HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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Common Desktop Environment: Programmer's Guide


A user interface defined in a database of files that requests an application perform some operation.

action icon
An icon that represents an action in a File Manager or Application Manager window. It is displayed by creating an executable file with the same name as the action it represents.

action server
A host computer that provides access to a collection of actions.

A window, window element, or icon that is currently affected by keyboard and mouse input. Active windows are differentiated from other windows on the workspace by a distinctive title bar color or shade. An active window element is indicated by a highlight or selection cursor.

app-defaults file
A file for each application that programmers use to define the X resources.

application group
An Application Manager container that holds a specific software application.

Application Manager
The software application that manages the tools and other software applications available to you.

application server
A host computer that provides access to a software application.

An item of information following a command.

arrow keys
The four directional keys on a keyboard. Also see navigation keys.

An encapsulated data object inside a document.

The underlying area of a window on which objects, such as buttons and lists, are displayed.

An image stored in a raster format. Usually refers to an image limited to two colors (a foreground and a background color). Contrast with pixmap.

bitmapped font
A font made from a matrix of dots. See font.

busy pointer
The mouse pointer displayed when an application is busy and cannot accept input.

A generic term for a window control that initiates an action by an application, usually executing a command, displaying a window, or displaying a menu. Also used to describe the controls on a mouse.

button binding
Association of a mouse button operation with a particular behavior.

cascaded list
The list box that displays additional elements from which you choose in order to interact with other screen elements.

cascaded menu
The menu item that displays additional elements from which you choose in order to interact with other screen elements.

Common Desktop Environment, a graphical user interface running on UNIX.

check box
A nonexclusive control whose setting is indicated by the presence or absence of a check mark. A check box has two states, on and off.

To use the mouse or keyboard to pick a menu command, button, or icon that begins a command or action. Contrast with select.

To press and release a mouse button without moving the mouse pointer.

A system or software application that requests services from a network server.

A buffer that temporarily stores the last cut, copy, or paste data or object.

combo box
Use text box to refer to the text box portion of a combo box, and list box to refer to the list portion. Example: Type the name of the file in the File text box or select it from the list box underneath.

command line prompt
A prompt, usually %, >, or $, that shows the computer is ready to accept commands. In a terminal emulation window, you display the command line prompt by pressing Return.

context-sensitive help
Help information about the specific choice or object that the cursor or pointer is on.

A generic term for a variety of objects (such as buttons, check boxes, and scroll bars) that perform an action or indicate an option setting. Also applies to Front Panel icons.

Copy View Options
A menu command that copies the current view's properties and places the copy onto the clipboard.

current item
The currently highlighted item in a list.

current session
The session saved by Session Manager when you log off. At the next login, unless you specify otherwise, this session automatically opens, enabling work to continue where you left off. Contrast with home session.

current setting
The present state of a control such as a check box or radio button.

current workspace
The workspace that is presently displayed on the screen. It can be changed with the workspace switch.

A graphical device that indicates the current object that will be affected by mouse or keyboard input.

data host
A host computer where the data for an action is located.

An attribute added to the DATA_ATTRIBUTES entry that indicates the host system that the Data Type was loaded from. Note that this value should not be set in the *.dt files but is generated when the database is loaded.

database host
A host computer where an action is defined.

A mechanism that associates particular data files with the appropriate applications and actions. Data types can determine the type of a file based on file-naming conventions, such as a particular extension name, or on the contents of the file.

A value set automatically by an application.

dialog box
A window displayed by an application that requires user input. Do not use dialog as shorthand.

A collection of files and other subdirectories.

display-dependent session
A session that can be restored on only a particular display.

display-independent session
A session that can be restored on any display, regardless of screen resolution or color capability.

To quickly press a mouse button twice without moving the mouse pointer. Unless otherwise specified, button 1 is assumed.

To move the mouse pointer over an object, press and hold down mouse button 1, and then move the mouse pointer and the object to another location on the workspace.

drag and drop
To directly manipulate an object by using a pointing device to move and place the object somewhere else.

drag over feedback
The drag icon changes appearance when the user drags it over potential drop zones.

drag under feedback
The appearance provided by a drop zone. The feedback can be a solid line drawn around the site, a raised or lowered surface with a beveled edge around the drop zone, or a pixmap drawing over the drop zone.

After grabbing an object, the act of releasing the mouse button. If the object is dropped in an appropriate area, an Action is initiated. Also see grab.

drop target
A rectangular graphic that represents the drop zone in an application.

drop zone
An area of the workspace, including the Trash, Printer, and CDE Mail icons, that accepts a dropped object. Objects can be dropped on the workspace for quick access.

A generic term for any entity that can be considered a standalone item in a broader context, such as an item in a list or a control in a window.

execution host
A host computer where an application invoked by an action runs. This may be the same computer where the action resides, or it may be another computer on the network.

A window element that holds data, as in the Name field or the Telephone number field. Preferred: Use a more specific noun to describe the element, as in the Name text box or the Files list box.

File Manager
The software application that manages the files and directories on your system.

file server
A host computer that stores data files used by applications.

format type
In CDE document containers, the type used to store the property.

Place to which keyboard input is directed.

An icon that represents a directory.

A complete set of characters (letters, digits, and special characters) of one size and one typeface. Ten-point Helvetica bold is an example of a font.

The content of a window and the color or shading used to distinguish it from the window's background.

Front Panel
A centrally located window containing icons for accessing applications and utilities, including the workspace switch. The Front Panel occupies all workspaces.

To move the mouse pointer over an object, and then to press and hold down mouse button 1 in preparation for moving the object. Also see drag; drop.

grab handles (or handles)
The small squares displayed at the corners and midpoints of a selected graphic object.

group box
A box in a window that visually associates a set of controls.

home directory
A directory where you keep personal files and additional directories. By default, File Manager and Terminal Emulator windows are set to the home directory when you first open them.

home session
A choice at logout to designate a particular session, other than the one you are currently in, as the one you will automatically return to at the next login.

In Help text, information that when chosen displays another Help topic.

A graphic symbol displayed on the screen, which you can select to work in a particular function or software application.

insertion point
The point at which data typed on the keyboard, or pasted from the clipboard or a file, appears on the screen. In text, a synonym for cursor.

Install Icon
A choice on subpanels that enables you to install icons on the desktop using drag and drop.

An attribute added to the DATA_ATTRIBUTES entry that is created when an action is loaded. The DtDtsDataTypeIsAction uses this attribute to determine if a data type was created from the action table. It has no representation in the *.dt files except as an action entry. Note that this value should not be set in the *.dt files and is only used internally.

An attribute added to the DATA_CRITERIA/DATA_ATTRIBUTES entries that is created when an action is loaded. It has no representation in the *.dt files except as an action entry. Note: This value should not be set in the *.dt files and is only used internally.

Internal Terminal Emulator. ITE allows use of a bitmapped display as a terminal (through command-line mode from the Login screen).

Elements in a list.

key binding
Association of a keystroke with a particular behavior.

The text appearing next to a window element that names the element.

Synonym for symbolic link.

A control that contains elements from which you select. Also called selection list.

list box
Any of a number of graphical devices that displays a list of items from which you can select one or more items. It is usually not necessary to name the specific kind of box being used.

local host
The CPU or computer on which a software application is running; your workstation.

An action that invokes another action rather than containing its own EXEC-STRING. The file /usr/vue/types/user-prefs.vf contains the built-in mapped actions. For example, the built-in CDE Mail action used by the Front Panel is mapped to the Elm action.

A list of commands from which you select to perform a particular application task.

menu bar
The part of the application window between the title bar and the work area where menu names are listed.

menu item
A choice that appears on a menu.

In Bento containers, the information about an object. Contrast with value.

To turn a window into an icon. The push button that minimizes a window is located near the upper-right corner of the window frame.

modifier key
A key that when pressed and held along with another key changes the meaning of the second key. Control, Alt, and Shift are examples.

multipart document
A document that contains one or more attachments.

navigation keys
The keyboard keys used to move the current location of the cursor. These include the arrow keys (with or without the Control key); the Tab key (with or without the Control or Shift keys); the Begin and End keys (with or without the Control key); and the Page Up and Page Down keys.

networked session
A session managed across multiple systems. Using a networked session enables the same session to be seen, regardless of which system was used to log in. It also provides a single home directory across multiple systems.

newline character
An unseen character that marks the end of a line of text in a document. It tells a printer or screen to break a line and start a new one.

no saveback
The inability of drag and drop to write changes in data held in buffers back to an originating file.

On Item help
A form of help in which an application provides on-screen information about a particular command, operation, dialog box, or control.

operation indicator
The part of a drag icon that gives users feedback on the operation (move, copy, or link) that is occurring during the drag.

A generic term that applies to the variations available when choosing a command to run, or when selecting or filling in items in a dialog box.

To advance text displayed in a window by one full screen at a time, usually using a scroll bar.

The range of available elements, usually colors.

An image stored in a raster format. Usually refers to an image that may have more than two colors. Contrast with bitmap.

To move the mouse until the pointer rests on a particular screen object or area.

The arrow or other graphical marker that indicates the current mouse position, and possibly the active window. Also see cursor.

print server
A host computer to which one or more printers are connected, or the UNIX process that manages those printers.

A menu command that enables you to set characteristics of an object, such as its date or name, or display identifying characteristics of an object, such as typefaces.

push button
A control that immediately starts an action as soon as it is chosen. OK, Cancel, and Help are examples of push buttons commonly found in dialog boxes.

radio button
An exclusive control whose setting is indicated by the presence or absence of a graphical indicator, usually part of a radio group. A radio button has two states, on and off.

radio button group
A box containing a set of radio buttons that may have a distinct label. At most, one of the radio buttons may be activated at a time.

To let go of a mouse button or keyboard key.

resize handle
A control used to change the size of a window or a pane in a window.

resize pointer
The mouse pointer displayed when an object, such as a window, is being resized.

A mechanism of the X Window System for specifying an attribute (appearance or behavior) of a window or application. Resources are usually named after the elements they control.

The ability of drag and drop to write modified data back to the originating file.

scalable typeface
A mathematical outline for a typeface used to create a bitmapped font for a particular size, slant, or weight.

screen lock
A function that locks the workstation screen, barring further input until the valid user password is entered.

screen saver
A choice that causes the workstation, after a specified time period, to switch off the display or to vary the images that are displayed, thereby prolonging the life of the screen.

scroll bar
A control located at the right or bottom of a window that enables you to display window content not currently visible.

To add highlighting or some other visual cue to an object so that it can be operated or enabled. Selection does not imply the initiation of an action but rather a change of state, such as highlighting an item in a list, or toggling a check box on.

A system that supplies services to a client.

The elapsed time between user login and logout.

session server
A system that provides networked sessions. Session files reside on the session server and are used whenever you log into a system on the network.

General term for a mouse action that simplifies filling out a dialog box. For example: As a shortcut, double-click an item in the Filename list box to select it and choose OK in one action.

shortcut keys
A keyboard key sequence used to activate a menu command. This can be a key sequence that uses a special accelerator key, or an underlined letter (mnemonic) sequence. For example: Press Alt+F4 or Alt+F+P to choose the command Filexde Print.

A control that uses a track and arm to set a value from among the available values. The position of the arm (or a separate indicator) gives the currently set value.

software application
A computer program that provides you with tools to do work. Style Manager, Text Editor, and File Manager are examples of software applications.

source indicator
The part of a drag icon that represents the item being dragged.

spin box
A window element with a text box and two arrow buttons that displays a set of related but mutually exclusive choices, such as days of the week.

state indicator
The part of a drag icon that is used as a pointer for positioning combined with feedback that shows whether a drop zone is valid or invalid.

Style Manager
The software application used to customize some of the visual elements and system device behaviors of the workspace environment, including colors and fonts, and keyboard, mouse, window, and session start-up behaviors.

A component of the Front Panel that provides additional controls. Subpanels usually contain groups of related controls.

symbolic link
A reference to a file or directory.

synthetic data attribute
A data type added to the DATA_CRITERIA/DATA_ATTRIBUTES entries that is created when an action is loaded. It has no representation in the *.dt files

except as an action entry. Note that this attribute should not be set in the *.dt

files and is only used internally.

terminal emulator
A window that emulates a particular type of terminal for running nonwindow programs. Terminal emulator windows are most commonly used for typing commands to interact with the computer's operating system.

text field
A rectangular area in a window where information is typed. Text fields with keyboard focus have a blinking text insertion cursor.

A rectangular area used to cover a surface with a pattern or visual texture. For example: The Workspace Manager supports tiling, enabling users with limited system color availability to create new color tiles blended from existing colors.

title bar
The topmost area of a window, containing the window title.

To change the state of a two-state control, such as a radio button or check box, using either the mouse or keyboard.

In Bento containers, refers to the contents of an object. Contrast with metadata.

A rectangular area on the display. Software applications typically have one main window from which secondary windows, called dialog boxes, can be opened.

window frame
The visible part of a window that surrounds a software application. A window frame can contain up to five controls: title bar, resize borders, minimize button, maximize button, and the Window menu button.

window icon
A minimized window.

Window list
An action that presents a list of all the open windows associated with the window from which the action was selected.

Window menu
The menu displayed by choosing the Window menu button. The menu provides choices that manipulate the location or size of the window, such as Move, Size, Minimize, and Maximize.

Window menu button
The control at the upper-left corner of a window, next to the title bar. Choosing it displays the Window menu.

work area
The part of a window where controls and text appear.

The current screen display, the icons and windows it contains, and the unoccupied screen area where objects can be placed.

workspace background
The portion of the display not covered by windows, icons, or objects.

Workspace Manager
The software application that controls the size, placement, and operation of windows within multiple workspaces. The Workspace Manager includes the Front Panel, the window frames that surround each application, and the Window and Workspace menus.

Workspace menu
The menu displayed by pointing at an unoccupied area of the workspace and clicking mouse button 3.

workspace object
An object that has been copied from File Manager to the workspace.

workspace switch
A control that enables you to select one workspace from among several workspaces.