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HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual
For example, if the input buffer contains the values 5 and 3, INIT_VOL starts at logical block number 5 and allocates 3 blocks. The number of entries in the buffer is determined by the buffer length field in the item descriptor. All media supplied by HP and supported on the operating system, except disks and TU58 cartridges, are factory formatted and contain bad block data. The Bad Block Locator utility (BAD) or the diagnostic formatter EVRAC can be used to refresh the bad block data or to construct it for the disks and TU58 cartridges. The INIT$_BADBLOCKS_LBN item code is necessary only to enter bad blocks that are not identified in the volume's bad block data. For more information, refer to the OpenVMS Bad Block Locator Utility Manual (available on the Documentation CD-ROM). The INIT$_BADBLOCKS_LBN item code applies only to disks. INIT$_BADBLOCKS_SECAn input item code that specifies faulty areas on the volume by sector, track, cylinder, and block count. $INIT_VOL marks the bad blocks as allocated; no data is written to them.The input buffer must contain an array of octawords containing information in the following format: ![]() The following table describes the information to be specified for INIT$_BADBLOCKS_SEC:
For example, if the input buffer contains the values 12, 3, 1, and 2, INIT_VOL starts at sector 12, track 1, cylinder 2, and allocates 3 blocks. The number of entries in the buffer is determined by the buffer length field in the item descriptor. All media supplied by HP and supported on the operating system, except disks and TU58 cartridges, are factory formatted and contain bad block data. The Bad Block Locator utility (BAD) or the diagnostic formatter EVRAC can be used to refresh the bad block data or to construct it for the disks and TU58 cartridges. The INIT$_BADBLOCKS_SEC item code is necessary only to enter bad blocks that are not identified in the volume's bad block data. For more information, refer to the OpenVMS Bad Block Locator Utility Manual. The INIT$_BADBLOCKS_SEC item code applies only to disks. INIT$_CLUSTERSIZEAn input item code that specifies the minimum allocation unit in blocks. The input buffer must contain a longword value. The maximum size that can be specified for a volume is one-hundredth the size of the volume; the minimum size is calculated with the following formula:volume size in blocks/(255 * 4096) The INIT$_CLUSTERSIZE item code applies only to Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 2 disks (for Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 1 disks, the cluster size is 1). For Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 2 disks, the cluster size default depends on the disk capacity.
INIT$_COMPACTIONINIT$_NO_COMPACTION---DefaultA Boolean item code that specifies whether data compaction should be performed when writing the volume.The INIT$_COMPACTION item code applies only to TA90 drives. INIT$_DENSITYA symbolic item code that specifies the density value for magnetic tapes and diskettes.For magnetic tape volumes, the INIT$_DENSITY item code specifies the density. The DENSITY item code is dependent on the type of tape device. If a tape device is seen as capable of using the MT3 density codes the buffer for MNT$_DENSITY item code must contain a longword with one of the MT3 codes, as defined in SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET (MT3$K_TK50, MT3$K_3480, M53$K_DSDLT, MT3$K_AIT2 and so on). Refer to the MT3_SUPPORTED argument for $GETDVI. If the device does not support MT3 densities, the buffer specifies the density in bytes per inch (bpi) at which the magnetic tape is written. The following are possible symbolic values for tapes:
The specified density value must be supported by the drive. If you do not specify a density item code for a blank magnetic tape, the system uses a default density of the highest value allowed by the tape drive. If the drive allows 6250, 1600, and 800 bpi operation, the default density is 6250. If the drive allows only 1600 and 800 bpi operation, the default density is 1600. If you do not specify a density item code for a magnetic tape that has been previously written, the system uses the previously set volume density. For diskettes, the INIT$_DENSITY item code specifies how the diskette is to be formatted. Possible symbolic values for diskettes are as follows:
For disk volumes that are to be initialized on RX02, RX23, or RX33 diskette drives, the following values specify how the disk is to be formatted:
Diskettes are initialized as follows:
If you do not specify a density item code for a disk, the system leaves the volume at the density at which it was last formatted. RX02 disks purchased from HP are formatted in single density.
INIT$_DIRECTORIESAn input item code that specifies the number of entries to preallocate for user directories. The input buffer must contain a longword value in the range of 16 to 16000. The default value is 16.The INIT$_DIRECTORIES item code applies only to disks. INIT$_ERASEINIT$_NO_ERASE---DefaultA Boolean item code that specifies whether deleted data should be physically destroyed by performing the data security erase (DSE) operation on the volume before initializing it. The INIT$_ERASE item code applies to the following devices:
For disk devices, this item code sets the ERASE volume attribute, causing each file on the volume to be erased when it is deleted. INIT$_ERASE_ON_DELETEA Boolean item code that sets the HM2$V_ERASE bit. The volume is marked so that when files are deleted, the blocks that they formerly occupied are erased. See the DCL command SET VOLUME/ERASE for more information.INIT$_ERASE_ON_INITA Boolean item code that specifies whether to perform the data security erase (DSE) operation immediately.INIT$_EXTENSIONAn input item code that specifies, by the number of blocks, the default extension size for all files on the volume. The extension default is used when a file increases to a size greater than its initial default allocation during an update. For Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 2 disks, the buffer must contain a longword value in the range 0 to 65535. For Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 1 disks, the input buffer must contain a longword value in the range of 0 to 255. The default value is 5 for both Structure Level 1 and Structure Level 2 disks.The default extension set by this item code is used only if the following conditions are in effect:
INIT$_FPROTAn input item code that specifies the default protection applied to all files on the volume. The input buffer must contain a longword protection mask that contains four 4-bit fields. Each field grants or denies read, write, create, and delete access to a category of users. Cleared bits grant access; set bits deny access.The following diagram depicts the structure of the protection mask on systems: ![]() The INIT$_FPROT item code applies only to Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 1 disks and is ignored if it is used on an OpenVMS system. OpenVMS systems use the default file extension set by the DCL command SET PROTECTION/DEFAULT. INIT$_HEADERSAn input item code that specifies the number of file headers to be allocated for the index file. The input buffer must contain a longword value within the range of 16 to the value set by the INIT$_MAXFILES item code. The default value is 16.The INIT$_HEADERS item code applies only to disks. INIT$_GPT---Default on I64INIT$_NO_GPT---Default on AlphaA Boolean item code that specifies whether or not to create a Global Universal ID (GUID) Partition Table (GPT) structure.INIT$_HIGHWATER---DefaultINIT$_NO_HIGHWATERA Boolean item code that sets the file highwater mark (FHM) volume attribute, which guarantees that users cannot read data that they have not written.INIT$_NO_HIGHWATER disables FHM for a volume. The INIT$_HIGHWATER and INIT$_NO_HIGHWATER item codes apply only to Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 2 disks. INIT$_HOMEBLOCKSSpecifies where the volume's homeblock and spare copy of the homeblock are placed on disk. This item code applies only to Files-11 ODS--2 volumes, and can have the following values:
INIT$_INDEX_BEGINNINGA symbolic item code that places the index file for the volume's directory structure at the beginning of the volume. By default, the index is placed in the middle of the volume.When issuing calls to $INIT_VOL, using this item code in conjunction with INIT$_INDEX_BLOCK results in an error. If you specify both item codes from DCL, INIT$_INDEX_BLOCK takes precedence. This item code applies only to disks. INIT$_INDEX_BLOCKAn input item code that specifies the location of the index file for the volume's directory structure by logical block number. The input buffer must contain a longword value specifying the logical block number of the first block of the index file. By default, the index is placed in the middle of the volume.When issuing calls to $INIT_VOL, using this item code with INIT$_INDEX_BEGINNING, INIT$_INDEX_MIDDLE, or INIT$_INDEX_END results in an error. From DCL, if you specify INIT$_INDEX_BLOCK with INIT$_INDEX_BEGINNING, INIT$_INDEX_MIDDLE, or INIT$_INDEX_END, then INIT$_INDEX_BLOCK takes precedence. The INIT$_INDEX_BLOCK item code applies only to disks. INIT$_INDEX_ENDA symbolic item code that places the index file for the volume's directory structure at the end of the volume. The default is to place the index in the middle of the volume.When issuing calls to $INIT_VOL, using this item code with INIT$_INDEX_BLOCK results in an error. If you specify both item codes from DCL, INIT$_INDEX_BLOCK takes precedence. This item code applies only to disks. INIT$_INDEX_MIDDLEA symbolic item code that places the index file for the volume's directory structure in the middle of the volume. This is the default location for the index.When issuing calls to $INIT_VOL, using this item code with INIT$_INDEX_BLOCK results in an error. If you specify both item codes from DCL, INIT$_INDEX_BLOCK takes precedence. This item code applies only to disks. INIT$_INTERCHANGEAn input item code that specifies that the magnetic tape ANSI VOL1 volume label is to be used for interchange in a heterogeneous vendor environment. On OpenVMS, this item code overrides creation of the ANSI VOL2 volume label, which contains security attributes specific to OpenVMS systems.For more information about the INIT$_INTERCHANGE item code and about magnetic tape labeling and tape interchange, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 1: Essentials. INIT$_LABEL_ACCESSAn input item code that specifies the character to be written in the volume accessibility field of the ANSI volume label VOL1 on an ANSI magnetic tape. Any valid ANSI "a" characters can be used; these include numbers, uppercase letters, and any one of the following nonalphanumeric characters:! " % ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > By default, the operating system provides a routine SYS$MTACCESS that checks this field in the following manner:
INIT$_LABEL_VOLOAn input item code that specifies the text that is written in the owner identifier field of the ANSI volume label VOL1 on an ANSI magnetic tape. The owner identifier field can contain up to 14 valid ANSI "a" characters.INIT$_MAXFILESAn input item code that restricts the maximum number of files that the volume can contain. The input buffer must contain a longword value between 0 and a value determined by the following calculation:volume size in blocks/cluster factor + 1 Once initialized, the maximum number of files can be increased only by reinitializing the volume. The default maximum number of files is calculated as follows: volume size in blocks/(cluster factor + 1) * 2 The INIT$_MAXFILES item code applies only to disks. INIT$_OVR_ACCESSINIT$_NO_OVR_ACCESS---DefaultA Boolean item code that specifies whether to override any character in the accessibility field of the ANSI volume label VOL1 on an ANSI magnetic tape. For more information, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.To specify INIT$_OVR_ACCESS, the caller must either own the volume or have VOLPRO privilege. INIT$_OVR_EXPINIT$_NO_OVR_EXP---DefaultA Boolean item code that specifies whether the caller writes to a magnetic tape that has not yet reached its expiration date. This item code applies only to the magnetic tapes that were created before VAX VMS Version 4.0 and that use the D% format in the volume owner identifier field.To specify INIT$_OVR_EXP, the caller must either own the volume or have VOLPRO privilege. INIT$_OVR_VOLOINIT$_NO_OVR_VOLO---DefaultA Boolean item code that allows the caller to override processing of the owner identifier field of the ANSI volume label VOL1 on an ANSI magnetic tape.To specify INIT$_OVR_VOLO, the caller must either own the volume or have VOLPRO privilege. INIT$_OWNERAn input item code that specifies the UIC that will own the volume. The input buffer must contain a longword value, which is the UIC. The default is the UIC of the caller.For magnetic tapes, no UIC is written unless protection on the magnetic tape is specified. If the INIT$_VPROT item code is specified but the INIT$_OWNER item code is not specified, the UIC of the caller is assigned ownership of the volume. INIT$_READCHECKINIT$_NO_READCHECK---DefaultA Boolean item code that specifies whether data checking should be performed for all read operations on the volume. For more information about data checking, see the HP OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual.The INIT$_READCHECK item code applies only to disks. INIT$_SIZEAn input item code that specifies the number of blocks allocated for a RAM disk with a device type of DT$_RAM_DISK. The input buffer must contain a longword value.INIT$_STRUCTURE_LEVEL_1INIT$_STRUCTURE_LEVEL_2---DefaultSymbolic item codes that specify whether the volume should be formatted in Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 1 or Structure Level 2. Structure Level 1 is incompatible with the following item codes:
The default protection for a Structure Level 1 disk is full access to system, owner, and group users, and read access to all other users. The INIT$_STRUCTURE_LEVEL_1 item code applies only to disks. INIT$_USER_NAMEAn input item code that specifies the user name that is associated with the volume. The input buffer must contain a character string from 1 to 12 alphanumeric characters, which is the user name. The default is the user name of the caller.INIT$_VERIFIEDINIT$_NO_VERIFIEDA Boolean item code that indicates whether the disk contains bad block data. INIT$_NO_VERIFIED indicates that any bad block data on the disk should be ignored. For disks with 4096 blocks or more, the default is INIT$_VERIFIED.INIT$_NO_VERIFIED is the default for the following:
The INIT$_VERIFIED item codes apply only to disks. INIT$_VOLUME_LIMITAn input item code that specifies the maximum logical volume size. For more information, see the DCL command INITIALIZE/LIMIT.INIT$_VPROTAn input item code that specifies the protection assigned to the volume. The input buffer must contain a longword protection mask that contains four 4-bit fields. Each field grants or denies read, write, create, and delete access to a category of users. Cleared bits grant access; set bits deny access.The following diagram depicts the structure of the protection mask: ![]() The default is the default protection of the caller. For magnetic tape, the protection code is written to a specific volume label. The system applies only read and write access restrictions; execute and delete access are ignored. Moreover, the system and the owner are always given read and write access to magnetic tapes, regardless of the protection mask specified. When you specify a protection mask for a disk volume, access type E (execute) indicates create access. For Files-11 On-Disk Structure Level 2 volumes, an initial security profile is created from the VOLUME.DEFAULT profile, with the owner and protection as currently defined for INITIALIZE. You can use the $SET_SECURITY service to modify the security profile after the volume is initialized and mounted. The caller needs read, write, or control access to the device. INIT$_WINDOWThe INIT$_WINDOW item code specifies the number of mapping pointers to be allocated for file windows. The input buffer must contain a longword value in the range 7 to 80. The default is 7.When a file is opened, the file system uses the mapping pointers to access the data in the file. The INIT$_WINDOW item code applies only to disks. INIT$_WRITECHECKINIT$_NO_WRITECHECK---DefaultA Boolean item code that specifies whether data checking should be performed for all read operations on the volume. For more information about data checking, refer to the HP OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual.The INIT$_WRITECHECK item code applies only to disks. DescriptionThe Initialize Volume system service formats a disk or magnetic tape volume and writes a label on the volume. At the end of initialization, the disk is empty except for the system files containing the structure information. All former contents of the volume are lost. Condition Values Returned