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HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual

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Each pair of bits in the access mode vector represents the access mode for the specific type of access. For example, bits <6:7> represent the access mode value used to check for delete access.


A character string containing the protected object class associated with the object. The object class string is used to determine whether any security auditing is enabled for the object access event. This item code is required when the CHP$_AUDIT flag is specified.


A character string containing the object name associated with the protection check. The object name string is included in any resulting security audit. If an object name string is not specified, the string "<not available>" is substituted in any security audit for all protected object classes other than FILE. For FILE class audits, it is assumed that the caller has supplied an object name by using the auditing item list (NSA$_OBJECT_NAME).


A longword describing the object's owner identifier (UIC or general identifier). This might be either a UIC format identifier or a general identifier.


CHP$_OWNER is used in conjunction with the CHP$_PROT item code.


A quadword that defines an accessor's privilege mask. Each bit in the mask has a symbolic name, defined by the $PRVDEF macro. You form the bit array by specifying the symbolic name of each privilege in a logical OR operation. See the $SETPRV system service for the symbolic name and description of each privilege.


A longword mask of flags representing privileges used to gain the requested access.

You can also obtain the values as masks with the appropriate bit set by using the prefix CHP$M rather than CHP$V. The symbols are defined in the system macro library ($CHPDEF). The following symbols are used as offsets to the bits within the longword:

Symbol Meaning
CHP$V_SYSPRV SYSPRV was used to gain the requested access.
CHP$V_GRPPRV GRPPRV was used to gain the requested access.
CHP$V_BYPASS BYPASS was used to gain the requested access.
CHP$V_READALL READALL was used to gain the requested access.
CHP$V_OPER OPER was used to gain the requested access.
CHP$V_GRPNAM GRPNAM was used to gain the requested access.
CHP$V_SYSNAM SYSNAM was used to gain the requested access.
CHP$V_GROUP GROUP was used to gain the requested access.
CHP$V_WORLD WORLD was used to gain the requested access.
CHP$V_PRMCEB PRMCEB was used to gain the requested access.
CHP$V_UPGRADE UPGRADE was used to gain the requested access.
CHP$V_DOWNGRADE DOWNGRADE was used to gain the requested access.


A vector describing the object's SOGW protection mask. The following diagram depicts the format for describing the object's protection:

The first word contains the first four protection bits for each field, the second word the next four protection bits, and so on. If a bit is clear, access is granted. By convention, the first five protection bits are (from right to left in each field of the first word) read, write, execute, delete, and (in the low-order bit in each field of the second word) control access. You can specify the CHP$_PROT item in increments of words; if a short buffer is given, zeros are assumed for the remainder.

The $CHKPRO service compares the low-order four bits of CHP$_ACCESS against one of the 4-bit fields in the low-order word of CHP$_PROT, the next four bits of CHP$_ACCESS against one of the 4-bit fields in the next word of CHP$_PROT, and so on. The $CHKPRO service chooses a field of CHP$_PROT based on the privileges specified for the accessor (CHP$_PRIV), the UICs of the accessor (CHP$_RIGHTS or CHP$_ADDRIGHTS, or both), and the object's owner (CHP$_OWNER).

You must also specify the identifier of the object's owner with CHP$_OWNER when you use CHP$_PROT.


A vector that points to an accessor's rights list. The accessor's UIC is the identifier of the first entry in the rights list. The accessor's rights list consists of the rights list specified by CHP$_RIGHTS and, optionally, the rights list specified by the CHP$_ADDRIGHTS item codes.


A longword specifying the accessor's owner UIC. This item code can be used to avoid having to pass an entire rights list segment via the CHP$_RIGHTS item code. If CHP$_RIGHTS and then CHP$_UIC are specified, in that order, $CHKPRO initializes the local rights list and then replaces just the owner UIC with the value of CHP$_UIC.


The Check Access Protection service determines whether an accessor with the specified rights and privileges can access an object with the specified attributes. The service invokes the system's access protection check, which permits layered products and other subsystems to build protected structures that are consistent with the protection facilities provided by the base operating system. The service also allows a privileged subsystem to perform protection checks on behalf of a requester.

If the accessor can access the object, $CHKPRO returns the SS$_NORMAL status code; otherwise, $CHKPRO returns SS$_NOPRIV.

The item list arguments accepted by this service permit you to specify the protection of the object being accessed, the rights and privileges of the accessor, and the type of access desired.

At minimum, the following item codes should be specified to perform a third-party protection check:


The default for information relating to the subject is to use the current process information (for example, privileges). The default for missing object information is a representation of 0.

The caller can also request that an object access audit be performed if security auditing has been enabled for the object class or if auditing ACEs are contained in the object's ACL. The CHP$V_AUDIT flag requests an access audit. This requires that the caller be in executive or kernel mode or possess the AUDIT privilege.

Normally, $CHKPRO generates an object access audit when an audit is required. The caller can specify the CHP$V_CREATE flag to force an object creation audit instead of an object access audit. Similarly, the CHP$V_DELETE flag forces an object deletion audit. The CHP$_AUDIT_LIST item code can be used to specify additional information to be included in any resulting audit records.

Required Access or Privileges

AUDIT privilege is required when requesting an audit.

Required Quota


Related Services


Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully; the desired access is granted.
SS$_ACCVIO The item list cannot be read by the caller, or one of the buffers specified in the item list cannot be written by the caller.
SS$_ACLFULL More than 20 CHP$_ACL items were given.
SS$_BADPARAM The argument is invalid.
SS$_BUFFEROVF The output buffer is too small and the protection check succeeded.
SS$_IVACL You supplied an invalid ACL segment with the CHP$_ACL item.
SS$_IVBUFLEN The output buffer is too small and the protection check failed.
SS$_NOAUDIT Caller lacks privilege to request audit.
SS$_NOPRIV The desired access is not granted.
SS$_RIGHTSFULL More than 11 CHP$_ADDRIGHTS items were given.


Removes one or more notification requiests previously established by a call to $SET_SYSTEM_EVENT.

This service does not allow you to specify a handle and an event. You must pass a zero as one of these parameters. You can either clear by handle or request that all events for the user be cleared.


SYS$CLEAR_SYSTEM_EVENT [handle] ,[acmode] ,event

C Prototype

int sys$clear_system_event (struct _generic_64 * handle, unsigned int acmode, unsigned int event);



OpenVMS usage: identifier
type: quadword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by reference

Identification of the AST request to be cleared. The handle argument uniquely identifies the request and is returned when the $SET_SYSTEM_EVENT service is called. The handle argument may be omitted by specifying a zero address.


OpenVMS usage: access_mode
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

Access mode of the system event to be cleared. The acmode argument is a longword containing the access mode. The value of the access mode is maximized with the access mode of the caller.


OpenVMS usage: event_code
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

The event argument is a value indicating the type of system event to be cleared. SYSEVT$C_ALL_EVENTS may be specified to clear all event types.


The Clear System Event service removes one or more event types or notification objects previously established by a call to the $SET_SYSTEM_EVENT service.

A valid request specifies either the handle for a specific notification request, or is a wildcard clear of all notification objects whose is access mode is greater than or equal to acmode.

If the handle argument is specified, caller's access mode must be less than or equal to the access mode of the object to be cleared.

If SYSEVT$C_ALL_EVENTS is specified, or the set of events enabled for the object(s) becomes empty, the notification object is deleted.

Required Access or Privileges


Required Quota


Related Services


Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully.
SS$_ACCVIO The service cannot access the location specified by the handle.
SS$_BADPARAM One or more arguments has an invalid value, such as an invalid handle.
SS$_NOSUCHOBJ No request was found that matches the description supplied.


Clears unwind table (UT) information.



C Prototype

int SYS$CLEAR_UNWIND_TABLE (unsigned __int64 code_base_va);



OpenVMS usage: address
type: quadword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

Input by value. Must be the process virtual address of the start of a registered code range.


Clears (removes) the indicated registration. Error status returned on bad code_base_va or insufficient access mode.

Required Access or Privileges

The unwind table information that corresponds to code_base_va will be removed only if it was registered in a mode equal to or less privileged than the caller of $CLEAR_UNWIND_TABLE.

Required Quota


Related Services


Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMAL Routine completed successfully.
SS$_IVAADDR code_base_va not registered.
SS$_IVACMODE Insufficient access mode.


The Close service terminates file processing and closes the file. This service performs an implicit Disconnect service for all record streams associated with the file.

Refer to the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual for additional information about this service.


Clears the "AST active" status.

This enables delivery of asynchronous system traps (ASTs) for the access mode from which the service call was issued, while an AST routine is active.


The explicit use of $CLRAST is strongly discouraged, as it complicates synchronization issues and may lead to the unbounded consumption of stack space.






Normally, AST delivery for a particular access mode is deferred while an AST routine is executing in that access mode. When the AST routine returns, an implicit call is made to $CLRAST to re-enable AST delivery.

Explicitly calling $CLRAST within an AST routine allows the delivery of ASTs for the access mode from which the service call was issued, prior to completion of the active AST routine.

Required Access or Privileges


Required Quota


Related Services


Condition Values Returned

None The return value is undefined.


Removes one or more notification requests previously established by a call to SYS$SETCLUEVT.


SYS$CLRCLUEVT [handle] ,[acmode] ,[event]

C Prototype

int sys$clrcluevt (struct _cluevthndl *handle, unsigned int acmode, unsigned int event);



OpenVMS usage: identifier
type: quadword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by reference

Identification of the AST request to be canceled. The handle argument uniquely identifies the request and is returned when the $SETCLUEVT service is called.


OpenVMS usage: access_mode
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

Access mode of the cluster configuration event to be canceled. The acmode argument is a longword containing the access mode.

Each access mode has a symbolic name. The $PSLDEF macro defines the following symbols for the four access types:

Symbol Access Mode
PSL$C_EXEC Executive
PSL$C_SUPER Supervisor


OpenVMS usage: event_code
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

Event code indicating the type of cluster configuration event for which an AST is no longer to be delivered. The event argument is a value indicating which type of event is no longer of interest.

Each event type has a symbolic name. The $CLUEVTDEF macro defines the following symbolic names:

Symbolic Name Description
CLUEVT$C_ADD One or more OpenVMS nodes have been added to the OpenVMS Cluster system.
CLUEVT$C_REMOVE One or more OpenVMS nodes have been removed from the OpenVMS Cluster system.


The Clear Cluster Event service removes one or more notification requests previously established by a call to the $SETCLUEVT service. $CLRCLUEVT verifies that the parameters specify a valid request, and dequeues and deallocates the request.

A valid request specifies either the handle argument or the event argument. If the handle argument is specified, the acmode argument must match the value recorded when $SETCLUEVT was called. If the event argument is specified, all requests matching the access mode are canceled, provided that the access mode is not greater than the caller's mode. If the access mode parameter is more privileged than the mode of the caller, the mode of the caller will be used.

Required Access or Privileges


Required Quota


Related Services


Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully.
SS$_BADPARAM There is an unsatisfactory combination of event and handle parameters, or the event was specified incorrectly.
SS$_NOSUCHOBJ No request was found that matches the description supplied.


Clears (sets to 0) an event flag in a local or common event flag cluster.



C Prototype

int sys$clref (unsigned int efn);



OpenVMS usage: ef_number
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

Number of the event flag to be cleared. The efn argument is a longword containing this number; however, $CLREF uses only the low-order byte.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_WASCLR The service completed successfully. The specified event flag was previously 0. Note that this is also the same value as SS$_NORMAL.
SS$_WASSET The service completed successfully. The specified event flag was previously 1. Note that while the message id is the same as SS$_ACCVIO, the severity bits are different.
SS$_ILLEFC You specified an illegal event flag number.
SS$_UNASEFC The process is not associated with the cluster containing the specified event flag.

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