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Cancels a logical name assignment that was made with one of the following commands: ALLOCATE, ASSIGN, DEFINE, or MOUNT. The DEASSIGN command also deletes a logical name table that was created with the CREATE/NAME_TABLE command.


DEASSIGN [logical-name[:]]



Specifies the logical name to be deassigned. Logical names can have from 1 to 255 characters. If the logical name contains any characters other than alphanumerics, dollar signs ($), or underscores (_), enclose it in quotation marks (" "). The logical-name parameter is required unless you use the /ALL qualifier.

If the logical-name parameter ends with a colon (:), the command interpreter ignores the colon. (Note that the ASSIGN and ALLOCATE commands remove a trailing colon, if present, from a logical name before placing the name in a logical name table.) If the logical name contains one or more trailing colons, you must append one additional colon to the DEASSIGN logical-name parameter (for example, type DEASSIGN FILE:: to deassign the logical name FILE:).

To delete a logical name table, specify the table name as the logical-name parameter. You must also use the /TABLE qualifier to indicate the logical name directory table where the table name is entered.


The DEASSIGN command cancels a logical name assignment that was made with one of the following commands: ALLOCATE, ASSIGN, DEFINE, or MOUNT. The DEASSIGN command also deletes a logical name table that was created with the CREATE/NAME_TABLE command. You can use the /ALL qualifier with DEASSIGN to cancel all logical names in a specified table. If you use the /ALL qualifier and do not specify a table, then all names in the process table (except names created by the command interpreter) are deassigned; that is, all names entered at the indicated access mode or an outer access mode are deassigned.

To specify the logical name table from which you want to deassign a logical name, use the /PROCESS, /JOB, /GROUP, /SYSTEM, or /TABLE qualifier. If you enter more than one of these qualifiers, only the last one entered is accepted. If entries exist for the specified logical name in more than one logical name table, the name is deleted from only the last logical name table specified on the command line. If you do not specify a logical name table, the default is the /TABLE=LNM$PROCESS qualifier.

To delete a shareable logical name, you need write (W) access to the logical name table. To delete a shareable logical name table, you need write (W) access to the parent table and delete (D) access to the target logical name table.

To specify the access mode of the logical name you want to deassign, use the /USER_MODE, /SUPERVISOR_MODE, or /EXECUTIVE_MODE qualifier. If you enter more than one of these qualifiers, only the last one is accepted. If you do not specify a mode, the DEASSIGN command deletes a supervisor-mode name. When you deassign a logical name, any identical names created with outer access modes in the same logical name table are also deleted.

You must have SYSNAM (system logical name) privilege to deassign an executive-mode logical name.

If you specify the /EXECUTIVE_MODE qualifier and you do not have SYSNAM privilege, then the DEASSIGN command ignores the qualifier and attempts to deassign a supervisor-mode logical name.

All process-private logical names and logical name tables are deleted when you log out of the system. User-mode entries within the process logical name table are deassigned when any image exits. The logical names in the job table, and the job table itself, are deleted when you log off the system.

Names in all other shareable logical name tables remain there until they are explicitly deassigned, regardless of whether they are user-, supervisor-, or executive-mode names. You must have write (W) access to a shareable logical name table to delete any name in that table.

If you delete a logical name table, all the logical names in the table are also deleted. Also, any descendant tables are deleted. To delete a shareable logical name table, you must have delete (D) access to the table.



Deletes all logical names in the same or an outer (less privileged) access mode. If no logical name table is specified, the default is the process table, LNM$PROCESS. If you specify the /ALL qualifier, you cannot enter a logical-name parameter.


You must be signed in to the SYSTEM account or have SYSNAM (system logical name) or SYSPRV (system) privilege to deassign a clusterwide logical name.

Deassigns a logical name from the LNM$SYSCLUSTER table.


Requires SYSNAM (system logical name) privilege to deassign executive-mode logical names.

Deletes only entries that were created in the specified mode or an outer (less privileged) mode. If you do not have SYSNAM privilege for executive mode, a supervisor-mode operation is assumed.


Requires GRPNAM (group logical name) or SYSPRV privilege to delete entries from the group logical name table.

Indicates that the specified logical name is in the group logical name table. The /GROUP qualifier is synonymous with the /TABLE=LNM$GROUP qualifier.


Indicates that the specified logical name is in the jobwide logical name table. The /JOB qualifier is synonymous with the /TABLE=LNM$JOB qualifier. If you do not explicitly specify a logical name table, the default is the /PROCESS qualifier.

You should not deassign jobwide logical name entries that were made by the system at login time, for example, SYS$LOGIN, SYS$LOGIN_DEVICE, and SYS$SCRATCH. However, if you assign new equivalence names for these logical names (that is, create new logical names in outer access modes), you can deassign the names you explicitly created.

/PROCESS (default)

Indicates that the specified logical name is in the process logical name table. The /PROCESS qualifier is synonymous with the /TABLE=LNM$PROCESS qualifier.

You cannot deassign logical name table entries that were made by the command interpreter, for example, SYS$INPUT, SYS$OUTPUT, and SYS$ERROR. However, if you assign new equivalence names for these logical names (that is, create new logical names in outer access modes), you can deassign the names you explicitly created.


Deletes entries in the specified logical name table that were created in supervisor mode. If you specify the /SUPERVISOR_MODE qualifier, the DEASSIGN command also deassigns user-mode entries with the same name.


Indicates that the specified logical name is in the system logical name table. The /SYSTEM qualifier is synonymous with the /TABLE=LNM$SYSTEM qualifier.


Specifies the table from which the logical name is to be deleted. Defaults to LNM$PROCESS. The table can be the process, group, job, or system table, one of the directory tables, or the name of a user-created table. (The process, job, group, and system logical name tables should be referred to by the logical names LNM$PROCESS, LNM$JOB, LNM$GROUP, and LNM$SYSTEM, respectively.)

The /TABLE qualifier also can be used to delete a logical name table. To delete a process-private table, enter the following command:


To delete a shareable table, enter the following command:


To delete a shareable logical name table, you must have delete (D) access to the table or write (W) access to the directory table in which the name of the shareable table is cataloged.

If you do not explicitly specify the /TABLE qualifier, the default is the /TABLE=LNM$PROCESS qualifier.


Deletes entries in the process logical name table that were created in user mode. If you specify the /USER_MODE qualifier, the DEASSIGN command can deassign only user-mode entries. Also, user-mode logical names are automatically deleted when invoking and exiting a command procedure.




The DEASSIGN command in this example deassigns the process logical name MEMO.



The DEASSIGN command in this example deassigns all process logical names that were created in user and supervisor mode. This command does not, however, delete the names that were placed in the process logical name table in executive mode by the command interpreter (for example, SYS$INPUT, SYS$OUTPUT, SYS$ERROR, SYS$DISK, and SYS$COMMAND).



The DEASSIGN command in this example deletes the logical name table TAX, and any descendant tables. When you delete a logical name table, you must specify either the /TABLE=LNM$PROCESS_DIRECTORY or the /TABLE=LNM$SYSTEM_DIRECTORY qualifier, because the names of all tables are contained in these directories.




The ASSIGN command in this example equates the logical name COPY with the device USER_DISK and places the names in the process logical name table. The DEASSIGN command deletes the logical name.



The DEFINE command in this example places the logical name SWITCH: in the process logical name table. The trailing colon is retained as part of the logical name. Two colons are required on the DEASSIGN command to delete this logical name because the DEASSIGN command removes one trailing colon, and the other colon is needed to match the characters in the logical name.



The ASSIGN command in this example places the logical name GROUP_DISK in the group logical name table. The DEASSIGN command specifies conflicting qualifiers; because the /GROUP qualifier is last, the name is successfully deassigned.



The ASSIGN command in this example associates the logical name DATA with the device specification USER_DISK on remote node DALLAS. Subsequent references to the logical name DATA result in references to the disk on the remote node. The DEASSIGN command cancels the logical name assignment.

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