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Invokes the Point-to-Point Protocol utility (PPPD) that you can use to initiate and manage an Internet Protocol (IP) network connection over an asynchronous, serial data line. PPPD extends the networking capability of OpenVMS Alpha by enabling you to do the following:
  • Establish temporary, high-speed network connections between remote hosts. This includes both dial-in capability from a remote host to an OpenVMS Alpha host and dial-out capability from an OpenVMS Alpha host to a remote system or server box that supports the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP).
  • Establish permanent, low-speed network connections between local hosts, such as between a laptop computer and an Alpha workstation connected by a serial data line.
  • Set and display communication characteristics, such as address compression, flow control, and line speed.


This utility is enabled by your TCP/IP software during the network registration process. If you receive one of the following error messages, contact your system administrator to verify whether PPPD is currently available on your network.

%PPPD-E-PPPNOTAVAIL, point-to-point driver is not installed
%PPPD-E-NOTREG, network protocol has not been registered

For information about network registration, see the SET NETWORK command and refer to the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

For a complete description of PPPD, refer to TCP/IP Networking on OpenVMS Systems (available on the Documentation CD-ROM).

For detailed information about the asynchronous (ASN) and PPP device drivers that support this utility, refer to the documentation contained in the files PPP_INTERFACES.PS and PPP_INTERFACES.TXT located in the SYS$SYSROOT:[SYSHLP.EXAMPLES.PPPD.DOC] directory.


PPPD [subcommand]...

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