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2.3 Declaratives

Declaratives specify USE procedures to be executed only when certain conditions occur. You must write USE procedures at the beginning of the Procedure Division in consecutive sections. The key word DECLARATIVES begins the DECLARATIVES part of the Procedure Division; the pair of key words END DECLARATIVES ends it. Each of these reserved word phrases must be on a line by itself, starting in Area A; and be followed by a separator period. For example:


When you specify USE procedures, you must divide the remainder of the Procedure Division into sections.

Chapter 3
Identification Division

3.1 Function

The Identification Division marks the beginning of a COBOL program. It also identifies a program and its source listing.

* These paragraphs are not described in individual entries; they follow the same format as the AUTHOR paragraph and are for documentation only.

Syntax Rules

  1. The Identification Division must be the first entry in a COBOL program.
  2. The Identification Division must begin with the IDENTIFICATION DIVISION header. The header consists of the reserved words IDENTIFICATION DIVISION followed by a separator period.
  3. The PROGRAM-ID paragraph must immediately follow the IDENTIFICATION DIVISION header.

3.1.1 PROGRAM-ID Paragraph


The PROGRAM-ID paragraph identifies a program and assigns selected program attributes.

General Format


is a user-defined word that names the program.

Syntax Rules

  1. The PROGRAM-ID paragraph must be present in every program.
  2. program-name must contain 1 to 31 characters and follow the rules for user-defined words.
  3. Programs contained within a separately compiled program must have a unique program-name.
  4. The optional COMMON clause may be used only if the program is contained within another program.
  5. ident-string must be a nonnumeric literal 1 to 31 characters in length.
  6. The optional IDENT clause cannot be used in a contained program.

General Rules

  1. program-name is a user-defined word that identifies a COBOL program and its source listing. It appears as the first word in the first line of every page in the compiler source listing.
  2. program-name represents the object program entry point.
  3. If an executable image includes more than one separately compiled program, each separately compiled program must have a unique program-name.
  4. The COMMON clause specifies a common program. A common program is contained within another program but may be called from programs other than that directly containing it.
  5. Files associated with a called program's internal file connectors are not in the open mode:
    1. The first time the program is called
    2. The first time the program is called after execution of a CANCEL statement referring to the program
    3. Every time the program is called, if it has the INITIAL attribute

    On all other entries, the status and positioning of files in a called program are the same as when the program last exited.
  6. The INITIAL clause specifies an initial program. Whenever the program is called, it and any programs contained within it are placed in their initial state, and the internal data in each program is initialized.
  7. On OpenVMS, the IDENT clause specifies a literal string that is used for identification purposes. This string is written to the object file as the "module version."
    When the /ANALYSIS_DATA qualifier is included on the COBOL command, the string is written to the analysis data file as the module ident. <>
  8. On Tru64 UNIX systems, program-name is case-sensitive. By default, program-name is converted to lowercase for all separately compiled program units. Any calls from other programs (HP COBOL as well as other languages) must specify the routine to be called in lowercase.
    However, if the names option is set to uppercase on the command line, calls from other programs must specify the routine to be called in uppercase. If the names option is set to as_is , the effect on program-name is as if uppercase were specified. (The as_is setting is used for calling non-COBOL programs with mixed case.) <>

Additional Reference

See Section 6.2.6, Scope of Names.







3.1.2 AUTHOR


The AUTHOR paragraph is for documentation only.


is a user-supplied comment about the program's author.

Syntax Rules

  1. comment-entry can consist of any combination of characters from the computer character set.
  2. comment-entry can span several lines in Area B. However, they cannot be continued by using a hyphen in the indicator area.
  3. The end of comment-entry is the line before the next entry in Area A.



AUTHOR. This program was written by John Smith
                                    1226 Main St.
                                    Merrimack, NH 03054




The DATE-COMPILED paragraph provides the compilation date in the source program listing file.


is user-supplied information about the date compiled.

Syntax Rules

  1. comment-entry can consist of any combination of characters from the computer character set.
  2. comment-entry can span several lines in Area B. However, it cannot be continued by using a hyphen in the indicator area.
  3. The end of comment-entry is the line before the next entry in Area A.

General Rule

The paragraph-name DATE-COMPILED causes the current date to be inserted in your source program listing during compilation. Therefore, if a DATE-COMPILED paragraph is present in your source program, it will be replaced with a paragraph of the following form:

DATE-COMPILED. dd-mmm-yyyy.

3.1.4 OPTIONS (Alpha, I64)


The OPTIONS paragraph specifies information for use by the compiler in generating executable code for a source unit.


specifies the method used in developing the intermediate results. The format is:

Syntax Rule

The period appearing in the general format after the arithmetic-clause may be omitted if the arithmetic-clause is not specified.

General Rules

  1. The ARITHMETIC clause in the OPTIONS paragraph applies to the source element in which it is specified and to all source elements contained in that source element unless overridden by an ARITHMETIC clause in an OPTIONS paragraph in a contained source element.
  2. If the NATIVE phrase is specified, the techniques used in handling arithmetic expressions and arithmetic statements shall be those specified for native arithmetic in the appendix on compatibility in the HP COBOL User Manual.
  3. If the STANDARD phrase is specified, the techniques used in handling arithmetic expressions and arithmetic statements shall be those specified for standard arithmetic in the ANSI Standard for COBOL. (Refer to the appendix on compatibility in the HP COBOL User Manual.)
  4. If the ARITHMETIC clause is not specified in this source element or a containing source element, it is as if the ARITHMETIC clause were specified with the NATIVE phrase. <>

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