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OpenVMS DCL Dictionary

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The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the information:

Key Sequence Description
Up arrow key, Ctrl/B Scroll up one line.
Down arrow key Scroll down one line.
Left arrow key Scroll left one column.
Right arrow key Scroll right one column.
Find (E1) Specify a string to find when the information is displayed.
Insert Here (E2) Scroll right one half screen.
Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen.
Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column mode.
Prev Screen (E5) Get the previous page of information.
Next Screen (E6), Return, Enter, Space Get the next page of information.
F10, Ctrl/Z Exit. (Some utilities define these differently.)
Help (F15) Display utility help text.
Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest page.
Ctrl/W Refresh the display.

The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.


Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in the text string.

You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation marks are not required for a dynamic search.


/NOWRAP (default)

Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond the width of the screen to the next line.

The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.


Device  Error Count
CPU:         2
MEMORY:      1
DBB1:        9

The SHOW ERROR command displays the error count for all devices with error counts greater than zero.


Displays the contents of the intrusion database.

Requires SECURITY privilege.




The OpenVMS system stores information in the intrusion database about login failures that originate from a specific source and that result from any number of failure types (invalid password, account expired, unknown user name). A security manager can identify possible break-in attempts by using the SHOW INTRUSION command to display the contents of the intrusion database.

The entries in the intrusion database have the following format:

Intrusion      Type      Count      Expiration      Source

The information provided in the fields in each entry is as follows:

Field Description
Intrusion Class of intrusion. The type of evasive action that the OpenVMS system takes depends on the class of intrusion.
Type Severity of intrusion as defined by the threshold count for login failures.
Count Number of login failures associated with a particular source.
Expiration Absolute time at which a login failure is no longer counted by OpenVMS. The system parameter LGI_BRK_TMO controls how long the OpenVMS system keeps track of a login failure.
Source Origin of the login failure. The information provided in this field depends on the class of intrusion.

In the intrusion database, the operating system classifies login failures according to their source. The four classes of system intrusion are as follows:

Intrusion Class Description
NETWORK Login failure originating from a remote node, using a valid user name.
TERMINAL Login failure originating from one terminal.
TERM_USER Login failure originating from one terminal, using a valid user name.
USERNAME Login failure attempting to create a detached process.

The class of intrusion determines the type of information presented in the source field of the entry. Information appears in the source field in one of the following formats:

Intrusion Class Format of Source Field
NETWORK node::user name
TERMINAL terminal:
TERM_USER terminal:user name
USERNAME user name

The type of evasive action that a security manager can take is based on the type of information provided. For details on how to use this information, see the OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

The intrusion database contains two levels of intrusion entries: suspect and intruder. The severity level of an entry is displayed in the type field of the entry. When a login failure associated with a particular source occurs, the OpenVMS system classifies the login failure as suspect. Each succeeding login failure from the same source is counted. The login failure count is displayed in the count field of the entry. The absolute time at which the login failure ceases to be counted is displayed in the expiration field of the entry. When the number of login failures exceeds the number specified by the system parameter LGI_BRK_LIM, the entry is classified as an intruder. However, if the parameter LGI_BRK_LIM is set to zero, the first login failure is not classified as an intruder; the result is the same as if the parameter LGI_BRK_LIM were set to one.

When an entry is promoted to intruder, the OpenVMS system takes evasive action by blocking all login attempts from that particular source.

The duration of the evasive action is determined by the system parameter LGI_HID_TIM. The absolute time at which the evasive action ends is displayed in the expiration field of the entry.

For information on intrusion detection, prevention, and evasive actions, see the OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

If you determine that an entry in the intrusion database resulted from a user error and not a break-in attempt, you can remove an entry from the intrusion database with the DELETE/INTRUSION command. See the DELETE/INTRUSION command for more details.



The /NODE qualifier displays each intrusion record with the supporting node information.

If you specify individual nodes, the supporting node information is displayed only for the nodes listed.


On VAX, displays the contents of the old kernel mode intrusion database. The kernel mode intrusion database was used by the system and layered products prior to OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1. It is still updated by the system to provide backwards compatability to applications that have not yet converted over to using the supported system services for access to the intrusion database. Entries added directly to the old kernel mode intrusion database by applications may be examined only by using the /OLD qualifier.


Directs the output from the SHOW INTRUSION command to the file specified with the qualifier. By default, output from the command is displayed to SYS$OUTPUT.


Selects the type of information from the intrusion database that is displayed. The valid keywords are as follows:
ALL All entries. By default, all entries are displayed.
SUSPECT Entries for login failures that have occurred but have not yet passed the threshold necessary to be identified as intruders.
INTRUDER Entries for which the login failure rate was high enough to warrant evasive action.




The SHOW INTRUSION command in this example writes all the entries currently in the intrusion database to the file INTRUDER.LIS.



Intrusion   Type      Count    Expiration    Source
TERMINAL    INTRUDER    9      10:29:39.16   AV34C2/LC-1-15:
NETWORK     INTRUDER    7      10:47:53.12   NODE22::RONNING

In this example, the SHOW INTRUSION command displays all intruder entries currently in the intrusion database.


 NETWORK      SUSPECT       5   26-JUL-2001 08:51:25.66  POPEYE::WONG
    Node: TSAVO      Count:    2
    Node: FROGGY     Count:    2
    Node: KITTY      Count:    1

This command displays each intrusion record for all nodes.


 NETWORK      SUSPECT       5   26-JUL-2001 08:51:25.66  POPEYE::HAMMER
    Node: FROGGY     Count:    2
    Node: KITTY      Count:    2

This command displays intrusion record information for nodes FROGGY and KITTY.



This command shows that there are no intrusion records for node EVMSA.


Displays the key definitions created with the DEFINE/KEY command.


SHOW KEY [key-name]



Specifies the name of the key whose definition you want displayed. For a list of valid key names, see the DEFINE/KEY command.


After you have defined keypad keys by using the DEFINE/KEY command, you can use the SHOW KEY command to refresh your memory about a key definition. You can also use the SHOW KEY command with the /DIRECTORY qualifier to list the names of all the states in which you have created key definitions. Use the SET KEY command to change key states.



Displays all key definitions in the current state (or the state specified with the /STATE qualifier). If you use the /ALL qualifier, do not specify a key name.

/BRIEF (default)


Displays only the key definition and state. The /BRIEF and /NOFULL qualifiers are equivalent.


Displays the names of all states for which keys have been defined. If you have not specified a state with a key definition, the SHOW KEY/DIRECTORY command displays DEFAULT for the state.

You cannot use the /DIRECTORY qualifier with any of the other SHOW KEY qualifiers.


/NOFULL (default)

Displays all qualifiers associated with a definition. By default, only the state of the definition and the definition itself are displayed. The /FULL and /NOBRIEF qualifiers are equivalent.



Displays the key definitions for the specified state. If you specify only one state name, you can omit the parentheses. State names can be any appropriate alphanumeric string. State names are created with the DEFINE/KEY command.

If you omit the /STATE qualifier or use the /NOSTATE qualifier, key definitions in the current state are displayed.


%DCL-I-DEFKEY, DEFAULT key PF1 has been defined
DEFAULT keypad definitions:
DEFAULT keypad definitions:
  PF1 = "ATTACH BOB"  (noecho,terminate,noerase,nolock)

The SHOW KEY command in this example displays both the definition and the state for the PF1 key. This is the default display. The SHOW KEY/FULL command displays all qualifiers associated with the key definition.


Displays software product licenses active on the current node and lists the names attached to a license (known as the RESERVE list). The SHOW LICENSE command displays the license database information currently in your system's memory. Use the License Management utility command, LICENSE LIST, when you want to view the license database information that is on disk.


SHOW LICENSE [product-name [,...]]



Specifies the name or names of activated software product licenses to display. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed. If you do not specify a product name, information is displayed about all active product name licenses. The product-name parameter is incompatible with the /UNIT_REQUIREMENTS qualifier.


The DCL command SHOW LICENSE displays software product licenses active on the current node. An active license is one that has been registered in the LICENSE database and has been loaded into system memory. To register and activate software product licenses, use the License Management utility (LICENSE) or VMSLICENSE.COM. Some licenses are registered automatically during product installation.

For a complete description of this utility, refer to the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual.

To display licenses registered in the LICENSE database, use the LICENSE LIST command, described with the utility.



Use with /TERMINATION_DATE and /RELEASE_DATE qualifiers. Selects only those licenses whose times are before the time specified with the other qualifiers.

The /BEFORE qualifier cannot be used with the /SINCE qualifier.

/BRIEF (default)

Displays a summary of information about the specified active product licenses. Use the /FULL qualifier to obtain a complete product license listing.


Synonym for the /UNIT_REQUIREMENTS qualifier.


Use with the /UNIT_REQUIREMENTS qualifier to display the license unit requirements for every node in an OpenVMS Cluster.


Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a search string that must match the search string exactly and must be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").

If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search string with the Find (E1) key.


Displays a summary of information about the specified active product licenses, including Product Authorization Key (PAK) options and the reserve list (if any).


Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD is the default highlighting.



Controls where the output of the SHOW LICENSE command is sent. By default, the output of the SHOW LICENSE command is sent to the current SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the output to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file specification.

The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are not allowed in the file specification. If you enter a partial file specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.

If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.


/NOPAGE (default)

Controls the display of license information on the screen.

You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:

CLEAR_SCREEN Clears the screen before each page is displayed.
SCROLL Displays information one line at a time.
SAVE[= n] Enables screen navigation of information, where n is the number of pages to store.

The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the information:

Key Sequence Description
Up arrow key, Ctrl/B Scroll up one line.
Down arrow key Scroll down one line.
Left arrow key Scroll left one column.
Right arrow key Scroll right one column.
Find (E1) Specify a string to find when the information is displayed.
Insert Here (E2) Scroll right one half screen.
Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen.
Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column mode.
Prev Screen (E5) Get the previous page of information.
Next Screen (E6), Return, Enter, Space Get the next page of information.
F10, Ctrl/Z Exit. (Some utilities define these differently.)
Help (F15) Display utility help text.
Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest page.
Ctrl/W Refresh the display.

The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.


Displays software product licenses active on the current node and supplied by the specified producer. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed for the producer-name parameter. You cannot use the /PRODUCER qualifier with the /UNIT_REQUIREMENTS qualifier.


Allows listing licenses using release dates as selection criteria.


Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in the text string.

You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation marks are not required for a dynamic search.


Use with the /TERMINATION_DATE and /RELEASE_DATE qualifiers. Selects only those licenses whose times are on or after the time specified with the other qualifiers.

The /SINCE qualifier cannot be used with the /BEFORE qualifier.


Allows listing licenses using termination dates as selection criteria.


Displays information in the License Unit Requirement Table (LURT). The /UNIT_REQUIREMENTS qualifier is incompatible with the product-name parameter and with the /BRIEF and /PRODUCER qualifiers.


Tells you how many license units are loaded, how many are currently allocated, and how many are currently available, as well as the license type for each product on the system. Use with the /FULL qualifier to display complete information---including the PID, process name, node, or user name---for each instance of use of the product. You need group privilege to see the list of users in your group who have allocated license units; you need world privilege to see the list of users in all groups.

In an OpenVMS Cluster, if you own multiple license types for a single product, you are limited to viewing the usage information for the license type loaded on the node from which you are executing the SHOW LICENSE/USAGE command. To find out the usage of the other license type loaded on another node, issue the command on that node. You can also use the System Management (SYSMAN) utility to do this.

In an OpenVMS Cluster, usage information is limited to the local license type. For example, VAX and Alpha availability licenses are considered by LMF to be different license types. If you are running both VAX and Alpha systems in a cluster, usage information for availability licenses is limited to the local system type. For example, if you have DEC C installed on all nodes in your OpenVMS Cluster, you can display DEC C license allocation on all the VAX nodes in the cluster from any VAX node with DEC C installed, but you cannot display the DEC C license allocation on the Alpha nodes.

Usage information is not available for unlimited licenses (a license with 0 units). Clusterwide usage information is not available for personal use or NO_SHARE licenses. Refer to the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual for more information on license types.



Displays a warning stating the number of licenses that will terminate in n days. The default is 30 days.


/NOWRAP (default)

Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond the width of the screen to the next line.

The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.



Active licenses on node WTPOOH:

       Producer: DEC
       Units: 0
       Version:  0.0
       Date:  (none)
       Termination Date: (none)
       Availability: E (System Integrated Products)
       Activity:  0

       Producer: DEC
       Units: 0
       Version:  0.0
       Date:  (none)
       Termination Date: (none)
       Availability: A (VMS Capacity)
       Activity:  0

The SHOW LICENSE command in this example displays all the active licenses on the current node, WTPOOH.


Active licenses on node WTPOOH:

--- Product ID ----   ---- Rating ----- -- Version --
Product    Producer   Units Avail Activ Version Release Termination
DVNETEND   DEC            0  E     0      0.0  (none)   (none)
VAX-VMS    DEC            0  A     0      0.0  (none)   (none)


The SHOW LICENSE command in this example displays a summary of all the active licenses on the current node, WTPOOH.




The SHOW LICENSE command in this example writes all the active licenses to the file named SYS$LOGIN:ACTIVE_LICENSES_OCT30.DAT.


Active licenses on node PICCHU:

       Producer: DEC
       Units: 100
       Version: 0.0
       Release Date: (none)
       Termination Date: (none)
       Availability: 0
       Activity: 100
       Reserve: RANCE


The SHOW LICENSE command in this example displays information about the product PERSONAL, as well as the name RANCE attached to the product license (known as the RESERVE list).


$ SHOW LICENSE/TERM=10-JAN-2014 test0%
Active licenses on node PICCHU:

--- Product ID ----  ---- Rating ----- -- Version --
Product    Producer  Units Avail Activ Version Release    Termination
TEST01     DEC           0  A     0      0.0  (none)      (none)
TEST02     DEC           0  B     0      0.0  10-JAN-2014 12-NOV-2014
TEST03     DEC           0  C     0      0.0  30-DEC-2014 (none)
TEST04     DEC           0  D     0      0.0  (none)      25-AUG-2015
TEST05     DEC           0  E     0      0.0  14-NOV-2016 14-AUG-2016

Active licenses on node PICCHU:

--- Product ID ----  ---- Rating ----- -- Version --
Product    Producer  Units Avail Activ Version Release    Termination
TEST02     DEC           0  B     0      0.0  10-JAN-2014 12-NOV-2014
TEST03     DEC           0  C     0      0.0  30-DEC-2014 (none)
TEST05     DEC           0  E     0      0.0  14-NOV-2016 14-AUG-2016

Active licenses on node PICCHU:

--- Product ID ----  ---- Rating ----- -- Version --
Product    Producer  Units Avail Activ Version Release    Termination
TEST01     DEC           0  A     0      0.0  (none)      (none)
TEST04     DEC           0  D     0      0.0  (none)      25-AUG-2015


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