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OpenVMS DCL Dictionary

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Use of the /FDL qualifier implies that the transfer mode is block by block; however, the transfer mode you specify with the /TRANSFER_MODE qualifier prevails.


/NOLOG (default)

Controls whether the EXCHANGE/NETWORK command displays the file specifications of each file copied.

When you use the /LOG qualifier, the EXCHANGE/NETWORK command displays the following for each copy operation:

  • The file specifications of the input and output files
  • The number of blocks or the number of records copied (depending on whether the file is copied on a block-by-block or record-by-record basis)


Modifies the time value specified with the /BEFORE or the /SINCE qualifier. The /MODIFIED qualifier selects files according to the date on which they were last modified. This time qualifier is incompatible with the /BACKUP, /CREATED, and /EXPIRED qualifiers, which also allow you to select files according to time attributes. If you do not specify any of these four time qualifiers, the default is the /CREATED qualifier.


Selects only those files dated on or after the specified time. You can specify time as absolute time, as a combination of absolute and delta times, or as one of the following keywords: BOOT, LOGIN, TODAY (default), TOMORROW, or YESTERDAY. Specify one of the following time qualifiers with the /SINCE qualifier to indicate the time attribute to be used as the basis for selection: /BACKUP, /CREATED (default), /EXPIRED, or /MODIFIED.

For complete information about specifying time values, refer to the OpenVMS User's Manual or the online help topic DCL_Tips (subtopic Date_Time).


Specifies the file name format for display purposes.

The valid keywords for this qualifier are CONDENSED and EXPANDED. Descriptions are as follows:

Keyword Explanation
CONDENSED (default) Displays the file name representation of what is generated to fit into a 255-length character string. This file name may contain a DID or FID abbreviation in the file specification.
EXPANDED Displays the file name representation of what is stored on disk. This file name does not contain any DID or FID abbreviations.

The keywords CONDENSED and EXPANDED are mutually exclusive. This qualifier specifies which file name format is displayed in the output message, along with the confirmation if requested.

File errors are displayed with the CONDENSED file specification unless the EXPANDED keyword is specified.

Refer to the OpenVMS Guide to Extended File Specifications for more information.


Specifies the I/O method to be used in the transfer. This qualifier is useful for all file formats. You can specify any one of the following options:
Option Function
AUTOMATIC Allows the EXCHANGE/NETWORK command to determine the appropriate transfer mode. This is the default transfer mode.
BLOCK Opens both the input and output files for block I/O and transfers the files block by block.
CONVERT[=option[,...]] Reads records from the input file, packs them into blocks, and writes them to the output file in block mode. The options listed in the following table determine what additional information is inserted during the transfer.
RECORD Opens both the input and output files for record I/O and transfers the files record by record. The target system must support record operations, and the input file must be record oriented.

The following four options are available with the CONVERT transfer mode to control the insertion of special characters in the records:

Option Function
CARRIAGE_CONTROL Any carriage control information in the input file is interpreted, expanded into actual characters, and included with each record.
COUNTED The length of each record, in bytes, is included at the beginning of the record. The length includes all FIXED_CONTROL, CARRIAGE_CONTROL, and RECORD_SEPARATOR information in each record.
FIXED_CONTROL All variable length with fixed control record (VFC) information is written to the output file as part of the data. This information follows the record length information, if the COUNTED option was specified.
RECORD_SEPARATOR= separator A 1- or 2-byte record separator is inserted between each record. Record separator characters are the last characters in the record. The three choices for separator characters are as follows:
  • CR: Specifies carriage return only.
  • LF: Specifies line feed only.
  • CRLF: Specifies carriage return and line feed.





In this example, the EXCHANGE/NETWORK command transfers the file VMS_FILE.DAT located in the current default device and directory to the file FOREIGN_SYS.DAT on the non OpenVMS node KUDOS. Because the /TRANSFER_MODE qualifier was not explicitly specified, the EXCHANGE/NETWORK command automatically determines whether the transfer method should be block or record I/O.




In this example, the EXCHANGE/NETWORK command transfers the file FOREIGN_SYS.DAT from the non OpenVMS node KUDOS to the file VMS_FILE.DAT in the current default device and directory. Block I/O is specified for the transfer mode.




In this example, the EXCHANGE/NETWORK command transfers the file REMOTE_FILE.TXT on node KUDOS to the file VMS_FILE.DAT. The file attributes for the output file VMS_FILE.DAT are obtained from the File Definition Language (FDL) source file VMS_FILE_DEFINITION.FDL. Because the qualifier /FDL is specified and the /TRANSFER_MODE qualifier is omitted, the transfer mode uses block I/O, by default.

For more information about creating FDL files, refer to the OpenVMS Record Management Utilities Reference Manual.




In this example, the EXCHANGE/NETWORK command transfers the file PRINT_FILE.TXT from the current default device and directory to the file PRINT_FILE.TXT on the non OpenVMS node KUDOS. The use of the CONVERT option with the /TRANSFER_MODE qualifier forces the input file to be read in record by record, modified as specified by the CONVERT options that follow, and written to the output file block by block. As many records as will fit are packed into the output blocks.

The CONVERT option CARRIAGE_CONTROL specifies that carriage control information is converted to ASCII characters and inserted before the data or appended to the record, depending on whether prefix control or postfix control, or both, are used.

The CONVERT option FIXED_CONTROL specifies that any fixed control information be translated to ASCII characters and inserted at the beginning of the record.

The CONVERT option RECORD_SEPARATOR=CRLF appends the two specified characters, carriage return and line feed, to the end of the record.

The CONVERT option COUNTED specifies that the total length of the record must be counted (once the impact of all the previous convert options have been added), and the result is to be inserted at the beginning of the record, in the first 2 bytes.


Terminates processing of a command procedure or subroutine and returns control to the calling command level---either an invoking command procedure or interactive DCL. The EXIT command also terminates an image normally after a user enters Ctrl/Y (executing another image has the same effect).


EXIT [status-code]



Defines a numeric value for the reserved global symbol $STATUS. You can specify the status-code parameter as an integer or an expression equivalent to an integer value. The value can be tested by the next outer command level. The low-order 3 bits of the value determine the value of the global symbol $SEVERITY.

If you specify a status code, DCL interprets the code as a condition code. Note that even numeric values produce warning, error, and fatal error messages, and that odd numeric values produce either no message or a success or informational message.

If you do not specify a status code, the current value of $STATUS is saved. When control returns to the outer command level, $STATUS contains the status of the most recently executed command or program.


The EXIT and STOP commands both provide a way to terminate the execution of a procedure. The EXIT command terminates execution of the current command procedure and returns control to the calling command level. If you enter the EXIT command from a noninteractive process (such as a batch job), at command level 0, then the process terminates.

The STOP command returns control to command level 0, regardless of the current command level. If you execute the STOP command from a command procedure or from a noninteractive process (such as a batch job), the process terminates.

When a DCL command, user program, or command procedure completes execution, the command interpreter saves the condition code value in the global symbol $STATUS. If an EXIT command does not explicitly set a value for $STATUS, the command interpreter uses the current value of $STATUS to determine the error status.

The low-order 3 bits of the status value contained in $STATUS represent the severity of the condition. The reserved global symbol $SEVERITY contains this portion of the condition code. Severity values range from 0 to 4, as follows:

Value Severity
0 Warning
1 Success
2 Error
3 Information
4 Severe (fatal) error

Note that the success and information codes have odd numeric values, and that warning and error codes have even numeric values.

When any command procedure exits and returns control to another level, the command interpreter tests the current value of $STATUS. If $STATUS contains an even numeric value and if its high-order bit is 0, the command interpreter displays the system message associated with that status code, if one exists. (If no message exists, the message NOMSG will be displayed.) If the high-order bit is 1, the message is not displayed.

When a command procedure exits following a warning or error condition that has already been displayed by a DCL command, the command interpreter sets the high-order bit of $STATUS to 1, leaving the remainder of the value intact. This ensures that error messages are not displayed by both the command that caused the error, and by the command procedure.

The EXIT command, when used after you interrupt an image with Ctrl/Y, causes a normal termination of the image that is currently executing. If the image declared any exit-handling routines, they are given control. This is in contrast to the STOP command, which does not execute exit-handling routines. For this reason, the EXIT command is generally preferable to the STOP command.



$ EXIT 1

The EXIT command in this example exits to the next higher command level, giving $STATUS and $SEVERITY a value of 1.


$ LINK 'P1'
$ RUN 'P1'

The EXIT command in this example is used as the target of an ON command; this statement ensures that the command procedure terminates whenever any warnings or errors are issued by any command in the procedure.

The procedure exits with the status value of the command or program that caused the termination.


$        IF (P1 .EQS. "TAPE") .OR. (P1 .EQS. "DISK") THEN GOTO 'P1'
$        INQUIRE P1 "Enter device (TAPE or DISK)"
$        GOTO START
$ TAPE: !  Process tape files
$        EXIT
$ DISK:  ! Process disk files
$        EXIT


The command procedure in this example shows how to use the EXIT command to terminate different command paths within the procedure. To execute the procedure, you must enter either TAPE or DISK as a parameter. The IF command uses a logical OR to test whether either of these strings was entered. If the result is true, the GOTO command branches to the corresponding label. If P1 was neither TAPE nor DISK, the INQUIRE command prompts for a correct parameter.

The commands following each of the labels TAPE and DISK provide different paths through the procedure. The EXIT command before the label DISK ensures that the commands after the label DISK are executed only if the procedure explicitly branches to DISK.

Note that the EXIT command at the end of the procedure is not required because the end of the procedure causes an implicit EXIT command. Use of the EXIT command, however, is recommended.


$ IF P1. EQS. "" THEN -
     INQUIRE P1 "Enter filespec (null to exit)"

The command procedure in this example tests whether a parameter was passed to it; if the parameter was not passed, the procedure prompts for the required parameter. Then it retests the parameter P1. If a null string, indicated by a carriage return for a line with no data, is entered, the procedure exits; otherwise, it executes the PRINT command with the current value of P1 as the input parameter.


$ IF P1 .EQS. "" THEN INQUIRE P1 "Code"
$ CODE = %X'P1'

The command procedure in this example, E.COM, illustrates how to determine the system message, if any, associated with a hexadecimal system status code. The procedure requires a parameter and prompts if none is entered. Then it prefixes the value with the radix operator %X and assigns this string to the symbol CODE. Finally, it issues the EXIT command with the hexadecimal value. The following example uses the procedure E.COM:

$ @E 1C
%SYSTEM-F-EXQUOTA, exceeded quota

When the procedure exits, the value of $STATUS is %X1C, which equates to the EXQUOTA message. Note that you can also use the F$MESSAGE lexical function to determine the message that corresponds to a status code.



In this interactive example, the RUN command initiates execution of the image MYPROG.EXE. Then pressing Ctrl/Y interrupts the execution. The EXIT command that follows calls any exit handlers declared by the image before terminating MYPROG.EXE.


Converts an ASCII bitmap distribution format (BDF) into binary portable compiled format (PCF) on Alpha systems and into binary server natural form (SNF) on VAX systems. The DECwindows server uses a PCF or SNF file to display a font. In addition to converting the BDF file to binary form, the font compiler provides statistical information about the font and the compilation process.

For more information about using the font compiler, refer to the the OpenVMS DECwindows programming documentation or online help.


FONT filespec


Transfers control to a labeled subroutine in a command procedure without creating a new procedure level.


GOSUB label



Specifies a label of 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters that appears as the first item on a command line. A label may not contain embedded blanks. When the GOSUB command is executed, control passes to the command following the specified label.

The label can precede or follow the GOSUB statement in the current command procedure. When you use a label in a command procedure, it must be terminated with a colon (:). If you use duplicate labels, control is always given to the label most recently read by DCL.


Use the GOSUB command in command procedures to transfer control to a subroutine specified by the label. If the command stream is not being read from a random-access device (that is, a disk device), the GOSUB command performs no operation.

The RETURN command terminates the GOSUB subroutine procedure, returning control to the command following the calling GOSUB statement. The RETURN command accepts an optional status value.

The GOSUB command does not cause the creation of a new procedure level. Therefore, it is referred to as a "local" subroutine call. Any labels and local symbols defined in the current command procedure level are available to a subroutine invoked with a GOSUB command. The GOSUB command can be nested up to a maximum of 16 levels per procedure level.

When the command interpreter encounters a label, it enters the label in a label table. This table is allocated from space available in the local symbol table. If the command interpreter encounters a label that already exists in the table, the new definition replaces the existing one. Therefore, if you use duplicate labels, control is always given to the label most recently read by DCL. The following rules apply:

  • If duplicate labels precede and follow the GOSUB command, control is given to the label preceding the command.
  • If duplicate labels all precede the GOSUB command, control is given to the most recent label, that is, the one nearest the GOSUB command.
  • If duplicate labels all follow the GOSUB command, control is given to the one nearest the GOSUB command.

If a label does not exist in the current command procedure, the procedure cannot continue and is forced to exit.

Note that the amount of space available for labels is limited. If a command procedure uses many symbols and contains many labels, the command interpreter may run out of table space and issue an error message.


$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "success completion"
$! TEST1 GOSUB definition
$ TEST1:
$     WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "This is GOSUB level 1."
$     RETURN %X1
$! TEST2 GOSUB definition
$ TEST2:
$     WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "This is GOSUB level 2."
$     RETURN
$! TEST3 GOSUB definition
$ TEST3:
$     WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "This is GOSUB level 3."
$     RETURN


This sample command procedure shows how to use the GOSUB command to transfer control to labeled subroutines. The GOSUB command transfers control to the subroutine labeled TEST1. The procedure executes the commands in subroutine TEST1, branching to the subroutine labeled TEST2. The procedure then executes the commands in subroutine TEST2, branching to the subroutine labeled TEST3. Each subroutine is terminated by the RETURN command. After TEST3 is executed, the RETURN command returns control back to the command line following each calling GOSUB statement. At this point, the procedure has been successfully executed.


Transfers control to a labeled statement in a command procedure.


GOTO label



Specifies a label of 1 to 255 alphanumeric characters that appears as the first item on a command line. A label cannot contain embedded blanks. When the GOTO command is executed, control passes to the command following the specified label.

When you use a label in a command procedure, it must be terminated with a colon (:). If you use duplicate labels, control is always given to the label most recently read by DCL.


Use the GOTO command in command procedures to transfer control to a line that is not the next line in the procedure. The label can precede or follow the GOTO statement in the current command procedure. If the command stream is not being read from a random-access device (that is, a disk device), the GOTO command performs no operation.

If the target label of a GOTO command is inside a separate IF-THEN-ELSE construct, an error message (DCL-W-USGOTO) is returned.

When the command interpreter encounters a label, it enters the label in a label table. This table is allocated from space available in the local symbol table. If the command interpreter encounters a label that already exists in the table, the new definition replaces the existing one. Therefore, if you use duplicate labels, control is always given to the label most recently read by DCL. In general:

  • If duplicate labels precede and follow the GOTO command, control is given to the label preceding the command.
  • If duplicate labels all precede the GOTO command, control is given to the most recent label, that is, the one nearest the GOTO command.
  • If duplicate labels all follow the GOTO command, control is given to the one nearest the GOTO command.

If a label does not exist in the current command procedure, the procedure cannot continue and is forced to exit.

Note that the amount of space available for labels is limited. If a command procedure uses many symbols and contains many labels, the command interpreter may run out of table space and issue an error message.



To use this procedure, you must enter a value for P1.

In this example, the IF command checks the first parameter passed to the command procedure; if this parameter is the string HELP or if the parameter is not specified, the GOTO command is executed and control is passed to the line labeled TELL; otherwise, the procedure continues executing until the EXIT command is encountered. At the label TELL, a TYPE command displays data in the input stream that documents how to use the procedure.


$ CHECK:  ! Error handling routine
$ END:

The ON command establishes an error-handling routine. If any command or procedure subsequently executed in the command procedure returns an error or severe error, the GOTO command transfers control to the label CHECK.


The HELP command invokes the Help facility to display information about use of the system, including formats and explanations of commands, parameters, qualifiers, and system messages. In response to the Topic? prompt, you can:
  • Type the name of the command or topic for which you need help.
  • Type INSTRUCTIONS for more detailed instructions on how to use HELP.
  • Type HINTS if you are not sure of the name of the command or topic for which you need help.
  • Type /MESSAGE for help with the HELP/MESSAGE utility.
  • Type a question mark (?) to redisplay the most recently requested text.
  • Press RETURN one or more times to exit from HELP.

You can abbreviate any topic name, although ambiguous abbreviations result in all matches being displayed.


HELP [topic[subtopic...]]



Specifies the topics or topic and subtopics on which you want information from a help library.


Information within help libraries is arranged in a hierarchical manner. The levels are as follows:
  1. None---If you do not specify a keyword, the Help facility describes the HELP command and lists the topics that are documented in the root library. Each item in the list is a keyword in the first level of the hierarchy.
  2. Topic-name---If you specify a keyword by naming a topic, the Help facility describes the topic as it is documented in either the root library or in one of the other enabled default libraries. Keywords for additional information available on this topic are listed.
  3. Topic-name subtopic---If you specify a subtopic following a topic, the Help facility provides a description of the specified subtopic.
  4. @filespec followed by any of the previous levels---If you specify a help library to replace the current root library, the Help facility searches that library for a description of the topic or subtopic specified. The file specification must take the same form as the file specification included with the /LIBRARY command qualifier. However, if the specified library is an enabled user-defined default library, the file specification can be abbreviated to any unique leading substring of that default library's logical name translation.

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