HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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User Manual

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               DECLARE STRING CONSTANT ABC = 123

User Action: Supply a string literal or a named string constant.

Explanation: INFORMATION---A program compiled with the /ANSI_STANDARD qualifier contains a string DEF.
User Action: Remove the string DEF.

STRLENANY, string length not allowed on ANY
Explanation: ERROR---An ANY parameter specifies a string length in an EXTERNAL statement. This is not allowed because ANY implies that you can use any data type, not specifically a string data type.
User Action: Remove the string length specification from the ANY clause.

STRIS_NEE, string expression is required
Explanation: ERROR---The program contains a numeric expression where a string expression is needed, for example, NAME 1% AS "ABC.DAT".
User Action: Supply a string expression.

STRLENDYN, string length not allowed on MAP DYNAMIC variable
Explanation: ERROR---A string variable in a MAP DYNAMIC statement specifies a string length.
User Action: Remove the string length. All string variables named in a MAP DYNAMIC statement have a length of zero until a REMAP statement executes.

STRLENINC, virtual array string <name> length increased from <n> to <m>
Explanation: WARNING---In a string virtual array DIM statement, the specified string length is not a power of two.
User Action: None. HP BASIC increases the string length to the next higher power of two.

STRLENMUS, string length specification for <name> must be numeric
Explanation: ERROR---The length specification for a fixed-length string is nonnumeric, for example, COMMON A$ = "ABC".
User Action: Supply a numeric length specification.

STRLENNOT, string length not allowed on numeric variable <name>
Explanation: ERROR---The declaration for a numeric variable contains a string length specification.
User Action: Remove the string length specification.

STRLENTRU, virtual array string <name> length truncated from <n> to <m>
Explanation: WARNING---A string virtual array specifies a string length greater than 512. HP BASIC truncates the length specification to 512.
User Action: None. The maximum string length for virtual arrays is 512.

STRLITREQ, string literal required for compiler directive
Explanation: ERROR---A quoted string is missing in a compiler directive that requires one, for example, %IDENT.
User Action: Supply a string literal for the compiler directive.

STROUTRAN, string is too large
Explanation: ERROR---A string exceeds the maximum allowable length. The maximum length is 65,535 characters.
User Action: Reduce the length of the string.

STRRECFIE, string record element may not be FIELDed
Explanation: ERROR---A FIELD statement contains a string record element as the fielded variable.
User Action: Replace the string record element with a dynamic string. Fielded variables must be dynamic.

STRRECFOR, stream format must have sequential organization
Explanation: ERROR---A file was opened using STREAM as a record format, but the specified organization was not SEQUENTIAL.
User Action: Change the OPEN statement so that it specifies ORGANIZATION SEQUENTIAL.

STRVAREXP, string variable expected
Explanation: ERROR---A CHANGE statement specifies a numeric variable.
User Action: Supply a string variable; the CHANGE statement changes a string variable to a numeric array and vice versa.

STRVARREQ, string variable required
Explanation: ERROR---A statement references a numeric variable instead of a string variable, for example, LINPUT A%.
User Action: Supply a string variable instead of a numeric variable.

SUBMAYNOT, subscript may not be specified for entire array
Explanation: ERROR---A CALL statement or external function reference passes an entire array as a parameter and contains a subscript expression, for example, A(,,3).
User Action: Remove the subscript expression. You cannot specify any subscripts when passing an entire array as a parameter.

SUBOUTRAN, subscript out of range for <array-name>
Explanation: ERROR---The program references an array element with constant subscript(s) outside the bounds of the array.
User Action: Check program logic to make sure all subscripts are within the bounds of the array.

SUBRECCOM, subscripting error in RECORD component
Explanation: ERROR---The program contains a RECORD component reference with invalid subscripts, for example, A::B(1,2)::C where B has only one subscript, or A::B where A requires a subscript.
User Action: Change the erroneous reference. You must specify as many subscripts as were defined in the RECORD.

SUBWHINOT, exit from SUB seen while not in SUB
Explanation: ERROR---A program contains an EXIT SUB or SUBEXIT statement with no preceding SUB statement.
User Action: If the program is a subprogram, supply a SUB statement; otherwise, remove the EXIT SUB or SUBEXIT statement.

SUFFILNOT, suffix not allowed on FILL after datatype keyword
Explanation: ERROR---A FILL item defined with an explicit data type ends in a percent or dollar sign.
User Action: Remove the FILL item's percent or dollar sign.

SUFINTONLY, % only allowed with BYTE, WORD, LONG, QUAD, or INTEGER keywords
Explanation: ERROR---The % suffix is only allowed on integer data types.
User Action: Remove the % suffix from the variable name or change the data-type keyword.

SUFNOTALL, suffix not allowed on variable <name>
Explanation: ERROR---A name, which cannot end in a percent sign or dollar sign, such as a label name, ends with either a percent sign or dollar sign.
User Action: Remove the variable's percent or dollar sign.

SUFNOTHAN, suffix not allowed on HANDLER <name>
Explanation: ERROR---A HANDLER name ends in a percent or dollar sign.
User Action: Remove the percent or dollar sign from the HANDLER name.

SUFNOTREC, suffix not allowed for record type
Explanation: ERROR---A record definition specifies a user-defined record type that ends in a percent or dollar sign.
User Action: Remove the record type's percent or dollar sign.

SUFSTRONLY, $ is only allowed with STRING keyword
Explanation: ERROR---The $ suffix is only allowed on string data types.
User Action: Remove the $ suffix from the variable name or change the data-type keyword.

SYNNOTANS, syntax check mode not allowed when ANSI
Explanation: ERROR---A SET /SYNTAX_CHECK command was entered when the /ANSI_STANDARD qualifier was in effect.
User Action: None; syntax checking is not supported in ANSI mode.

SYSERROR, system service error
Explanation: ERROR---An error was detected while executing a system service.
User Action: Take corrective action based on the associated message.

TEXFOLEND, text following end of program unit must be on new <type of line> line
Explanation: ERROR---The compiler detected text following an END, END SUB, or END FUNCTION statement.
User Action: Remove the text. In a multimodule source file with line numbers, any text following an END, END SUB, or END FUNCTION statement must begin on a numbered line. In a multimodule source file without line numbers, any text following an END, END SUB, or END FUNCTION statement must begin on a new physical line.

TEXLINMSG, text line exceeded 255 characters
Explanation: INFORMATION---An input line contains more than 255 characters. HP BASIC saves the first 255 input characters into the line buffer and ignores the rest of the input.
User Action: Supply no more than 255 characters per input line to avoid truncation of input.

TEXPATMUS, text path must be "RIGHT", "LEFT", "UP" or "DOWN"
Explanation: ERROR---You specified an invalid value for the path specification of the SET TEXT PATH statement.
User Action: Specify one of the values listed in the message.

TEXPREMUS, text precision must be "STROKE","CHAR" or "STRING"
Explanation: ERROR---You specified an invalid value for the text precision of the SET TEXT FONT statement.
User Action: Specify one of the values listed in the message.

THEMUSFOL, THEN directive must follow a lexical expression
Explanation: ERROR---A %IF directive contains a lexical expression that is not immediately followed by a %THEN clause.
User Action: Supply a %THEN clause. %THEN, %ELSE, and %END %IF are required in a %IF directive.

TOMCHINFO, extra information about command line has been ignored
Explanation: INFORMATION---You supplied an argument to a CONTINUE, EXIT, IDENTIFY, or SCRATCH command. These commands do not accept arguments. HP BASIC ignores the extra data and executes the command.
User Action: Remove the argument from the command.

TOOFEWARG, too few arguments
Explanation: ERROR---The invocation of an HP BASIC built-in function contains too few arguments.
User Action: Supply the correct number of arguments to the function.

TOOMANARG, too many arguments
Explanation: ERROR---The invocation of an HP BASIC built-in function contains too many arguments.
User Action: Supply the correct number of arguments to the function.

TOOMANIND, too many array indices active
Explanation: ERROR---A subscript expression contains more than 100 array indices between the open parenthesis and the close parenthesis.
User Action: Reduce the number of active array indices.

TOOMANKEY, too many keys---limit is 255
Explanation: ERROR---An OPEN statement specifies more than 255 index keys.
User Action: Reduce the number of index keys. The maximum is 255.

TOOMANPAR, too many function parameters active
Explanation: ERROR---An external function invocation contains too many expressions in the actual parameter list.
User Action: Reduce the number of expressions in the actual parameter by assigning the expressions to temporary variables.

TRAFUNONL, Transformation functions only permitted with multiplication
Explanation: ERROR---A graphics transformation function is used in a MAT statement other than matrix multiplication.
User Action: Remove the transformation function from the MAT statement.

TRAOUTRAN, transformation number must be in the range 1 - 255
Explanation: ERROR---You specified a transformation number that is less than 1 or greater than 255.
User Action: Change the transformation number to be within the range 1 to 255.

TYPDEFSTR, TYPE default of STRING is not allowed
Explanation: ERROR---STRING was specified as the default data type in: 1) a compiler command, 2) a qualifier to the DCL BASIC command, or 3) an OPTION statement.
User Action: Specify a numeric data type as the default.

UNCALLED, Routine <routine> can never be called
Explanation: INFORMATION---The compiler has detected a routine that is never called.
User Action: Review the program to determine if the routine is needed. If it is not, you may want to remove it.

UNDEFINED, unresolved/undefined symbols
Explanation: ERROR---A program executed in the VAX BASIC Environment calls or invokes a subprogram or routine that has not been loaded.
User Action: Load the subprogram or routine before running the program in the VAX BASIC Environment.

UNDLINNUM, undefined line number
Explanation: ERROR---A statement tries to transfer control to a nonexistent line. Or, in a numberless program, a line number is referenced.
User Action: Replace the nonexistent line number with the correct destination line number or label.

UNELEXDIR, unexpected lexical directive encountered
Explanation: ERROR---The specified lexical directive is not legal in this statement.
User Action: Use a supported lexical directive.

UNEXPEOF, unexpected end of file
Explanation: ERROR---An end-of-file was specified immediately after an ampersand continuation character.
User Action: Remove the ampersand continuation character or continue the line.

UNINIT, variable <variable> is fetched, not initialized
Explanation: INFORMATION---The compiler has detected a variable that is used but not initialized.
User Action: Review the program to determine if the variable should be initialized before use. If necessary, you may want to add code to initialize the variable.

UNKCOMINP, unknown command input
Explanation: ERROR---An attempt was made to enter an invalid or unknown command.
User Action: Enter the HP BASIC command correctly.

Explanation: ERROR---An OPEN statement contains both an ACCESS READ and an UNLOCK EXPLICIT clause. This is inconsistent because ACCESS READ specifies no record locking while UNLOCK EXPLICIT specifies that all accessed records remain locked until explicitly unlocked.
User Action: Either remove the UNLOCK EXPLICIT clause or change the ACCESS clause.

UNREACH, code can never be executed at label <label>
Explanation: INFORMATION---The compiler has detected code that will never be executed, for example, a multistatement line whose first statement is a GOTO, EXIT, ITERATE, RESUME, or RETURN. (Alpha BASIC only)
User Action: Review the program to determine if the code should be executed. If you determine the code should be executed, then you should revise the program flow logic accordingly; otherwise, the code is unnecessary, and you may want to remove it. In the case of the GOTO, EXIT, ITERATE, RESUME, or RETURN statements, make sure that these statements are the only statements on the line, or the last statement on a multistatement line.

UNSCDDLEV, unsupported CDD/Repository level <number>. Supported level is <number>.
Explanation: ERROR---The current CDD/Repository version is incompatible with HP BASIC.
User Action: Use a supported version of CDD/Repository.

UNTSTRLIT, unterminated string literal
Explanation: ERROR---The program contains an improperly terminated string literal; for example, "ABC , "ABC', and 'ABC" are all improperly terminated.
User Action: Use the same type of quotation mark (either single or double) for both beginning and ending string delimiters.

USEONLALO, USE only allowed inside WHEN blocks
Explanation: ERROR---A USE statement is not within a WHEN block.
User Action: Remove the USE statement.

USERABORT, user ABORT directive <text>
Explanation: FATAL---The compilation was terminated as the result of a %ABORT directive. The compiler prints the text following the %ABORT.
User Action: None.

Explanation: SUCCESS---The compilation found a %PRINT directive and printed the specified message to the terminal and listing file.
User Action: None.

USEVARNOT, user variable <name> not allowed in declaration
Explanation: ERROR---The parameter list in an external subprogram declaration contains a user variable name.
User Action: Remove the variable from the parameter list. When declaring a routine, the parameter list can contain only data type and parameter-passing mechanism specifications.

VALTOOLAR, value too large for constant
Explanation: WARNING---The value of an EXTERNAL CONSTANT is larger than the specified data type allows.
User Action: Make sure the data type specified in the EXTERNAL CONSTANT statement matches that of the actual constant.

VALUEREQ, PRINT USING requires a value
Explanation: ERROR---A PRINT USING statement must have at least one expression or value.
User Action: Supply an expression or value at the end of the PRINT USING statement.

VARCONREQ, variable or constant required
Explanation: ERROR---The program contains an executable DIM statement that contains an expression in the bounds list.
User Action: Remove the expression from the bounds list. Executable DIM statements can have only constants or variables (simple or subscripted) as bounds.

VARNOALGN, Variable <name> within COMMON or MAP is not naturally aligned.
Explanation: WARNING---Identifies a variable within a COMMON or MAP that was found not to be naturally aligned. This error is only reported when the /WARNING=ALIGNMENT qualifier is in effect.
User Action: Modify COMMON or MAP so that all variables are naturally aligned.

VERJUSMUS, vertical justification must be "TOP", "CAP","HALF","BASE", "BOTTOM" or "NORMAL"
Explanation: ERROR---You specified an invalid value for the vertical component of the SET TEXT JUSTIFY statement.
User Action: Specify one of the values listed in the message.

VIRARROVF, virtual array space exceeded at array <name>
Explanation: ERROR---The storage for virtual arrays on a single channel exceeds 2,147,483,647 bytes.
User Action: If there is only one virtual array on the channel, you must reduce the amount of storage used by the array. However, if there is more than one virtual array on the channel, you can put each array on a separate channel.

VIRNOTALL, virtual array not allowed in graphics statements
Explanation: ERROR---You specified an entire virtual array on a statement that does not allow them.
User Action: Specify a nonvirtual array in place of the virtual array.

VIRRECTOO, virtual RECORD <name> is too large. Limit is 512 bytes
Explanation: ERROR---The elements of a virtual array are of type <name> and the total storage requirement for each element is greater than 512 bytes.
User Action: Reduce the size of the RECORD.

WRITEERR, error writing <file-name>
Explanation: ERROR---An error was detected in attempting to write to a file.
User Action: Supply a valid file specification or take corrective action based on the associated message.

WROTYPLIB, library <lib-name> is not an OBJECT or IMAGE library
Explanation: WARNING---The logical BASIC$LIBn translates to a library that is not an object library or a shareable image library.
User Action: Change the logical BASIC$LIBn to translate to an object library or a shareable image library.

XYPOIREQ, X,Y point required between semicolons
Explanation: ERROR---In a list of points in a statement such as PLOT LINES, you specified two semicolons in a row without an X,Y point specification between them.
User Action: Either supply another point or remove the extra semicolon.

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