform
        COPYRIGHT (c) 12-SEP-2001 -- All rights reserved
        Compaq Computer Corporation
    Execution phase starting ...
    The following product will be installed:
        DEC AXPVMS VMS V7.3
    Portion Done: 0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80%...90%...100%
    The following product has been installed:
        DEC AXPVMS VMS V7.3
        The installation of minimum OpenVMS Alpha is now complete.
        Use the following command to boot minimum OpenVMS:
            BOOT -FLAGS E,O <device-name>
        (Your system may require additional parameters to boot.)


    If your system is a cluster member, Compaq recommends that you shut down the entire OpenVMS Cluster system before you back up your system disk. This will prevent you from creating a partitioned cluster and from jeopardizing the integrity of your data in any other way.

B.6.2 Using the Alternate System Disk

Use the alternate system disk (on which you installed the operating system with no options) to perform backup and restore operations as follows:

  1. Shut down your system.
  2. Boot the alternate system disk from the SYSE root. For example:

    >>> BOOT -FLAGS E,0 DKA200

    The system automatically logs you in to the SYSTEM account and then displays a triple dollar sign prompt ($$$).


    During the boot and login operations on this minimum version of the operating system, you can ignore license messages that are similar to the following:

    %LICENSE-I-NOLICENSE, no license is active for this software product
  3. If your system disk is shadowed, install and load a Volume Shadowing license on this data disk. You will then be able to back up the shadowed system disk from this data disk without disabling the shadow set.


    Compaq recommends that you do not install any other licenses, including OpenVMS licenses, on this alternate system. You will be able to use the system only from the console.
  4. Mount the system disk and any output devices you plan to use during the backup or restore operations. See Section B.5.2 for more information.
  5. Perform the necessary backup and restore operations by entering the appropriate BACKUP commands. See Section B.5.3 for more information.
  6. Shut down the system.
  7. Boot from your original system disk.

Appendix C
License Management Supplement

This appendix contains information that supplements the license instructions in this manual and in the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual.

After you install the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system, you must register Compaq OpenVMS Alpha licenses, which let you use the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system. You must also register the licenses for the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha layered products you have purchased, such as DECnet for OpenVMS. (Note that after an upgrade, however, you do not have to reregister licenses for the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha operating system or for the layered products.) To register a license, you need to obtain a Product Authorization Key (PAK). A PAK is a printed document provided by Compaq that contains the appropriate information to authorize access to software on an Alpha computer (or in an OpenVMS Cluster environment). You can obtain a PAK from a Compaq support representative in the same way that you obtain software.

C.1 Using the License Unit Requirement Table (LURT)

Many PAKs contain an alphabetic letter in the Availability or Activity fields. This letter refers to a column in the License Unit Requirement Table (LURT), which you can access online at the following URL:


The second column (Operating System Units) in the LURT is also known as Column A. This column lists the number of license units required for each processor listed in the System Model column. The last column (Layered Product Units) in the LURT is also referred to as Column H. It indicates the number of OpenVMS Alpha layered products license units you need to run the system integrated products (SIPs) included with the operating system. For example, if your PAK specifies Availability = A, you would require 50 license units to load the license on a DEC 3000 Alpha Model 500 series computer, or 500 license units to load the license on a DEC 7000 Alpha Model 610 computer.

Note that some PAKs specify MOD_UNITS in the options field. The MOD_UNITS option allows the system manager to use the DCL command LICENSE MODIFY/UNITS to temporarily increase the size of the PAK. This permits a product to be used, in certain emergency situations, on a processor larger than the processor size specified in the license. Check your license terms and conditions before modifying license units. Reset the PAK size to its original size after the emergency situation is resolved.

C.2 License Management Facility (LMF) Notes

The following list addresses some common concerns and questions regarding the License Management Facility (LMF). For full explanations of these issues, see the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual.

  • If you do not have a valid Compaq OpenVMS Alpha license that is registered and activated, the system displays a warning message as part of system startup and restricts system use to the operator's console, OPA0.
  • If a checksum error is displayed when you register a license, check all the fields of data that you entered, including the checksum itself.
  • After your PAKs are registered, they are activated (loaded) automatically as part of each system startup.
  • If an Compaq OpenVMS Alpha license is registered with insufficient license units, the system displays the following message when the user (process) attempts to log in:

    %LICENSE-F-EXCEEDED, licensed product has exceeded current license limits
    Users can always log in to the operator's console, OPA0, however.
  • The default LICENSE database is located in the file SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]LMF$LICENSE.LDB. You can move the database, although Compaq does not recommend doing so. If you move the database, you must either define the logical name LMF$LICENSE at the system level to point to the new database or use the /DATABASE=filespec qualifier with all LICENSE commands. To redirect LMF to another database location on a more permanent basis, add the following line to the command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGICALS.COM:


    If you specify a device other than SYS$SYSDEVICE, you must also mount the specified disk from the SYLOGICALS.COM command procedure.
  • Each Compaq OpenVMS Alpha find license is restricted to a single node for permanent PAKs. You must assign a System Communications Services (SCS) name to the license when you register with the VMSLICENSE.COM command procedure, or you must enter a LICENSE MODIFY/INCLUDE=node-name command after you register the license.


    The SCS node name is not necessarily the DECnet node name. SCSNODE is a system parameter; it can be a maximum of six alphabetic characters.

C.3 Restrictions

Availability Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) are available for the Compaq OpenVMS Alpha Alpha operating system. An Compaq OpenVMS Alpha PAK is identified by the keyword ALPHA in the PAK's option field. Note the following restrictions:

  • PAKs having the ALPHA option can be loaded and used only on Alpha computers. However, they can safely reside in a license database (LDB) shared by both VAX and Alpha systems.
  • Because the LMF for Alpha systems is capable of handling all types of PAKs, including those for VAX systems, Compaq recommends that you perform your LDB tasks using the Alpha LMF.
  • Availability PAKs for VAX systems (availability PAKs without the ALPHA option) will not load on Alpha systems. Only those availability PAKs containing the ALPHA option will load on Alpha systems.
  • Other PAK types such as activity (also known as concurrent or n-user) and personal use (identified by the RESERVE_UNITS option) work on both VAX and Alpha systems.
  • Avoid using the following LICENSE commands from a VAX system on a PAK containing the ALPHA option:
    • ENABLE
    • ISSUE
    • MOVE
    • COPY
    • LIST
  • Caution: By default, all Alpha availability PAKs look disabled to a VAX system. Never use the DELETE/STATUS=DISABLED command from a VAX system on an LDB that contains Alpha PAKs. If you do, all Alpha PAKs will be deleted.
  • With the exception of the DELETE/STATUS=DISABLED command, if you inadvertently use one of the previously listed LICENSE commands on an Alpha PAK while using a VAX system, the PAK and the database will not be adversely affected. Repeat the command using LMF running on an Alpha system, and the PAK should return to a valid state.
  • If you do not repeat the command using LMF on an Alpha system, the system that you intended to disable will remain enabled (the system is not otherwise affected). Only the Alpha LMF can disable an Alpha PAK.
    However, if you attempt to use any of the previously listed commands on a PAK located in an LDB that is shared with a VAX system, the following serious problems may result:
    • Because Alpha PAKs look disabled to a VAX system, they are normally ignored at load time by VAX systems. However, if one of the previously listed commands is entered from a VAX system and the PAK information is not set to a valid state by an Alpha system, there is a chance the VAX system will attempt to load the Alpha PAK. Because the VAX system will be unable to load the PAK, the VAX LMF will report an error.
    • Even if a valid VAX PAK for the affected product is in the LDB, it too may not load. In this case, system users might be denied access to the product.

    If the PAK cannot be restored to a valid state because all Alpha systems are inaccessible for any reason, use your VAX system to disable the Alpha PAK. This prevents your VAX system from attempting to load the Alpha PAK.

Appendix D
Preparing to Use OpenVMS Management Station

During the OpenVMS installation or upgrade procedure, the OpenVMS Management Station server software is automatically installed on your OpenVMS system disk.

If you accepted the default options the PC client files will be located in SYS$COMMON:[TNT.CLIENT]. If these files are deleted from your system you can download them from the following location:


If the TNT$* server files have been deleted from SYS$SYSTEM, you can recover the server files by reinstalling the OpenVMS operating system.

After you have ensured that OpenVMS Management Station software is installed on your system, follow the procedures described in this appendix.

D.1 Preparing Your OpenVMS System

You must prepare your OpenVMS system to run the server software so that your system can properly interact with the PC running the client software. The procedures include the following:

  • Set up within a mixed-architecture cluster environment (if applicable).
  • Start the server on other nodes.
  • Update the printer and storage database.
  • Edit the system files.
  • Allow OpenVMS Management Station to control the printer and storage environment.
  • Keep your printer environment up to date.
  • Check if running third-party TCP/IP stacks.
  • Recover from a failure.
  • Determine and report problems.

D.1.1 Setting Up in a Mixed-Architecture Cluster Environment

The OpenVMS Management Station server creates several configuration files:


In a common-environment cluster with one common system disk, you use a common copy of each of these files located in the SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] directory on the common system disk, or on a disk that is mounted by all cluster nodes. No further action is required.

However, to prepare a common user environment for an OpenVMS Cluster system that includes more than one common VAX system disk or more than one common Alpha system disk, you must coordinate the files on those disks.

The following rules apply:

  • Disks holding common resources must be mounted early in the system startup procedure, such as in the SYLOGICALS.COM procedure.
  • You must ensure that the disks are mounted with each cluster reboot.

Follow these steps to coordinate files:

  1. Decide where to locate the files. In a cluster with multiple system disks, system management is much easier if the common system files are located on a single disk that is not a system disk.
  3. Edit the file SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]SYLOGICALS.COM on each system disk and define logical names that specify the location of the cluster common files.


    If the files will be located on $1$DJA16, define logical names as follows:


    TNT$EMERGENCY_MOUNT.COM will be created in SYS$SYSTEM or in the directory pointed to by the TNT$ACS logical, if the logical exists.

  4. To ensure that the system disks are mounted correctly with each reboot, follow these steps:
    1. Copy the SYS$EXAMPLES:CLU_MOUNT_DISK.COM file to the [VMS$COMMON.SYSMGR] directory, and edit it for your configuration.
    2. Edit SYLOGICALS.COM and include commands to mount, with the appropriate volume label, the system disk containing the shared files.


      If the system disk is $1$DJA16, include the following command:

    _$ $1$DJA16: volume-label

D.1.2 Start the Server on Other Nodes

If you plan to run OpenVMS Management Station on more than one node in an OpenVMS Cluster without a reboot, you need to start the software on those nodes.

Use SYSMAN to start the server as follows:


Or, you can log into each node that shares the SYS$COMMON: directory and enter the following command:


If you are performing an upgrade or a reinstallation and OpenVMS Management Station is already running on the node, add the RESTART parameter to the startup command, as follows:


D.1.3 Error Log Information

OpenVMS Management Station writes error log information to the file TNT$SERVER_ERROR.LOG. This error log is created in the SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE] directory. If you start the OpenVMS Management Station server on multiple nodes in a cluster, which is recommended, there will be multiple server error logs.

D.1.4 Update the Printer and Storage Database

When you installed OpenVMS Management Station, the installation started the OpenVMS Management Station server on the installation node. If this installation was an upgrade, the server converts the existing OpenVMS Management Station database to the V3.0 format. If this was a new installation, the server creates an initial version of the database file TNT$ACS.DAT and invokes the update functions automatically.

To complete the database, start the OpenVMS Management Station server on each node in your cluster. The instances of the server communicate with each other to determine device, queue, and volume information, and the server must be running on each node for this communication to take place.

D.1.5 Edit the System Files

To start the OpenVMS Management Station server from your system startup files, insert one of the following commands into your system startup procedures (probably SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM) after both the Queue Manager and network are started, but immediately prior to the ENABLE AUTOSTART/QUEUES.


Remove any other invocations of TNT$STARTUP you might have added in previous releases of the OpenVMS Management Station.

OpenVMS Management Station cannot start until the network has started. If you start your network using a batch process, OpenVMS Management Station might start before the batch process completes and the network is started.

Command Parameter 1 Parameter 2 Description
@TNT$STARTUP blank N.A. Starts the server. Does not start printer queues or mount volumes.
@TNT$STARTUP RESTART N.A. Shuts down a running server, then starts the server. Does not start printer queues or mount volumes.
@TNT$STARTUP BOOT blank Starts the server. Starts any printer queues that are not yet started and are managed by OpenVMS Management Station. Does not mount volumes managed by OpenVMS Management Station.
@TNT$STARTUP BOOT ALL Starts the server. Starts any printer queues that are not yet started and are managed by OpenVMS Management Station. Mounts any volumes that are not yet mounted and are managed by OpenVMS Management Station.
@TNT$STARTUP BOOT PRINTERS Starts the server. Starts any printer queues that are not yet started and are managed by OpenVMS Management Station. Does not mount volumes managed by OpenVMS Management Station.
@TNT$STARTUP BOOT STORAGE Starts the server. Mounts any volumes that are not yet mounted and are managed by OpenVMS Management Station. Does not start any printer queues.

Note that the effect of TNT$STARTUP BOOT, with no second parameter, has not changed from earlier releases. This command starts any printer queues that are not yet started and are managed by OpenVMS Management Station, but does not mount any volumes.

Add the following command line to the system shutdown file,


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