Cover Letter for HP OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 for Integrity
September 2005
Dear OpenVMS Customer,
Hewlett-Packard is pleased to introduce the HP OpenVMS Version 8.2--1
for Integrity Servers operating system. HP is dedicated to providing
customers with the most advanced functionality and highest-quality
products possible. The OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 operating system release
reflects this dedication.
This cover letter discusses the following topics:
- OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 New Features
- Firmware versions
- OpenVMS Freeware
- Documentation
- Software Product Descriptions
- Software Layered Product Update
- OpenVMS Source Listings Kit
New Features
The OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 release provides all of the features
contained in the OpenVMS Version 8.2 release, plus enhancements to
system availability, I/O performance improvements, and security. The
following are some of the features and enhancements:
- New hardware support for the following Integrity servers:
- HP Integrity rx7620 server
- HP Integrity rx8620 server
- HP Integrity Superdome server
- InfoServer utility
Allows you to boot from a virtual DVD drive
on the local area network (LAN) from which you can upgrade your system
to Version 8.2--1. InfoServer is supported on core LAN I/O devices on
the rx1600, rx1620, rx2600, rx2620, and rx4640 Integrity servers.
- Support for nPartitions
On HP cell-based servers (such as the
rx7620, rx8620, and the Integrity Superdome), each nPartition defines a
subset of the server hardware resources that is used as an independent
system environment.
- Power-saver feature
Minimizes power consumption by allowing you
to place a CPU in low-power mode when it is idle, thereby reducing
energy costs.
- Increase in the number of nodes in an I64 cluster
Supports up
to 96 nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster system, with no constraints on the
mix of Integrity server and AlphaServer nodes.
- Fibre Channel performance data with new System Dump Analyzer
The SDA command FC PERFORMANCE is now available in OpenVMS
Version 8.2--1.
- PPL units assignment tool
Helps manage license units for
OpenVMS Per-Processor Licenses (PPL).
For more information about new features in the OpenVMS Version 8.2--1
release, refer to the HP OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 for Integrity Servers New Features and Release Notes.
Firmware Versions
The following minimum firmware versions are required to run OpenVMS
Version 8.2--1 on the rx7620, rx8620, and Superdome Integrity servers:
- rx7620 and rx8620---Field Release Version 4.0 for rx7620 and rx8620
- Superdome---Support Management Station (SMS) Version 6.0
For information about how to check the current firmware version, refer
to the HP OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 for Integrity Servers Upgrade and Installation Manual. If the firmware for your rx7620, rx8620, or
Superdome needs to be updated, contact HP Customer Support.
For the minimum firmware versions required to run OpenVMS Version
8.2--1 on the entry-class Integrity servers, refer to the HP OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 for Integrity Servers New Features and Release Notes.
OpenVMS Freeware Version 7.0
The OpenVMS Freeware CDs are included in the OpenVMS CD distribution
kit. The Freeware CDs contain free software tools and utilities for
creating applications and managing OpenVMS systems.
The OpenVMS Freeware CDs are provided as is without a warranty. HP
imposes no restrictions on its distribution or on the redistribution of
its contents. Be aware, however, that some of the packages on the CDs
can carry restrictions on their use imposed by the original authors.
Therefore, you should carefully read the documentation that accompanies
each product. HP does not support services for this software, fix the
software, or guarantee that it works correctly.
HP Service Support and Tools
Up-to-date support status for OpenVMS releases is provided at the
following Web site:
This site contains the most current support status for all of the
OpenVMS releases.
OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 documentation consists of two new manuals to
supplement the current manuals that were provided with OpenVMS Version
8.2. These new manuals provide the information you need to install and
use Version 8.2--1.
The following release documentation is included in the OpenVMS Version
8.2--1 media kit:
- Hardcopy documents
- HP OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 for Integrity Servers Upgrade and Installation Manual
- HP OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 for Integrity Servers New Features and Release Notes
- Cover Letter for HP OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 Integrity
- HP OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual
- HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 Release Notes
- Online documents
- Online Documentation Library for HP OpenVMS I64 and Microsoft®
Windows® Platforms CD
Not all books in a documentation set are revised for each release.
Typically, each release contains a number of new and revised books,
with the remainder of the set consisting of books from previous
releases. For example, the OpenVMS Version 8.2 set includes several new
and revised books, with the remaining titles being carryovers from
previous releases. The books in each set are the most current versions
In addition, all the documentation is available from the HP OpenVMS
Systems Documentation Web site:
Software Product Descriptions
Software Product Descriptions (SPDs) for the OpenVMS operating system
and System Integrated Products (SIPs) can be found on the OpenVMS
distribution media. For information about locating the SPDs on the
OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 for Integrity Servers Operating Environment DVD,
refer to the HP OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 for Integrity Servers New Features and Release Notes.
For the most up-to-date SPDs, visit the following Web site:
Software Layered Product Updates
Initial product delivery for Software Layered Products is included on
the Operating Environment Media offerings:
- BA322AA for Foundation Operating Environment
- BA323AA for Enterprise Operating Environment
For information about layered products included with OpenVMS Version
8.2--1, refer to the HP OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 for Integrity Servers New Features and Release Notes.
Software Update Services for I64 systems are available for the
Foundation and Enterprise Operating Environments and for individual
products on the EOE. Products on the FOE are not available for
individual license or service. All software updates are delivered on a
consolidated DVD available from HP. For more information, contact your
local HP account representative or distributor.
Information about HP Support Services is also available at the
following Web site:
OpenVMS Source Listings Kit
The HP OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 for Integrity Servers Source Listings Kit
is available on DVD. This source listings kit contains all
nonproprietary source listings files that make up the OpenVMS operating
The OpenVMS Source Listings Kit and License include the license
required to view these files on a standalone system or in an OpenVMS
Cluster environment. If you want to make these files available on
another system, such as a remote site, you must purchase an additional
kit. For each kit you purchase, you must sign a source license
agreement. Contact your local HP representative for more information.
Use the following order number for the OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 source
BA469AA---HP OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 for Integrity Servers Source
Listings Kit and License